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<br /> '6''lCi1;C[�t't�WI`�`}!mit thc in�uurvci�Ui�ty uaw��r lit►�caf�l�r Cc�cU�.�l n�1 tlin��r�p.^.��t;t,nnt6�i�11��¢u- ,: F, , .,r�xn�:;s,urxl
<br /> fixture:+ axiw ur i�ertei�u;r u ���C uF IPio {�tu��;•�iy. �►�i ����f�:cc��;::,u; r�nd i.ildl►E+•m�; i:ha10 UIIiID {r_ ��i11'iil�t'JI �i� t1�3� ;�eei�i•i�Y ,1„
<br /> ln�tcun�enl.All of the f��r�g�+fuK ip reftrrcQ tn hi�I�lt!�sc�rltv tu�tru��unt t��i t}�o"lrr���Mrtiy," �
<br /> �Rltt)WNR C'(�VENhNTS thwt finrmwcr iK Iwwfully weiRa�l e�f Ibo ertuta hcreSiy a.itacycd uiv,1 hhx Iho�IEe�N tn�rant wt�
<br /> cunvey Ihe{'r�,pcmy a�ut �hwt IhC E'roperty iv urxn�umF►eral, excep► fnr cncumhrnaueN ��P��ecanl. U��yrn���z�r wat�r�niw �+�� wlll
<br /> doPeib genen�lly the dtle to the l�roperty N�t�n�t MII clNimx��x1 dt►twixlx,�uhJttcl tu rmy cn�.1lI11I3fAPK'�S�l1.tll.:Ui(I,
<br /> THIS��:CUItITY �NS'Q'�111�11?NT cnmh+ncv unif�►rni c+��•c�iwnte fur naN+rn��i:ur,r +m�� nnn u�iifn�yn cuvcnai�Yn with llmital
<br /> v�ri�llonx by juri�ciicllun to cunr�(tuto w uniti�ma rccurlty instru��ni cuv�iiizg►���'JIRV�/1i���. -
<br /> UNIFQ[tNl CUV�NANTS.Barmwe�e�xl I.ender ativsnrm�ixi agree ar fpll,vwy:
<br /> 1. �ytnent ot Prinelpal �nd Intereat: I'rep�gment �nd r.wts� �Cher�av� IT+�r.rower shull pmmptly pay +�h•'n due tho
<br /> principul�f and fnteaxt on thc dnbt evidenced by the Note wnct any prepaymont�nnd Int�cha�rgcs duo u��;tr.r ti►a N�te.
<br /> Z. Funda for Taxee�nd�rsurAncc. Subjcct ta spplicablo lnw or to a avrit[�n waivcr by Len�N', fk►rrow<s'sh�ll du►y tn
<br /> I.�nder un�ht dwy monthlS�payment9 are duE unctcr the Noto,until the Notc in n+u�!iit full.n sum l"I7i�n�s")for. (��)ycarty taxcs
<br /> and Assessm�:nts whlch mAy attaln priority aver thls Security Instcuu►��At as A�.l+�n aa1 th+:P�npLrty:(h)ya�r�y Ir��s�<Imid payments
<br /> ar ground rents an the Pn��erty,if sny:(c)Yearly hazard ar�roperty insura+tr.e p��mtunaa:(d)ycarly flnai insurHOCC premiums,
<br /> if any; (e)yearly �nortgago ins�srance prcmiums,if any; snd(�any sums�pnynhlr,by }3�rrower to L„cnder, in ae4�sdance with
<br /> the provisions of pacagraph 8.in lieu of the pay►nettt of mortgage insu�nnotz premium�.The�e items�m callai"13!�:row Itenu."
<br /> Lender may. at any time,collect and hold �unds in an a�nount nat to ef;+:eed the niaxi►num amount e ici�da- frir o faierally
<br /> celatat mortgage loan may roquire for Borrow�r's escrow aocnunt under d�� federal Real Estate Seule�nent Proot�dures Aa of
<br /> �g74 w,ame::dr!from time to timc, 12�J.S.C.Stction 2601 er seq. ("8:�'SlTA"),unless nnothcr lstiv ttist applics ta the Fu�xls
<br /> sets a lesser amount. Yf so, Lender may, at any time, colltxt and hold C+ltnds in �n anxiunt non ta�oxcecci the I�:��x�a���unt.
<br /> Lcnder may estimate the acnount of Fu�s due on the basis of currcnt dUtn and n.asonable estinu�tt�s�of expendilu•rr.s of future
<br /> Escrnw Items or otherwise in eccc►rdana;with applicable IAw.
<br /> 'd?u Furds sh�ll be held in an institution whose deposits are inG�uut �y a f�d+:tR1 agcik},.ii�sa•iu�xrnall.ty, or cntity
<br /> (including l.endor,if Lender is such an institution)or in a�iy Fedcral Homu Lc�nn I3smk.[,c�xicr shalb•np;p�l'tLe l�u�Yds to pr�y che
<br /> L�urow it�ms.Ltnc�::r may not chargo Borrower far holding and applyi�tg_the l�unds, annually ana{y�in�the esci�uw acawait,�r
<br /> verifying the Escrow Items, unlcss L.ender pays sorrower interest on the C'undu and a�piicabta law�r:rmits'i..eitd�'2�malco such
<br /> a charge.Huwever,Lender may�a1uire Borrawer ro pay a ono-tima chui�e far nn irxir.pcndant�w+1��:+ta tax re:;;i4xZtng:��it'�
<br /> usod by Lender in eonneciion� with this loan, unl� applieable law �sinv9d¢s athGrc�•isa, Un1r�. :u� agreaes».e;ni•!is•:mwcle or
<br /> epp►ica6le law requires interat to be pai�. Lern�cr shall nat be requir�'to pny P'�►�►wcr itny ir,lFnr�tt•�r CA1r�in�S!4y�i'thc Cunds.
<br /> A.,�,nwrr and Lendtr may a�ree in writing, t�owever, tl�at intcrest shal!'bc pnid an d�e Fa�xls. I.��xF>a:�31a11 Ei�•l;.,Y�►.Horrower,
<br /> without charge, an annual ncc�unting of the fl�nds,showzng cr�dits a�td dab[tu tu tne�nds and•iiic p��tR,:���r.�%��`S�
<br /> dc6it to the�unds was mede.'i"he,(=nnds are�ledged ss additional sccurty fisr all'sums securtid by ttlis Sncurity la�atr��ment.
<br /> _ : If Rhc�Lnds held by L.ender exceai the amounts permiitai to be hald t�y ap{�licaUte law,Lei�ic�i shall aooaii�u eu Burrower
<br /> � for the exo�ss Funds in accx�r�lance with i!x requirrments nf'appl[Gabl�t Inw. If tlte a�tiaunt of t1►�e Fiu►ds t�eld t�}�[.enckr at any
<br /> time is not sufficitnt Go pay the Escrow Items when due.I.ender may s��nutify tturn�wcr in writing, ar�l, in suel.�ca.�e&+mower
<br /> ehall pxy to Lender tt►e anwuni �ti2cc�'>:a� t^m„��4w 1�rt,.���f�innn�.'�T��w.t':�r:.Fa:t tr»,'�e��x'� :-���eee!�^y ���c�m m�ae tl+�n
<br /> � . .
<br /> twelve monthlY p�Yments,st Lenrkr's sole discretion.
<br /> Upon p�yma�t :n full of all suma secueed by this 3ecurity Inssi'�inunt. lacndcr sl�all ppmn}��ly n:tUnd tc��orrower any
<br /> Funds heid by I.ender.[f,under pamgraph Z 1.Lender shwll acquire or:aall thu iT�u{�cty.Lcixkr.prior to ttb acs�'ssition or sale
<br /> of the F�vpecty. sh�Jl ePP�Y�Y�unds htld by[.ender at tho time of atu�tti+titEu�n or�nle as a crrdlt a�rain�!the fwms xcurod by
<br /> thia Securiry Insnumcnt. •
<br /> 3.Appikatbo o�1'syn�eat�.U��leu aPPlfcxt►le luw pmvid�s oth�sT�i»a.alt puymentx roceivod�by I.�nder��nder pc�r�Qbs
<br /> 1 s�nnd 2 shall be applisd:�irst,ta wnY R�FaY�nt charges dua u�xler llln Nute: s�cund.�o sunounts{raye�btc uel�*r p���g��►2:
<br /> third,to interest due; fcwrth,to principal due;and lur.to eny latc chr��,cs duc wxk:r the Note. •
<br /> d,Clyr�es;I,iem�.Borrower shsll pAy all tax�,assessments. ctu��es,feews a»d impositia,y atditwc�t►Y�:to the 1'ropertY
<br /> yr}Ufi �y �ttain priority over this Security tnstruma►t.auxl lcasehol��nayt►w�tts or gnwnd rems. iP arry.13�(�rrovrtr stu,1�P�Y
<br /> _ these abligations in the maru�tr provi@a1 in paragrnph 2,or if no1 paiJ ia lluu munner.Burrower�tiall pay thc;�t on dme diratiy
<br /> to the pscsan owed Rayment.Borrower shall promptly fumish to l.endur�all nu�t(�s a+f unounts to.ti�o{►aicl ui�td:tx tt�is�uagcAph•
<br /> If Borrower nwkts these paymeats directly,$�xeaw�r shill prompdy funnish t�r t:�endcr reccipts evi�dcrking th4i.l�yya�aMa.
<br /> ' Borco�ver sh�ll prompcly disclui�ge any Iien which tus priurity ov�t-doio SewtYfy Instrum''tN•utdt�5s ilorlst+wer: (a)�groes in
<br /> � writing to the payment of the oblig�tion securod by the licn in a nu�nceer a�ueptt�bie t+�l.ttxkr;[b)oc»�tcses in.�ood faith the li�
<br /> � by, or defGnds agsdnst cr�forament of the lien in, Iegal proceodings �vblictt in thc Lcnder's up5iilat ope��utc co prcvex�t the
<br /> enforc�t:nemt of the lien;or(c)stcures from the holder of the lien an agn:eutunt s��tisfa�:tory to l.ca►:br suboadiru�ting the lien to
<br /> this Security Inscr�qnent. If Le:nder detcrmin�c.s that any part of thc Pnop'ra�ny is subjcct to a li�n v��'"rh��r►a}"'�►ttain priority over
<br /> � this Socurity Irr.i�rurr�nt,I.endcr may give�rn�wer a notico idenUfying t�tu itmt.B�rrow¢r shrli���ir��tt�is litn vr takc one or
<br /> `'' more of the a�E�qtis�set forch aboxa withi�s ladays of the giving of notico:
<br /> . , . 1�y-cm'20?A slso
<br /> ,�
<br /> . . P.o.s a e , � .
<br /> '�•, '_f� ..�. •A.� .
<br /> _ _ _ � � � -
<br />