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<br />.. '- �<,��� Q . ot ede.and t6e Aak�lacludi�Ihe payment of the 71ru�tee's kes actwdly lacure�ed,not to eYCeed 3.0 96 ot
<br /> �" � IM pM�cipY amount of tht note�t the time of Ibe declw�tlon of detault,aad re�aonAbk Attaraey�'�ees as rmitted
<br /> •,:.,',.�,,;'�,�:�:;:. .' bY I�w'i(b)��dl plou wcur�d by l6d Securit'IaRrnmeat:�nd(c)�ny e�uww 1u U�e�re�ou ur�w�w�y�tjtlMi =
<br /> '�; �n
<br /> �,,�+r-.M+z�►-�«�r to i�
<br /> .k . ..�,• . ... 22. Rc�o�veyu�oa. Upon ps�yrtient of�II aums eecured by lhis Security Inattumem.Lender sh�ll requeal'Iivatee to
<br /> . reconvey th Property�nd �holl aumender thi�Sxuriry Inm�ument�nd all notea evidencing deM securcd by �hii 3ecuri�y
<br /> " � . lnatrument to 7iutta. 7tustce shall rsconvey Ihc PropeAy wllhout w�mnty And without ch�r�e to Ihe peroon or perso�
<br /> , , o legdly entiUed to it. Such pe�on or petsons shell pay eny recordation costa. ,,.
<br /> ' . ,.� ?,3. Snbatitute'irwta. Lender.al ita option,may from dme to time remove 7tu:�ce ond appofnt a successor ttiatee io
<br /> • arey'ttuuee appointed herounder by an iostrument rccurded in the county in which this Secarity Instrument ia reconkd.
<br /> - - - ' � .. Withoul conveyance oP tl� Piropeny.tho cuceeccw uustee shall cucceed to all �he tfde.power and duUes confernd upon �-_�-
<br /> " . 'Ituuee herein and byapplic�ble Isw.
<br /> � ?4. Requat tor Notica. Bomower requests tlwt coples of�he notices of deiault and�lo be�nt to Borrower's�ddra:
<br /> .: � whkh is the Propeny MWrcss.
<br /> � � ' � ZS. Wders to thb�^.vrity Inslrumenf. If one or morc ridcrs are executed by BoROwer and recorded togetixr with
<br /> � thia Secu�ity Instrume�t,tho covenants and ugnr.ements of each such tider�hell be inenrporated into and ahall amend aad
<br /> • supplement the covenents end agneema�w of thia Security Instrument ns if the ddet(s)wa�a psut of this Secudty Inslrumrnt. �� '
<br /> � ,. (Check appl�able box(es11 =
<br /> �• � ; �� �Adjustnble Rete Ridcr ��ondominium Rider �I-4 Family Rider
<br /> o . �anduated Pi►yment Rider �Planned Uni�Devclopment Rider �Biweekly Pnyment Rider �-.
<br /> . -��� 6_.:.r_
<br /> A ,,•,- �:,Y••:• � �Bd loon Rider �Rate Improvement Rider � �Second Hane Rider � 4__...
<br /> . . ' .' " ^, ��eKg)lBPa+�YI Acknowledgement �
<br /> ' � BY SIdNINCi BELOW,Borrower uccepis And agrees Io �he tenns and covenants conlained in tbis Security Insirument �"`
<br /> • ' �"' . and in any dder(s)ezecuted by Borrower And reccxded witM it.
<br /> ,3:"L.t." .
<br /> ., '�
<br /> �1 Witneesea:
<br /> n �� ($C0�) � c".--�_m'_
<br /> ° Steven E. Sehleirher •Barower
<br /> .. •• Social�udty Number 506 86 7243
<br /> _:,�.s___- -- ��� ` � �„���j� ��
<br /> � . �� � I.orrie C. Schleicher •e��► _ -
<br /> _ " � Social Secuthy Number 508 92 4011 .
<br /> - • • STATEOFNEBRASKA, Countyss: Hall =--
<br /> • .,.. ---
<br /> � lY^'-
<br /> .. ..cuCl'_��
<br /> • On this 20th dny of May� 1992 ,before me,�he undersigned,a Naary Public ��.
<br /> � , . duly commi�sioned and qu9lffied for said county.pensonully csuae Steven E. Schleicher and Lorri C. p�
<br /> •�:.•a
<br /> � _ . Schl&icher (Hueband and Wife) .to me known tobe�he
<br /> � ident�cd persons(c)wfwse iume(s)are subscribed to Ihe foregoing inatrument and acknowledged the execution thercof ro �==�---
<br /> • w,.�,a, .,,, �—_
<br /> � . .;1. ., be their voluntary act end Jeed. i-
<br /> • �� Wimes.4 my hand nnd naadal seal at in xuid county,Ihe ��-�i.�-�--.
<br /> �� ., °..° d �/1 WIIIh ���� �,�,1��� �. ->..
<br /> C �
<br /> � � �. CFWIB 4 KASKIE NanY Puelk L-- --
<br /> S J TO TRUSTEE: ���
<br /> 4 " ' V� The undersigned is the holder of the note or notes xecured by this Deed of 7tust. Snid note or notes,logether with all � ..�,-'.�,
<br /> other indeMednas secured by this Deed of 7}ust,have been pAid in full. You are hereby directed to cancel said nae or notes -
<br /> '..k,.=::�«�'�•'" ' � and this Deed oF 7Fust,which arc delivered hereby,nnd to reconvey,wiihout warranty,all the eslate now held by you under - -
<br /> ,'w• thi�Decd of lfust w the peroon or persona kgelly endtled thereto. ` -
<br /> � . �'.`�--
<br /> • „ �S11C� ;aCy,1��s^�
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