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<br /> � " � applicable I�w rtuy specify fcx roinstetement)6efore sale of the Property punuau w �ny power of u�le catudnod in Ihf�
<br /> �. � Secudty lnsuument:or(bl entry of�jud�mmt rnfcxcin�Ihl�Security Imu�un�t. 7'hae oaditiau am titit Borroaror. (+�)
<br /> � _ �—�-.--��=���-_ ' p�ys Lend$r s!!sums tivhich thcn would 6a due un3�x Oiir S�xudty imauu�ol �url rhe Nc� rr if tw +Ma.-aler�tion had
<br /> �� �� � occumed;(b)curca ony defiult of any dher cove�unq or�gt�eert�nts;(c)p�ye dl expen:ea fncumad in enft�ncin�this Saurity .
<br /> �,"�'..,�:;. � InNrurr+ent.includin�.but no1 limited to. raaomble�twrnzyi'fees: �nd(d)W�es wch�ction a l.�nder may mnon�bly
<br /> � . ,�:�:;-^_ ; roquiro w u�ure that the lien of this Sesurity Inurummt�La�der'�dgha in the Prope�ty and BamnwarY obll�Wfoe w pay the
<br /> - : : eum� Recurod by thie 5ecurity irouvmrnt �h�li canlinue unchmged. Upoo rcim�akment by 8ortower, 1hh Security
<br /> � ,' ` " Insuument ond the obli�wtiona�ocurcd hereby duU remoin fully effecdve a if no axalention had oecutred. Howaver,thlt
<br /> . . d�hl to�einsu�te ahall not app!y fn the cw�of wcceler�tion under pu�g�ph l7.
<br /> . 19. S�k of Not�i Chao�e ot I.o�n Servker. The Note or�p�rtid intarat in the Nate(togc�her with tfp�Secudry
<br /> -- - . Instrumcnq may be sold one or more dmes without pdor nodce ro Horrower. A aale mey mult in n ch�n�e in the entity _
<br /> ° (known as�he"Loan Servicer")thu collxte monthly paymenu duc under thn Nom�nd Ihis Sauriry In�wment. 71�ae dw
<br /> " ` � may be one or more ch�nges of the Lo�n Servicer unrel�ted to a sale of 1he Not�. If Ihere is�ch�nge ot the l.o�n Servlcer,
<br /> ° ° Borrower will be given written notice ot the change In accordonce with pnragraph 14 above end applicabk i�w. 7tie ndtca
<br /> . �F'. � will atate the name and addrcss of the new Lwn Servker u�d the addrc,�s w which payment�shouW be nwie. The�will
<br /> ` alw canwin any other informadon required by applic�ble law.
<br /> � 20. H�ardoua Subqaaces. Bortower shall not cause or pemnit the presaxe.use,dispoaal.etorage.or refesse of�ny
<br /> Hazardoua Substancea on or in ihe Property. Bmrowet shall not do,nor allow enyone else to do. a►ything affcedng the -
<br /> . Pmperty thnl is in viol�tian of Any EnvlronmenW L.nw. The preceding two sentencee slWi not�pply to the presence,uee,or
<br /> stonge on the Property of small quantiliea of He�ardouc Subsunces thu ara�enenlly tecoQnizad w be�ppro�+riate w�al
<br /> " � . r�esidentl�l uses wnd to moiatcnu�ce of the Piroperty.
<br /> • eomower ahall prompUy give Lender written notice of eny invesdgadon,claim.demond,lowauit or other wcdon by wny
<br /> govemmental or rcgulwtory s�gency or private party involving the Property and any HazaMoua Substance or�nvironment�l
<br /> Law of which Borrawer hAS nctual knowledga. If Borrower learns, or is nditied by any guvernmental or reguluorv
<br /> author�ty,tbat eny removal or other remedia�ion of any Hazardous Substance affecting da Piuperty is naxwvy,Borra.ier
<br /> — � � shall promptly take�II necassary remedirl aclions in rccorcla�m wi�h Environmentel Law. �
<br /> As used in Ihis paragrnph 20,"tiarardaus Subslences"s�rc those substaaces defined as toxic or hnzordous subiluncrn by `
<br /> " Enviroumentel l.aw and the followiog subslances: gasaline,kemsene,aher flammable or loxic petroleum producls.wxic
<br /> pesticides and herbicidea,volalile 4olvenls,materialx conlninins axbestos or fortnaldehyde, und rndiouctive male�ials. As
<br /> �^ used in tbis paragraph 20."Environmemal Lew"meanc federal Inws ond laws of the jurisdictfan whero Ihe Propehy ls locoted
<br /> � that rclate to heultb,safety or envlronmental protection.
<br /> • NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and Lender further covenunt and agme as follows:
<br /> 21. AcceternUon; Remedies. I.ender shAll give notice to Ba�rower priar to accelerndon following 8orroaer•s
<br /> breach of aay rnvenant or agreement in this Security In.4lrument(but not p�iar lo Accekrwlbn under pArAgrnph 17
<br /> �• uales�Applkable law provides othe�wtge). T6e noNce shall epecify: (al the dePault=Ib1 the oction required lo cure the
<br /> defoull;(c)a dAte.not less thon 30 doys irnm Ihe date Ihe notice le Riven to Borrower,by whkh the default must Ix
<br /> • , cured;and Id)that fqflu�e to cu�e the def'AUIt on or befa�e tbe dwte apecified ia the�Mice may nwult in Accekrallop of
<br /> the�sums secured by thls Securily Inslrument and sale uf Ihe Properly. The nutice shs�ll furlher infurm Burrower uf
<br /> ----- ' the right to�einstate aiter acceieratian and[6e ripht to 6ring a caurt action to s�ssert the nonaxiatence oi�deiaufi or
<br /> any other dePen�e oP Borrower to AccelerAtlon and sale. If Ihe dei'ault is not cured nn M bePore the d�te specified in
<br /> the noNce.Lender ut its optiom m�y require immediate payment in i'ull oP nil suma secured by Ihis Securiry laclrument
<br /> without furlher demAnd and m�y Mvoke the power nP sale And any ather remediev permllled by upplkAblc I�w.
<br /> Lender shall be entitled to collect all expenses iacurred in purguing the remediea provided in Ih(s {wr�raph 21�
<br /> , .: including.bnt not limited to.reasonable atlorneys'fees and cosls oi'tille evidence.
<br /> If the puwer of sale Is invoked.'IYustee shwll record a notice oi dePault in eACL county in whkh s�ny pnM of!he
<br /> ,�..; � Property is localed and shall mail copies afsuch notice in tUe monner prescrfbed by appNcnble I�w to BorroMer and to
<br /> ,, . . . lhe other persons prescrfbed by applica6le IAw Alter the Ifine required by Applicable law.'I�u91ee shall Rive publk
<br /> , notice oP sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed by applkable Inw 'I�ustee.wilhout demand on Borrower�
<br /> ' � shall sell the Property at publlc uuctbn to the highest bidder s�t Ihe tlme and place and under Il�e termg desigru�ted in
<br /> ' the notice of sale In one or more parcels nnd in any order'IFuslee delermines. 'frustee may pavtpone snk ot all or any
<br /> parcel of the Property by public announcement at Ihe time and place of any previou�ly scheduled sale. Leoder or ib
<br /> deaignee mAy purchase the Property al any sele.
<br /> „ Upon receipt of payment oP Ihe price bid. 'IFuslee shall deliver to the purchaser'i�uslee's deed ca�veying ll�e -
<br /> '' Property. The recitals in the 71�ustee's deed shall be prima iucie evidence of the Irulh of the stutement��rwde lhenin. �
<br /> ' , 'IYurtee shall�pply the praceedx of the sale in the foMowing order: (a►to all costs and ezpenses ot ezercWn�lhe power
<br /> . �
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