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<br /> 17.Truusf'er of thc�perly or a Benefki�l Intcrat la Barruw�er.lf ull ar any p:+rc of thc Pr��+ei�y or�ny ntcrect in it
<br /> is u�id or irancferced(o�if a be��efic►al interest in Borrow•er is sc�id or[raacferc��ci w�ul&uraNer is�xx��utur�l p:ruu�l wittuwt
<br /> l.ender's prior wriaen consent. Ix�xler n�ay, �t itc option, reyuite inunediate pxyntei�t in full uf�II wms �ecu�til by this _
<br /> Security(nctnament.tiow�ever,this optian�h�ll not be czercisal by Le�xicr if exerc�se ic prot�i�ital by federa! I�w�u�uP�he�te
<br /> ot this Secui�ity Iiutn►n�cat.
<br /> lf Ltr�der exercises this optian,Lender shall Sive Borrow�r nMice af�uxeleration. The rxui�r s}�ll pravide a peric�d of ixu
<br /> fCCS than 3�daya fru�u fh2 d►te the notic:. i�d:li�erei! or mailed within which�rcnwer nwst pay all wms secured by this
<br /> Security Instrun�ent.Ii'Bonaw•er f�ils to pay these sw��s prior ta the expiration of this perioci,Lende�may invoke any cen�cYlies
<br /> pennitted by this Securiry Iiudru�ttent without further notice or demand an Burrower.
<br /> 18. Bc�rsow�er s Right to Reir�►te. if Borrower mcetc cert:un conditions, Iic�rrow'er shall have the right to have
<br /> enforcemcnt of this Security Instrument discontinued at any lime prior ro the earlier af: (a) 5 days (or such cuher period as
<br /> ap�icayk law may specify for reinstatemenq before sale of the Propeny pursuant to any pc�wer of sale containedtin�thys
<br /> Sxurity Instrument;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security lnsirw�k:ut.'�wac�v�k'+�ti�n�ar Sh��n°V''er: a1 ` —
<br /> Lendec ull sunu which then would be due under this Socurity Instrumenl and the Note�s if�o aceeleration had oc�urred: (b)
<br /> cures any default of any other covenants or agreements: (c)pays�II expenses incurced in enforcing this Security Instnunent,
<br /> ineluding, but not limited to.ceasonable attomeys' fees: and(d)takes snch aet�on ac Lender may re�sonab��+ re4uire to assure
<br /> that the lien of this Security In�irument, i,ender's rights in the Pcopetty und Borrower's obligztion to pay the sums�ocurod bY
<br /> this Security Insuument sh�ll continae unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Borrower. this Security Ittistrument and the
<br /> ob�igatioas secured hereby shall remain fully effective�if no xceleration had occurred. However.this right to reinstace st�all
<br /> not apWty i.n the case of aazleration wxler paragraph 17.
<br /> 19, S�le of Note; C�e of Iaan Servicer. 7�e l�iote or a pani�l intcrest in the Note (together with this Security
<br /> IactrunKnt)may bc sold one or►nore times witlwat prior notice to Borrower. A sale may result in a change in the entity(know�n
<br /> zc the •Loan Servicer")that mllects monthly payme�►u due under the Notc and ttus Security Instrument. There also rnay be one
<br /> or more changes of the 1.Aan Ser�r:x�unrelated to a sale of the Note.li there is a change of the I.oan Servicer.Borcower will be
<br /> given wrieten notice of tiu ch�nge in accordance with paragr.�ph 14 above u�d�PP��cabte law.The notice will state the rkvre and
<br /> addre--,s of the new I.oai�Secvicer and the address to which payments should be made.The notice will also .�ontain any other
<br /> infom�ation required by applicable law. �
<br /> Zp, H�zsrd�us Subs�taces, Borrower shall not cause or permit the presence, use. disposal, storage, or nleax of any
<br /> Hazat�da►s Substacxes on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do. nor zllow anyone else to do, anything affacting the
<br /> Property that is in violadon of any Environmental l.aw. The preoeding two sentences shall not apply to the Presence,use, or
<br /> storage on the Property of small quantities of Hazardous Substanc�s that ut general►y recognized to be apProPnate=°n°rn�al
<br /> residential uses and to mtintenance of the Pcoperty.
<br /> Borcower shall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigation.claim. demand, lawsuit or other xtion by any
<br /> goverrmtontal or regul�tory agency or private(.�rty involving the Property and�ny Hazardous Substazu�e or Environnxntal Law
<br /> of which Borrower has accual knowledSe. If i3��rrower Iqms, or is not►fiat by any govemmenial cr. n.�ulatory sutl�oriry. ihat
<br /> �ny remav�l or otitier remediuion of�ny Ha7:u�dous Substu�af'fxting tik Property is necessary•Qorn,rwer shall pron�+t1Y take
<br /> all necessary m►�edi:+1 actions in aocotdance with Environmcntal Law.
<br /> As used in this puagra�i 2(1. 'Hazaidous Substances" are those substanas det'tne�as toxic or hwrdous substu�oes by
<br /> Eny;ronmtcttal L,w and ihe fraltuwing suS�anccs: gasoline. fcerosene, other flamc�8le or toxic petrolcum products. tozic
<br /> p�sti��des anci ha{�icides.volatile solvuus,materials containiag�sbestos�r Yom�aldehyde.wd t�dio�ctive materi�ls. As ustd in
<br /> —�iitis �ag�aj,ir� �.�.i�.t�..�:»z! i«^:' r.�.^:f�..2 ls:�+� as�t Ixw��f.the jurisdicuou.wbere thC PrOpC1tY is locstod that
<br /> relate tohealth,s:rti.�.y otenvironmental protectiun. ------ ---------
<br /> NOI�i-UNff�'ur"tM COVENAN7'S.Borcower and L.ender furthor cevenant 3nd agra as follows:
<br /> 21. Actix�tiooi Aee�fedies.I.eader shall give uotice to Borwwtr prior to accelesation[dbwloQ Bo�rowet's b�+eacb
<br /> of any coveaant or agtxemea! in thLs Secu�ity I�u�nent (but not pria�o a�t�Fr'«.� �.»:{�-'s�="� =? unit�
<br /> apptic�ble law provides otberwise).T6e ootia siwl! specity: (a)tltie de[aulh, (b)We actioa cequ�nd to cnre tbe detauit;
<br /> ' (c)a date,not Less thrui 30 days trom tbe dxte t6e aotice is given to Bon+ower,by wLich the detautt must be zured;aod
<br /> (d) tL�t failurc tn cure the defsWt oa or before the date speciPKd in We aotice uwy result ig socderation o!the sums
<br /> . setured by tLic Security Iostrumeat and ss�le ot the Propa�ty.The ootice shal!f�utLer id'orm Borrower ot t6e ri,�t to
<br /> r�stste s�ta aader�t�on and tbe rlg6t to brio� a coYrt s�cHon to ss�ert tie ooa�oe ot a dd'ault or aay otLa�
<br /> ddease of Boera�ver to acceleratinn pnd xale.It the detault is not cured m ot bei�ore tbe d�te spocitied is the notia.
<br /> ' I�c�, at�es,apt;on,msy require immedtate pa►ymmt in f�ll of a!!suu�seiwed 6y tbis Securlty Iu�trua�eut wiWout
<br /> [urther deQramcL and msiy iuvul:e tbe power ot sak and any otLer remoedies pa'mitted by applksWe law.I.e�der sbaU be
<br /> entitkd to eaife�ct aU expeases incurred to puisui�the rem�edies provided in Wis par�rap6 21,indudio��but not limited
<br /> ' to,ra�oosbk atto+'oeYc'fas swd costs of title evideace.
<br /> �f tbe power o[ss�iie Is Wvoked, Tructee s�wll reoord a notice ot defanit in a�oountY in�wh oh��P�rt aad W
<br /> prapdty is iocated and s6d1 msU copies of such aotice iu t6e marmer pracribed by spplica6ie
<br /> tbe dber perbo+rs pnsctibed pS sPPlkabie law.Atter tLe time required by opplkable law,Trustee sMll give puWic ootice
<br /> ot s�1e to tbt pencans and ia tLe manner prsst�'lbed b�Applie�l�fe taw.'L'�mtce,witlsout da�rd oa Borrorrer.chaU sdl
<br /> We propaty 9c public auctba to tLe 6i�aesc 6idder at t6e time an�place and uuder tbe tenac�gos�ted ia tbe notice ot
<br /> sale ia oae or more p�elc aad in any arcier Trustee detcrmia�. Trustce maY P�P�sstik of all or any pored of the
<br /> �by��y�anoouncement st tbe time and pt�:e o�f aaY i�'�Y scheduled sak. LenBer or its�Signee may
<br /> iora�3o2s 9/90
<br /> Pap�5 cf 6 . .
<br /> � -t= :�::._ :
<br />