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<br /> PAf'n�nt�:nw���x�Ii�nQe:!�n::�ulxc.�,ut the c�don uf l.erxic�,iP nx�n�st�e insu�Ance�r�ver�c ti�,�nwunt and�or the periad —
<br /> thui L.ciutcr rayuires►pre��;d.tif b} u� inrurer a�{�r�vud by l.uxicr�y�in ba�a�ks available ruxl is obtainal. Borrow•er shall paY
<br /> ttw premlwns rcquirc�d��t�intain nx�K�ytt i�urur�:r ir.�:fc�t, cx w pmeWe a Inss rcsrrve, u�qil�itie rac�uireaueiu Fur nwrtr�e _..
<br /> i��su�wx�ends in accoruuu:t�i1t��ny writtei�np,reenx�beiween tiarruw'c�aixl l.ect�lea•ar applieuble law.
<br /> 9. Ius��tfan. l,e�:r cx its Agent m�y n�l:c reaw�nble entrics upon iuxl Ir�cpectians of thc Pn>peHy. L,e�k,r sholi gi�a
<br /> Bc►trower n��ire u the t�ro�of�u priae to en iiupocKion sp�lf�ing re:isa�ahle c.wse fiu ttse ins�ec[iun. —
<br /> �p, Cap��st�r,, 'I't�e pau�,�u;;o::.r.y awarJ ar claim fiu danw�es. direct or ewuequential, in co:usection witii any
<br /> amdcmnaiion v�cxlur wkin�of an��pah oi'ehe Prap�r�y. or f�r rnnveywwc in lieu of wndenu�ation, ruc henby assigncd a��d
<br /> shall bc paid to l.endcr.
<br /> In tho event of a U.�c.�t,+ki�;of ihe Propeny.the proceeds shall be applied to the sums secured by this Security Instrument.
<br /> w•7�etlu:i ur rwt thcn�:.:. u�itA�y�r.•ti°• r•w!!^�rower. in the event of a pu'tia! t�lcing of the Property ia whir.h the fair
<br /> maricet vulue af the Prc+perty irzunadiacely beforc thr taicing is equal to or greater tt�an the amount of the sums socured by this
<br /> Security Instrument i�liuetY befw�e the tnL•ing.unless Borrower attd Lender otherwise agree in writing.the sums secured by
<br /> this Security I*�*�"+"^r sh�l1 bc roduad by the anwunt of the prooeods multiptied by the following fractiorr (a) the tW�1
<br /> �►wunt of the suu�sccta'ed imatiodi;ately before the takina,dividal by (b) the fair m�rket valuc of th.:Property inunedist�ly
<br /> befare the �alcu�g. Aay halarr�s2►all be paid tu Borrower. In the event of a partial taking of the Propertl' in whicfi the fair
<br /> ttark,�t value of the R+��uty imttxdiately beforc the wking is less than the as�t of the suni socural inunodiacely before the
<br /> tating, unlcss Bortower aad Lcnder otherwisc ugree in wriang or unless applic�ble law otherwise provides. We proceods sh�l1
<br /> be applied to the sucnv scaucd by this Security Instcument whether or not the sumc are thea.due.
<br /> If thc Property u ata�Onod by Borrowcr,pr if,after notice by Lender to Bostower that the oondemaor offers w malce an
<br /> atiwu�d or stttk a claima f�d�mages. Borrower fsuls to respond to I.endu within 30 days sfter the date the catioe is givw,
<br /> Lader�5 authori2ed Lp co►kx�a�d apply tlse proceeds,at iw aptioA,eittxr to restoration or reQair of the Prope�ty uc to the sua�s
<br /> secured by this Socuriey�tastrumeiu.whethor or not then due.
<br /> Unless L,ender and Borrower othuwise agree in writing, any �pplication of proce�ls to prin�ip�l shall na1:extead or
<br /> postpone the dut d�te of the monthlY WYments referrod ta in parigraplts 1 aad 2 or change the acnount of such paymeots.
<br /> 11.Borro�er 1Wt Rdascd;Forbesiu�aace By I.eader Not a Vti'siver•Exta�s+o�of dx tune for paymeat or modificstion
<br /> of amortizatioa of the suoas securod by this Securiry Instrumcnt gruued by l.e�er to any wcoessor in interest of Borrower s1uU
<br /> aot operate w release t3c�li�bitiry of the origiaal Borrowes or Bortower's suooessors in uuerest. i�der s4a11 not 6e required W
<br /> �P�ed;n�a�ai,�ut aaY sucoessor in interest or rcfuse to extad tim for paymeat or aherwise modify anw�titiNion
<br /> of the sums secur� b� this Sewrity Inutument by reasotr of my danand made by th�e original Bort+ower or Bo�rower's
<br /> wooessots in intet+cst, Any forbeuana by L�euder in exercisi�g anY right or rat�ody sh�ll not b�u waiver of or preclude tbe
<br /> execcise of any rigdt or remaly.
<br /> 12. Suooeacas aad Asc� Bourd; .ioiot aad Several Us6tWy, Co�as. 'Che covenaats and agrxaxots of this
<br /> Seq�z�Ety Iautumaac shall �iad aand beaefit the �is and assigas of L�ender wd Bomower. wbjecs to the pcavisions of
<br /> _ �aQh 17. Bacr�aer's oovw�ots md agrwneats s1�[I be jomt and severat. Any Borrower wixo oo-sig¢s t6is Security
<br /> In�oaii but dc�t r.o!tatect,tte tlfe Note: (a?is t�o-signing this 5ecauity It�C�a�mroIIi9 m mor�r��8r�� ' --_��" .`..
<br /> sw.,�,ti�-..�.._..
<br /> Barrowu`s iuterest ics the Proputy under tbe tatns of this Security inswiaent;(b)is oot PeisooallY�8��WY the wrtu
<br /> sewrod by tWs Sear'sry Instsument:aod(c)agrxs that i.e�der aad aay otbar Bort+ower may�ree to ea�tead.modifY•fo�fiear ot
<br /> malce any a��with rcgaeYl w the terins of this Securiry Instmment or the Nu�e without tt�t Borrowa's eonsast.
<br /> 13.I�o�a CleitRes.If the Wan socurod by this Security r��•^,�„�•u u s�bjax to a I�w.vhicfi stts muimum lwn chacges.
<br /> and ttnt law is fia�lly iatetpnaed so that the interest or dbcr toro c��arges edkctod or to be collecsed in aooaxtion with tbe
<br /> lo�a eacoeed the perm'rued limits.thea:(a)any siu�loan charge shall 6e reducad by tbe amouns tiooess�rY to reduce tbe charge
<br /> to d�e�aiuod Iimit;aad(b)any wmc alre�dy oolla'ted from Borrower which oxceedc�peatutted limits will be ref'u�ed w
<br /> gosinro�rts. I�x4r �g ct+ooee to make this refwd by reducing the princip�l owed under the Note or by maicing a dirxt
<br /> paymari w Borrower. If a refuod reduoes principal. tbe rodu�xion will be tnated as a P�� P�Y� w'�,�►
<br /> �Symeat charge under tLe Note.
<br /> 14.Notiees.Aa�ootioe to Borrower providod far in this Sxurity Ln�t shall be given by ddivuing it or bY�8
<br /> it by fust class a�aif udess a�lic�ble taw roquires use of�wther mUbod.Tbe notice slull be directed to the P�+oQaty Add��ess
<br /> ar auy ather addt+css Bonnwu d�sign�tes by notic+e to Leadar. My notice w I.eudcr s2�a11 be given by first class mai!w
<br /> I.a�der's address staued berdn or tisy other addness L,ender desiguates 6y�otioe W Bormwer. Aay ootioo W'ovida�for in this
<br /> Security Instnu►xnt at�ll be deemed to have beao givw to Bormwa or Lemck�wtuo givea u provided ia this pr�graph.
<br /> 15.Goveroin� I.ax; Severability. 'IUis Seatrity lnstnurcat sL�1i be governed by fedesal Iaw wd the taw of tht
<br /> juris�licxion in whic8 tfi�e Propesty is locatod.In tix evcnt that any provision or cJuue of this Sa�rity Inctrua�eat or We Note�
<br /> aaat�icts with applic.wbse law.wch couftict st�ll aot affax ather provisioas of this Soc�riry Imwrna�t or tbe Noce which c,�a be
<br /> givea effea wittwut tbe oontlictin�Pmvision.To t6is cnd tl�e prov�cions of tLis Sxvrity Yattmmeac and tt�e Note�r,doclarod
<br /> to be aererabfe.
<br /> 16.Borroyvar'�t Cop�y.Borrower shall be givea one 000farmod oopy of tbe Nae and of this Socutity Insuumemt.
<br /> Fo�w 302s 9190
<br /> ay.�rs _
<br />