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...�RaG--- Sr�sr_. <br /> ��� - <br /> � .. , " _ ..-..�—.... _ . <br /> .-��s-w:�_--- <br /> ��,�.. - ' a u.., ---- -- — —'.s.•''r��'-.: <br /> TM _ ' _ -� - -- <br />- 96- �,u�'7� <br /> 3.� IE tha secucity or •ny par t thaseof !s da�ageQ by fir• o� otA�� csuee <br /> l�cluainq condeMn�tion, Tcustor sMli qtva la�Alat� vcalt�e notic� oE Lh� �v�nt <br /> ta khs �an�PlciAry. 7cru�tor •1►all us• aay pxoct�d� o! co�p�nsation for th� <br /> d�wag�d lroa Lha insucaoc�, conA�anation awrd or otha vl�� Co r��tos• or <br /> raplaca the proc�aQs to bh� D�n�f lclary �t tb� optfon of !h� B�neflclary. if <br /> paRt oE :he •�cucity 1� dawg�d, tM Tcu�toe •1►�11 cest�s�, r�palr, or alk�s !M <br /> sewaining propesCy !n a wane�r �ati�factary of tA� Ban�flcfa=y. <br /> 3.� the eaneElaiary or !t's cepr���nEativs !a heteby authorizsd to sak• o: <br /> aauao ta ba :.:Qa r�rsa;�a�l� a���si�r upon and fnapactions of the pra�ieea. <br /> 3.1 The Trustae �hall proaptly co�ply vlth �11 preaen! and Eutur� lava, <br /> axdfnancee, rul�a and regulationa of any qovesnsenCal authosity •ffacting Lhe <br /> pra�lsea or aoy paYt tAar�of. Thi• •M11 apply to any constsuction upon !ha <br /> prewises ■a vell aa tR� operation of any bwln�ss upon tA• pr�als�s. <br /> �. Insuranc�. Trustor •Aall k��p th� aecurity lnsur�d against: (1) loss by <br /> parile covered by eCanOard fice policy vith sLanaaid axl�nd�d cov�raq• <br /> andoree�ant, !n an a�ou�t •pual to 1001 0# the f ull r�p3acaaent vala� oE th� <br /> sacutity vithout daduction fos depr�ciationj �2) liabilily lnauraac� fo: th� <br /> bsneEit oF the B�neflciacy and trust�e ro piot�ct tAa B�a�!lciary ana Trwl�� <br /> frow any ana �ll claiu of ptreonal lnjury or propasty da�aq� arisinq f=os or <br /> out of the prawlses; ana 131 otAer lnauraoc� norsal ana custo�ry fos ovn�ss and <br /> of ai�ilar pzoparty. !utlh�r, een�£ici�sy wy reQuir� any othar xeasoaabl� <br /> insurance to prot�cC th� sacurlty. �11 inausancc shall b� pald fot by th� <br /> 4tustor, s4s11 b� in tora and by co�pany approved Dy th� B�n�ficiary, �hsll <br /> insuce the B�n�-i•iciary, Trusteo ana lrustor as tM it inter�sts appear, and <br /> shall prov[de that th� insusanca cospany shall notify the Ben�fic�ary Sn vs!liny <br /> at least 30 days bafor� �ny cana�ilatfoa os t�i�inaEion b�coa�• •ft�ctiv� as to <br /> � tha Beneficiary. <br /> _ 5. Taxea, �ssess�ent�, and charges. Trustor sAall pay all taxes, �ssassNata, <br /> _ lien�, and othes cl�arq�a lncluding utility charqes vhicD aay affect tRe <br /> = secnrity aa th�y ar� du� ana befoz� t��y ar� daliaqiaeAt. Upon, Trustor <br /> - shall sho�e B�n�llcLary psooQ o! paypnt. Tsustor �d+all piy all tax�s and <br /> asaessa�nts rpieh �ay b� levi�d upon Baaalicla:y's flater�st h�s�in os upot� tb�i <br /> Oaed of treist vithoat cegasd to a�y lav in eEfect oz that dy be �naatad <br /> = laDoiinq payMnt of Ch� vhoi• os any part of tAez�lora upon tA� SeAeticlary. <br /> 6. Cond�snation. TA� psoca�d� o� a conc��natlon ava:a are l�es�by asslqned and <br /> aPw 11 be paid to Lend�r and ihall b� applled to tb� su�s secu:ed by this M�4 of <br /> Ttust, vRether or no! then due, wilh any exeeaa to Ds paid to Borrower. <br /> 7. �ditiaaai Li�na and Prot�ation oP S�curity �aC Subroqation. E�n�licxary <br /> in sole d�,sczotion aay �ake any payaseL, �xy�nd or advanc� any furW� it deeYs <br /> _ , nec�asary to nroteet th� wwe�,..�t., _.,� ��a� n:.a �= !s•�L- �a�ls �i�:�,. . . --- - . .. . - <br /> _ � �xp��itures or a�vanceuats vith �hsll Cacoaa sacnreG has�by. <br /> 6. D�fauit, Rs�aAi�s, 1lccelaration, SaZe. If the TruaSor doea not: �11 perfoza <br /> any of th� cov�nanta of tha D��A of lrnst; or l2) ff the Ban�Eiciasy ?tas to <br /> exi►enA si�s to protect the ee�stztsy, lhaa ?rustor bes breached hi� ag=�ea�nt, is <br /> � !n default :nd the 8eneflciary �y declaze default aod �ay C�clase a�l auas <br /> ��cured h�lsby isaadiat�ly du� arsd payaD�e and sucA svas l�4lat�ly b�coM du� <br /> +�nd payabl� vithout pr�s�nt�ent, aa�and, q�rot�st, or notice, oE any kind �xc�pt <br /> �• �Y � O=a�ided ia th� D��d of Ttust �cC� at�A say invoke t0� pov�r af sal� <br /> _ aed/or �ny oth�s ren�dies pe=�itted by appLicable lav ineludin9 th� tiqht to <br /> £ozeclose tbi� D��d o! Trust in th� �ann�r provided by lav tor th� losaclosu=� <br /> of �ortqa�ee on r�at •state. H�n�liciasy shall be ealStil�G to coilect all <br /> _ sa�sor�able coat� an9 expenses incusied !n pnraul� srsaA :aasdi�s tacludiny, but <br /> ewt li�lteQ tio, teasonabl� attosn�y's le�s. <br /> �. If th• ppver oE sale i� invok�d, tAe Ttuata• sAall proceea to sail th� <br /> piopeity coaplyinq 9rlth the M�bsaska ?rust De�ds �ct la raqard to notic�, tiu, <br /> — and pnner of sale. TA� ?�uste� wsy s�ll th� propezty ia on� or aa:r� parcels <br /> and !n sued ordes as taa Srwt�O say 8�siqnate, at pablic aucbion to the AiqAesb <br /> bidd�r, pnrchase priee payabie se� c�sA or as otheavdae suitable to tM 4'tustee <br /> at tha tiae of sale. !h� Trust�� w�y postpon� tha sal� lro� tiu to liae. ?h� <br /> Truataa shall •xeaute ana daliv�r to the pu=chases a Trustee's deed conveyinq <br /> the propa=ty sold, �ut rithout any cov�nant or va==anty� sx�tess or i�pli�d. <br />, The recit�la in the deed o! sny qltezs or faets sRall b� ccmciusive ptoof of <br />— th� tLUthEulness th�xeof. �ny peraon, lncl�inq vfthout 1l�itation, sen�ficfary <br />— o= 4ruaLee, �ay purcttaae at th� sal�. <br /> B. lfhen Tsusl�s seile purswnt to ths pc+v�cs hereT�s, Trusta� shall appiy. !ha <br /> — proce�as of the sal� to ths paysent of th� coats anG �xpenaes of �x�reiiinq tha <br /> powr of �aY� ar�A ot th� pl�, ineludinq� vitAout ll�itition, th� pay�nt of the <br /> Tzust�e'• f��s incurz�d. srvst�e•s f��■ hei�ur�d�s thall b� de��ed zeasoeabi� it <br /> th�y as• th� qs��tet of •ith�c th� actwi cosls incurzeQ by tM Srwl�s's or <br /> �1 of tAe balance oE tha osiginai aaount secuied Qe=�by. �ft�r ths ps��t of <br /> - tha Trust��+s �t�s, lf th. saie is by • �rsuatc��, os �Ae �roaer aos=t ar.� cth.:r <br /> - costa of Eoz�ciosurs �nd saZe �nrswnt to ivdfciai for�closure, th� procaeda of <br /> = tAe sale ahail be spyiled fa C?N ozder stat�d bslov to the Ertys�nt of:11) <br /> = ittosney�� fees and costs of coliection; (2) Coat ot any evidascs of title ' <br /> ptocusad !n eonnectiori vith aueh sals and any xevenue or tax requiced to be <br /> � �paid, (3) All obliqatians secur�a by this D��d of ?rwl, ��) Th� ra�sind�r, if <br /> � any, to }A! peraoa l�qally antitiod tl�c�to. <br /> .� . <br />.' <br /> ! <br />.,� <br /> ;� <br /> � <br />,,� <br /> •.':'1 <br /> �-^�--- - -- - <br />