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��.'..�"1,: . �::• ._(�"—'W",� _ _ <br /> � .- �-A..-_ - . ' . . . _..�- �"m�--�-tL:��=�-��. <br /> ..._��a+�r-__- <br /> � _. - .`. - _I ' . .. _ .—. ._ —_—"__—...EVm:��iz'��,.. <br /> t� �sn�� . ,._: �. : .� - <br /> .-C+'F�a-.rn r r. . <br /> �. <br /> �- wi!'.�•+-+� -^ _ ..v -_•�s]YWt��r- _ -,: <br /> ��'PTrw�.�+�YR��L1Yl��tZ.��:rSa1ll�rlrYfL�l WfNMaI``::..��� - �..__ . . .._ . <br /> _-__ ...MI����. - . _-_. <br /> � � r_:.__ <br /> 9��, �,(�'�� �- <br /> 9. R�s�al�s Not Lxclu�fve. The re�oAi�s pcovlda0 ln thi� �qree�ant shall not =_ <br /> D� •xc3u�lv�. Upon th� d�fault o! th� Tru�tor, th� e�n�liclasX aay ���k =�li�t <br /> by �ny l�q�l or �Qul�tabl� �uos. rh� �n�ficiary aay aaek to enfo�ca tha -_ <br /> •qr��x�nts h��• �afl� fn such ord�c and sann�r as o�n�flci�xy s��s Eit. No <br /> ceaedy is inlet�s0 to b� excluriw bu! •�Ch �hall ba cuavlative. tvery pover or � <br /> ce a�dy under Lh• a.a of Tru�t to th� Tcuat�• or 8aa�flciary or to vhlch •lthac <br /> of tA�w �ay othesvis• b� •nCltied by law ��y ba exercleeQ concurzently or <br /> ind�p�nd�ntiy as o!!�n a� d���ad n�a�ssacy by th• ?rusts• oc tha Benaficfary o= <br /> •ith�r os th�■ ani3 +ltih�Y oF thaa ray pu=cua inconsiatent seseaiea. Tha __ <br /> Be n�ticlary or Tru�t�• aaY pcoc�ad !o pursua a d�lici�ncy �udqaent apafnst th� _ <br /> zr wtor to th� •xtent �uab aaxlon !a p�r�itt�a by lav. <br /> 30. Transf�r o! tha Vcap�sty; �siu�p�loo. No part of th� psop�rty or <br /> l�t�r�st th�z�in qy ha •o1d vithfn 10 yaar� of th� date of th� d�ed, <br /> transEarr�a or otherwl�s conv�yed by Tcu�tar, unl�ss full paysant ia wade upo� <br /> note aecu:ed by th1.a D�ad of Sruat, •xcluding ta) the cs�ation of a llen os <br /> er.cuabs�nce iubo=dinat� to this D��d oE Tsnat; or Ib) a tsansfer by devls�, — <br /> Eesc�n! os by op�ration of lav upon the d�aLh of the Tcustor; such aetfon !s a <br /> b=�iCh oE thi• aqr���nt. and B�n�ficia=y say, �t Beneficlary's optloa� G�clar• <br /> aI2 �uas sacuted Dy thfs De�s o! lzwt to b� iwdiat�ly due and psyabl�. os <br /> csu�� !h� Trwt�• to !!la a notice o£ default. <br /> 11. lorb�asanc� by Bene�ieiasy ana xaives. �ny #ozbaaranc• by B�eNficlasy to <br /> Tr wtee, 7'rustor ot anyone, in •xa=cisi�g apy rlqht o: reaedy Aeceana�s, or =; <br /> otMtvis� •ffor8ed by applicabl• lav� shall not ba a vsivfr of or pzeclud� th� — <br /> e x�scise ot any such =iqht ox r�u8y h�r�vnd�r. bikevla�, the vaivex by <br /> Beneficla=y to Tcuste� of any d�fault of Tsustor und�s this Deed a� Il'sust �hall <br /> noc b. ae•..a ao b� a raivas or any oth�r or sl�ilas d�fauita suase�u�ntily <br /> occurring. fto valwr �hall b� conatsu�A against th� BeneflTsizy nal�ss such _ <br /> vaives •h�ll De expraas and i� �rlting •ignad by Lh� eenef9c3a=y. <br /> 12. Beneficiazy'• Powrs. Th� �n�ficiary vi11 c�uae to be s�lessed, the =.. <br /> •ntire asou�t sseusea by this D��d of ?rast, �ft�r ths 10 yea= te=a has axpiY�d, <br /> begianing froa tA� dale of the Oead, pzoviaad •11 othes ter�s �nd cacWitiona of <br /> t�ia Daed havs been fulflllaa. Benefictasy s�y, in !ts sol• discret4fln ti) <br /> lnspect tAe pra�ia�e at any zeaaonable tiae ii!) :eqnire such aaascao�i <br /> secutlty as �ay b� r�asonable; and (!�i) aubstitut• the lrustee Ae=ein vith aay <br /> p�r�on, entity, or co=pnsation aw lifiatl �o to aot. The �ttorn�ys of !h� <br /> B�n�ficlary or one o! th�a �ay nnv oc auW�puently b� desfl�,aated tre T:ustee <br /> hereln aAd �ay p�rfor� for th� e�neffclsry dulSas as couru�2 and T=vabee. 111 <br /> Trwto:s shall b� iolnily and sav�saliy obliqatad and bouacS by th� aetlons of <br /> tl�e Bsaeficia=y os t1�e ?znatos a� hereln stat�A. <br /> , . 11. aMMe»wwv�� fwwa; co.ts; and eno�nsu. Tzwtor aCrees to p�y all f�es, <br /> casts, at�d expenscs tnc3ufllnq attorntY'e faa exp�nd�d by thi -Sintficia:y o= thi --��- ---� <br /> Tsu�t�� to collect any •uss du� h�=�ne�p�r o= •nforee tbls aqrt��tnt. BucA sust <br /> sAa11 b� d��aaa aa aavanc�s�nt to pzotect tRe s�cuzity vhen paid by the <br /> BtneFicl�ty. ��oM±aee farth�r, hov�ver, that tAis s�oifon doss not aDply to tAa <br /> Tswt�� fee i�f�c:�a to i� paraqraph l.1.B. <br /> 1/. R�conveyanca by ?rustae. vpon vritl�n raQuest of the H�n�ficlasy statinq <br /> t hst all cor�itions of tAi� note have beaa �et, •nd upon sur=�nd�r of thi• D�ed <br /> of Trust an►d the notes to th� Tcnstea fo= caacellation and =�t�ation and upw� <br /> pay�ent by th� Tzustor of tha Ticustea's feea, tt►e �ustae at►all raconvey to :ha • <br /> Trnatot, or the p�cson or p�=sons laqally •ntiil�a thesata, vithout va=santy, � <br />. any poztion oE th� p=operLy th�n held hereunde=. ?he racitals and such <br /> reconv�epanee of aey satters or facts sM 31 be conclusive proo£ of tMs <br /> t=uthfulness tlssreof. ?A� tisant�e !n any :�conv�yanc• �y b� d�sc:iD�d as "ths <br /> p�cion or p�ssans laqaliy eetitiW tAereto.• <br /> 15. Motices. <br /> 15.1 1lotic� as =tquized by tQ� It�braska Trnst Deeas fct sA�ll W qiv�n. <br /> =xc�pt �s provia•e e•:.s� and vAes�ves pez�iasible by lav Tzustors �raiv� notica. <br /> ttotice wy b� s�nt to tAa pastiei at tdei= addzess as 1lst�3 la this aqreaaent <br /> os as otrervise chanqad. �11 eotiets r�Quiree he=sin �thall b� in vritinq. �ny <br /> pasty wy st any tis� chanq� it's add=ass for aucA notices by deliwzinq os <br /> �ailing to the otMr pa=tias h�:eto, a notica of such chsaq�. �ny notic� <br /> he:eu�es snaii a. aa..�a to hav� been glvan vhea plac�d vithin the U.B. l��ts, <br /> postaq� pr�paid, adas��sed to tM sddr�sa o� td� party as list�d loer�ein os aa <br /> psopezly chanq�d. <br /> 15.2 Trwtoz� �a�£lciary, and Tsustt• reqwat tAat a copy of u�y notic� <br /> provill�d h�r�und�r. Diovld�d accordinq to applicabl• lav or pzovided by tha <br /> t�r�s of •ny othes atcu:ity agze��eat cov�siag the secarity tur�io, a t�slleQ to <br /> ta� at th� add:�ss ptovld�d abov�. <br /> � 16. ?his Dea3 0! Trust �hali h� yov�sned by the lars of tba Stats oE lttbras�a. <br /> 14_ �cceptanc� by tA� Trwt��. Th� T=ustsc accepts thls trwt vhen this O�sd <br /> =i l=r��t� �+uly lxeentM anb a�cknavx�dged, !s �i� a Qublic z�co:d, as DroviQsd <br /> by Iaur. <br /> . <br /> i <br />