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k�1'•�f. �.:�tj. . i i�i �J'� - }15�1.�• �1� i. �r <br /> 1 ' - f . � �. '�,`�� - ' - <br /> . . : � . .i ' _ i' . <br /> 1� " _ ` y41.1• . ,. <br /> .. , - ._ •• i '' ' r, � . 1 Z . . ,.f . a�'1`we+�' ..__ ."��'° '_' <br /> •:ri�_ 'j�. - �-.�L:C.�A . —_ <br /> . . I � � , �� � . - - .. � 'h�Y.i+ ��P'l� . • . a .. .Yi �:' ��' ��d'i..�.,-�. <br /> � � y_��'�2i�.�Ef t�v�--- _ . . .. .. <br /> .. , �,dQV�I:�S'°. <br /> , <br /> � 92— �.o4sso <br /> � -� <br /> �LL. .�- . <br /> '�� �� ^' '� • pe�iodx�hat Lender rcquirea. The fnsurance carrkr providing the insurena shell be chosen by Borrowcr subject to Lenderk �-- <br /> npprovel which:hall not be umeasonably withheld. If Barower feils to m�intain coverage dsscdbed obove,Lender m�y.a1 ____ <br /> - - _ , . . � Lc�nkr A option.ootain coverede to protect Lenderh�ights in the Property in accord�nce wlth paragraph 7. ____ ___ <br /> � All insuronce policles and renewals ahell be acceptable to Lende�and ahell inelude a standand mortgwge clauce. Lender . <br /> , ahall hsve the right to hold 1he policies�nd anewwl�. if l,ender roqufa�.Borrower ahall promptly give lo L.ender All aceipts <br /> ' � af puid premiums and�enewal notices. 1��ha event of loaa. Borrower sh�ll Qive prompt notice lo the iruuranco carrier w�d <br /> ' . . Lender. Lender mwy make proof of loss if not made promptly by Borrower. <br /> ' Unless Lcnder and Borrowar otherwise agrce in proceeds shall be applied to mstara�lon or repair of <br /> the PropeRy damaged, if�he restoradon or repair is economically fwsible and Lendar's security is not lessened. If the <br /> rea�oratlon or ncpuir is not econamicaily feasibk or l.enderk socurity would be ksaened,1he lnsurance proceeda ahrll be __ -- <br /> ?'� applied to tha gums securcd by thix Secu�ity Instrument,whether or not then due, wi�h ony ezceas paid to Borrower. If '"- <br /> Bortnwer a6andong the Propeny.or does not answer wUhin 30 daya a notice fmm Lender d�at the insurance carrler has �-- <br /> offercd ro senle a claim,then LeRder moy collect the insurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repair or restorc ,; �.�„_ <br /> thc PrapertY or ta pay sums secund by this 3ecurity Inrtrument,whether ot not dsen due. 71ie 30�day pariod will be�ir�when �^�`— <br /> , the nolice i.r given. <br /> Un9ess L^nder and Borrower otherwise agrce in writing,any applica�ion of procads to principal shall not estend or — <br /> " poatpone the due dote of the monthly payments afcrred to in puragraphs I and Z or change the amount of the pa�ymenls. If �""� <br /> undcr paragraph 21 the Pm�xny is acquircd by L.ender,Borrower's right to any insuwnce policies and proceeds resulting — __ rt. <br /> � frnm dmm�gc to thc Property prior to the acquiRition ahall pasc to Lender�o the extent of the sums securcd by thi�Securiry �-:- <br /> : Inrtniment fmmediately prior a thc acyuisition. .,<,:. <br /> ' 6. Occuppncy, PreservpHon, Malntenance and ProtectEon ot the Properlyi �ower's I.oan Applicallao; �:?''—•�1s°.-- <br /> ' . • L.enaehWda Bormwer Rholl occupy,estubliRh.and une the Propeny as Bo�rower's prfnefpul residence within sixty days afte� �v�_.— <br /> the execWion of thiR Secudty Instrumenl n�d ehall contlnue to accupy the Property as Borrowerk principal reiidence for at " «�° <br /> teast c►ne yeu uQer the dute of cecuponcy. unleaa Lender othenvisr agrces in writing, which consent Rholl nW be ,_._� �� <br /> I unrcasonably wlthheld,or unlew�extenuoting circumeionce�exist which a�e beyond BarrowerL controt. Borrower ah�ll not `-- <br /> �� ; de�tray,damago or impair thc Pmperty,allow the Property to dctcriomte,or cammit wu�te an the Property. Bortowe�shall r''�"_ <br /> � � be fn dcfauU if any Porf'eiture actiun or praceeding, whe�her civil or criininnl,ia hcgun�ha�in Lender!�gaad faith Judgment ;�'� <br /> ' � cauld rcruU in iorfciturc oP �he Ropehy ur o�berwfse materially impair the lien created by �his Security Inslrument or `— _ <br /> Lender's xecuri�y interc.rt. Hortawer muy cure xuch u default and reinx�ate,as provided in paragraph IR,by cuusing Ihe aclion ��= <br /> or procading lo be digmissed with u ruling�ha�,in l.cnder R good failb determinotion,precludea forfei�urc of�he Bornower§ ����''�"` <br /> , i�tercst in lhe Praperty or o�her materiul impnim�em of the lirn creoted by this Secudty InstNmenl or Lenderk security <br /> intercst. Botrower shall also t�e in defauh if Barrower, during the lou� application process, gave materfally false or !_ <br /> ' � inuccurate informution�o eiatemenu�to Lender(or fniled to provide Lender wi�h any mate�ial informatian)in connection wilh <br /> . � the loen evidenced by the Note, including, but not IEmited to, rcprcsentations conceming Borrower§ occupancy of the <br /> __ Property as a p�incipal re4idence. If�his Securl[y Ins[Nrmnt is on a leasehold.Borrower shall comply wilh All the provisions <br /> � { of�he leosc. If Borrower acqufres fa titk to thc Property,the leasehold and the fx titk xhwll not merge unless Lender agrees <br /> I to the merger in w�iling. <br /> 7. Frotection of I.ender'e Rights in tbe Proqerty. lf Borrower faiis to periorn� �he cavenants and ugrcemems <br /> . _ � , cuuiai�l�d 111 IIi15 �c'�:UIIiy IiieUiliiliii[. Oi t�i�id 16 Q I�g,6I �POGCCtlliij tlldt AiGy sig�iticantly affect Lender:s rights in slk, <br /> �_. 1 <br /> . Property(such as a proceeding in bankcuptcy,probate,for condemnution or Porfeiture or�o enforce Inws or regulutions),then <br /> • Lender may do and pey for whatever ia nccesaery to protect the vuluc of the Propeny and I.enderk rights in the Property. � <br /> � Lender's actions may include paying any sums securcd by a lien which hus priority over this Securi�y Instrument,pppearing <br /> ' in coun,paying reasunuble auomeys'fees end entering on the t�rnpeny [o rneke repairs.Although Lender may take action <br /> �' , under Ihis pnragra�h 7,Lender dcex not have to do so. <br /> Any Amoun�s disbursed by Lender under this purugrnph 7 shull become edditioqal,debt of Bomower secured by this <br /> , Securily Instrument. Unless 8orrower and Lender agree to other tertns of payment,these nmount4 shell beur interes�from 1he <br /> date of disbursement at the Nate rate and shall be payable, with Intercst,upon notice from Lender lo Bortower requating <br /> payment. : <br /> ' 8. Morlgage Insurence. Ii Lender requircd mortgage insurance ae c�condition of mnking the loan secured by this <br /> Security )nstn�ment, Borrower shell pay the premiums requircd to muin�ain the mortgage insurnnce in effect. If, for any <br /> reason, the mongage insurance coverege reyuired by Lender lapsec or ceases �o be in eFfect, Borrower shall pay the - <br /> ! � prcmiums requircd to obtein coverage substantially equivnlent to Ihe mortgage insurance previously in ef'fect, at a cost _ <br /> subvtamially equivalent to�he coxt to Borrower of the mort�nge insurAnce previously in effect,from an altemute mortgnge <br /> . . � insurer approved by Lender. If substnntiully eyuivalent martguge fnsurance covernge is not Available,Borrower shall pay to <br /> � Lender each month a qum eyuel to onc-twclfth of the yendy mortgnge inFUrance premium being paid by Borrower when the ��Yy';,. <br /> , ,,;".:�. insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to tx in effect. Lender will nccep6 use and retain these pnyments ax a lass reserve in lieu � �:r;"'�,; <br /> • '•"° ` of mort a e insurnnce. Loss�eserve e ment�ma no lon er be r u�red, nl the o tion of Lender,if mort a e insurence <br /> ` ;I:,,..;;.� B B P Y Y B M � P B S �, � -_ <br /> � • covernge(lu the amount and for�he period that Lendcr requircs)provided by an insurer epproved by Lender ngain becomes ' <br /> , � available and is obWined.Borrower shall pny thc premiums requircd to maintain mongagc insurence in eifect,or to provide a <br /> . loss reserve,untfl�he requfrement for mortgage insuronce ends in accordance with any written agreement between Borrower <br /> ' ' and Lender or applicable law. ' <br /> � 9. Inspectlon. Lender or ila agent mny make�asonabte entries upon and inspec�ions of the 1'roperty. Lender shall ; <br /> give Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an Inspection specifying rca�onable cause for the inspeclion. <br /> —_� lA. Condemnodon. The proceeds of any owond ar claim for or consequenliel,in connection with any <br /> , Sln�k Famfly-•Finnk M�dFl+eddle Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT••Unlform Cnvenuxa 9/90 qx+Rr 3 nj6paReaJ <br /> i <br /> frat tdn Bwl�ew Flanrt Ix.� <br /> ro oraer r.r:iaooe,9uoaoo o r�u eiam•��ai <br /> �• � <br /> i <br /> I <br />_ . . _. 1� I <br /> ��, <br /> � <br />