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<br /> 7YX;L'1'HL'lt 1�1'1'H rlt thc inipro�:at�tsti now or haxafter es+xud on dt�Ptopeity'. un�l WI easa»eius, up}wrtcivak�es.�►ul
<br /> fizturts rww ar ttc�raafter � part af tT►t pr��eny. All rcpl�s six! aalditiww wht�ll alu� be cuvernd by thi� SecuriEy
<br /> Insuun�z�it.All��f ttk f��rcgoiog is rcF�rnt:I ta in this Serurity Gistrume�u;w thc `PnK►chy."
<br /> BO�RUWL'K COVENANTS ttuu ikzrr►�Wer ty Iaw�fuU�� se!>oci uf the cstate hcreby�on��cycil urnf twa ihe riaht t��rtnt and
<br /> convey the Pmpeny ond thst thc Pn�extl� ic w►citcuml+crai. CKCCj�I �UC CIICUIIII1f4l1L`C.ti 11f fdL•t{f1I. HOlNNCf M�un�uus �! wil!
<br /> �k,`zud grixr.�ily the titte t.�the F'r.�ar�� +�1:.=.inz::}i�iAitlls Ai"f:�t{iJiL'rL�c.wtsi:�t u��ny u�:�un�raru�s of r�ni.
<br /> TIiIS SECUKII'Y 1N51'RUM►iNS cr�n�t�ines unifumi rn�•en�vus fu�natic���l use u,d�w�s-uniform w�en;uus with luuital
<br /> variutiuns by,iuriulictiu»tu��itute�unif�u�u xxurii�•i�uiiuu�<<t�ve�i��rw!{�.�rty.
<br /> UNAFORM COVENANTS.Ei�rr��u�:r and l.ender envciw►t and agroc�.c G�1luws:
<br /> 1. P�ymeat of Hiacip�l w�d Intrr[sii Prep�}•nw�t iwd [.ate Ci�arRe�. BarraKCr st�all prcu»F`��Y PaJ+ wh�:��tbe
<br /> princi�l of arxl interest on thc deW evidcnoed by tlu:Nute and��y pm,}s�ynx:iu cuxi late char�es duc undcr t�Note.
<br /> 2. Fuadti for Taxes and Iasur�nc�c. Subjcct to applicabic taw o�to�written wuiver by l.ender, Borrowcr slsall pay to
<br /> Lcru4:r a:�thr d::y monthlY P3Yme.-us:�i�u►w u��ttk Nocc.untii tlx(Va�:is pai�i:�fw�.a�::.:��":w:s')for: (al yearly tanes
<br /> xnci assessanents which may attain�xinrity�o�•er thi�Socurity instnirt�ent xs a licn on the Froperty:!b)yearly�e�relwld p�ymeius
<br /> or ground rcrtts an the Peoperty,if An};(c)!'cauiy hazsud or properiy insurar�c premiwns:(d?Y�ly flaod inwr��ce premitwu.
<br /> if xny: (e)Ycarly martga,go i�surance prrmiunu. if any:and (�any uuns payable by Borrower to Lender, in xcord�nce with
<br /> thc provisions of ps�ragroph 8. in licu ati ti�c payment of mortgAge insurince premiums.Tlxse items are called"Escrow Items."
<br /> I.�.�t�der may, at aay time, collect and lMtd Funds in an amount not to ezaod the maximum �nount a lendor fot a feder�lly
<br /> relutod maitguge Iwin may require for Banuw•er's escrow account uncier the foderal Rea! Euate Settkrnent Procodur�s Aet of
<br /> 1474 as amendod from time to time. 12 II.S.C. Section 2601 e1 seq. ("RFSPA"l, wilcss ata�ltier!aw t1u�t applies W the Fuads
<br /> scts a lcxser anwuiu. IF so. I.endcr may. at any time. collext and hold Funds ln an anwunt not ta euoad the lesser wnoune.
<br /> Lcnder may estimate the amount af Funds due an the basis of cument data w�d m.asoarble estiu�ate9 of expealiwres of fuwre
<br /> Fscrow Iwns ar atherwise i�accordxnoo w�ith applicable law.
<br /> The Funds shall be hoW in an institution whose de�sits are insurad by u foderal agency. instiumentality. or entity
<br /> (inclu�3ing I.ender.if Lender is such an institution)or in any Foderal Home Loan Bnnk. L,ender st�l1 apQly the Fundc to pay the
<br /> Esr�.row Itemc.Lender may not c]wrgo Botiuwer for holding and applyiqg the Funds.annually ar►�lyzing the escrow aaoutst.ar
<br /> �eriCying the Escrow Items,unkss l.en3,cr p�ys Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law p�xnvu Lcrider tn m�ke wd�
<br /> a:,lu►rge. However. I.ender may requiro$onowu�o pay�ax-time charge for an itdepet�ent rtst ertast tau reportiqg servioe
<br /> usod by i,ender in connection with this loan. unless applicable law provides otha�wise. Unless an signoement is m�de or
<br /> �iicAblo law rcquires interest to be psid� La�du shall not be rcquieed to pay Bomower any int�rest or wnings on the Fwyds.
<br /> 6vrtower and I.ender m�►y agra in writiqg, howevcr. th�t intemst slwll 6e psad on the Funds. I.end�r slwl!give to�omuwer.
<br /> wit3wut ehuge, an annua! aceounting af the Funds, showing credits and debits ta the Funds ard the purpcue for which each
<br /> debit to ths Funds wac enade.The Funds are pledged as additional securiry for aJl cunsc socured by this Serurity Inttiumeat.
<br /> If the Funds txld by Lendu exa�od tt►a amounts pemuttod to be hrld by applicable taw,I.uder st�ll account w Born�wv
<br /> . for tbe oxcess Funds in a000rdaixe with the requircrnents of applicablc law. If thc aaiount of the Funds held by L,ender at any
<br /> timo is not wfficient to pay the Eacrow I�emc when due.I.ender may so notify Bomower in writin�.and.in such cise Botrower
<br /> _...._ .. =tL2l��� sa'..���-�x°_..^::°,r..... �,_.,....����.:�t:�;.s�s3.-.�:r:s�;.::..^.^���oh�:!�t st;.s�e.�.:�; 6.^.r.�.�'"...:: -- - -
<br /> twdve monthlY PaY�s.at Leader's sale Jiscretion.
<br /> UPon PaYment in fWl of all wuis secured by this Securiry Inununent. Lcnder si�ll promptly refund to Borrowa �ay
<br /> Funds held by Irnder.If,under paragr.�+h 21, I,endor t.�aoquirc or sell ihe Prc+�t�tt�. I.ender.ryris�t so tNe aoquisition or s�le
<br /> mf"I�e Property, shall apply�ny Functs txW by Lrnder at We time of aoquisiti�n or sale�s a crodit a,�aiast t!m sums secured by
<br /> ehi�Slocurity Inctiument.
<br /> 3.Applicatiou ot Payments.Unlrsc 3pplirable law provides otherwtise,all puymenu reoeivecf:ETy L.etxkr uixier patogragEs
<br /> 1 aad 2 s1�ll i�:�tied: frct.to anY FT�Y��8es due wder tl�t�te: seoo�, to amount��ay�ble wuler par�rap�t 1„
<br /> � t8ind.W iruet+ea�ciue;faut�,.Go principsl due:and lau.to auy late charg�ciue unlu tbe Note. .
<br /> 4.Chss�es; 13ws.�crt+�wer shall p�y all taxes. atsessmetus, charges,fines�nd intposiiioas�ttriiwtablt W tlise Ft+opetty
<br /> which may nttain priotity orer tLis Socurity Uuirua�q�t. aod leasdald paym�ts or ground�. if any. Borrower sLail pay
<br /> tbose obligxions in the rt�u�r providod in pst$graph 2.or if not paid in that ma�u�rr,Borrowa s�zit pay tb�m on time dirocti� .
<br /> w tbe person owad p�yma�t.Borrow•u stuil promptly fumish to I.er�der all�wtioa of aRwunts ta tx:paid under this par�grapit�
<br /> If Bort�nwer malces th�se paynrnts directly,Borrowv shall PromptlY fumish to I�a raxipts evideaeing the paytncats.
<br /> Borrower shall pmo�xlY discharge zay liea�which l�.priority over this Sor.urity Instiument unkss Bo�r�wer_(a)agraes in
<br /> �crcting to tl�ee payment of the obligatioa socured by the U�a in a manner aoaptable w Lt,nder;(b)concests in good faith tt�Iien
<br /> by, or defads against eafaament o8 tlx� liea in, legsl�roaedirgs which in the L.s�det's opinion operate to prevent tfic:.
<br /> e�faroement of.the lien;or(c)soaues fra.-n tbe I�oldtr of tlu lian an�irar�cnt s�tisfxtory w Le�ier subordin�ting the liea tr�
<br /> thit Sxurity Imtn�meat. If Lender detu�nes tt�t ariy•patt of the Arvp�frty is subject to a lien which m�y attain priority ovu
<br /> tlus Sxuriry Instivaxat, I.en�ler may giti�&,rrowu a rtotice idauifyic2 the fiw.Baaower st�ll swsfy tLe lieo or taice ooe or
<br /> mam of the aetioas set fo�th�bove within�0 days of tbe giving of notioa. •
<br /> �oae 3oss ala0
<br /> � ' �w.:w•
<br /> t .r�.
<br />