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<br /> � , . . � �at nle.md Ihe s+de�Includine the p�yment a�Ihe 7Yustee's fees actupllr iecurrcd,not to exceed 3.0 96 ot -
<br /> ' th�p�lacipal�mount of the nWe�t the Iime ot the declaratba o�defwult.A�d re.�wn�bk�Itorneys'feet a+ itted
<br /> _.. .�._..�..---_ by�wi(b)lu�il�u�w secured by tab 3ecurttr ltatruenent;�nd(c)�n�exoeM to Ih��nn�ar perwa�IqWI Y�atilled -- - - --
<br />, ��. .. . W q. _= --
<br /> - � •� � . . . - 2Z� itecoeveyaace. Upon p�yment of�11�ums sxut+ed by thi�Secwiry Insuument,l.ender shdl requoat 7iusteo to --° __�
<br /> ' , reconvey the ptoperty and ahall surrender thit Secu�iry Insuument and oll note��videncin� debt securccl by this Secutity -�
<br /> j � lostrumant to�tu��ee. 'itu�tee shall reconvey �he Property without wa�ranty c�nd without charpe to the penon or parwns '��' -"
<br /> leadly enNtled to it. Such person o�penson�sholl p�y any recotdation cosu. _ �_
<br /> 2 3, 3ubstitute 7lruatee- Landu.at ita option,may from time to time romove 7twtee an d oppo inc a succeswr trustea to `=-��,.s�.
<br /> ' " " " any 7tuttee appointed hereunder by an insuurnent rccorded in the county In which thi� Securfty Insttument (s recorAed. ��?==i='-` -
<br /> ..w__�._._.�______,__�.._�,,, Wi�hout conveynnr�of�he Pmoeety, the eucceuor ttu�tee�hdl �ucaed to all�he Ude.powu and dutias cunfem+d upon 1,,----�, '
<br /> _ - _ -------'- 'ilwtee hereia s+nd by appIlcable law. �- _ -,1— --
<br /> 24, Request�ar Notice.+. 8�oaower reque�u�het copies of the noacw of default�nd s�le be sent to BortowerY addre��
<br /> whkh is the Property Addrcss. - - - --.-
<br /> . . , 2S, Rlders to tMh Securily lattrumeal. If one or mora ddera arc exeauted by Borrower ond recorded together with �:`��-�_,:,
<br /> �• ; ,, thle Security Insuumeat.lhc covenants and a�nementa of each such�ider shall be incarporated into and ahall nmend and . ,,�
<br /> . . die covenAna and ants of Wu Security Iwtiumant w if�he�arls)weee�pert of lhis Seaurity laauumen� �.-�. '.^`. .
<br /> .;x,.., ,. 1 suppRement �W'aem
<br /> ,. : ::�: _`,`:_�":.---� k.roas�,.w v
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<br /> - . �.'���'�li+i'-,•.-�.�
<br /> - �I �Adjustabfe Rate Rider �Candominium Rider �I-4�amily ttider --
<br /> �;.. --
<br /> ''�,(,'� : '' �� ° �arduAted Pa ment Rider �Planned Unit Developme�t Rider �Biweekly Poyment Rtder �� _
<br /> �,;�•;1. Y
<br /> ; ,,, ��:i;r � ,
<br /> �� '�'�',,<`I�; :�. B�loon Rider �RAte lmprovement Ridar �Second Home Ridar ----
<br /> �; :.,,._.. '•�,#+ ❑ —.�a�-� _ _
<br /> *:t�'�
<br /> , " . . . . �Other(e)[sPecifYl ACKNOWLEDGPlENT �y�...::.��. . '`=-
<br /> �'� ' BY SIONINCi BELOW, Bo�rower accepts and ngr�ees ta the tertns nnd covenanu conwined in this Security lns�rument �.�i;;:._—..
<br /> . . ir;s�� �,mxr�::_�_
<br /> ,,,, e�nd tn any dd�r(s)eaecuted by Bonower ond reco�ded with iG — °-
<br /> � Witnes�es:
<br /> � � ---� �. � {5euU �' _
<br /> , i�.. �r`_,.
<br /> '• OAUID L. GEE •earower
<br /> �. Sacial Security Number �5-74-5162
<br /> l.�Y_'Y �. .
<br /> p � /y� � K�/ �_ -..
<br /> ..->- -.___.. . " ,JIW�v�IW 111 l/� F - n1,:. . _
<br /> (Seal) L -
<br /> . ' OEANNA K. GEE •6ortower ^
<br /> Social Security Number `-�6-?2-9541 �-.�
<br /> . �:.---
<br /> - � HALL �4��----
<br /> � STATE OF NEBRASKA, County ss: ��.-__-.
<br /> ,.. `�=�:.--=- :
<br /> �' On thie 26TH dny of �IRY, 1992 ,beforc me,the undersigned,v Notary Public `
<br /> dul commiuioned end qualltied for said couney,personally came OAUID L. GEE AND DEANNA K. GEE. � .
<br /> Y �:�.� .,... -_
<br /> HUSB AND WIFE ,to me known to be the :
<br /> , iden na(s)whose name(s)are subscribed to the forcgoing instrument md ocknowled�ed the execution thereof to � � �� , __-
<br /> � voluntary act and deed. �f ` 1'i�i it.
<br /> � �f ond nourial seal at GRRNO I NE A in said county,the t -,--?.��,';.'
<br /> , da�e at �4q'��, � � .r`a-.��':--
<br /> My Caorni Z K ;1ti�.,. .. �. -
<br /> /f �,
<br /> � io Mouryrub�k � ' ,',•+;������
<br />- . ����� ,S, REQUFST FOR RECONVEYANCE � '�.•��:�"'=^^� �.�.
<br /> TO TRUSTEE: � . . .,.
<br /> ' 71�e unde�signed ia th der of the note or notes secured by this Deed ot7ivsl. Sold note or notes.together with all . -
<br /> - � other indebtedness securcd by this Deed of 7tust,hove been pald in full. You aro hereby dirccted to cancel said nwe or notes
<br /> ' and thia Deed of 7twt.which are delivered hereby,and to reconvey.wi�hout wartanty,all the estate now held by you under � .. ,�v�
<br /> thi�Dad of Tivst to 1he penon or persons legally entided thercto. • j • ' '�
<br /> . �
<br /> _ � � Date: •
<br /> FiKm]Ota 9190 Ipodt 6 oJ6 pa�t�l
<br /> �
<br /> . ti •
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<br /> { �.
<br /> -°= --- •-_,
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