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'�'�� ;"G�t�j�i •s'�t: 5, 'ti. .'., �:,� ��;�;;-.:�:r: i .'';;:(:�..:+:i �;+.� <br /> � �.u�s,� ' ,. •. . :r. , , ;; ��` <br /> �:` „ .. • '��.«s��. <br /> ___ � � . ._:...r�+t,,- „ . � t#r�Nt"4e �� . �- ...r.. <br /> ,j � . .. . . . .. .. _.."•'�M1 r� T1N':IiY1K.�:.^,Y.:'... .Y:n4/+�ww �-- - - .. ...- <br /> yffwti:7'_ <br /> �.�.. .. . . :- "`•rq' �� _y ''f. Gc'r�r. fSCi.klAt� ,7�.a:...,.. <br /> . .. .,.. t '1.. 4,� i�. .i •'J u _ �g�rr:'����:�:� <br /> �. ,�„ i�.. F..l�,ca:_- <br /> ' 0�5�� r�'__�`A.�'�"_-�j <br /> � 92— 1 ��_�::.:a�. - �.-�..,�.�. <br /> • ' eppliGAble law m�y �pecify for rein��atement) before�ale of Ihe Propehy punuant ta w�y power of:ole cartaioed in thi� _=_--- <br /> Securiry In�irument;or(b)entry of�judgment entorcing thir Security inatrument. Thure conditionr wre ttu►t BaROwcr. (a) �- <br /> � J � p�y� l.ender all wms whlch then would be due under this Secu�lty Instrumant �nd the Note �s if no acceler�tian hod ��� <br /> , occurrcd;(b)cure�any defiult of�ny aher covena�cs m aareemant:;(c)pays d l expenses incurted In enfa�cin g thi�Secu�ity <br /> � ' Instrument.fncluding,but not limited to, reason�bie attomeya'feea; and(d)tekes such Actian ae Lender mey rcasonobly ___ `� Jv�� <br /> . tequf�e ta a��urc�hAt the lien oi�his Security Instrutrnnt. Lender's righta in the Pmperty end Borrowork obligadon to pay the , ��_� , � <br /> , � sums secund by thie Security Inttrument ahall cominue unchanged. Upon teinetatement by Borrawer, this Security � <br /> Imuument uid the oMigotiona kcurcd heroby ihdl nm�in fully effective�:iF no�cceleea�lon h�d occurted. However.this �,. ;�_,�_____. <br /> riQht to reinaute sholl not apply in the cae of occeleradon under paragrnph 17. <br /> ;� -- - - -` 19. Sate af Nate; Cltnnse nf l.vart Servicer. 'R�Nnu nr a partlal intenst in the Note ltoRether with this Sceuriry �__�~�•�I `�,•���=�--•� <br /> • , lnurumenq may be aold one or more Ilmes without prior notice ta Barrower. A �ale may result in a change in 1he ennty ..__,,�__ <br /> � (known os the"Loan Servicer")thet collects momhly paymenta due under the Note and this Security Instrument. Therc also �- . _ - <br /> m�y be one or moro changea�f ihe La�n Servicer uorclated to o sAk of�he Note. If there is a change of�he Loan Servicer, � <br /> ' � Horrower will be given wdtten notice ot the change in�eccordance with paragraph 14 above and applicabie law. The notice <br /> will state the name and nddress of the new Loan Servicer and the rddresc to which paymenu should be made. The notice will . .,.-•��_, . ... <br /> ol�o contain u�y other infortnetion requlred by applfcable Iww. .` ��' . <br /> . __.__.-_. • • �. ,;;;,y.-�aus Substassc�. Scssa::�s:s�s!!net����«nr Mrmit th�rrrarncr.ute. disnosHl.SloreLt.or releace of any ��, �>. •���� ., , - <br /> i :; .'.., ,,',.. <br /> • � ' H�zardous Subsiances o� ot in the Propeny. Borrower shall not do.nor allow anyone else to do,anything aii'ecting the . ,3; ,�., <br /> Pro that is in violetion of an Environmental Law. '11ie recedin two santences shali not a 1 ro Ihe resence,use.or •` � '.�``��'��� <br /> . perty Y P B Pp Y P . q; . <br /> , storage on the Property of small quentides of Hazudaut Substances lhat ue generally rcrognlud to be sppropriute to notmal ''i�`"�='-' <br /> • � retidential uaes and to maintenance of the Properry. �.:.�:�' � �;:``.'�.f.,��~.� <br /> , ,�`''R7�'�':. <br /> . ' Borrower ahall promptly give Lender writ[en notice of any inveatigation,cleim.demand,lawsuit or other acdon by any �.;*r:',,;', '�:,;r_,��;;;; <br /> � ' govemmental or rcgulatory agency or prlvate parly involving�he Propeny And any Hezardous SubsiRnce or Environmental �:�''����•�'� ��5•43�_ <br /> . :�.;�. ::.,,, <br /> � � I,,pw of which Borrower hu sctual knowledge. If Sortower leams, or is notified by any govemmental or regulatory ,, ,;;,,�..,•; " - --� <br /> authority, thet siny remov�l or other remediadon of any Hazardous Substance afiecdng the Piroperty is neces:ary,Borrower :`;,,; ;;:,� '����1�:''�� <br /> � �,�l��: <br /> ' shall promptly take all necessary remedlol actions In accordance with Environmental Law. � ..: . • �•�� <br /> �•�,•�`;;�:. <br /> ' Ae used in this paragr�ph?Q,"Ha�ardous Substences"are those substances deCined as toxic or hazardaus substances by � ;�.�.��"�" ;•,:,:�: <br /> � . ' Environmental Law and the following substancea: �ASOline, kerosene,other tlammable or toxic petroleum products,toxic � <br /> - ':'•�' • � pesticides and herbicides.volAiile solvents, materials contuining asbestas or formaldehyde. and radioactive materials. As <br /> '� � `';: ;.,:.;;!; used in this paragraph 20,"Environmental Lnw"meaa�federal lows end laws of the jurisdic�ion wherc tho Property is located � �- -- <br /> � ��`=��'��" �'' thot relnte ro henith,safety or environmental protection,� ` ' R�=� <br /> ,•l�:i',�;.i;��;• •' ,:•'r�., <br /> ��t•,i.;�.:.�,�,•. NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. BorrowerandLender further covenant und agree acfollowg: i '�¢".';,,_ <br /> _ . ' •'�-�.':�:�' ' ��I 21. Acceleretion; Remedfes. Lender shdl give notice to Borrower prior to accelerotion Pallowing Borrower's � °�- <br /> — � r:• breach oF pa�• covenaot or agreemenl in this Securlty lastrument (but nat prinr lo eaeleration under paragraph 17 . .��"� <br /> unless appllcable law provides otherwlse). The notice spall specify: lal the default;(b1 the action reyuired to cure lhe '� ' <br /> default;lc►a dete,not less than 30 davs irom lhe dale Ihe notice is given to Borrower,bp whkh!he dePault must be � . �� <br /> _ - -- - �� �are•l;and�d)that failure to cure the deiault an or before the date specl0ed in the notice may result in acceleration of ; ' <br /> � � the sums secured b��this Securitv Inslrument o�d sale of the Property. The nodce shall furlher inform Bmrower oP � "� � • <br /> /Ne rfght to reinstale after acceleration und the right lo bring a court ucllon to us.vert the nun-ezlslence oP o deiuult or � ���_� <br /> any other defease oi Rorrower to acceleration aod sak. lf Ihe deiault is nol cured on or befnre the dute specilied in i +�� <br /> tMe noNce,Lende�at its aption may require immediate payment in iull of all sums secured by thls Security lostrument , . ��. <br /> wlthout fuNher demand and mAy invoke fhe pawer aP sale and any other remediec permltled by applicable IaN•. .r. <br /> Lender sball be enHtled to collect all ezpenses ipcurred in pursuing Ihe remedies provlded in this paraaraph 21. �;,�_�e_ <br /> � . including.but not Hmited to.reasonable atlorne�•s'fees and costs�f title evidencey,, : .:�- - . <br /> !f Ihe power oP sale is im•oked.Trustee ehwll record a notfcr of defaull in eacK rnumy in whkh am•port oP the � '•;' ��_ <br /> � Propert}�is located and shall maH caples of sucb natice In tbe munner prescribed b�•applicable laK•to 8orrower and to � ._.. . '� -' <br /> the other persons prescribed b�•AppUcable lax: A�ter the tlme reyuired b��appllcable la��•.'I�ustee sh�ll give public � _`";'" <br /> " noticx of snle to the persons and fn tqe manner prescrlbed by applicable luw•. Trustee.�•ithout demand on Borrower. � •• - . <br /> shall sell the Prapertv at publk auctton to the highest bidder al lhe time and place and under the terms deslgnated in <br /> the notke of sale In one or more parcels and ia any order'I�ustee determfnes. 'I�ustze ma}�poslpone�le oP nll or am� "- <br /> porcel of'the Proper�v by publlc announcemeot at lbe Ilme pnd p1Ace of wny prevfousl}� scheduled sale. L.ender or fts ' •��� - <br /> � desi�nee mAy purchase the Property a1 any�sak. <br /> Upon receipt of paymenl of the price bfd. Trustee shall deliver tu Ihe purchaser Truslee's deed cunveying the �"�'`-- - --� <br /> Propertv. The recltals in the Trustee's deed sholl be prfma focie evidence ef the Irut h of the atatements made therein. ' - <br /> 71�u�tee ehdl apply tbe proceeds oP the sale fn Ihe fullowfng order: lal tu all cusls and expenses of exercisin�the power �,^�'``'°�. <br />. .� _- <br /> . � <br /> � ' <br /> `-.c....... <br /> -s. <br /> • Form 302lt 9�96 fl"nR�S nJn IwRtsl �' •F"�-�� <br /> , �� ..�'-Y.: _.— <br /> � ' � ',�.Y�.('Z^�•n���-- <br /> yµ <br /> —_ ''r-_____.. <br /> . �Y{ixJ��vYH�C�::�_ <br /> ' . .�^:�,.._-__ <br /> � � i.. • .;'}���� <br /> :c.�b- <br /> _ � '_ _. , ..'_ , <br /> � � , <br /> - i <br />_ _- • .-�-�{( . . <br /> �'� • <br />