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<br /> AA kiSLJ�tf1CA pO�Cli9 t11d IW1YV1vi 011ill�ACC�fdb1@ W LW'Id6t atIC1 St181){ildlldfl Q St8f1C1�1C1111Wt(}��o C18US@.
<br /> Lsrxle�'siw�ii f�r.+�tt�ri�ht to�.;�ci t!a p�'^...:�sr�d re�eural�.if LertdQr requkeo�Bc�rrowar stwU pranpt�Y GNe to Lendet _
<br /> �ii t�aipt�d pakl pr�rnlurru and ratwwal nottca�.ln th�evenl d laee,&xrouwr ehall ka protnpi notice to ttw �_-
<br /> In�!cu,�nca can�ar.nd l�r. �r�ww��m�k�pr�a a�oca It�ot mseia prompdv bv�• -
<br /> UNa�a L�d�and Borrow�oth�witcs ep�In wtitinp,insurance Procseds sf�ali be appifed to restotatior�or repalr �
<br /> d th.F'�opeit�r aur+aced.�t!�r:etor.uor�a r�tr i�oc«tiom�czityr�si�te and te��6r's secu.-�y f��tass.c.�a.�f ths
<br /> restoratbn or rop�tr t�nat eco�om+callY h►asible a L,a�der's aecu�ty woutd be lassened,ttw U�surance proceads shau =
<br /> ba appiMd to the wrtm aecured by thla Sacurity Inatnunent,wtwther or not then dua.with any wccess pald to Borrower. _
<br /> It Borrower sba�done the� �.or�doos not enswar wkhin 30 da)'s a notics from Lender tha�t the Insurance cartier _
<br /> h�aa o(�oct to setde a d�4n,Q then l.�or may cdioct tha tnsurance�Oroceeds.Lender may use the proceeds to r�palr =
<br /> or i�ore the Pooperty or to pay sums sueurocl bf►thb Secu�tY Instnxneru�wt�ther or not then d�.The 30�day Period =
<br /> wiN be�k�wl�c�tfia not�a b pNon.
<br /> UNoes ler�dor atx!Bort'cwiwr otbetrWsa�gre�In w�itin�.anY ePP���P�'��t�P��k�st�aJl not extend or
<br /> poetpone tha dw dW d th�montNy P�►Ymer�ts refa�rod to In psra�raphs 1 and 2 or chanQe the artwunt of the
<br /> WY�'�� M��Pe��21 the Ehopaty Is acquked by Lender.Borrawar's�M to any tnsursnce pdk.les and
<br /> P�rosuttk►D iram dsmn0e to the Pro{�e�ty Prior to the�tx�sltbn sMil pass to�ider to the extent oi the sums
<br /> securod by Ws S�curity Inatsunwnt Immedie�eil►P�to the acquisklon.
<br /> 6.Oecup.ney�Pra�ttoe,Yainanme.and Prot.ctbn a aw Prop�rty:Barowrr's I.om Applle:uon: -
<br /> L�hold�. 6ort�owa'sMdi oca�y�estabtish.�nd usa the Prope�ty as Bort�owet's principol residence within st�Y daYS `
<br /> aRsr tha execution of thie Seau�ity Instnxnerx and shaW contirwe to occupY tha Properry as Borrvwer's p�inctpal
<br /> rssidence for at least ono year aRer the data of oxtapar�,�.tu�{ess Lender othe�wise ap►ees in writins,which cons�ent
<br /> sheN not be trx+ens�abhi+���or�a eod�tirKl c�ctxns'•ances eodst which are beyond 8ortnwer's conVOl.
<br /> Bp�yf.Bort�o�wet e�bs� in�M a�toriefaue�a�,tio'n«proc�edP i�whethor���r�+�l.Is beaun th c h
<br /> L e t�d a r's fl o o d h l t h J u d s m a r x couid resutt in forlelture d ttta PtopeRy or othetwise materiaNY�tFw Ifen created by
<br /> Ws Socurity Iradnxtwnt or Lende�'s securRy intetq�t.Borrower may ctxa such a defadt and rotnstate.aspr W
<br /> psra�aph t e. bY causi�q the actbn ot pc�oaeecltnp to be dfsmissed with a n�ik�p that.tn I.,enders�ood faRh��
<br /> �.Predudes fa+i�eituro of the Bort+awers tnterest trt the PropeRy or�ther mete�ial UnpeUmert of the lien
<br /> c�wR�d by thfs S�cutity Ir�trtwn�rrt or Lerxlot's ee�x�rty Intor�est.BoRawNr aheM also bo h ciaEat�it M BoRaMer.durin�the
<br /> ban applic�tion P�oc�s,Oe�'e��I►�se a tnacauata infom�atbn or state�nents to l.ender(or fa�ed to pravide
<br /> Lender wRft any mnterlel k�omm4ion)in cax�ection witi�tt�e laen evidenced bll the Note.indudinQ.but not Ikr�Rod to,
<br /> 6«ro,�s a�l,e P�openy as g p�ncpal r�kJ�ce.K trits securicy�nstnment is
<br /> on e I��eraeho�d.��Y�P��s of the It,aso. tf Bortawer ac�fee tltls to ths Rtope�tY.
<br /> tl�fe�hoid and the ho tltle stnll not mer�e urress Lentler aprees to tt�e rt�'Oer h w�1��W
<br /> 7.Pr+of�ctbn Ot LM1dK's Riphb fn tfN PrOMrtY. tf BortC�wer fais to p�foml th6 Cc�vanerKa and apree��Rs
<br /> oortaNwd fn tt�Socurtty tnatnxner�.ar there is a 1�1 proceedirq ttwt maY si�NRcantlY al�ct l.a�cfe�a riDi+�tss in�w
<br /> ProG�ItY(iuCh at a GtOG6d�f10 h b�P��Y.P�'�.tor COfldetYM1�0�1 Otfi0lfeitiXe Or t0 6t1fOrCA{8lWS 0� ..�...,w
<br />_ ��),!!'1e11 L9tlfkt msY d0 at1CI p11y i0r�N11�t6M11at is i16�1 TO proie�i m�vaiw u u`�v�tu�+wa�o�R.i��.... _
<br /> Ifl t1N PfOpYfly LAfldAf'S 8Ct10R3�11iy�l1Cltldo PY�f1Q�(1�SIJ1f 1s s6Ct11�9��18116fl W11iCh h3t�'�aM6�111�
<br /> �y��18tRJf119t1�.i�6Af'�fl0 h O011li,�i�f9�.�1���aT��fi06 8l1�6f�6��1Q On��yt01i18ki
<br /> ��_e`�'r"._�;;s::o..�.���.�r irRr uciior��rxJer tl�is para0reph 7.Lender�oes tlot hsvs to do sa
<br /> My artwa�di�buraed hy I.errler under this p�rapraph 7 shaN bocoma eddltjonal debt of Borta�wr 3oCtxed by
<br /> tNe Searity Insfnxnent.Unieas Botrower and lender aqree W od�tc�rms d poyment,th�e ariwunts shaM ba�r
<br /> inteteq trortt the date d dtatxxsen�ent at ttw Idate tate and sheil be psy�ble,with interest.upcn notk�e itom La�der W
<br /> BorrawK req�ir�p peY�r�e�.
<br /> R Mo�tpsp�[nsurancl. H Lender requir+ed rtw�tsspe ku�rancs sa a�ondition d rt�aWrp tf�bs�t sectrad by thfa
<br /> S�CU�ily��tR,n,er�Borrawe�sheY pay tt,e pren�,ms roc1c,irea to maintah tix�morc�epe k�s�in effecx.cf,for any
<br /> na�sor�,ttw tndt�epa inaurar�cc�wrape nqt�irod b5►Le�Wer Ispeo=or ceases to bQ(n eff�C�Bort+dw�et shall p�y tFw
<br /> PnwN�ms roquked to obtaln c�o�rxaps wbatar�tY equNala�t to ths mort�a�a Ins�xanca in elfac:l.at a cost
<br /> sube�ntrNl►ec�lvate�t to tiw cost to Borrawer of zha mortgeQe fnstrance pre�bwly in e��an akemate
<br /> moR�eOe hs�xe�a(�a�ed hY Lsndef ff sub�11Y eq�va�x rtart�a9e Y�xar�ce c�'a�i�nct avalabla,
<br /> Bort+oMwr=t�sll pay W Le��der each mor�t�e stxn eqt�l to onQ-tw�l(th d tFw ye�tly moitsaps k�suar�pr�r�xn t�eirq
<br /> p�id bf►Borra�wer vul�act t!►e tns�xance oanw�a�IaPsed or assad to be in etf�cx.L�wxler v�a�t,uss and rotain ti�ese
<br /> P.ymma.s a loss n..nw in uw a�rw�epe�c�.l.oas�ava c�ayen�rt�y na 6orper ba req��ir+�d.at a�e
<br />- an�k urer�Mr d� apsh bec�evamis�6�le�o�ed.�Bar�ssFwilpay the�err�xns�to
<br />= rt�ntah �pe N�aurarx:e tn eitec�,o�to prc�vide a loss re�erva u�i the requirert�er�t tor awrtp�pa ins�uanoa ends
<br />- in accadanN� wit!►arry whtten eprnement balwean Borrow�er and lencior a sppucabte taw.
<br />- a cnyf.etlon. Le�e�or Rs a�M rnay make reasonauie entries upon a�,d inspeaioos of tts Propercy. Londer
<br /> s1��Bocmw�notica at the rir�e af a prior to an iropectlon apsclfyirg roasa�at�le cai�a fa tt�e i�upactton.
<br /> - f�wtr..��w�yfw.rC t�wstRU�Kr �w��
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