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<br /> 9V+ �i'!�-`�� LOAN NO. I 5 3 9 2 1 5 7 7 2
<br /> THlS SECU�IlTY 1�l5TRUM�M't�DmbGtos tu�ltorm Covonanis tor nettb�a!use and naT•ttNlt�rm Cavet�ntswith
<br /> UrNted vartaUana by Jwi9dfctbn to constitute a uNfonn ascurity k�strument coverin�:eal prope�ty.
<br /> UNIGORM COVENMII�S.Borrower and Le�tder cove+tant and agree ets foUow�:
<br /> che �'princtpat a a d���on t�twrdobc�avid' ar�a�by ttw t�w ar ot�pr paym w�c�and��c�r�s c�a�uWixl�er tdhe�
<br /> f�toCs.
<br /> 2 F�da tar TaxM and tnu�rsnc�. Subject to applfcabte law or ta a w�itten waNer by Lax�er,Borrower shaU y
<br /> to Le�der on tt�e daY R►w�l�iY P4Nn�r�ts ara dw urxfer the Note.untli the Note Is pald In fl�U�a scun('"�u�ds')for:(a�
<br /> ��es ac�a assesamer�ts whtcn ma�auaf�,priorRy over thls securky�ns:rumene as a uen c�r�cha Propert�►;(b vearty
<br /> PaYm�+xs or yrotx�d rents on the Prape�ty.M any: c()YearlY hazard or proporty tns�u'a�r�ce Pte�'ni�+m5�( )
<br /> ywttyiiood int�xance{xen�xna.If any'.�(e)Yeor1Y mo�tf��e�.''�'�ptr:n�:r�.�ru�y�and(41 any surns p:y���b�;
<br /> BO�R0IMA�t0 L6t1d6r.if1 iCCO�dBnC@ With t�provislons W paraqraph 8.In lieu af the paymont af mort�ap@ insurarsce
<br /> premiums.These kerns are called'Escrow Itetr�s.'Lender may�at etny tirne,cdlec!a�d hu{d F�ux1s(n an arnount not to
<br /> exceed the rnauim�xn amouM a fer�der for a federalty retated rrw�tga�a laan may require fcx Bo�awer's escrow accc.+�nt
<br /> under the federal Real Estate Setttemerx Procedures Act d 1974 as emended irom time ta time,l2 U.S.C. §2601 et
<br />• s�q ('RESP/t�.tx�ess another law that appibs to the Funds s�s a lesse�amtwru.If ro,Lende�'may.at any time.coilect
<br /> end hdd Fu►tcis in en amotx�t not to excesd the lesser amo�ux.Lender may estknate the smoutx d Funds due on the
<br /> bas�s of curr�e data ana ro4sonaao�tln�tes a axpw�di�x�es cf fWre Es�xow itenw or ottww�is�in�cc«danca with
<br /> eppitc8bir�lsw.
<br /> ThH�Ur�le shall be heid tn at��lo�vui�cse depos�s are t�stued by a fede.'ai!age��cy�4'�sinimeNalftY�or en�tY
<br /> ('+x[udGtg L�nder�If Lender b sur.h an iru�utbn)or in eny Federal Hon�e Loan Bank.Le+tder sf�oll appty the F:t,�ds to
<br /> P�Y ttw Esc.,t+owr Itertts.letxier m�y not ctwc�pQ Borro�wer for hddinp and appiyi�p the Fu�3s.arxuiauY�Yz��
<br /> escrow acs.'cxx�t.or v�e�ifykq tl�e Escrc�w Items.tx9less Lender peys Borrow�er Interest on 7tie Funds ar�d applfcabie!aw
<br /> pamks Lendor to nmke such a ct�arpa.hlow�s�re►�leexior may requir�Borrawer to pay a�a�LYw char�e for an
<br /> ree�esmtet�c repottkq service used by Lender t�ootx�ectbn witfi this loan.wile6s appaicaWe law
<br /> othenwfsa.Ur�sss an a�reaner�t fs mada or sppicsbte taw requires Yxerest to tm patd,Ler�der shall not ba
<br /> re�ed to pay Bortowet any ktterest or eatr�kgs on the Funds.Bort+oMrer and i.ender may agree In w►idrtig,howe�er.
<br /> thei intsre8t�haM be paid on the Fuxfs.LsncJer sitall�Na to Borrovwtr.withotit cheu�s.en anrx�al aCCO�nthg of ttw
<br /> Ftx�ds.st�owin�credits and deblts to the Ftxuls and the pur�e br which each debit to tt�e Funds was rt�.Tha
<br /> wnd=ara pi�lood as adcJitiotrl s�ctrity tot aN:trns socurad by tl�it SoCtxity ir�trum�nt.
<br /> tf tha Funds hWd by LaWor aou�d tfw arrwW�ts partnkted to bv It�ld byapp tcabi9 law�Ler�der sh�lt�CCOUnt to
<br /> : IBorra�wt for tha e�tcess�txxis in acCOr�darx�w1tA tt�e requirements d ap�plk�bie taw.If the atr�r�+u�t at the Fawtds heid
<br /> . by Laidat��any tirtw Is nat adAc{eix ta pay Uw Escraw ftams wlwn dtw,t.ondar may so ix�ify Borrowar in writttg,
<br /> a�a.in�,a,case so�rawer sheN pay w Le+,a.r tlw arnounc necessary w make up tha de6ciency.e«rnwdr sha{!«�kre�
<br /> � up ttw dMlci�ncy A�no mot�a thn tw�lv!�morfff�Al PsY��•�t L�xlot'a sola dlsCrotion.
<br /> ��P�YR�h`uit Cf aN sl�s�CUnd G}►tt�" "i."xy fr�strtxnw�L9nder shaN pr+anptly ro�tr�to 6orro�wer any
<br /> Funds fwld by L�ndar.If�tndat p�rapraph 21,I.�fcier sNaY acquire or seN tl�e Property.Lendi�r,prior tn t�i9 acquialtbn
<br />__ ar s�af ttn Prma�N.s!�aoofv.arw Funds hald fxi Lwulor at tha�a�aoouisltlon or sal�as a cr�cfit aaalr�at tha..
<br /> um.s�ecured�ittds�ec�tlr�trunern.
<br /> 3.A�UC�Ot101 Paytll�flt�. Utl{iii ippi{Cil�1�tBMI�pYif{6S Ot1W1WiS4L�p9yRlOflt9 fAC6�l6d by L611f16�luldAi'
<br /> , �1 and�2�.t0 k�iar�t duY;f0uth,to Princtpal dw;�la�L�late Charqe�due tuukr�ttfe�IVate.
<br /> � �.CtMr�s;t.itns. B�tta�wr sh�N p�y aN ta�cos,a�assments,ctw�,flnos and irty�ositjor�s attri�trtable to tfte
<br /> � Property wNch tr�y auatn ptiorily a�e►this Ssctxity tr�atrtmenf,and leasehoid payment�a flround rents„�any.
<br /> ' BorrcWar shal p�y t�w�oblf�tiOn�tn tfw rt�anrwr pr�c�rklac fn�ouapra(�tt 2,or 16 not pak3lrf tMt mtnnG�oor�irwa 8f�aM
<br /> • p�y twrrf on rine d(t�ctiyl to tha parson awwd psyme�x.Borr�st�all ptom�tiy tt�n�ish to Lender aM noHces of
<br /> •triourws to�p�id urx�tMs pirapraph If BorrawK a�k�s U�t P�Ym�t:d�e�Y�Botrawpr stwN pt�amptly fixr��to
<br /> � L�r�ncMp�s�x�hp tht paym�nta
<br /> Bo�r�w�ttW prtxr�y di�clw� yM�n wi�icit has owr tHs Sacurity Inatrtunarx urikss 8arawer.(�
<br /> ��►�to tht paynwx of t!w o�6ap�tion:ecurod�Iiiw�in a nwr�ar aocoptaWe to Laxior;(�)contests(n
<br /> b v.a dafa�ds a�tnet anbr+cwnant af tha Ikn Y+�.lapal Proceedtn�s whbtr h t!w lerKler's opk�ion
<br /> � ��tf�e�x dSac�urity:«'In�trt�ees�nt.if L+or�dot�rr�t tMR ar�y p�tt of ttw�Pro�erty is �to
<br /> ' . a Mon vrNicle may att�rt p�ioriry arer Ws Security G�sinxnent.Lender may�ive Borrow�a notica idandt�irq ttw uan.
<br /> ; Borrowr sEW s�fy tlw li�n ot hk�on�or mon of tfw aatlo�sat foRh aba�s wWiin t0 deys af ttM fli�rinp af notM.�.
<br /> - 5.Haraed or Pnoq�iy k»�trsn�a�.B.�oJR_a�t�.a�l+.���i:�.y:.�,��tl�,�lr�;w�w-w�vsrnents naw eoc�tP�ar Fsa�aa.'.sr ar��M_I Y A
<br /> ' "�r�"'>����l�19f�Y1lM■R�i{�/w1Y 1111�{P 11��������
<br /> �, ��s�'10t�.6tlCfir f'BQU�f68. �118IJf8f1Ce �(C�Y��II�tt19 hStX311�.`a Sfi��C�'IOB6ft�(�fO�WAf Slt�]6Ct
<br /> t0�/ i�1�GAfr MI�16C�1�1��10t b9 lJflfiYatO�l UY�16�. ff f30RdW�f fi�i t0 Rl�(t.t�. d9��C���lj��6d BbG�VB.
<br /> . ���•�SP�I.M1d�f's O�fOfl.O�1 CdYYhQY t0 pf�Ot�Ct�.Afld6f�s f i�F1fi k1 V19��OQ91'tY N ItEY�?CO�1��Iwa�
<br /> perapfaph T.
<br /> . -" FfliiiLY-Fiiiil�riiiliC1ii11P6lirNlM3YRIJIRflfT EOAil30Z�f/�0
<br /> ' ISCJCi�iAIE//07�/'�1. PAGE 2 OF 6
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