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<br /> , ��'i�. �ORONJCS����itApl'OVCtt1COLS IIt)W GX�O[��iOC10f�0(I f�L�y �_
<br /> S.Ha�rd or Pro�rlY . a �ad wy aaher l�azuds. iacludia�tlood4°r - -
<br /> � insured��iust ias9 Dy fir t�z�rds inelu�ia�i wW�Li t�a tcrai 'ea�s,ad� cavcrt,q " --
<br /> tloodia�,fat w!►i�.h L�c+adct coqultcs iasunt�oe.'il►is�uratice sLall bo taaiats3ned la Ihe auwunl��for tbe perk�ds th.�S lc�der --
<br /> raquit�.'E1se insivaace csrrier p'ovid,iaR tl�e uuurance sha11 tra clwsr�by Bormwv subject lu Y.�•d.•s ap�u�avs!wiiich si�t aoi �
<br /> De �asesx�blY witN�eid. I[ Bonnwa fi�it�W m�int�ia cov�e de�cribod �buvR 1�sder uu,Y. ai l�es�det's o�atlo�tl. O�t+iin `
<br /> wver�4 in Prauc'.t��s�hts ia�hc Pro�y ia�a:ordwcx wi�h pWagrapt►7. e cl�c.l�drr�all
<br /> All iasusace p�oti�:ies�ad cafcw�als s2sa1!be acce�table io I.encLer iad sball iaclude a stats�dard ewrt�� _
<br /> Aave tLe�M W boid tl�e palicia aad renew�is. If I.et�der Te�auirec.Bure�wa s�dffiI p�'o�uq1Y 8ive w Lendet tU rxeipt9 of p�id _
<br /> p�+esnivaa�s aad Kaew�l aMices.In tl�e evecu of bss.3orrower stWl giva pconlpc�o�ice eo Ihe insuraac�e wricr iad Leisdar.Lrender
<br /> Ryy m�ice proof of losi if aot a�de proaa[x1Y bY Barrower.
<br /> Uakss La�ia aad Barowe7 olbawise r�e in writtag. inwranco Procoeds adall ba�OD���° °i K�°f tbe
<br /> pt+oQettY dfm�ed.if tbe rtztoratioa ot ropir is ecoaueoicsllY feasibje end lea�'u's socuritY as uoR lassu�ed.It tbe e�tocuim or
<br /> �q�it is aot 00000mia�lY feasibie ot 1taRler's secwvy wou3d be l�rsared.the iaAUanco ProcmdA s�l�be�PPI�b dse sums
<br /> �ured by d�s socsuity Ta�.wbaba or aa tben due.wiu��uy e�oa�peicf a Bo�rower. u Bo�o+ver abmdo�d,e
<br /> Arapaty.ar does not aasv�w�thia 30 d�ys s ooti�'e fmw 1reo0er tbac�iaw�aaa����y«a� �� -
<br /> laadec rosy ca�bct tbe inaieance Pcoeeods.Lax�nr may ux Ibe��oeeeds repau
<br /> b tAis SecutitY Ia�u�rr�,arbdbar or aot thea due.The 34ciay pesiod ar'slt be�wt��be aotice i.�iti�rn.
<br /> y w wriria��anY�pQiic�t�ou of Proceo�s�°P��not cxta�d a postpows
<br /> Ualess lesula aad Ba�ower oth�vise�grx� 1�nd 2 or c�a8e tbe a�nouoc of tAe paymest�.If unclar p�a�
<br /> tbe due d�e of tbe moatAlY WYmeats refe�rod 10 ia paraQnptsa �ad �lt�i �p d�e b tbc
<br /> 21 tDe ProQertY i��oquired by I.et�der.Bamwa�s*�Sht t� aay ina�r�na Pdicl�s Pro��
<br /> �'�Y P�a��Niudon st�ill pass to La�dec tp tho r�W�t of the s�ms secui+od by this Socuaiq►Inw�t immodiMelY
<br /> pcio�r�u tbe�cquisitjon.
<br /> �p���prnervst�,Maiote�s�ce aed Protectie�ot tie Pt'opM7: Boe*�r's Lo�a Aplikaties+f�e�
<br /> Bato�vc+r s1�11 oocaPY,es�bl�sh,aad u9e tbe Pro(x'�t,�►�s Bar[�°w���p'�'°�t+esitleaa�vithia sixty days ahr d�a�ecutinn of
<br /> sLis Sor,urity Iasuummt aod slnll ouoeoue t4 occuP'Y��Y��'O��S��s+esicknoe for at iast oo�yar sH�s�e
<br /> d�e of occup�oc.'Y•unless I�ler otharwise aB�oes ia w�it+�8�which cmuat sb�ll mt be uorwo�b�Y riW�+ld. a uniest
<br /> p��cs�uu►s�o,as e�st.v6icb ane baYood BaerO�ar's ceolroi.Barm�a thf11 no¢dat�+oy.d�m�e ar�d��y�
<br /> a0a�v the Y�CStY �u delaiarate.ar oornmit wa�te aa tLe ProQary.Baro�ra thaU be ia defauk if any farfeiwrG�ctios or ,
<br /> pr000edia�,a�Le�civil a crimival.is be6un that m l.esider's gooct�aitb,jtsdgmeoc ooukl nesult in fafeiture af dre Ptopat►Y ar
<br /> tha lien created by tbis Secu�itY In��r l��cfa's sxuriry iolr�t.Boao�aer msY aue sa�b a
<br /> o�6a�rve mrai�ily�par �n be disoois�ed �ilh a�dio�d�t.in
<br /> de�lt�d rwu�e,a�Pc'ovided ia P�B�PL 18�by�u�nB��ct�oa a pracood�nS
<br /> Leada's good failh daaminatioa.P�'x1�dCS fafe,ituce af tbe Bnm�r's�ia tbe Pmp�a►Y a odrr makcnl iepi�meet af
<br /> tbe lieo crwod bY this SeaaitY Ias�um�t a L�'s seaaicY io�ae�t Bam�rsr sbari abo bo ic defi�alt if Boeico�r.du�ie�d�a
<br /> 4,.�.,�oe noors�.a�vc mrar�lly►labe or io�can�e iafine�tion.x s�iaxats m Ir.odar(aa f�ed�o p�►ide Laidee r�nph
<br />__ . _ ._�mot�t iafarm�tso�) ia �me�o� � tbe io�n eviamoeo o!t me i�.�- +�•:�;���."�"" � ------ -
<br /> ��g�•s o�c�ncy of tbe Prope:ty as a pRioGipal raida�oe-1f this Sax�itSi�a�t it oo i 1wd�uld.Banv�a
<br />_ �p�11�ompiy wtith aIl tbC p�OYisi0�4 Of tae iti9e.li lsoRV�TQ aCq�ac io�iii�iu iu�sauy�aij.�w:y.;w:�.����!�1
<br /> 00[mQ�"C 1�I'CO�C'l i�'Cti 101�1C RICt$Q lA WfitII18• OOOt�m
<br /> 'j.�f1+p1�Cl�0��..l�l�'i�i le 1�!Pf'OQl�lj. ��IOWCt fi1�.41D]1CtEG�1�C��OM1I���r�t11Cb ii a
<br />- dsv�Socurity Tn�meot.as tha�e is a]Sgai p�oceedin�tlwt m�Y�'�0�I'ead'r='��.
<br /> �s�o�ed;n�in�cyr,prot�oe,far�ar forfe�aue a w eofaooe L�vs ac ce�ulatlons),tbm Y�da a�ay de aod p5►
<br /> ior�v�er is nece�rY b P�'dect t�C vaWe oE tbe PcUpatY�od I�ode��s�ia ti�e Pe+opaly:I.ender s�etions maY ioclude
<br /> P��►�L �Y��ecurod by a lim wLicb bas p�iesity ov�����m °0�'�7,I.ealer
<br /> ano�ys'faer aad w�on t�e Pmpe�cY tp m�ke repits.AWou$h
<br /> does not l�e�o d��o.
<br /> Aay a�aa�ots di�bwyed bY I�mder undrr this pars�iph?�hall Dxame additioa�sl de�u a�Beeo�er secured by 1�ia Seariq►
<br /> �as�umwt Unless Batu�aod La�der�gcee 10 dbei L�m�of paya�eat,t3�de�moads �htU bar�a�tt troo the dYe of
<br /> d�aaeot�t the Note�e aod�1 be p�rabb,arith iote�+est.�oci mtice from F.r�t1a t�o Bai+a�aKt nequ�io�P�m�.
<br /> �.Mort�e Lwra�oa If La�drs�quioed moe�a�e �aan�as a a�itioo of m�{tLa lo�o aeared by tLis SeraeitY
<br /> �g�,� �h�II poy d�e premi�OS rcqu"aed t� aoimt�the mortg�e �ic clfact If.fac any reatoe.t6e
<br /> ��y�aa�e ceNati,�e roquirod by I�es�der{�es ar oeases�o be ia effact.BaaoR"es s�Pe5'1he P�minms�l��O
<br /> alwia oo�a6e su�1Y a4uivaimt to tbe mar�e ia�r�e P�Y���At a oost sub�'J n4�►�akat w d�
<br /> ooet lo Bomoxer of tbe matgage;^�••�„�^p�'eviovs,°y ia effect.from an al�ete�e moctg�Be ia�te� a�ad�b5►I�ade,r.If
<br /> a�bs�atialhi a�i�►ak��B�iosuraoce covaa8e i�aot xv�a�le.Bacrower sda�PaY w T�coder aeh oma�a sam oq�al b
<br /> oaac�cf d�e yeaciy mo�e�P�D�'s'8 P�bY��whea tbe i�x cove�'�6�lap�a ca�ai t�
<br /> be in effocL I.a�la will acoept. u�e aod retain tt�se pwymmts as a ioss rea�e io lieu aE�o�e iaaanace.I.oss rex�ve
<br /> Por��OL s�lo
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