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<br /> 1'(2C&Tl��i wI77�1�ll �hc iraproveaycn�s mw or haYafw«nctoa on dae�t�{�atY.usa au exsea�erit�.�. saa
<br /> rucwres now or bc�e�llu�part of�:p�npa►y.Au rc�accmenu�rsa additio�s s�sau atso bc covaca by cai�soauicy tnctma:au.
<br /> Al!oi tbc fore�oic�is rafcrrod w ia tl�tt Socurity Iniuume:u as t�e"ilroperty."
<br /> , 8(�S.'ROR'CsR G`OVL�IAM'S it�ai 3i��tower i9lawFulIy xitod of tbe cstace twrby c�a►yeyod acd has tdc ri�ht to grani aad
<br /> I coavay tAc Prapaty and tAat 4he Pmpr�ty� ant�cum6e�t9,rxoc�t for eat�uuMac�ts of rccorcL Banc�wes w�iaat�aaci u��l
<br /> ; detau!gea�alty tLe tttle to thc Prnperiy a�ainst all cliirns aad dun�uls.subjact ro any ea�um6reixxs of r000rd
<br /> � 7'4US SECURITY WS'IRUI�NT caabitses unifam cavenanta fcr uational use �nd noa-unifo�u co�anw with Wnilotl
<br /> � vui�tiont by jurisdictioa to constitwe a unifam sceurity iAwumuit oovuing real propaty.
<br />, iJMFORM CQYFNAN'1'S.Borrowrr aad l.cis:ics cavca�at and a�roc:�s fdbw�
<br /> � l.P�yreat of Pri�c�wl�ad Isterat:Pre�Ymest�ad Late C�ar�es. Borrowa shall P�PWY Pi►Y wbca due tbe
<br />_ princip�l of�od iaterest oa tho debt ovidoaood by We Nou aad aaY P�Y�aad l�to cWrQ�s duc under the Note.
<br /> 2.I�adt tor T�xa sad Iaewawa. Subjoct W applicabie taw a to a wr6tua waivar by Lax3�r. Bonowa slisill pay to
<br /> l.atider oa tAe day mon�hlY P�Yments are duo under the Nate.uatil tbo Notie is paid in full,a sum('Fuads")for: (�)yearly taxes
<br /> aad assessmt�stt which may atuia priority ova this Socurity Iastrum�nt as A liai oa tt�A�opa�ty:(b)Y�9�PrY�s
<br /> or�rouad raus on We Propeny.if any:(c?Yarty huud or P�'�Y�P�:(d)Y�Y flood insurance preaaiums,if
<br /> anY:(o)Ycar1Y�Co isu�u�ooe premiva�s,if 9ay:�,a�� �r s�s wraese by so�ow+er ro�,ia�eord�o�c�e with t1�o
<br /> provisions of pr�n�h 8, ia lieu of tlse p�ymtat of taottgage iasurwxe prtmiums. 11�eze iums are caUed 'Fiscrow Iuxn9,"
<br /> Leoder may.u aay time.oolket aad Go�d FS�ods in�a amouat aoc to e�cceed tbe muimu:a�souat a iajder far�fodarally re]a�od
<br /> mory�e loao may tequit�for Batowet's escrow aocouiu�uxkr tLe fodetal Rwl Hsta�e SeWemeat Pcoce�es Act of 1974�s
<br /> ameaded&o�m dme to�12 U«C.C.Soction 26p1 u seq. ("f2ESPA'�.unkxs aoott�er law tt�t appties Oo tl�e Flu�ds seis a lesser
<br /> anw�+l If so.I,mtki tnaY. �t aay tim�oolbct aod bo�d Fwids in au aawunt not 10 etoeed t6e k,sser�mo�n4 L,eader m�v
<br /> a�owe the amoant of Fuods due oa We 5�of c:�uraot d�ta aod reasonabio estia�rs of e:padiaurs af fu�e E�oa►I1ems a
<br /> d�a�vite 6i accard�oce witb�pplicable lsw.
<br /> Tha F�o�s1�IJ be bdd'm aa iasaw�oa wbose deposits a�+e iawred by a faieril+,�eac1'•�Y.��Y(�
<br /> I.eaiier.if La�der is such an iauia�sion) ar ia aoy Fcderal Home Lwo Haak.l.end�x sb�U apply tbe Fi�adi to pay tbe£�scmw
<br /> Ite�s.Lm�kr may not c�e Barro�+v far�aad apQtYiaB the Fua�is.�na�ally aoalyziAg tbe escmw�000�n�or vtrltyiag
<br /> tLe Eancrw Iivas,�less I,ender p�ys&nrower iuu�est oa t1�e Funds aod�pplicabie!aw pamits Leada oo n�ate aucb a cl�rga
<br /> Ho�never.l�cnder may rcquine Barowa oo pty y wsatime cbarge far aa Iadepeockat ral auie�re�cxtia�savice uxd by
<br /> • Irender's�oomeaion �rqh Wis 1ow.m�less�ppti�3e law povides o�bawi�e.Unkss aa�greaaau is aeade ar�ppticabie lav
<br /> requir�iotarst b be pid.I.eader siWl not be v���rod w pa�Bono�v�er aay iaterest or arofi��gs on Itx Funds.BaaoMer aod
<br /> ��Y�m�B•bo�vever,tbat iooes�st sd�ll be paic�aa tbo Fuuds.I.ender ahall give W Baru�+�a.witL�out c�rge.an
<br /> anooal�000tmtiqg of tbe Funds.sLowiqg cr�dits�ad deb�its to ILC Fw�ds aod the putpose for vhich arb dobit q tbe F'�ande w+at
<br /> m�1be Fwids�ce piodQod as additiowl security for a11 sums sxu�od by this Sec�ity t.+�a,�..,.,�►
<br /> If tbe F�uads hekl by Laidu exceed tbe amw�ats paiaittod w be hdd bY�p�Ficabl�1av�►�Leader sL�il axount to Baaoarr far
<br /> tbo e.xoers F�h io aocadmce with tb�s+eq�of�ppticabl�la�v.If tbe a000nnt of t�kitad�s be3d by Imder at aoy time is
<br /> _ noc�e b p4y a�e fi�ma►rtaas wbea aue,L�doder u�ty so notiiy sorm.Yrr in�ri�g�a�d.in such cife so�,re.�er�lun ny --
<br /> - � --�e%ea�er It��mouet oecea�p oo a,�ice up tite deficieacy. Borio�u �ha11 mate ap tlx defxics�c,y m ao marc t�au twe2va
<br /> �9 P�7�.st I.a�def's soie disattioa.
<br /> Fttpc+n p•�iw fuu i,r�115cm+a.wr,_,..��y oo c�„";ti!';Ist�i:....�,Lc�.:icr a�ii(�twpiy tritr.;iu�t�[svwa avy 1�'
<br /> lidd by I.e�cles.If,midet p�r�graph 21,L.eader sl�ll�uire or sdl the Pt+o�aty.Leader.print so tLe acqaititioo ar ss�le of the
<br /> f Pr�patY,sbal!�ppiy auy Fuads!x]d b I.e,ader at the time uf
<br /> �y r„�.,,,.�.,,.
<br /> Y acquisition a sale�a credit��he sums socurod by d�ts
<br /> 3.APp�at�o�o�Palomt�. UNcss applicalale 4w provides atba�visG�11 payaimts toaived by I.eoder uatia p�ng�p6s
<br /> � . i �od 2 sU�Il be�ppiiod:fast.W�nY P��Y���es due ueder tLe Noi,r aecaxl,eo�pyJbtc t�odat ps�r�ph 2;
<br /> ehicd,b�due;fou�tb.to princi�l d�aad�to my l�te char�es dna�ar�cs We No�o.
<br /> 4.Crar�s;l.ia�. Barower s�au p�r�8�.�.�.��� aru�otabie w�e Ptq�aty
<br /> �b°+�Y�O P�'�uY�d�s Sea�ritY Ins�am�t.aod le�eLo�d PiY��a Q►��+ts.if�oy.Ba�ao�+rr s�ll pry drpe
<br /> ob�ations m the m�ona provided'm prAgisp6 2,ar if rwt pid in th�t a�anaa.Baao�+er�ha11 p�y tbem.aa tirae dicocHy b d�e
<br /> Pu'���P�Y� BOROwer Sba31 pnOmptty �taish i�I�e�d�'i a11 DOO4es Of am0liIItl b bE ptid Wr�i tbit p�gi�L. If
<br /> :�;� Baao�ver e�ates a�ese prmwts dirxttr.Born�wrr sbau promptty furni�to taaer nbe3pas�vidwci�tAe p�rymw�.
<br /> � ���P'�P�Y�8�auy lieo wliich 6as prio�zy over tIIi�Sx�rity Iastnmeat ualas Bam�ra:(�agteet in
<br /> �: �+�g b t�e P�7m�t af tbe oblig�6oa secund by d�e liea ia a aiaoner�oce�le q I,eoder;N)coolests io good bi�h tbe lieo
<br /> . bY, or defmds s�auict eaforameat of tbe liea io.legal Prooadings wlticb in thc I�rnder's
<br /> � wfareemeat of the liw;or(cj sec�res from tbe taodder of the lim 90 ��tbe tim to
<br /> (�$pqpjtyr instmnMnr jf'j.COdlI�3�DCS t�LTC ��i0 I�lJ
<br /> �� ��'#}��[1L�d11.I.tii�i!8i ������y 1S b11bjOCt i0 t�ilA W�1iCb Q1iy►�ill!�y/piVrt t�it
<br /> � Y$lVC BO[DOWtf a[i00CC li�4fylOg t�1C�.$O[IiOWt!Ti�31((�jl i11C�O!f��t OOC OI�E
<br /> � of the actioas�et fatth above witLiu LQ dsqrs ot'the�viqg af notice.
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