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<br /> f7.'1'ran�fer af the Prc►�e�ty or p Benc1[cwl Qnt4rest In 8orrov�•er.if all or uny part of thc Properiy ur��y i�titerest in it
<br /> is sold o�trw�.c�'ercal I��r if a t+enefirial in.erest on Horcc�wer i}sc�id or tr�isferral:►.�u3 Ucsrmwer is not a nawral perwn)wiehcwt
<br /> �rixler'c �riar written rnn�ent, l.c�xler i�u�y, at itc ��►tion. requiro immodiute payn�ent in fuSl of all �ums secural by thic
<br /> Sccurity I��.uruu�eM. N��wevcr.this u�ulw�Ltwli not be cxen:ised by I.ender if exercise is psahibitrd hy federal law:u��f Ihe d�tc
<br /> of tius Scc�urity {ustrument.
<br /> If L.e�xler exercises this c�+tion. l.ende�shull give i�orrower nolice of�cceleration.The�x►ti�e�ha11 pr�n•icic a p�:riod af rwt
<br /> less th�n :i0 days from the date the �xuiee ic cklivercd��r mailed within which sorrow�er must pay all sun�.c secuv�:ci by thia
<br /> Sccuriry[nurununt. If Borrow�er fails t�+pay these wm.s prior ta tt�e expiration af this pr�ial. l-ender m�Y invoke any rznxdies
<br /> permistod by this Security lnst�unxnt wfthiwt furlhcr noticx or demvid on Borrower.
<br /> 18, Rorrower s [tight to Relnstate. lf Horrawcr meets certain cunditions, Barmwes shall have the right ta tu�ve
<br /> enforcement af this Security instnrment discontinued at any time priar to the earlier of: (a) 5 days (or such uth.er perioJ as
<br /> �pp�icab►e luw may specify for reinstatement) befare sale of the Property pu�sw�m to any power of sale containod in this
<br /> Socurity Inurument:or lb)eniry af a judgment enforcing this Security lnstrument. Tho.se condit�ons are thut Boaawer:(al pays
<br /> Lender aU sums which then would be due uuder this Security Instrument and the Note as if no acceleration had occurral: (b)
<br /> cures any defa�(t oF any athu rnvenants or agrcements: (c) paYs�I! expenses incunad in enfarcing this Security Instrunxnt,
<br /> inctuding.but not limited to. rcasanable attomeys'fces:and(d1�es wch aciian ac I.ender may reasonably n9uic�e to assare
<br /> that the lien of this Sacutity incuument. 1.ender's rights in the Propetty and Boa'ower's obligation to p�y t1t�wms socured by
<br /> this Secvrity Insttument shall mntiaue unchangal. Upon reinstatement by Borrower, this S9curity Instrument stnd the
<br /> obligations securcd hertby shall remain fully effc;.nvc �s if r.o acceleralion had occurced. However. lhis righi w reinctac�shall
<br /> pot apply in ttse case af aceeler�tion urxler paragraph 17.
<br /> 19. Ssle o[Note; Chs�e ot Losa Se�yloa'. 'i1u Ncue or a partial interest in thc Note (together with this Securiry
<br /> ��t�yment�may be s�{d one or more times withaut prior notice to Bosrower. A sale may result in a change in thc entity(knawn
<br /> ac the'Loan Semcer")that oollects monthlY PaYments due under the Note and this Security Ir�suument.Thtre also may be one
<br /> or more changes of the Loan Sen+icYr wu'elated to a sale of the Note. If there is a ch�nge of the Y.o�n Sen'ix*.Aorn�wer will be
<br /> given written notia of the ch�►ge in aocord�nce with puagraph 14 above and applicable law.The notice will state the n�me and
<br /> addras of the new Lou�Servicer and the addras to which payments should be �s�d...Tt��cice will also contain any other
<br /> information required by appiicable I�w.
<br /> Zp. � Subataaces. Borrower shall nat c,�wse or permit th� presence,use. disposai. scorage. or releasc of any
<br /> Ii;�rdous Substanoes on or in the Prroperty• Borrowez sha11 no� do, nor allow aayone else to do. anything affxting the
<br /> P�vperty that is in violation of any Env�rorunental law. T�e pm�ooding two sentenices shall noc app1Y to th�P��• �• °�
<br /> stcxage on the Property of sr�all quantities of Hazardo4s 5ubstances tl�at ue genEr�l;y re°°gnized to be�propriate to noRna!
<br /> residential�ses,wad to maintenance of th�Property
<br /> &+rruwec�{r,;all promptly give Lender written notia of any investigatio�,cls�im, dem�nd. lawsuit or other xtion by any
<br /> govammental or re8ulator5'agecxy or priv�te party involving the A�otx�!and anY Hazardo�s Substa�or T'cnvironnxntal Iaw
<br /> of which Borrowor hac actual knowlodge.If Borrower lean�s, or is noti�.a! by ar.y govemrt�u�l��w�1 P �Y�
<br /> any removal or other remodiation of any Ha�dous SuDst�noe affecting the PropertF nec�s�Y•
<br /> all nec�ssarY rem�'al actions in�000nfance with Enviroruuental Law.
<br /> As used io this parigraph 20. 'Haza�dous Substanca" ar�th�se svbst�e5 Ck�:'�1 as t°xic or ha�snlous wbstu�ees by
<br /> Environnxnt�l Law and the follawiag substanoes: gasolin�, kerosene, ocher flsa.a�ble or toaic pet�leum products, toxic
<br /> . pesticides u�d habicides.voluile solvents.matcriats containing asbestcs oc fom�klehyde,and fldioxt�vc materials.As usod in
<br /> this p�ruAraP� 1Q, 'Fnviranmentzl Lsw" means federal laws anl laws of the juris3i�.,tian where the Ptopeity is located that
<br /> � sy►y:�:to ht�lth�sa�fety or environcntn[�i protectian. . . . -- � -- � - ---- -- -
<br /> !��N-UIVIFORM COVENAN7'S.Borrower utid Lender further oover�u and agcwc as foltows:
<br /> � Zl.A�oadeas�wn;Remedks.Lender shaU give notloe to Barowa prior to siocderatloa tolbwta8 Bamwer's b�each
<br /> r. : .�.. a_�.�... *_ - . ,r � n.;r�r te aecda�atloa under P�c�raph 17 uoiecs
<br /> - p�iYY�' �1tc�i: o? i�ivc��cr►�w w� u.w•�u�s� as�stv...::» � r
<br /> �a!��Y pfOY�dl�Otb!!W�!).��IC DOt�OC Sh�l SPOCIf}': (il) tL2�SUIt; (��C�C�OO IYQ1l�1'E�t0 t'QR illC OQ'�YIL;
<br /> (c)a date,not iess t6aa 30 days from tLe date the zwtice is gi�en to Borrower,bv w6ici�tLe deft�ult must be cured'>aad
<br /> (d) that taflure w cUre t�e iefs�utt on or 6etore t6e date rpecified ia We ooti4e msay resuEi ia aoodsration ot tLe sums
<br /> s�cured by tl�ic Se�w�ity Iar�aument snd sale ot the Property.Tiu aotice s�ll I�rtba'intorm Borrower of tLe ri�6t to
<br /> rei�tste stter aooderatbo and the rigT�to bring a court actba to assert tLe non-r�cisteoce�►t a ddawit io theYnotjce,
<br /> ' defe�re ot Bar�rver to 9ce�ation awd s�le.It tDe defadt is nat cui�ed oa or belore tbe ci�We spa3ikd no ee
<br /> L�ender,at�ts option, �+R9��u PvY� �a full of all sums secoretl 6y tl�is�a�sitY Ia�*u�e�witbort
<br /> ts � �ca6k law.I�esder s6a11 tft
<br /> ERtt�er deawad smd may £ne�+o�ce tbe Pewer of sale and any otbes'n�wedks Pen�Jtaal Y aP4� .
<br /> �to cdiect all e:pen�es incureal in parsuinS tLe remedies P�'ovlded iu this{�ra�raph Zl,wdodlnL,I�at eot limited
<br /> to,nasoaaWe�ttoroey�s'Cas�ad oosts ot dtk evidesce. ta KhicL any pact ot tLe
<br /> If t6e power ot snle is involced, Trusta s1os11 recw�i A notia ot default in wch sountY law tq Borrower and W
<br /> property i�located aad s6aU mai!oopies of such notlee in the mwaoer p�escribed 6y app�licab��
<br /> the otha�perso�s Po'esc*�bed bY APP��law.Attu t6e time reqnired by applicsW e IAw�,Trustee sLatl give puhlk ootice
<br /> � of s�ie to the persons aad ia the m�aner preacRbed by applic�We la�v. 'Pnu�a,witbout danaod ou Borrowt6e oot�oe of
<br /> the p�,operty at puWic auc4ton to tbe t�T�6es1 bidder At the time and plsce and nar&r tLe ter�ns de�stal'
<br /> - sale in ooe or moce parc�+s ana m�.y oraer Tnsscee aetermixs.Truscee msy r�tpoae sWe ot 9u or aay porat ot tiie
<br /> propqKy by puWic a�noaooemeot at t6e tims and pi�oe at aay previous�y sc�edukd sate. Lender or its d�gnoe may
<br /> , p�rchase t6e PropEr4y at auy sale.
<br /> �
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