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<br /> p�Yuxncs nwy �w tn,�er bc roc{ulad. :u thc option of Len�dcr. if nyanr�e insuronce Q e�e lin thc�►nau�u�r�l fur the perial
<br /> that Lende� roquira? [stu�id�ai hy�s in:u+'�:�+i�p:8v:,�bY L:z=cks s„=in bcco�i�a avxilablc�x! is obtainod. &urawcr►twli pay
<br /> tpe preuiiunic requimi to miintxin mun�e it►sue�u�x in�tfect,w w provi�ic�lu,�s rescrve,ur�lil tGe requimna��t fur mott��a
<br /> jusur�nc�ends in accordatxe with wy wrilten�roatxat betw�B�rruW�cr and l.�tulcr or applicablC law.
<br /> 9.Incpeetioa. L.tnder a'its ageat auy m�1ce nas�un�le cntries u{►on�inc}xxtlans af the FropeRy. L,ccnler�hall Qive
<br /> iwrrower notice at tho time of ar�xior to sn insF+octian specifyit�re�a�sbk cause for the inspetiKicui. -
<br /> 10. Coa�tloa. 'i'!se procx.ds of any awxrd or claim for damases,direet ur ca�sequentlal, in eau�xtia�with�nY
<br /> condemuatioa or cxher taliu� af any patt of the Pn�puty.or fu�convey�nce oa lieu of coudemnation.are hereby sssi�aed and
<br /> s�11 be paid to l.uxles.
<br /> in tbc event of a total wkin�of thc Property.U�Qn�oecds sl�11 be�ppiied w che wmc sa.urod by this Security Iastnimeac.
<br /> wAetbor or not then due, with �ny czoess paid to Borrow•er. In the ovent af a p�uti�l takiqg of the Property in whirh thc fvr
<br /> m�rkec vatue ai the Propxtty immediately before the tak�ing is equal to or�reater than the unount of the suuu securod by this
<br /> Secwity Iasuunx+u immodiuely before the takin�.uNess Bor��ower and l.et�dtr othetwise agroe in wcitit�. the wms cxured by
<br /> thi� Socurity Insu�umen! �1ud1 be eeduoed by the anwunt of the pi+o�xuds multiplial by the following fraction: (a) the total
<br /> amowu of the sum:socural imuxdiatdy before the taldng,divided by(b) d►e fair muket value af the PropertY imcnediatelY
<br /> before tl�e Wcing. My balw�ce shall bc p�id to Barrower. In tbe eveat af a p�rtiaf tafcing aS'the Pruperty in which thc fair
<br /> marfcet value of ttse Property in�roediately bet'arc the tpki�g is lesc tt►�t►the amount of the sums caxured immediztely before tbe
<br /> taking,u�ltss Bortower and L.endcr otlxrwise aErx ia wdting or unlas npplic�ble law otheswise provides.the pmcoods sIW!
<br /> be spplied to the sans securad by this Sxurity Inurument wbether or not the sumc are tha�due.
<br /> lf sbe Pc�oQerty is aba�do�od by Borrawu.ar if,aftet notioe by l,et�der to Borrower tbtt thG condertitwr offers W make an
<br /> award or settle a ciaim for damqga. Borrowu fails t� rcspoad so i.mder within 30 days aRer the date the notia is givrn,
<br /> Lender is authoriTed to oolloct and appAy the ptucaotls,stt its aptioa�eitbtr W restoratiot�ar n�ir of the Pt+nperty ar W the s�uc�s
<br /> savrod by this Security Iastnunent.whettaer or aot tl�a►due.
<br /> Uolas I.enda and Borrowu otherwise Agtoe in writing.any applicatioa of Qc000eds to principal st�11 not eatead or
<br /> posapo�u the due d�te of the mo�WdY PaYc�ts referred t°'n P�araBrapi�s 1 wd 2 or change tbe anwunt of such paymeats.
<br /> 11.BoR+uMer Not Rdeaxd;Fo+'Da�r�wce By Lender Nat A Watver. F.�teasion of the dme for payma�t or modiE'ication
<br /> of amortixation of d�t sums secuned by this Socvrity Ia�tsumaa�t grantod bY I.eader w aoy snaessot ia interest of Borrower sMU
<br /> not operate w r+de�se the li�bility of the original Bonuwer or Bortnwu's waoasors in intemt.La�der shaIi oot be requnmd to
<br /> oomoneaae p�ocoedings�gainst�y suoassor in inter�st or refiue to extend time for paymau or dherwise 4uodify amo�rtirstion
<br /> �f the wms socwnd by this Savrity Iasuummt by c+eason of aay dw�od msde by tbe origia�l Bornower or Bom�wer's
<br /> suoassas ia imta�est. My for�euaaa by I�ader iu e�arisi�g�ny right or crmedy sd�p not be a wai�u of or ptacltxk tbe
<br /> e:p�cise of any riglu or rcmedy. .
<br /> 12. Stiooesrors asd Aasi�Bo�d:ioht aid S�vasl 13�bii�ty:C4�iL�s. The oovca�ats�ad�tanmer.ts a�this
<br /> Seauity Iawumeat sleU bind aad beaefii tLe �n aod assigns of i.eader aad Bortnwv,w6ject tc�cbe provisians of .
<br /> ... . . .��T --- -, -- --...- - - . -----. . g�il-6e• a60��eperij: A �tori�wer w�o aa�s�vds-Seauiiy.---.._ :
<br /> 1..-�rowra s ooverontc �ad a8roemr�s 1oi� AY
<br /> 3tnwarat 6ut doa not eueatte the IVate:(a)is ao-sig�tiog tltis SecuritY��Y� �8�8�.Rr�aM cenvry t�at
<br /> Bo�maer's iottrest ia t�e Pnopa�ty.uader tLe terds of t�is Se�auicy I�tiumrst:(b)is oot P�c''-ronallY���P�Y�� .
<br /> - - sxu+ed by tIIis Security Iiuuumeae;and(c)�8roes tls�t L.eader a�d aTry othr Borrower may agrree to eatend,mo�+fY,Forbe,ar'or -
<br /> m�ke my,�oommodatioas with ngacd w the teru►s of this Socuriry I�t oc We Nae witt�out tliat�'s eoaseat.
<br /> 13.I.au Cl�es.If the laan savrod by tt►is Socuriry L�trumeat is subjer.t to a law whicb�ets TM�...=��.��*±lwa cba�es.
<br /> and th�t Lw is fwlly iaterp�etod so tlut th�iotaY.�t or other lo�n cl�r8es ��tod or to be oollocted in 000aoctioo with tbe
<br /> lwo e:eeod tba pamiuod limits.tba�:(a)�ny svch iaa chargo stnll 6e ceduced by the auaunt 000essuY to reduoe th�durge
<br /> to the permiuod iimit:�ud(b)a�►Y sums already oolkcted fr�m Boriuwer wttide excreded paluitted limits wriU be refuaded to ,.
<br /> Boev�wer. l,a�der may dwoee w m�aice �lus rcfuad by raAsciog tLe prinri�a3 owod uadar the Note ot by malong s dirxt
<br /> paymeot w Bonwr�er. If a rtfund roduces princip�l, the neduction will be �s�eated as s putial prcpa�meot witlwut any .
<br /> . . p�aymmt c�e under the Note. - • .
<br /> i4.NMio�s.My notice to Boaower provided far ia this 5o�wity Inuruaxot sball be given by deliveriag it or bY a�ilio�
<br /> it by fiist diss mW�aless�plic�le laa ra�uinx use of�ootkr uxtl�od.T6e natioe sl�all be dirxtod w We Propaty A,ddress
<br /> ae acy other address Borrowa desiFnYes by notiee w Lesda. wny �w i.na�r st�u tx�;ve� ay �ne � m� �o
<br /> Le�des's addrrss stated haein or aay ather a�ddt+ess l,eader daig�t�a bY aodce to Bomorver. My notice pio++�ded for ia tbis
<br /> Soctuity Inatrumeat stialf be damed to havc beeu givea to Bornuwer or Lead�er r�h�ea given at provided in this p�r�grapb.
<br /> 13.Gwe�� Lsw; Ss�QSab�ility. itis Security Instnwveat shall be goveroed by foderal �aw aod t6e law of the
<br /> jttrisdic�tio�ia which the Propetty is located. In the evau that�nY Pi'uvisioo or clx�se of this Securlty�umeat or tbc lloue
<br /> ooaflicts�ith�ppiicabie laW. sw�ooaflid sh�ll aot affect atlxr provisiont of this Soauity ina�uaxnt or tbe Note which pa be
<br /> givea ei�eCt withoi+t the 000flictio�provisioa.To tI�is rffi the provis,imt of this Socurity I�trumeat wd the Nott a[�doeW�ed
<br /> tu be stverable.
<br /> 16.BaTOwer'e Copy.Borrower shall ix given one ooefamod oopy of We Note aod of this Sewrity t�tnima�t.
<br /> I �3G2a 9Jao
<br /> �w.�.�s
<br />