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<br /> 17.'f'�u�a°af tt�Pir�i��y a•a t`�2lt�1�l Iu:e;t�i lu Sor-�r�Ke,.I,all or as►y�t af ch�Pea�ny ai•any inier.,si in it
<br /> i: sal�i or..,�uf.:�r�J �ur if a lu:��fki;il i�u:.+ai in Iz.�rr�w•�i�is sold or tr,uuf�rr�:l;uu]Ik��r�wer is not a►utural p:rsaal withaut
<br /> I,��xfer's priar written rnnstnt, r.�eader may. at i�s option, raquire lnmtiodiate paymcnt in full of all sunu secural by this
<br /> Srxuriiy in�trunient. N�u•ever.thic optloc�stu�ll not be exercisod by l.e�e�if cxercise is pn�hibltal by fedual law ac af the ci�to
<br /> af thi�Socurit�• Instrument.
<br /> 11'Lcndcr cxerciscs this cy+itan,Le�xkr shrl�give R�xrower noticr of acceler�:ion.'CtK ix►tice s1w11 pmvicle a peria!af ix�t
<br /> Ic�F rt�n :�dA�s fruro �I�e �:te �t� �jotice is deliveral or m�ile�i within which Borrower must pay all wms sacurcd hy this
<br /> S.a.�rity tnsar��ssen�. if 8ur�aa�cr fails co pa}ttus:suass priar to the expiraiiur�af this period.t�r msy in�oYc�ay rettxtti�
<br /> �miiitod by this Socurity Insirumznt withaut furthes noiicc ar dc�tu,n-1 on Bortouer.
<br /> 16. liorwwer'c Righ! to Reiaolde. lf Borrowu meetc certsin rnnditiancs Bnrmwer shall hav� the right tn have
<br /> eanforcement of this Securiry Insuvment discontinued st any time priar ta che eulier of: (a)S days(or such ather period az
<br /> a�licabic law n�y s�cify fc►t� weinstatement) beforo sale of the Fro�xrty pursuant to any power of sale containaf in this
<br /> St�curity Inctrunxnt;or(b)entry r.f a judgment enforring this Security Instrwnent.77wse conditians are tl�at Borrower: (a)pays
<br /> I.cnckr all wrrss which then w�ould be due under this Security instrument and the Note as if no aeoeleration had aeeurrod; (b)
<br /> aur�s any defwult of any other ca��eiiants or agreenxnts: (c) pays all eupenses incurrod in enforcing this Sea�rity Inurumeni.
<br /> Including, twt nat lirnital to. reas�nable attorneys' fets: and (d)talces such action as Lender may reacorubly require to�ssure
<br /> ttu►t the lico of this Sccuriry instrument, Lender's rights in the Property and Borrower c ohiigsuion to pay the sumc sa^ured by
<br /> d�is Sa;urity Instrument sJwll cvt►tiaue unctwe�gal. Upon reinstatenxnt by Borrower. this Securiry Instrument and t�he
<br /> nbUgations securod hereby shall remain fully effxtive as if no�ooeleratiaa had occur�red. }iowever.this right to reinstate sha11
<br /> z►at t�pply in thc case of xalcration under paragraph 1T.
<br /> 19. Sak ot Note; Chan�e ot Loan Servicar. 7'tie Note or a partial intaest in the Note (togdher with this Security
<br /> itutniment)may be sold one or more times without prior aotflce to Borrower. A sale may result in a ct�ange in the eruity(known
<br /> sts the 'I.oan Sorviar")that collxts monthlY P�Yments due under the Note u�d this Security Inctrument.There also may be one
<br /> �r mo�+e chang�of the Lo�n Sen•icer unrctatod to a sale of the Note.If th�rc is a changc of the L.ozcr Scrviar.Borrowcr will be
<br /> gi�•m written notice of the change in aocordance with pata�graph 14 above and applicable law.The nr��3r�-e will st�the name smd
<br /> address af the rxw[.oan Servioer and the address w w6�a paytneau should be n�ado.T!�notioe v;ill also ooaiain any otha�
<br /> infonrs�tion requirod by applicablc luw.
<br /> 20. Hararda�c Subctaooec. Borrower shall not cause or pcmrit the gt�senee. use, disposat„storage. or rdease of any
<br /> Hsmrdous Substances on or in the Property. Bornower shall not do, nor allow anyone dse ta �fo. anythiag affecting the
<br /> Prop�rty t}wt is in violation of any Enviroonieutal l.aw. The pruedir.t two sentencac shall not spply to the preseaoe. use, ot
<br /> siotwge on the Property of srnall qtwntities af Ffar.azdous Subuanors that are geaeral3y reoognized to be appinpriate to cormal
<br /> raidential uses and to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> Bomower s1�11 promptly give I.ender w•ritten notic,�:of any investigation.claim,c��nd, lawsuit or oth�r action try any
<br /> gavem�t�ental or rcgulatory agency ar private patt}+im•otr•ing the Property and any Haz�ndau Subsr�oe or Er►vironmentai Law
<br /> o!which Botrower has xtual knowlodge. LE Borrowtr lc�rns.or is natified by any gov���N,�:ti�,r regulatory authority, that
<br /> �y romovs�!or otlxr remodiation of any •Fissat�ous Substance affecting the Prnperty is necessary.8'witrower sh�ll promptly tatce �
<br /> ssl aocawry remodinl actioas in acoot+duxe�s�th Envi�wl Iaw.
<br /> As used in this p�rigraph 20, "}iazardous Subszuar:c.�' are tlwse substanas�fined as toxic or hazsuda�s svbstaaoes by
<br /> Bttviro�nental Law and tlse following substauces: ga�,,�tine. kerosene. other fltina��ble cu toxic petroleum gmduc.�.s, wzic
<br /> pe3ticides and itetbicides,volatile solvents.m�terials ax�tair.ing acbtsios or fomwldehyde.ud radioactive mat�rials.As usod in
<br /> this pa�n�gra�h 20."Etrvironma�tal Ia►w" means federal l�ws ud laws�of the jurisdiction where tl�e Pcoperty is locatod th�
<br />• rci�te to health, safety or environn�cntal protection. � �
<br /> NON-UNIIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and l�etader further eoveiwnt and�,j+x�c folbws:�
<br /> 21.Amei�itloa:�m�eiie�I�tlull dve mtioe tr�Boe:+nw�r nrior to,wriaderatLa tdlwir i1�e.Yiwrr's hne.rl.
<br /> _..._ .:._...... _ .. _ .. „_ .......�_---- -•
<br /> d�as��corrsaa! or str+ameat ��l�fs SeeusFfy I�! (Dat oot psior to a:�cele�atba�des psrsgtap� }7 nale�c _ -
<br /> applicable Isw proride+otbenvlse). The uotke sLal!speatt�r: (a)tLe detanttt(b) tbe actjoa reqn[red to cor�e t�e ddsult;
<br /> (c)a d�te,not 1es�tLaa 30 day9 frnm tb�date tlie potia is Qivm to Bon+owa�,by+vLkr t�de�aWt royM be c�e+ed;aid
<br /> f�l 6at laiWes £ta M�r�:k..�.+�.�r�.�.� �.r��h.a.wte specttted in tbe notioe may r+wWt ia s�aoderatloa ot tbe sas.�.
<br /> secyred by t6ic Security In�trwneat and sale ot tbe Prope�ty.T6e aatice sb�0 tfutLa�lstorm Borrower ot tl�e ri�t te
<br /> Te�ate atta� s�ooda�atloo and the ri�bt to brlag s� cauK actioa to as�ert tLe oon-e�teoce ot�r ddaalt or�y atber
<br />_ �htes�e oi Borrower ta aooder�itla�oud sWe. If tLe detault i�not curod oa or before tLe d�te spei3C�eei u i3e�otke,
<br /> Lsnde,r,at!�c aP�++�Y ro9ulre immWiste psyment io !WI ot sU svmr secwYd by tLk Senuity Ia�trmnent wkLoat
<br />- tYut6er dran�od and wsy invoke tbe power of sale aad aoy otl�er remedfrs pamitte�by sp�bk law.I,eader siiW be
<br />' d�itled to coUeet sll ezpares iacu'rred ia p�suins tLe�dia provWed i�tiiic P�r�raPr Z➢;�ipdodii�.6yt nat d�ieir� .
<br /> to,re�onshie attarneyt'iees aod aoefs ui'dtle evid[�nce.
<br /> It tbe powa of sak is.9uvoked, Tmstee shaU rao��d a notke ot default io ac� oouoty ia wl�iCl►a�s p�rt of tbe
<br /> - i'iro{KSty i�loc�ted and sha}l ms�ti copies ot such notice in t�e oinnoer P�'��b3'�Pf��Isw to Zexirowcs aad to
<br /> • �tp��oa Pr�c�ibed bY APWic�bk Ww.Alta�tbe tlme required by�pplicabie law,Trust�e shWl�Pve p�+6lic�atice
<br /> t peno�s ard in tbe taanoer prtscribed by�pplicaWe law.Trustee, without desr�ad aa Barrower.sLaU seH
<br /> _ the P��epe:�ty at puWic anctlon to tLe hi�bes!6idckr st tbe time nod pl�ce and un�ler tLe ter��ted ia tie aotke o[
<br />-' ssle ia ooe or inw+e ponds ar�d to soy order Trustee detcrminer. Trudee may postpo+oe s�1'e�f sll or ot t6e .
<br />� '�Y bJ P��aoaa�oom�ent at t6e time aod P���RY P�'n'�Y 9a�eaWea�. t.e.aa�or�a�sa�
<br /> p�reY�e tbe Penperty at aey salc.
<br />.� ,
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