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<br /> ��'•='�S.'�t- f :�t.T.,;.._,.- , .. _..._-`.� . ... � ..� f yv�--.�-, ,.-ri�..r. _ . �.� L- . _ _ .
<br /> �����{ �Ip� -`' •' r.� � . . . 1 _ ..y.__ � .�!'B..XS',7.'•''�.FF.ra„C-`"' ""� ".:..a c t�.s �- .•- • -, - --
<br /> • Is`�.��HSth'°Yan��M�w-�++'.�'«"`-...�� „�. ..+...�..!—*z�w-�.�G -.w.. -�-+��r� n
<br /> ���r+ w�.�.r..l�. w�ni' .a, yiS�w�.�u� !_�.+i/rL�f�MY�..��YLrIl�M�iN�t..�'��YM�lA�Y�S�NIVI�'T-f . �. .� . .
<br /> �� :S `.�C"... ' � �P--����I�Ji�,.-�r. _._
<br /> �i �_ ._,,....,r.•w �'~Ct��s.����w._ .�.riY'� _�.. .'__-'a °'.dc�'riRTs$s��Ti�3'°��-wtv�"-�.__ .__.-. �-��__-..
<br /> � �����
<br /> Ewynieiur.nvi,y nu lonytr bc roqutrod,w the optiuo ai'[.ccrkr. If ItWNYYj�C IIIWfiu�k�'Ui'CIJQ,t(Ifl IIiC iiitipi�i)i a[i3 fJi'tA�Z�ri0."�
<br /> th�t [.�ler royuir�a}provi�loJ by un i,uurer appru��ad by l.ax3cr a�ain bxy�na av�ilablc wxl ic c�EW+iirnl. Borrower s�wli p�Y
<br /> tl�Fwoudunu�tbyul�al w uudnwlu nwrt�:tr�t in+ur�uxx in efPn:t,ur tu provklr w!uw reser�•r,u�ull thc rtyu►�anent f'.0 mot�t�c
<br /> inwrance endx in�oroux�e wi�h any wriiten a��srnunt 6riwe���kk�t�,awzr au�+l.z+�i.w�yz�iic+b�I.w.
<br /> !, ir�toett�a. l�ader at its s�ent �ay cnake neiw�aabte entr�es u�+:�n and tn�+ocY�af tNe Pn��erty. Ixndcr rlwN �ive
<br /> �rower�xxkr:�t the tin�c i�'or Exiix to An in��ortk�n specifyin��ble rauso f��r thc in�poc�lon.
<br /> f0. Copdwu�tfw�. 7'he �c�uceeds of�►y awud cu clxim fur du��cs, dlroct �r cwu�a�uuulal. ia cnauoniva with ury
<br /> w�xlenu�ation�x o�t�er�aiciny af any part of the Pmpcny,or far convcyance in lieu af�kw. ure bereby ass,i�nad usd
<br /> sbali be pa:d tu Leu3er.
<br /> In thc eveiu of a total ukic�of the Pt�tRy,the prouoais slull be app�ic�ti to the sunu socura!by this S�eurity[n►tninxnt.
<br /> whether or not thu�due, with any cxcess pokf W 8orrawer. Ia the evwt of n parlia! takit�of the Prciperty ia whleh titc fxir
<br /> muica value of the Property ia�ur�ocliytely Defi�e the taking u oqual to ar greater than the amount of the sumo sxurod by tbis
<br /> Securiry[nsuvmca�t icnn�ecii�tely before the tr�kin�.uNess Bo�rawer and Lender otheiwise agra in writia�,the cums socured by
<br /> tltis Sxuriry Luauma�t stull be reduood by the �n�ouut �1' the pr0000ds uwldplied by tl�e foltowlt� ftacxion; (a1 thc toW
<br /> smouat of the seupc securod ima�edjately before the qkinQ.dlvidod by(b) cha fair market value of the Praperty u�unediakly
<br /> b�fore tb� tuku�g. Any bpl�uxe ckiall be pxid to Borrow�cr. tn d�e event of a putial tnkic�of the Property tn which the fiic
<br /> market v�Suo of 4ha Propesty immediately before the ta�ing is texc than tbc amount ot ttu�tuns socared Immediasely before the
<br /> taking.udexs B�rrower and Leuder otherwise a,grce in writing or unlas ipplicabk law otlxrwisc pra�ides. the psoceods sh�ll
<br /> be�pplia�t�tha sumx secured by this Securiry Inst�umcat whether or not the wms sne ttxp due.
<br /> lf the Propnrty ia rbandoi�ed by Borrower,or if.afkr cwtioe by La�der w Bor�axer tbat the a�a�r offen to mak�c m
<br /> awud or sett2e a ctaim for dama�es. Borrower fdls w rexpood to i.eatid�r within 30 days aftu t1�e date the notic�e is givea.
<br /> , I.ender is suthorizod to oollect sad apply tbe pc+ocoods,at its option.either to rtswntion or�pair of the Pmputy or w the sums
<br /> se�ured bp this 5exuriry Iasttua�ent,whetlxr oc not tba�due.
<br />• Unless [.-ttder �ad Borrower otherwise agroe in writing, any �pQlicatian of pr0000ds to principa! slWl aot ezter�d or
<br /> postpone the�date of tbe monthlY PaYma�ts nferred w in paua�nphs 1�nci 2 or ct►ange the anwunt of wch paymaus.
<br /> . 11.Sasawa Not�;Forbearaace By l.e�kr Not:Waiver. Fxtension of tl�e time for p�yment or modification
<br /> of�mortizatiaa of tbe sums savred by tbis Security Inctiumeat gr�ntt�d by L.ender w atty wcassot in entetestt of Boec+ower stW!
<br /> not operatc ta reieate the liability of tbe origiaal Bormwer or Borrower's suoassors ia ituet+est.Lender shall uot be require�d to
<br /> coauna�cc procaedings aguast any u�aoessor in iaterest o��tuse w exteM time for poymeut or otlxrwise�nodify amottiration
<br /> ' of tHe sums saured b this Soc�ui Instnunent b reauxi of
<br /> Y �Y Y u� danand assd� by the origin�l Aorrowa or Bonower's
<br /> � sucoessocs in intecrst. Aay forbcarance by Lrnder in�acercisinY aey a�ht or maody st�ll not be a waiver of oi pindude t�e
<br /> �j� exerc,�ise of�ay righe or ranody.
<br /> - 12. Sra�oex and A�i�c Bound:Joiat sod .''+ereral L4ibilityi Co�rs. The oovm�ots aod aarameats of this
<br /> - Securiry 6umunait sball biad and ben�fit the suooaswts�d as.a�ac of L�u�der and Borrower, subject to the pmvisions of�
<br /> = p�r�graph ET. Bon�wet's covenants �ad a�teanents s!►�ll be joint aud sevet�l. Any Bott+nwer wbo oo-signs this Sscutity.
<br /> = Iaurummt but does oot e:.ecute tbe Note: (a) is oo-si�i�this Secvrity Iastrua�eat ody to mort�e..g�aot aod aoa�reY !h�t _ �
<br /> �------- ----------�------- - - .. ...__ . .. ._._:- -...----------- ---�-- -- , -- --
<br /> - _ a�er's iatemt in the Propaty s�ader the ttrnu Q6�is Sec�nty Imuum�s�t:{b)'ss tu�t P�Y�S��P�Y tbc s�ns
<br /> -- secu:od by this Savr'rry Iasnutnent;ond(c)agre�es thsi I.eader u�d any othri Borrower maY sgnx ta c�ctead,modify.focbe�r or
<br /> matce�ny a�oo�aaodations with reg�ed ta tl�e terms of tbis Socuri�8crttuiaait or tbe Nate witl�out tlnt Borrower's ooiment.
<br /> _ - a3.�a.at��is.ii u�t�low aear+►au by i11ii" -ui"iiy unu�w{a Sii'vj6�s iu k�lxW wuit3t aois u�cimum io�tu�+ai�a�,
<br /> = and tl�t T:zw�fu�lly i�rcted so that the iatarst aa oth�r loan charges oalkcted ar to be cd{octed in ooaaection with tbe
<br /> � !wn e:aod the pamittod:Li�ts.thw: (s)apy sach�:r3�srge shall be redus�,by t}x au�otuit aeoasaap t�r rxiux the rbu�e
<br /> to tve pe�rriued lia�it:aoc� (b�any sums alrrr�dy oolte�xod from BoRrwer whirh�xceeded pem�itted limitc wil! be refunded to
<br /> � Barower. �twler m�y ctwae to mdca this refund by rodu�ein�tbe principat owed under the Nate or hy mdciag:�itect
<br /> payo�eot un l�ormwer. If a refu.od reduas principal. the =+ec�ac�ian will be trrated ac a P� PnWY� ��,�Y
<br /> �' prepaya�st chsr�e wKkr d�e Nute. � ..
<br /> � 11.�My uotia to Horrower providod for in this Seauity Iattrameat slall be giva►by deliverinc it or by m�ilit�
<br /> � it by fi�st cl�cs mW unla�s �ppliabk!�w requires use of aoothu metbod.Tl�e notioe sbW be dintcted to the AroQaty Addra�s
<br /> a,�ny oN�er addras Bas+oaer desiga�es by rwti�ae to t,ender. My naice co t.endt'r sbdt be given by finc class aaii�o
<br /> � I.eader's sddnxs statod h�a+aa or aay u+�a sddress Lenda desigrr�uts by ootiae to Borrower, fluy iwtioe providod for ia this
<br /> � Saurity Insttumcot sh�iL bc�oeand W have bee�givoa to Borrower or Lend�r w6ea given as providal ia this par�raph. ,
<br /> 1S.Gor�ving LaaG;, 5eva�bWty. 71�is Secvrity Iastnunent ah�ll be ��verned by federpl law aad t6e law of the� ,
<br />: � jurisdicxion in whicI�the i�ropesty is locatod.in tbe eveat tl�,t s�ay pmvisiaa o�:clause of this Security Instrwneat or the Not�
<br />� conflias with rppticable law,such oonflict shall not affect other pro��isi�as of this Saauity�umtat nr tbe Note whic��a be
<br /> y� givea effact without the oodlicxiqg provision. To this ead th�pro�zsians of this Sewrity Iastrument and the Nate�c�c�.➢aroc!
<br /> ?� to be severebia. . �
<br /> � lf.liasawer'c Copy.Borrower stwll be gives ooe oon€ormaf oopy o€the IVuae aed of tl�is Sec�rity Ias��imomt.
<br /> � Fa�w 3G?� 91l�
<br /> �� . ►�w�a�s •.. ,
<br /> n . . . .. .
<br /> s{ � . `
<br /> � , . .
<br />