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<br /> If Ler�dar exerclsaa thls aptbn�Letxi�r shall Na E3urrower ndk.�a�ac:c.�inretbn.the nWlce ahNl prati�lde a parbd �
<br /> d not I�t than 30 day�from the dAte the notica�ddN¢ued or maYv�aithh w1�lch Borrawa�must pay sA suma securad �_
<br /> by tNa SaCtu�iy In:iruma.'�:.I!Ba.�aw�u taY9 to pay tt�as�t aurns prior 4d li�a�a+����tk+n at ti�f9 pa{a��tw�at tn�iy lnw�ka
<br /> = pny�ontali�parm�tod Dy thts Secutity Instnament wfthout ttutt�r nr�t�ae oa�wnand on Bcxr�owot. �
<br /> /�.Bo�rowW'�Riph1 ta Rair�ut�. ti Borrownr moote certaln c.a�it�+�r►s,8orro�►er stW!ha��a the ri�ht to have �
<br /> = enforcemet�t W thl�S�cwity Instnjment dlaoa�tkutod st Any tirr�pc'raT to the ea�ile�d:(o)5 days(or sucFi other pe►iod E
<br /> es ic�ae�a►�+ma�Y�Y br w�aaEStement)bt�(ore sale d tFw F*rc�arty pui�uant to uny pow�ofi sat�caruai+wd tn �
<br /> - thta�',a�ccu�����b�fi►�1yy�bf a�uaflmani ar►►rotcuig cr�soc.u*�i�►�r►s�nunant.Ti�osa condk�ons ara u,at _
<br /> Botrower:(�p�Ys L9txAY�III�whfch thet�wat�ld be due wtdea th�.��ecut�ty 1 nSittur�eM sr�d the Note as�no =
<br /> h1�td 6c�ti0FrlIQ:(b�cures any datault ai eny Whe�carenan:s or agree+nerus:(c)PaYs all exPe�ses tncurred
<br /> ; In ont i1y InstnuneM.IndudlnQ�but not Ilmked tG rt�asa+►sUte attomays'tees�and(d)takes such action
<br /> ag Lendet may n��o abiy requlre to assute that ttta Ilen d thls Sec�ity Ir►stnnr�ent,ta�ar's�Ms tt�the Ptopetty and _.
<br /> ; 8orrower's obligttbn to pay the sums secured b��thia Secur�yt tnstttW.�nent sna11 car►tinue uncharWed•Upon =
<br /> _ ��aior�atbny occurred.Fia��,this�ripttt o r�elr�state si��ap�t�t �il Me ca;�d ra�ccelaratio�Yu�der ��
<br /> ` paraaaph 17. _
<br /> � 10.SaM of Not�;Ch���ot Loan Se�vkes: Tho Note or a pa.�tl:a1 trterer�In the Nate(to9etttier wah thfs Secu�ity
<br /> Instrumet�may bQ soid ana or more times withhaut prior notice to Efmttower.A sale may resutt�n a chanse In the enYdy -
<br /> � (kno�wn as the't.�oan ServiCe�tt�at co�eds manhiy payments dua�w�der t�a IJote and th�s Secu�i Instnx�t.The�e -
<br /> - also may pe one pr more chanpes of the Losn Sarvicer unre�atad to a sala oi Qie Note.If there is a chanQe d the Loan =
<br /> = Setvicer,Borrcwer wiU be ytven written rwt{ce at the chanpe In ac4ardance wiih Para�raph 14 above and appl3Cabie law.
<br />-� The nottce wNl state the na�me end address a tha now l.oan Serv6..�r,nd tha ttddress to wNch payments st�ouid be `
<br />- mads. The notice will also contain any other Inftxmatbn re4�d aY aPNicabfe law. _
<br />;� 20.EIasW+dous Subslsifcq. Barawer stu�il�ot cause ot pertNt the prea�nca usa,dls,qaosal.stora�e.or release of `
<br />= any Hazallous Substanc�s on or in the Property.Borrower s��all r►�at do,nor siillow anyor�e etse to da.anythiny affedln� -
<br /> the Property tf�at is In vlotatbn d any Ernkotuntrrital Law.The pro�din�tw�o sentences shall nd apptY to the pr�e, �
<br />- use.or stora�e on the�n��d smaM q�s ol Ha�arcious Subst�tibt are peneraNy rec��nlzed to be `
<br /> , appnopriate to no�mal uses and tc�ntat�uet��ce a+t ti'.a i-`t�art}. _
<br /> BoRC�wer sf tall prort►PRIY�l�e Lender w�ittert not(ce d any knrostisatio+�.ddm,dernart�d,lawsuit or other actian bY -
<br />° a�Y�aNert�ne��tal or repulatotll��ency a P��P�Y v��Proi�4��Y Hazandous Substarx�or
<br /> - Erriinorxnerwal Law of which Borrcewer has at�twf knawied�8�a�+er testrr�.or is notitied bY�Y����a
<br />- ��,a�,��uww� s�haY p�ort��taice all neces;iary remedla�{aetloru�w��Envi���otxnei�4a�La�
<br />;�� • !1s tuec!�rt Utis para�raph 20.'Fiaza�doue Sut�tat�'at9lhoso st�tanoes cletined as,to�dc or tmzardoeis
<br />°� ., s�bstences bll Envirwttr�eotal Law and tfie foYa�Wtg subs�rx;�s:Q3sdine�keros�ie.other�s,�unsble or toxiC
<br /> �E',an�dt�cts,to�dc P�des and hetbk:ktes,votatYe soh�ts.mater�is containk�ast�estos or tannaldehyde.
<br />:� t3nd radio�tKi�e m8tetiE�s.As used in tt�is pe�ra�raph 20.'Ern►irocenerMall.avV'meens tt�deral(aws and{aws of the
<br />� _ ���ien�wt�aro ttw Prooerty is{o�ted tltiet ro18�te to hedK�sa�etY or ern�itOnmental Pratecdon
<br /> — Norww�o�co�r�ruwrs.so�row��,a t.e�t�ua+�c��c a„�a�ee as�o�s:
<br />� 21.At�ation:R�di�s.l.�nd�r sh�ll�iw notic�b BoROww prior W�ccaN��llon toltawi�l Bonro�+�x's
<br />= b[a�sE e�c�+v�!�!t+�n�e��t ks tf►k�SeccyritY�n�(but not PHo�to aec�i�ratb+t w�dK P�+P�
<br /> - 17 wuNS �p�bt�I�w pro`vida ottt�).�ee notica sfyti sp�Clfy:��)tn�tti�tstt;(b)ttf�ae.tt0it nqcdrod t0
<br />-� cs�n th�d�� •(c)a dat�,not las th�n 3o daq�trom t!w clata th�notka b�iwn to Barrowrr.bY wtdch ttN
<br />::� .: d�tauu�t b�cnnd:and(d)th�t tatiun to cun tha d�bWt cn or bffon ttw dat�sp�cNMd 1�th�notice may
<br /> - +rswit ie accat�tio+�of th�wms�cund by thti tr�stnun�nt snd sats W tt�Proprty.Tri�r9otk�shau
<br />= �tntorn+eorrow.r a th.r�At Lrs rN�tst.�E.r and eh.ri�ne to a�g.eourt sa;on t�ass�t
<br />— tb���nca W�doEat�lt or�rq/ctt�ds�of Bcn+o�wK to acc�qrstion aiW s�f�.H tt�d�ht�lt is not
<br />= ra�d on or bNo�+�th�daa sp�ciff�d in ttw noiicR Eand�sd ib oMlon m�y nquin Nqm�dl�t�p��lirNnt En ft�ll ot
<br />� �M wm�s�cund b�1 thi�S�qrity Instrunwtt witlwt�t turthw d�ntnd aed msy tmoit�tlw powr of ssM and an�l
<br />`.a. o�rw�dNs pwnatt�dpy appNcsbb iaw.l.,�nd�r shaM b��ntkNd to coWct al�.:,ansa incurnd tn punuirg
<br />_= �w�p�avid�d In th�p�nptaph 21�tn�tludlnp,but t'fOt iift��d t0.rMSa�bl�at�on�s'Np ac�d CO�ts Of
<br /> It t!N paw�of taN b inv�oic«!.Ttu��iwi!r'�COtd a notk�ol duauit in Mdf co�ty tn wfticR any part Of
<br /> .� e[w Pr�opwty is locat�d snd�halt m�0 copNs af scr�h neek�in ttN mannK p�wcrib�d bf/applicabt�Law to
<br />� �at+awrr�nd�o th�otf�pNSans P��+��'f�PP��la+� Att+�r t1f�tJm�nquind by appiicsbi�i�w.
<br /> TrusW shll�iw puWtc notica of seie Lo th�pMSa��uid In ttr nt�nnK pnscrib�d bf►�s plka. bN Vw Trwue.
<br /> vWtitout d�n�and on Barrvw�r.stwit sa�tiw Prt�orty ot pur:3C s::�ic.�•-=*_�•�•��h�st rt tlw timt and pL�e�
<br /> �nd und�r 1M trms dafytx:t�d in ttw not3C�Q�qi�In otf�or mort pu+cNs and in a�y ordK TntstN d�tanr�s.
<br /> 'tt�stM m�y�ae poM s�1�ot all or aey pwcN�tE�Prop�fY bf►P�►Wic�u�ounc��t st tlw tt�ond pl�W
<br /> sayv P�+wioushr sdwdul�d sat.. L.�ndw or Ys aat�e�..m.Y wrchas.th.Prop�tr a.r�r aaN.
<br />;'�,. uP��a P�Y���[��.71�astN��dl ddiwr to tht pt�dnsor Tn�w's ti�i co�wyit�g
<br />':.r,����, tf�p�op�rty. Tlw nCitab tn th�Trttst�'s dMt!shsll b�ptima t�CN�vidNte�of th�tr�th o!th�stat�rt�ts a�fs
<br />;� tt�r�f. Tr��ta�shW applyttM proa�ds of tho aI�b tt�e to(�owiip adw:(a)to�!1 ca�ES�e�d�cp�ss o�
<br /> :�
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