�..�-• -
<br /> a�•: _�___._._, .: _ _ __� =- -=-_
<br /> � - - _- -' _.. - - _.-_ -- -�-=
<br /> - - -----------=-===----- . ..�._ - . - -- - — - -
<br /> ___._ _ .� ._ . ... __. - ----___..._-- ._ . _ _
<br /> _>... . . . . .. __---- j —. - __._.. _ J._ � -�'�'�-
<br /> ` ' - - - «A���ia_;if�—�3v,�E3..ar' -x"� ���-1=_•___'�.'-1�=--_--� ------
<br /> ^3�- �l���.1 �oa�v N0. �5 3 S�� ,�,,
<br /> 10.Coedomn�tbn. Ttta procaeda ot�y av`ar�o�c�alm far damaQas.dlroct or consoquonttal,N�cainectbn wlth
<br /> �ny condwtuW►tiat�or othot takk�p d any�eut 4f th�F�ro�erty�or tor conwyanca ir�tluu�r c��dernnatian,ata nttreby -
<br /> asatpned and�tia11 ba patd to ler�dar.
<br /> In the evont d�iotal tRkinp o�the PtOpatty,thY proCaed,et►aU bo a�li�i to tiw swris securecl by li�lG aocurity
<br /> Inatrurn�.wh�ther or nc►R than dua�w�h any excau patd to Borrow�r.!n 4h�wTe��t d v pa�tla!ta af tlw t'roparty t�
<br /> w�ictt tlw t�1r mauicoE v�lt�W tlsa Propetty l�xrtiedieiei;6etore ti�te fukir�I��iwl to cx groater than t Amount of the
<br /> sum�secured by this SecuritY Itutnut�et►t inutwdlateiy befota the taktng,unluue[3otroww'arxl Lertder otttntwiso aprae In
<br /> wfWg.����by th�Securky inawment sl�all be redtx�by tft�amount of the proceeds mut11p0od by t3�e
<br /> idlowirp fractbn:(e)the totd smoaxk d the 4ums securad{m�sed�atety fosFc�re tho iak�lg�div�ied by�b)tho fak m�rkat
<br /> vFJu�d the Propwty Immedisteiy t�efore the ttkinp.Any balance shaU hepakl to Borrower.In the over�t ai A Narttal
<br /> taklrp of the Property tn wh{ch the fak market value of the Property Imm�dl�tely before the takG�Is less tl►an the
<br /> artwuN of the sums secured(mmadiately kwtae the takinQ�untess BotrowQr and Le�dar othen�►ise egrou In wriilnp t�r
<br /> uNess appilcabie law otherwise provid�s,the pr�ocae�ct�aG be apptbd to ttw sums secured by this Secui�y
<br /> Instrurr�eru wtwttwr or nd ttw stuns ate tt�er+d
<br /> If the Property is absndoned by Bortcwer�or N�aiter notk:a by Lendor to Borrower that the candemnat affers to
<br /> maka an awerd or setde a ctakn tor Borrower taYs to res�Cx�d ta l.ender w�hk�3o days aftor tP►a date the
<br /> �y�the s�wns ssctxed by tt�SecurkY�Instr�ixna�L��+'not�d ekher W restoral�on or re�alr o�the
<br /> Ut�it+ss Ler�der and Bar�oNw+othetwise a�rea In w�tkeQ,anlr applit:atlan of pnoceeds to ptinclpal sftiall nW extend or
<br /> postpone the due dats d the maitNY PaY�s retetred to in peroiptapha 1 and 2 or chan�e the amotuq of such
<br /> PaY��
<br /> 11.Bo�row�r 4+�Ot RNNwd;ForbNrs�a By�ndor NOt N Mlalwe Extenslon of tlte time for payment or
<br /> moaWcwon a�n�ar.iaation of�c sum�sec+red by cr�is secu�it�r Instrumenc orentod ay�ender to a�y succassor In
<br /> krterest d Borr+aNrer ahsw not o+�oa.�te to rWe�se the IisWlty d the Rorrawer oe Borra�'s suocassors in
<br /> interest.��nder sna11�a be req��a w co�nwna+�oe procdedt►�s a�iar anv su�esscx tr�rMerest or re�,se to extend
<br /> time fot peyn�x or cthen�modihl amor�on of tlw st�ms seCttrod by tt�ta Ser�trt�Ay Instnurtw�t by roason oI any
<br /> deme,nd msde hy ttw a�ipinal Baro�w�er or Bar�rer's successors fn inierest.My iafi�earence by Lender!n exercist�q
<br /> ernr�a�dlr�M r�a t�e e walv�of a pr�dude u�e ene�cfse af sny dphc«remedy.
<br /> 12 Suoe�saars and ��s Baud;JoiM and Sarwai W ,Eo-sl�nsrs. The ccvenants snd agreraFSaents of
<br /> this Svcutity Inatnur�erx sh�N�and benett the auocesscxs ter+de;�of Lwxler aad Borrawwr�st�ec!tc t�rrt
<br /> prauielons dp 17.Bon�o�►ve�'a canren�nts and aQrae�nenb be}olnt at�d se�verel.My Borran�er wtv�
<br /> cp.st�ns Ws S�nstnxnent but doos not eocecxitt�ths Nt�2e:(a}is o�nln�thls Sectxky tt�stnMna�rt onty t0
<br /> ��Oe.�r�u�t and cor"reY tTwt Bort�awsr's hterest io the PropeRy un�e�r'the tetm�of thb Sec�xity It�stnunQr�t�(�)is
<br /> not porsoneYy oblJDated to psy 1he surta�ecured by tl�is Se�xurit�I�Wma�t;and(c)nQroea tta�t Lender and any ather
<br /> Borro+�m�y aproa to eodend,rt�dihl�brb�u or make a�y axommmd�tlona wkh re�ard to the terms d thlv Saairity
<br /> In�trwrw�x or the tdot�wll�out that Botrowers cootent.
<br /> 13.Lo�n CIw�pM. if tf�e laon�ecured bY thia Securlty itectruirrent Ia subJect to a{aw wl�ich sets maadnturrt irain
<br /> clteu�s,and tlmit law is�My i��protrd sothet the intarwt or ahe+'ben ct��pe4 ooltectad or to bo coFier.teci in
<br /> comectlon witt�rita loen eoa000d th�pemNtted lirnita,then:(a�arty such laan cha�+pe shall bo reduced by the amcwt�
<br /> . �1�l1C9�t�f�Y m II1�PlKSititeu iii�ii��w� w i�i'otii.i"3 ali-'�:3u"'y�.�t"..l�$..."'T�"����`�'i: - ---� -- - --
<br /> . jp���i1i1�Yd wf1��1At�bi ri11J�1d6f�t0 BOi'fG1Ml��.di1t�1f1iy Cf100S6 t01T1Bko f}Ni 1'YfUt1d�1 fAOt/C�f1j�4�18
<br /> pthcipN awed tx�der tt�Note ot by�e�Y P(������f tl1e f��Gta.����'�w�ion
<br /> wil b�trwUd�s a P��P�PEY�'�x
<br /> t�e.NoIiCM. My ndlce to Bottr,�wr ptnuided 1or h 4his Secu�tty lnstrumw�t ehell be Ol+ren byv 6aii�erNp k or b'Y
<br /> msllin�R by&at d�ss rrwl txd�e��ppYcable laner reqt�iros ues af enaRlter matt�od.11�e notlee aha�Il'�ba dfrected to th�
<br /> Prop�t 1lddroes or�ny otl�er ackirea�Botrowror de�na�Ns by n�tica to Lsttider.Arry rsatfca to L�ender sltinU be gkYen
<br /> by fi�st ydaas mal to Lsr�r'a ac�ass etated het�ein or any�ci�at addre�s I.srx�ar d��s��nottce to Boira�ur�r.Any
<br /> notica pno�rtcled for In tNa Socxxits►fnNiurne�t�hdl 6a deen�ec9 to have bean pis+�en tol or lsnder w[wn�avn
<br /> as pra+id�d In thi�p�raataph. '
<br /> 16. Ltw S�Yrnbflity.Tt1b SoCUrky 11�atRlttwr�t Stmi}b6�o�erried by f�lal�l hW and the l�rM af ttw
<br /> juri�istlon�the Is located.ln the�ra�t tt�at any p'o�is+on or datiae of thie Security I�nat�ol the
<br /> �Joc.conllicts wltl, r�w.a�x�,co�lkx�11 na.�t�ttwr proWcslan.a a�ta securlty��tnmenc or�a Nae
<br /> �M�lch qn b�pl�rm wltftout ths oonilidhD prari�kata Tm4h1�end the pr�wiasona of Ws SecurR�t tr►stnrn�tt artd the
<br /> �lota�n d��d to bo�voral�fa.
<br /> 18. Borf+o�Mwr's Capy. Botrow�st�t+a�ren otw confomied caopy d tne Nate and of thk Socwrity It�strtanerrt.
<br /> 17. 7Y�rn'Nr ot ttM Pr+op�rty Or!B�nNICW I�hr�st kf BOrrc�. ff aq or any patt oF the Prope�ty ot arry
<br /> k�tarqst in 12 la soid or trandar�(or If e benetid�sl krteroes�n Borror+Mer fo soki or wnaferred and Borrow�r ts not a
<br /> �raafi Cx�son)wNt�out L,�xlec''a ptior rwritLOn co�sent.l.er�der me►,at ke optbn,require irm�ediate PaYme��t tn ttll cf aY
<br /> sums sxured by thb Secutity t�tru�rient. HaNeu�r.lt�is option�:not be e�cer�cised by Lencfer If exert�se Is ,
<br /> prohlbited by fetJeta9{aw as of the date of thb Se�xxity Itutnuner�. .
<br /> FAiMLY-f1�FiN„IACUWFORYW�iRU�EIR ., i�RY��/!0
<br /> � �/(���/pr�/�(�p.pp}� P/IG�E40F0' .
<br /> _-_���' 's.�r�'y,�i, �a c:: r r .,,�� k ...
<br /> °5ty�,fi���y:4t"Y+�Ys tre�"��k,i��r i{-„����� �_" �' -_ - -_.
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<br /> - -�',�.�•o� - ,i . • : • '�i, `�rJi'�����-- — . .. -
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