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<br /> ,' ,� fdormwar aiwll promptly give Lender written natice oF any investigat un, claim, demand. �awauil or othor actinn by qny
<br /> �_.�:�� _ . governmeotal ar reQulotory agency or private pany involving Ihe Properry snd unY Hu'rArd�ua Substar�ce or Enviranmental Luw
<br /> -_ _ ----- of Ssh{*_ti p!�*�w�r 1+�,xcruwl knnwlr+d a. li&►Rnwer learna,or is noti8ed bv any Qovernmental or rcgulutary autfiurit ,that
<br /> - - _ ^•�^�. my rc�mval or othe�romediwion of any Haiardous Suhctance affocting the Property i�necewry�dorruwcr ciwli p,v���:�ta:� - -
<br /> � dl necawry Rmedial actiond in accotdance with Envir����meatd L.aw•
<br /> �� , r�-- �;,ra M u�ed in Ihi�p�ragraph 20, "Nazardous Subtta���•es" we tliose subatana.g defined +w toxic or hazardous substances by
<br /> ' ' " Environmenul law nnl tha following subatances: gas��li�. �cerosene. other flammable or toxic petral�um praducte. taxlc
<br /> � . �.� -, pesticid�w and he�bicidn.valatile swlvents,metedal9 cont�lning asbeatos or fornwlJeb�yde. und radic►ac�ive materiolr. As used in
<br /> �� " thfs paragraph 20, "�nvironmental law" meana iedaral lawa�nd lawr of the jurl�d.ctian whero the Property is locuod thw
<br /> j_�,,,;�. _w,:y.�` • (CIAfe�o hea�lh, sofety or cnvironmental pe�otection.
<br /> NON-UNtFUitM e:uVENANTS.Borruwcr and Lcnder fu»her covenant and egroe en Po��owr: --- -
<br /> "� .-.--• . 1 21. Aocdenllon=ftemedie�.Lender sfwil give notice tu SurruMer prloe to Atct��t�ttlas follosilttg Barrowee'a Areaeh ��:`':�::
<br /> �:";.-� .°_. - �
<br /> - , � of ony covenpnt or p�reement In thla 5lecurlty Instrument l�� � priur iu r..�lc.atlan uader �+ragraph 17 ualas �-- -�-------.-
<br /> � .. �ppllcable law provlda otherwl�e).The aotice sl�ll specifys (a)t1►e dePpulti(b)tbe�elba tYqulred tu cure the detiulti - -
<br /> . . , (c)�da1e� not les�tlwn 30 dayr trom the date tt�e notice le givm to Borrowe�, by whkh tha dsfpult muxt be curcd=and �
<br /> (d) llwt tvlluro to curc the defpult on or before the date epedtied In the nolice tn�Y reauU �o accclerA�bn ot Ihe sums �_ _�_
<br /> � . , � cecured by thla Security Imtrument nnd wle ot the PropMy. The notice slull furlher Intorm Borrower ot t1�e ri�l�t to
<br /> rei�utate atter nccderatbn �nd the right to brlt� s�rnutt actlon to Assert the non-exbteace ot o default o� any Mher ����.
<br /> ' ' �� � defeaee at Borrower to pccelerptlo� and sale. 1�the detpWt is not cured on or 6efore the dAte spedtied in tbe notice,
<br /> • � ' Lender. at Ite option, m�yreq ulrc immediwte peymrnt in�ull of oll sums secured by thia Secu�ity In�eumeat wNd�ut
<br /> ihrlher danwnd and may invoke the power of salo and�ny other rcmedles penMilted by ap�ka��w�.� tfu��ll�
<br /> . . mtilled ta cailed all eapet�s incurred In punning Ihe ranedln provltled In tbis poraW'�ph --
<br /> • to,r�an�ble adorneys'fee�pnd costs ot tiUe evidence. _
<br /> 1t ti�pawer o(ssdle is Invoked, Trnstee shall record a nottce of defonit In each rnunty ia w6kh pny p�rt of the .��
<br /> ' �� Pn►perfy Is localed and shpll mall rnples ot euch natice in the menner prescribed by opplicable law to Borrower and to
<br /> ,'. . lhe oti�et percom prescribed by epplicabk law.ARer the time requlred by wpplicn6k low,Tn�stee shall gfve pu611c aotict ���=.�1u�T�
<br /> ` of s�k to tbe persons and in the m�oner prescribed by applicable law. Tn�stee,wllhout danand on Borrower,stwll sdl =
<br /> ` the Property at pub�k auction to the highest bfdder at the lime and pl�ce and uade�the terms d�ignated in the rtotice ot �.°-
<br /> � •• svle in one ar more parcels and in Any order Trustee determines.Tnu�tee may postpone sole of oll ar any rcei ot the �'-''^� --
<br /> • . � Property by pubtic annauncement ot the tlme pad pls�oe oi ony previoncly sc6eduled ak. Lender or its�n e e m�y __ _
<br /> purd�a.se tbe Piroperty at any sAle. E �ri-
<br /> - � " _ Upon receip¢ oi ppyment oP the price bid, Tmstee stwll delWer to the purchaser Trnstee's deed convcying the _ `��`T'`:�..s'"'
<br /> property. The recitals in the Trustee•s deed stwN be prima PACie evidence af the truth ot the�tatements made tfierein. __
<br /> TeuRee�twN apply the proceeds of the swle in ti�e Pallowing order:(a)to nll cogtx and expe�es of exercisin Ihe power of
<br /> . ,� evle,�d the st�le,including th�r poyment of tbe Tn�stee's fc�.w actually incurred,not M exceed�j of a50.�0 01' � 96 _
<br /> �• ' � of tbe principol amount ot the note at the time a�the declpraUon o�defAUlt�ond reasonoble attorneys'tees As permitted M
<br /> . by I�wi(b)W�II aums secured by this 3ecurity loctrumenli And(c)pny exca9 to the pe�son or perso�u le�lly entitkd W � - '�-'�"'
<br /> � It.
<br /> ?.Z. Reoonveyance. Upon payment of all sums securod by this Secu�ity Insuument. Lender shall request Trus�ee �o
<br /> _- _- -_ _=
<br /> r�canvey the Propeny and shaii surrc��de� tiii� S�;uriiy fnstrumeat asu! all noteN eeidencfag debt secared by this Sece y
<br /> .'. � Insirument w Trustee.Trustee shall reconvey�he Propeny without warranty and without cFwrge to the person or persons legally
<br /> .- . entided to it.Such person or persons shall pay any rccordation casts. _
<br /> 23.Substitute Tnistee. l.ender.at its opion, ntay from time to time remuve Trusta and appaint a euccegsc�r Irustee lo
<br /> - any Trustee eppointed hercunder by an instrument recorded in the county in which this Security Instrument is recardad. Without
<br /> • , conveyonce of the Prapetty.the successor trusta sh�ll wcceed to oll the title,power and dutics conterrad upan'frustee herein
<br /> • . And by applicnble iaw. ' '
<br /> �� 24. Request tor Notices. Borrowcr requests that mpies of the notices of default and sstle be sent to Borrower's address c
<br /> � � which is theProperty Addrcss. r.� �•?'��-: :
<br /> ° , 2S.Riders to thls 3ecu�ity Instrument.If one or more riders are executed by Borrower und recorded together with this �
<br /> " Security Instrurnent.the covenunts nnd agreements oP euch such rider shall be incorporated in�o and shell nmend and aupplement �•� •-
<br /> the mvenanla and agreements of this Secudty Instrument as if Ihe ridens)wcre a part of this Security Instniment. �'�:W,;n
<br /> , � �chxk ePplkab�e eoxces�) t`�""..
<br /> . ., � [,-._.
<br /> .,'°'.�•` ' Adjustable Rate Rider Condominium Rider I-4 Fnmily Rider ' '�-
<br /> Oraduated Payment Rider Planned Unit Development Rider Biweekly Payment Rider ��~��1. �'�,�'�.
<br /> - � Balloon Rider Rute Improvement RiJer 5 e c ond Home Rider ' .,;,G,:•,:�--
<br /> v.A. Rider ocherts)fspecity� Acknowledgement ��
<br /> =��:�:--
<br /> K�;-�_.=
<br /> - 4 --.�'2i�:_
<br /> .. . ,. ' .��i�F;i,:�_'.
<br /> " BY SI(3NINCi BELOW,Borrower accepts and agree.c to the terma ond mvenants contained in this Secu�ity lnstrument and � , ,�»,:�
<br /> � .,� , in any rider(s)exxuted by Borrower and rocorded with it. . •
<br /> Witncsses: `L t
<br /> � . X.�1��ldix!!��h'�t/LP,Ir/ (Scal)
<br /> ; am . rennan _�,�� , .
<br /> . . . /UZ�k• NtEI4cu....J (seal)
<br /> � Ueborah K. 8rennan _�,,,�,��
<br /> . ' ' (Seal) (Seal)
<br /> • � -Bortowcr •&�rmwer
<br /> I
<br /> -_ _—...---.
<br /> _ -- -- ��
<br /> ' � S'fATE OF NF.BRASKA. HA�� County ss:
<br /> � The foregoing instrument was ucknuwled ed before me Uiis 15th �v ��' May , 1992 ,
<br /> ' � by William C. Brennan and Debora�i K,Brennan, husb and wi4�e .
<br /> I Witneas my hand and notari�l seal at Grand Isl and � i ounty,the date atoresaid.
<br /> My Commfssion Eapires: Z-14-94 _ C �
<br /> ����� N��ry Publk
<br /> -� , �Y�.��
<br /> � a�' � � vp��o�• FOtm 3028 8190
<br /> - - �',[i� . �
<br /> � - _
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