1 {j , . ; � N :��•`i,:i;;�;� � � , t s;
<br /> t;i�ffi � ;'.}-. � ,�� '�E�i%'t; , ;.�;�•-(��{: •'�>t+ ,,i,rr�.
<br />_ rf� � � 'ye _...��,i+fq-•�14''r(I . ,,...f, . .__ ^- .v....�..r�Ydltl'::s< l� . . ..r ��
<br /> ..... .. ^ ' '.�.5, 'A/75i^tlfsYr. . . . �- ... y !r� �(� f._.—�.-�"•`-���
<br /> - . . .. ,i•i ..vfP��tE'�:` �•- :� r✓h Yf�l y �-�?-� yY,s4�i'�+Or�l
<br /> '; i� �� . � nY !' �e <�� ���'���_-_
<br /> �� �i � > :+ �'�• �,�„_:;i.,. ��o.'�t:'
<br /> - -�••` s+�:e. A�'a�°w'�; -�..��•' �?��a
<br /> .1;'. � � '• -/I��'i�-..:.'--�_--
<br /> "� � . �-, subslarnfelly equivalent mortgage insurance rovernge is nnt avAilable, BuRawer shall pny t��Leixlar euch rnomh a sum cyuul In � , • 1..,,-
<br /> . • ' on�•twelflh of tlie yearly'mort8o6�insurtu►'ce prcmium being paid by Borrower whcn the ineurance covcrage lupxed nr cea�l to
<br /> :r.._ ._•_ ._.��.:�; -�a
<br /> be in effxt.l.endar will acapt,use nnd ret�frt theae p�ymente as a loss rcserve in lieu oi mortgage insuro�ce, l.oas eeserve �„�,;R.�,;,.r._�__���
<br /> , __ pvymenta rtwy no lon�er be requirad,at the op�lon of Lender. ii mongnge jnsurance coverage(in�he amount and for�he periad �-wi
<br /> - -�_—_ - �. � thnt�nder rcqwrcsl p�uvide�f by .u�:+w�:::� dpy�roved by L=r.�• �^�a.,IvrnT.C'i s�•a!lnF+l�e�,rl is nt,�•inHl. Rnrmwcr shall pav _••�-� .-W- -
<br /> �.......__...
<br /> the premiuma rcqulred ta�rwiatwln mongoge ineuronce in effect,or to provide a loss rcserve,until lho rcquir+ement for monQe�e �.�..,,,r:,.__� •.+:.-.�-
<br /> inauranca ends in occordonce wNh any wriuen ogramem between Borcower and L.e;ider or appliceble law. �r:�
<br /> • ,. „ • 9,lorpectlon.I.ender or its agcnt m�y make reACanable entrles upan and inspeclions of Ihe Property.L.ender rhall Qive .. ._�� .��.d_.._-..�.=
<br /> � Bortower notice at thc timo of or prior to en inspection tpecifying reasonable cau�e for the in�+pection. ���_"
<br /> � " l0. Caodemns�llon.The praceais of any uwa�d or claim for domu ea, direct or con�ze uential, in cunnection wilh un ��'`�''��°"r-----
<br /> FT 9 Y -x'-++s��•w�,-�=_�ti�.�.«
<br /> ' candemnetion or other taking oi eny paR of tiu Property,or for conveyance in lieu of condemnatian,ure hereby axsi�nod and �' w. ,,.k.�N�,�,.,r�_
<br /> . shall be pwld to Lender. j ."�'.. '
<br /> - --.- -•.__� _..__.._ � Z�;:;;,a•cnt af a tat�l ta::ing of the Praperty.the rm��+hall IK applied to!fic suttts�ecared by this Stcs�ity lestrument. - - .- --
<br /> �. : . .. � G whether or nnt �hen due. with any exce.cs paid to Borrnwer. In the evmt oi a pnrtfal tuking of the Property in which the fair y , ,._ . „ �;,,,.;,,�,�,.,;=
<br /> � �j+ market value af the Praperty immediately b eiare thc teking is equal to or greuter than the amount oithe sums sccured by thir k._ .,. .;;,,.��Y.,�;y� .;
<br /> Socudty Insuument immediately beiore the taking.unless Bonower and Lender atherwise agrce in wri�ing. the sums securod by �•,
<br /> �: Q thia Security Ina�niment ahnll be reduced by �he amount of the procada multiplial by the following frnc�ian: (a)the tou►I � � � • • •
<br /> �wnaunt af the sums secured immediately before the taking.divfdod by(b)the fair merket value oi the Property immedlately �
<br /> ' . before the twking. Any belance Rfiall be paid to Bc�rrower. In the event of u partial taking of the Property in which the fuir ! • • �;,� ��•�� �
<br /> / markct value of the Property immaiiately before the taking is less ihnn the amount oP the sums secured immediately hefore the ,
<br /> � �I taking,unleas Borcower and l.ender otherwise agree in writing or unless applicable law otherwise provides,the proceeds:hall i
<br /> �:�''•� � C� be appIled to the aums secured by thie Security Instniment whether nr not the sums are then due. �
<br /> : `��•'�i�, If the Propeny is abAndoned by Borrower,or if,after notice by Lender to Bormwcr Ihat the condcmnor offers to makc an ! . �
<br /> ``��;+ •` award ar seltle a claim for damages, Borrower fails to respond to Lender within 30 days aRer lhe date the notice is given, ,
<br /> .;� • I.ende�is au�horfud to collect and apply the proceeds,at its option.either to reetoratian o�repair of the Property or to the aums ' Y^
<br /> �:;�,� aecured by thia Secudry Instrument,whethar or not then due. " `�=�;�
<br /> ►;•• Unleas Lender and Borrower othervvise agree in writing, any application af pmceeds ta principal shall not extend or —
<br /> , pasipone ihe due date af the monthly payments referted to in pungraphs I and 2 or change the Amount of such paymenls.
<br /> t 1.Romower Not Rdeacedi Forbe�mnce 8y I.ender NM�Walven Extensian of the time for payment or modification rt;� �t�=.;,�
<br /> ' of amonizadan of the sums secured by this Secu�ity Instn�ment granted by Lender to any successor in inlere4t ai Borrower ahull � •
<br /> - •• � not operate to rcleuse the Ifabilky of�he originel Ba�rower ar Barrower's successars in interest. I.ender 4ha11 nat be rcquired to ' �.„��,1.•
<br /> •• commence proceedinga againat any successor in intere�t or refuse to extend time for payment a�r othenvise mixlify amortization � ���;
<br /> —. � i of the sums secured by this Securi�y Inslrumem hy reusan of any demanJ mude by tha arigin:�l &�rri�wer or Bnrrower's . �#;�
<br /> ,, .�..,
<br /> . successo�in interest. Any forbearance by l.ender io exercising any right or remedy shall nnt be a wt�iver af or preclude the ,, ;•���•;
<br /> exercise oiany rfght or remedy. i �::f?!��•..'•''!sS`---
<br /> � 12. Succe.sso�wnd Asslgns 8ound;Jolnt end Several l.iabilNy: Co-siqners. The co�•enanls nnd agreements of this �:"� y�
<br /> . Security Ins�rument shall bind and benafit the auccessar� and assigns of I.ender and Bonower, subject to the provisions of ;};,; ,_�
<br /> ; �' paragraph 17. Borrower's sovennnts and agreements shall be jolnt and xeveral. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security �:: , � �
<br /> ;,• .; lns�rurnent but daes nat execute the No�e: (s�)is co-slgning this Security Instrument only�o mortgage, grant nnd canvey thut �'i'� "•"
<br /> ,. Borrower's Interest in the Pr�perty under the terms of this Security Instrument; (bl is not perconally obligated to Pay the sums I �
<br /> :�' secured by this Security lnurument;and(c)agrees that Lender and any wher Hanower may ag�ee to extend,mndiPy.fort►ear or , ,
<br /> � 't',- � make any uccommoda�ions with regurd to the �erms of this Secu�ity Ins�rument c►r the Note wilbout that Borrower's consent. `�'
<br /> _ . __����� .
<br /> �;;�'c,-- - . Y3. Loan Charges.if the ivao securcd by tiii�Sr�:urity fo�t�wi�rnt h subjc�:i to a iaw which sets mazimum loan chargrs, � ''�".';��:-,-' _-
<br /> • ' and that Iaw is flnally inlerpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to be callec�ed in connection with the �;�.,�
<br /> .�•`���` loan eaceed�he permitted limits, tiien: (a)any such loun charge shall t►e reduced by the umnunt necexsary to�«lure the churge � �' .,.
<br /> " '•� te the permilted limit;anJ lb)any surns already collected irom Borrower which exreedc�l permitted limits will he refunded to ;"-� ..?`'' ' ' •'�.�
<br /> - '. :..:;,: Bortower. l.ender muy choose to make this refund hy reJucing �he principal nwed under the N�Ne ��r by mnking a dircct : .�`,�„��
<br /> puyment to Borrower. If a rcfund �educes principal, the reduc�ian will be treutal us u purtiul pr�puyment withuut any � .,� -
<br /> �� prepayment charge under the Note. . ' '• �' s�``°
<br /> ' � ��'� `� !4.Notices.Any natfce�o Bonawer pmvided for in this Security Inst�ument shall be given by delivering it c�r hy n�ailing ' ;�
<br /> ' ft b first class muil unless a licable low re uires use of anuther methad. The notice shAll be directed w �he Pro n AdJregs •:�=s:=
<br /> Y PP 9 Pe Y i� � �,`-
<br /> � � nr any ottier nddress Born►wer designa�e4 by notice to Lender. Any notice to Le�xler thull he given by fi�t clu+s muil tu - -- -
<br /> '' � Lender's address stated herein or nny other uddresc Lender Jesignates by ix►tice to Borrower. Any notice pmviJecl fi�r in this '?'"'�
<br /> ' Security Instrument shall be deemed�a huvc been given to&�rrower or lxnder when given as provided in this pan�graph. ; '� °
<br /> 15.Governing Law= Sevembllily. Thfs Security In�trument shall be governed by federnl luw and �he law of the ,
<br /> jurisdiction In which the Property ie lacnted. In the event Ihat any provision iir clause of this Security Instrument or the Nolc
<br /> con0icts wflh applicable law.such conflict shall niit affect o�her provi�ions of thi�Security Instrument nr the NiNC which can be ,
<br /> � given effect without the conflicting provision.To this end the provisions of this Security Instrument ond the Note are declared �;F• -°�
<br /> -- to be severable. �Y�'��
<br /> 1 ' . . . . . . , . . .'�•:":_
<br /> ]6.Borrower s Cop . Borrowe►-sFwll be given une conforn�ed copy of the Note And of this Sca�urity Instrun�ent.
<br /> l7.Transfer at the�operty or a Benellclal Interest in Borrower. If all or any pnn of the Property or uny intereat in it
<br /> is aolcl or transferred(a�if a beneficial interest in Borrower is snld or tron�ferred and Borrower is not a nntural person) without ;.
<br /> • (.ender's prior written consent, Lender may, at �ts opuon, reqwre immedmte payment m full ot all gums secured by this -
<br /> �' � Security Instrument.However,this option shall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal law as oP the date �.
<br /> of this Security InstrumeM. �
<br /> , If l.ender exercises Ihis option,L.ender�hall give BoROwer notice of acceleratbn.The notice shall pravide a pe�iod of nat
<br /> less ttan 30 days from the duta the notire is delivereJ �tt mailed wi�hin which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this
<br /> � . " Security Inslrument.If Borcower fuils to ppy these sum�c prior to the expirution of this period, Lender may invoke any remedie.4 i'
<br /> permitted by this Security Instrument without funher notice or demand on Burrower. � .
<br /> � 18. Borrower's Rl�ht lo Relnsfate. If &►rrower meets certain cronditions, B��rrower shall havc thc risht to have
<br /> ��� enforcement of this Secunty Instrument discontinued at nny time prior to the earlier of: (a) 5 days lor 4uch other period as
<br /> appllcable law may specffy for reinslaternentl bcfore sele of the Prapeny pursuant ai uny power of xale ammined in this
<br /> . Securi�y Instrument;or(b)entry of a judgment enforcing this Security Instrument.Those rnnditions ure thnt B�►rn�wer: (•r1 pays •
<br /> Lender all sums whieh then would be due under this Seeurity Instrument nnd the Ncite as if no�creleration hocl oavrred: Ibl !
<br /> cures any default of any other covenAnts or agreements; Ic) pnys all expenses incurred in enfixcing this Securi[y Insttvmenl.
<br /> including.but not limited to.rcasonable attorneys' fees; und (d) tnkes such nction as Lender muy rea�onably require to ussure I
<br /> . ,y.,, that the lien of this Securi�y Instrument, L.ender's rights in the Property und Borrower's ubligation �o pay U�e .ums sccured by
<br /> ' � �his Security Instrument shall cnntinue unchanged. Upun reinslntement by Borrower, �hir Securily Instrument anJ the
<br /> •�,_ . obligatioas secured hereby shull remain fully effedive�s if no acreleration hud accurred. However, this right to n:instute shall
<br /> not apply In the case of accclerotion under pa�agruph 17.
<br /> 19. Sale ot Note; Ch�e ot Loan Service�. The Nate or a partial interext in the No�e (togcther n�ith thix Security
<br /> � Instnament)may be sold one or more times wi�hnut prior notice to Borri�wer. A sale muy re�ult in u change in the entiry (kn��wn
<br /> c dr "1 nnn G�viror"1 �he� .�nllarfa rwin�hlv novmnntc r6�o uwla��Fu+ N..tn on.��hlc C....n.:�..In.��..........� TM.......1.-..... ..1.....
<br /> _ -__.. _- —.:- �.-_:� � , .._. __..__._..._......� r-�..._..._..---..__. .... .....__.._ ......���.....� ................. .....�....,.. ..�»� .�. ..�: �
<br /> � ' or morc changes nf�he Lnan Servicer unrelo��l to u salc uF the Note. If Ihere is u chunge of the L��un Servirer, Burrower will he
<br /> { given written notice of the change in urcordance with pari�gruph 14 above and•rpplirable luw.The nutice a•ill slate the nvme and
<br /> � uJdress of the new Li�an Servicer and the addrt:ss to which payments should be made. The notice will ulso runtnin any other
<br /> inforrnatiun rcyuired by nppliwble law.
<br /> � 20. 1lazardous Substgnces. &�rrower shull not rvuxr ur pem�il 1he presence, u�e. Ji�posul, �lorage, ur relcase of any
<br /> ' HazarJous Substances �m��r in the Pro�►crty. eorrnwcr �hall not do, nnr nll�iw unyone els� w Ju, unything alferting thc
<br /> Propeny that is in vinlutiun of uny Environn�ental Ir•w. The preceding twa scntenee+shull n��� •rpply a� Ihe prerence, u+c, ��r
<br /> xtomLee on the Pm�xny O�SITWII l�U�tlhllt:�tl(FIUTARIOUti SUIItiIUIII't5 thul are genrrully rcciigniie�l ti�Ix appropriutc lu iN�rnwl
<br /> ' residential uses and to maintenance of�he Prc�peny.
<br /> �'�ue 3 0�� . Fam 3028 9180
<br /> _-• - � ' �
<br /> i
<br /> � -- - -
<br />