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<br /> � ° Tht Pu�le aholl Ne held in an ins�iluUan rvhose depasita ere insured by a ferleral ogency. MswmcnwNty, or entity •_z�-
<br /> . (including L.ender, ff Lender iti such an instituiionl or in any Federol Hame Loan Bank.I.ender ghnll apply thc FundR ta puy thc -..�,,,._;:,.._
<br /> - - .-�-'•'••-°•----- r�;�;•��`�;, ►,�».��„,,��• �,,.r�h,r��A+.r►�w�r fnr holdin[t and npplvinq�he FundR. unnuallv anelyzinx the escrow acrnunt,or �+►±�_"' "'_
<br /> � verifying Ihe Bscrow Items.unless l.ende�paye Bormwar interert on Ihe Funde And uppIlcnble law permils l.ender�o ma�ce such �,._ti,�.....-�_=-_--
<br /> • � O CllYfgC. Howeve�,Lender may reyuire Burrower�o pay a one•time charge far an independent real astate tax reporting servkc ,�w�4.:-_
<br /> used by L.ender in connertion wlth Ihis Inan, unless applicable law provides uthenvise. Unlesc an ngreemenl is mAde or �"' ���.�r`_- _
<br /> � ' ^ , upplicu ble law requirc�bterest to be puid,L.enJer�h�ll nat be requircxi la puy Ei�nowcr any irnercst or earni�g�on the Fu n da. �" "-
<br /> Borrciwer und l.cncier may mgree in w�f�ing, however.�hnt intorest sball be paid on the Funds. Ir.nJer shall gi�e�o Borrower, ���__
<br /> wi�hcwt charge, um m�uAl s►ccounlfng aP the Funds, show{ng credits and debits la the Funds and the purpose far which each �'��--
<br /> � � deb{t�a thc Funds wns mude.The Funda ore lalged sui nciditional security for oll sums ucurad by this Security Inguument. �"���ri�n��
<br /> -- !f the F���ds held My l.en�ler exceecl�he�unts permiucd ta be held by applicable law.Lender shall ucrnunt ta Bnrrower �.-,. �•�" '•="
<br /> _ _ _ _ j fbr the excess Fundc in accordance with �he tequirenKnta of applicable law. if the airnwn�uf�f�Fur�i:�I�ctd br lender.:t any - - ----
<br /> tima ia nut nu(ficie�u to pay the Fsrr��w pPmr:When duc. LCndcr may�nntify Bnrmw�r in����tin�, nnd,in cuch case Bonower E!4'•'a"="'_=r-_M1_
<br /> aholl pay tn L.ende�Ihe umount nn:essery 1�mnke up�he doficiency. Horrowar�Iwll make up�he deficiency in no morc than '"-.
<br /> twelve manthly puymea�s,at Lender'c solc di�cretlnn.
<br /> Upon payment in full af all sums r�ecurai by thia Securiry Instrument, Lender ehall promptly refund to Borrower any +'6--------_
<br /> Funds held by Lender. If, under paragraph 2 I,Lender shall acquira or rell the Property,Lender, rior to the acquisition or sale •"'`���--�'-
<br /> �:_,,..=
<br /> -�-,-,�
<br /> ' of the Property,shall aFply any Funds held by Lender at�he time of acquisition or sale as a cred t against�he sums securod by �^��__.�__
<br /> ' ' ` thfc Securiry 7nstrumcnt. s;�-:
<br /> � 3.Applkat[on ot Payments.Unless npplicable luw provides otherwise,all puyment4►eceival by Lender under paragraphs �-'���`�t�.,'�'----
<br /> � � I and 2 shal! be applied: first, to any vrcpayment charges due under the No�e; second,ta amounts payable under parrgraph 2: R ��"`
<br /> ' ' third,to intercs�due;fourth,to pdncipal due;and last,to any late chargea due under the Notc.
<br /> ' • 4.Chorges; Uens. BO�fOWG�SIIAI)�IUy BII (81[G3,as�sments,charges,fines and impositions auributablc to�he Property ��Y',:�'-
<br /> � whkh may attuin riori� rner this Securit Instmmn�t.and leasehold ments or round rents. if an Bormwer shall � '�-�-
<br /> , ,,;�'. ., P Y • Y PeY 6 Y• PeY �_6
<br /> thcso oblig�tions in U�e manner provlded in pamgraph 2. or if not paid in that manner. Borrower ehall pay them on�ime dircctly
<br /> • to the person owed payment.Borrower shall promptly furnish to l.ender all notices of amawts to be paid under thls paragraph. .;��,�=�.-:•
<br /> . If Borrower mekes�hese puyments diroctly, Borrower shall prompdy 1'urnish to I.encler rccelpts evidencing�he paymerns. (� �.. _
<br /> Borrower shull promplly Jischarge any Ilen which has priority ovcr this Sccurity Instrument unles�Borrower:(a)agrecw in `.�'�� -�
<br /> writing to the payment of the abligation seeuRd by the lien in a manneracceptable to Lender, (b)conlesls in gooci fuith rhe lien •
<br /> by, or defends agelnst enforcement of the Ikn in, legr�l praceedings which �n the I.ender's npinion opemte Io prevent Ihe � � :�,�
<br /> enforcement af the lien;or Ic)secures fram the M�Ider of�he lien un ugreement satisfuctory to l.ender 4ubordinating the lien to � 's-_
<br /> this Security Instrument. If Lender determines that any pan of the Property is subject�a A lien which muy auain priority over � -
<br /> this Security Instrument. I..ender muy give Barn�wer n nqiice identifying the lien.Borrowcr shall satisfy the lien or take onc or �--�----- =�
<br /> r i1{a�:�w
<br /> more of the actions u:t farth abuve within 10 duys of the giving of notice. ' ,,,..
<br /> 5. H�ard or Property Insurance. eorrower shall keep the improvements now exiating or herealier erated on the —
<br /> Praperty insured against loss by fire, h�wrda incluJed within the term"eztended coverage' c+nd any othe�huzanls. including Y - _
<br /> w
<br /> floods or floading,for which Lender requirec fnsurunce. This insurance shall be maintnined in the nmauntg aod far the riods
<br /> � Ihat I.ender rtquires. The insurance canier providing the insurance sl�all be chosen by Borrower subject to L.ender's approvAl ` ' ��
<br /> � which shall not be unreaganAbly withheld. If Borrawer fuils to maintain coveroge desc�ibed above, L.ender mey,At l.ender's I u�"��^
<br /> -, ; option,ohtain coverage to pratect L.ender's rights in the Propeny in uccordance with paragroph 7.
<br /> -- - - i Af! iasataro:s poltcics and rcntu�ls shal! tx scceptable to Lendtr snd shall inr�U�1P n ctnndard mortgage clau�e. Lencler
<br /> � shall have the�igM to hold thepo licies and renewals. If l.et►der requires,Bormwer shall prompUy give lo Lender nll recelpts af W`y
<br /> paid premiums und renewul notices. In the event of loss. Borrawer shall give prompt notice to the insurnnce carrier and IxnJer. � �-
<br /> � l.ender may tnake proof of loss if not made promptly by Botrower.
<br /> Unless l,ender and BoROwer otherwise ag�ee in writing, insurnnce pr�ceeds shall be npplicd to restoration or repui�nf the
<br /> Property dameged,ff the restoration or repuir is economically feasible and I.ender's security is not lessened. If Ihe rcstoration or
<br /> repair is not econamically feasible or Lender's sxuri�y would be Icssened. �he insuraace mceeds shall be applied to�he sums �.-
<br /> c
<br /> secured by this Securlty Instniment, whelher or not then due, with ony exce4s puid Io rrower. If Borrower abandons �he
<br /> � Nroperty, ar daes not unswer within 30 days a nMire frnm Lencier thot the insumnce currier has offered ta settle a cluim, then
<br /> Letxier may collec�tha insumnco pmceeds. Lender may use the proceecis tn repair or restore the Property or to puy sums °�
<br /> � sxured by this Security Instrutnent.whether or ncK then due.The 30-day peri«I will begin when the notice is given. �
<br /> Unless l.ender and Barrower otherwise n ree in writin , •rn u licati�n of roceods to rinci al shali not extend or "'�""�
<br /> 8 B Y pP P P P �`'�.'"` ��-=�f.
<br /> � postpone Ihe due d�te of 1he monthly pnymentc referred to in paragraphs I and 2 or change the umaunt of the payments. If , _
<br /> under paregraph 21 the Propeny is acquired by l.ender, eorrower's right to uny insurance policies and proceeds resulting fmm �•�-` --
<br /> _ . . , damage to the Property prior to the acquisition sholl pass to Lender to the extent of the sums secured by Ihis Securily Inatrumen� ��• • -
<br /> � , immedintely pria��o the ucquisition. � -�._
<br /> , � 6.Occup�ncy,P�servalion.Maintenaace and Protection of the Property;Borrower'R I.oan Applica�don;Leaseholds. � �-°•'_�-
<br /> � Borrower shall occupy,es�ablish,and use�he Propeny us BoROwer's principal residence wi�hin sixly duyc after the execution of ,
<br /> � ' this Secudty Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Propeny as Borrower's principal residence for ut lenst one year nfter _i;_
<br /> ! �he dnte of occupancy,unless Lender otherwise ugrees in writing, which consent shull not be unreasonably withheld.or unless ;_:_
<br /> _ � extenuuting circumstances ezist which �re beyond Borrower's control. Hurrower shall not destroy, dumuge or impuir the
<br /> '� � Property, allow the�'roperty to dcterio�ate,or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall be in defuult if any forfeiture
<br /> , action or proceeding, whether civil nr criminel. is begun thnt in l.ender's good fnith judsment could result in forfeiture of Ihe
<br /> � � Property or otherwise materially impair the lien created by this Security Instrument ou�Lender's security interest. Borrower rtwy
<br /> cure such a default end reinstate,us provided in paragraph 18,by cousing the action or pracc�eding to be dismissed with a nding
<br /> - �hat, in l.ender's good Fnith detemiinatinn, precludes forfeiture nf the Bormwer'c in�erest in the Property or other mulerinl
<br /> impairment of the liei�created by this Secunty Instrument nr L.ender's security interest. Borrower shall ulso be in default if
<br /> Borrower,during the loan application process,�ave mnterlally false or inaccuru�c inform�tion or statements to Lender lor failed
<br /> _ �o provide l.ender with any material information)in wnnectiun with the loun evidenced by Ihe Note,including, but not IimiteJ
<br /> to, representations concerning Borrower's occupancy of the Propeny u.g n principal residence. If this Security Inxtrument is on a
<br /> leasehold, Borrower shall comply with ull Ihc pmvisions of the lense. If Bormwcr acquires fee title to the Property, the .
<br /> leasehold and thc fee�itle shull not merge unl�cc I.ender agrces to the n�erger in writing.
<br /> — . . 7.Protec►inn of Lender's Rlghts fn the Properly.If&�rrriwer fciUs to perl'or►n the covenantx and ugrecn�ents cantuined in
<br /> _ this Security Instrument, or there ix u legnl pmceeding thnt may signiflcuntly aUect l.ender'c rights in the Pr��perty 1�uch as n
<br /> prc�ceeding in bunkruptcy, probute, fi�r condemnatiun or fi►rfeiwre or to enl'orce luws or rcgulatiuns), then Lender may du und
<br /> � Qay for whAtevec is necessery to protect the vulue of the Property and L.ender's righls in�he Propeny. Lxnder's uction� m;�y
<br /> � mclude poying any sums secured by a lien which has priority over tl�is 5ecurity Inst�untent, appearing in ruurt, puying
<br /> � . reasonable auorneys' fees and entering on the Propeny to make repairs.Although Lender may�ake action under�his paragraph
<br /> � 1 7,Lender dces not have to do so.
<br /> ' Any amrwnts disbursod hy Lender under thi� pamgraph 7 shall t�ecome additional debt of Borrower secureJ by tliix
<br /> �� ' Securiry Inswmem. Unless Borrower nnd l.encier auree�o other terms of pnyment, these amounts shall bear interest fr�im the
<br /> - � dute of dixbursernent ut the Note rnte and shall be puyuble, with interest, upon notice fmm Lender to Borcower requesting
<br /> payment.
<br /> � S.MortgQ�e Insurance. If Lender rcyuirecl mongage insurance as a condition of makinF Ihe luan serured hy Ihis ticcurity
<br /> Instrument, Borrower shull puy the premiums reyuireci to muintnin the monguge imurance in cffect. II', ti�r uny reaxnn, �hc
<br /> � . mortguge insurnnce covernge reyuircd by Lender lupse�or cea.�es to bc in e(fec�. &irruwer shull pay the premiums reyuireJ tu
<br /> obtnin coveruge substantially equivulent lo the nx�rt�oge insurunce previougly in effert. at u cast substonliully eyuivalent ta the
<br /> • i rnst to Borrowe�of the nwrtgage insurunce previously in el'I'ect, from an alternate nK�nga�;e insurer upproveci by l.ender. If
<br /> ' Vp��al• Fqm 3028 9190
<br />- : ' -__ �r
<br />