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<br /> � . � DEED OF TRUST � �,_ �
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<br /> THIS DBED OF TRUST('9ecurily Instrument')is mmdeon May 22 s 1992 .The trustor is • ��`�`�'���
<br /> Thomao A. Kahrhoff. A Single Pereoa
<br /> .. ("Bomower").The trustee is Norwest Bank Nebraaka� National Aaeociation
<br /> ,. � ("Trusta').The benefciary is Norwoat Bank Nebraska. National Associatioa
<br /> , which isorganized and exigting under the luws of United Statee of Amsrica ,and whose =_Y_
<br /> addrcssis 202 Woot Third Straat. Grand Is'Land. Nebraeka 68801 '
<br /> ' ("L.ender").Borrower owes Lender the principal sum of °_'_
<br /> - -_ ----� --��es.-.- � 9§,44Qa44
<br /> `- "- - NINETY k'tVE THOUSAND elI3D N81188 ---------------- DuliaistU.�. S ?•
<br /> This debt is evidenced by Barrower's note datecl the �ame du�e us thia Securi�y Instrument("Note"),which provldes for __
<br /> ' � manNdy payments,with�he full debt,if not pAid enrlier,due ond payAble on July 21� 1992 . _. _
<br /> This Security lnstrument secures to I.ender:(a)Ihe repuyment of'the debl evidenced by the Note,wi�h inte�ext.und ull rvnewals, _e
<br /> ea�ensions and modifications of the Nate: (b)the payment af all ot{ur sums, with intere4�, advunceJ under paregraph 7 to
<br /> ' protect the security of this Securi�y Instrumem; und (c)the perfonnunce of &�rrnwfr', covenants and agreements. For thia
<br /> purpose, Borrower ircevacably grants and rnnveys lo Troster, in tnrst, wilh power of sale, tiie fbllowi�g descrihed property ��,7_�
<br /> locatal in � Hall Caunty.Nebraska: _�_
<br /> , �� ',. � -�.���.
<br /> . Lot Two (2) M 6 S Subdivision, City of Gcand Islaad. Hall County� Nebrsska n ''
<br /> I . ,�Y �M� ...a
<br /> C �
<br /> l
<br /> , , � " .., -;r��,_
<br /> . . � ��_
<br /> which has the addrcas of 2115 WQet LeMar Avenue, Craad Ieland, Nebxaska 68803 �sirce�,cny�. ,
<br /> Nebraska ("Pmpeny Address"1: .
<br /> �Zip Code� '
<br /> " TO()ETHER WITH all the improvements now or hereniter erected on ihe�mperty,und all eusements,ap unennnces,und
<br /> O
<br /> � tiatures now or hereaFter a pnrt of the property. All replxements and nJditfons shall also be covered y this Security
<br /> Instrument.All of�he faregning ix rePern�cl�o in this Sc�:urity Instrumcnt as the"Property."
<br /> '' • BORROWBR COVENANTS thnt&�rrower is Inwf'ully seised oi'the eswte hereby conveyal suiJ hus the right lu gront onJ
<br /> , � canvey the Pmpeny and that the Property is unencumbered,except fnr encumbrances of record. Bnrrnwer wunants und will .
<br /> � • defend generally the title to the Property�guinxt all cluims und demands,subject to any encumbroncev of reconl.
<br /> _ • THIS SECURITY INS'1'RUMENT combines uniform covenantx for nationul use and non•unil'orm covenants with limiled
<br /> variations by jurisdiction to constitute a uniform security insttumem cavering rcal property.
<br /> UNI�ORM COVENANTS.Borrower nnd Leidcr covcmnt nnJ Agree a�tidlnws:
<br /> _ • l. Payment of Principal and Interestt �p�ymmt and Late CBatges. Bomawer shnll pmmptly puy when due the
<br /> � principal of and interest on the debt evidenceci by the Nnte und uny propuymem unJ late churgec due wider the No�c.
<br /> ' ; 2.Fands Por Taxes and Insuronce. Suhject to applicable law or ta a written waiver by L.ctNter, Bnrcnwer shall pay t��
<br /> L.ender on the day mo�thly payments ure due under the Note,until the Noto is paid in full,u sum("FunJs")ti�r:la)yearly tuxcs
<br /> and assessments which may attain priority ovcr this Secutity Instrument ac a lien on ihe Propeny; (b)ycarly Ies�seholJ puymcnt�
<br /> -� .. ar Qround rents nn�he Pmpeny,if any;(c)ycarly hauird nr pmperly inxurance premiums:(d)yeArly tlixxl insuranee pretniwns.
<br /> �-� --- � �� � if any;(e) yearly mortgaFe insurance premiums, if uny;und In any �umc puyable by Burrower to l.cnder,in •rccorJnnce wuh
<br /> — , the provisions nf parograph 8, in lieu uf the puymen�of mcingube fnsumnee premiums.These items are c�llcd "�scrow• Items."
<br /> - � Lender may, at uny time, rullec� nnd hoW FunJs in un umount not a►cxcccJ thc moximum amount a Iendcr for a feJcrully
<br /> I relutecl mongugc lo•rn m;ry require fnr Borrower's esrroN� u�r�>unt undcr U�c fcdeml Renl Estale Sc�dcment Pnxcdurc,Aci u(
<br /> 1974 as umendeJ fmm time to�imc, 12 U.S.C. Secii�►n 2601 rr sey. 1"R�SF'A"),unlezs unoUier luw Ih:�t upplics lu the Fw�Ja
<br /> — � sets u les�cr amount. 11'xo. LenJcr may. at any timr. coll�til s�nJ hulJ FunJ� in aii amount u��t la cxccccl thc Icsxcr amount.
<br /> . l.endcr muy c.timatc thc umuunt uf f unciti due�m�hc hatiiti uf current d�tu und reasnnuble e.rtimutes o(expendilures of futurr
<br /> � Escrow Items or othenvise in acconlunce with upplicable law.
<br /> NEBRASKA-S�ngle FHndy•F�nnl�MNIFr«idi�M�c UNIFORM INSTRUMENT Form 3028 9190
<br /> �NI�LT97 VMPMONiG�GE FORMS �d�Y773 d�00 iNWi51t 779i Va�o 1 n�4 Ammd�d 6/81
<br />._ "' -_ � �
<br /> � _ ___.__ ._ ._
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