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<br /> cxecuY:d[ur tho purposc of crc ating,securing�r guarantying Ihc ticcurcd lkht. A g:u�d f�ith helwf hy t.cncicr that
<br /> L.cndc:r at any tim�c is inscrun:w ith rrspect tn any Ex r�n ar cntity ot�ligated cu�thc Sccurcd I)cbt ur Ihat Uu:4uc�spect
<br /> of uny�ayment os thc��aluc:of t?u Prc�ny is impaired shaU alx�cunstitute an event of default.
<br /> 1S. R�MEDIES ON DEFAULT. In wnu insta�u.�s,fedcra! and siate !aw will rcquire L.cnder to pravidc t:rantor with -
<br /> notice af tts� ri�ht ta cwe or other notices�nd n�ay establish time s`chedules for foreclosur� :utions.Subjcct tu thcsc
<br /> timitations,if any. I.end.:c m�y uccetcr�te the Sccured llebi aail fnrerlose this Sceurity lnxtrumeat in a u�iner
<br /> provi�J by l:rw if Grantur is in�efautt.
<br /> At thz apiio� a+L.ender,a1!ar any part of thc agrcd fc:.s arxl cha:gcs,ar�rucd interest ar.J rrir.:.ipal�haU heewnc
<br /> im�edi�tely due and payablc, a[tcr giving noticc i[ rcq•.ured by law,upon thc occurrencc o[a default nr anytimc
<br /> thercatier.ln sddition,Lender rhall he entitted to ali the tcmedies provickd by law,thc tcrnis uf thc Sccurcd Debt.
<br /> this Security lnstrucnent and u��•ralated documents,including without limitation,the pow�er ta sell thc Property.
<br /> If tAer�is a.iefault.7Yuster shall,in additian to any ather permitted nmedy,at the requcst of thc l.endcr,�dverlisc
<br /> and sell the L'roperty�s a whol�or in separatc parcels at public auctan to the highest bidder for cash :ind cor►�•ey
<br /> a6sdlute ti�le iree ucuf clear of all right,tit�and interest of Grantor at such time and place as Trustee designates,
<br /> Trustee shall gi�e notice of s�ie inclu,ding the tunc,ternu and plac�;of sale�ud a d�criptan af the property w be sald
<br /> r►s required by the a�plicabk;law in effect at the timc of the proposed sale.
<br /> Upon sale of the ptoperty and to the extent not prohibited hy law.Tnutce shaU make and deliver a deed to the Property
<br /> sold which a�meys absolute title to the purchaser,and after first paying aU fees,charges and rosts,shal{pay to Lender all
<br /> matieys advan.�ed for repaics,taxe�.�.nsuranee,liens,assessments and Rrior encumbranczs and interest thereou,and�he
<br /> principal and interest on the Secured Debt.paying ihe wrpls►s.if any,to Grantor.Lender may purct�ase the Property.
<br /> 'I�e recitals in any deed of oonveyaaa;shap be prima facie evietence oi the facts set forth therein.
<br /> All remedies are disiiacl,cumulative and�oi ezclasive,and the Lcnder is entitled W all remedies provided at iaw or
<br /> equity,whether or not ea�ressly set forth The aooeptanoe by Lender of any sum in payment or partiul payment on the
<br /> Secured Debt after tthe balanoe is due or is accelerated or after foreclasure proceedings are filed shall not constitute a
<br /> waiver oi Lendet s right ta require oomplete cure of any existing defaul�By not exercising any reemedy on Grantor's
<br /> default.Lender dvc�t+not waive Lender's right to later cc�sider the event a default if it continues or ha��pens again.
<br /> prohibited by law,Grantor agrees to pay all of l.enders e�aces if Grantor b�eaches any oovenant in this Sz�.�urity
<br /> Insinsmenl.Grant,nr will aLco pay on demand any amount irr.nured by Lender for insuring.incpecting,p=�serving or
<br /> atherwiSe protectds�the Property and Lender's security interest.These expences will i�ear interess from the date of
<br /> the payment until ptid in fuU at the highest interest rate in effect as provided in the terms of t't�e Secured Debt.
<br /> Grantor a�es to pay aU costs and expenses incurred by i.ender in collecting,enforcing or protecting Le�ndcr's rights
<br /> and remedies under this Secwity Instrument.Ti�is amount may ioctude,but is not Waited to,attomeys' fee,c,oourt
<br /> casts,and other lep,al expeaus.This Security Instrument shall remain in effect until released Granwr�grees to pay
<br /> for any cecordati�on costs of such release.
<br /> l7. E1VWtONMENTAI.LAWS AND HAZAftDOUS 5UBS71'ANC�S.As aced in this se�xion.(i)En�ironmental L�w
<br /> meaas,without liantation.t6e Coaqxebencive Earitonmental Respoase.Cocapeasation�d I�bi�ity Act(CERCL.A,
<br /> 42 U.S.0 9601 et seq.),and�oiher federal,state and local laws,regulations,ordinances,eourt orders,attorney
<br /> • ' L_ Ll'..L�_��L f�• ' i���r.l�
<br /> --._ --�cucaui uNiuivfi5 w iiii�iyicitrc fciicia i.ir��a.cii�iug iuo}'�iiu�i�.ncmcu,'sdacay.r'►c aic,cui`u3uu+cu2 Cia-o�w�sauari'ia -
<br /> subsiwce;aad(2)Huardous Substance means any to�cic,radioactive or hu.ardous material,waste,polluian*.ar
<br /> contamiaant ahicb has characteristics whicb render the substance dangerous or pouatially dangerous to We pvlilic
<br /> i�cii'u`y�:err,W2ueuC t�i cuvi(ixIalCOI.I OC lCtill un:iwi�s,wiuiuiii iiuuia`uv...a+;j'•.w��",.'.a:,:,.:v.a..^.F,T'..,.'a.a;uo.,w"�...+-.':: -
<br /> muerial,""toxic snbstances,""hazardous waste"or"ha�ardous substaaee"uader any Environmental Law.
<br /> Grrntor rr.preseats.warrutLy�nd agrees that:
<br /> A. F.uept at previously disctosed and acknowledged in wridng to Lender,no Hazardous Substance is or wil!be
<br /> located,ssosed or released on or in the Praperty.This resuiction dces not �ppiy to sm�ll quantities of
<br /> Fia�ardous Substanoes that are genera�y reaognized to be appropriate for the normal use�nnd maintenanoe of
<br /> the PropertY-
<br /> B. F.xoept as previously disclosed and acknowledged in writiag to I.eader,Grantor aad every teaant have be�a,are,
<br /> and shall remaim ia fiill oompliance with any applicabic Environmeatal Law.
<br /> C Grantor shall immecii�tely ootify Lender if a release or threatened release of a Hazardous Substance oocurs on,
<br /> uader or a6out the Propertg or there is a violation of any Environmental Law oonceming the Property.In s�ch
<br /> aa eveat,Grantor shall take all necesszry remedi�l action in ac�ccrdance with aay Enviromieatal Iaw.
<br /> D Grantor s(sall immedi�tely notify Lender in writiag as soon at Grantor hac reacon to betieve tlure is any
<br /> pending or threatened iavestigation,claim,or pro�eeding rel�ting ta the releace or thre.atened release of any
<br /> �-Ia�.ardouz Substance or the violation of aay Environmental L.aw.
<br /> 18. �DNDEMNA'E'[ON.Grantor will give I.e;xler prompt notice of any xnding or threatened�ion,by private or
<br /> pubiic entities to purchas,, or take any ar sIt af the Property through aaa�demnation,emiaeat dr.�.r..ain,or any other
<br /> mea�. Graator authorizes I.ectder to int�n+ene in Grantor's name in any of the above deset�e�actions or claims.
<br /> Gra�or assigns to[.ender the groceeds of any award or claim for damages connecte�with a cos�demnation or other
<br /> taiaa�mf all or any part of the Property.Such proceeds shall be c�osidered paymenu and will be applied ac provided in
<br /> this Security Instrument.This assignment oE proceeds is subject to the terms of any prior mortgage,deed of trust,
<br /> security agttiemea.�or other lien document
<br /> IIA �:�J;AtL�'�.G'�anicF s�alt i:eE�F':�peY.�;zsared agaia� fBaS�3y�i8.tior,�.ti�eii a�oiw:,��:azaids ar�d iisic�
<br /> re�svaca.bly�ssociate.�with ttse Property due to its type and loeation.'I1�is iasuraaee shall be maintained in the aznounu
<br /> ars�for the periods that L.eu�r:c requires.The insuranoe carrier providing the insnraace shall be clwsen by Grantor
<br /> subject to Lendee's approval,wS�ich sltait aot be unreasonably withheld.If Gsantor failc to maustain the coverage
<br /> described above,L.ender may,at Lender's o{��ion,obtaia coverage to protect Leader's righu in the Property according
<br /> to the terms of t6is Security Insirumen�
<br /> All insurance policies and renewals shall be acceptable to Lender and shall include a standard°mortgage ciause"and,
<br /> wbere applicable,"loss payee c2ause."Grantor shall immediately notify Lender of canoelladon or terroination of tlse
<br /> i�+�:rance.Lender shall have the right to hold the policies and renewals.If Lender requires,Grantor shall immediately
<br /> giv�to Lender al!receipts of paid premiums and renew�l notices.Upon loss,Grantor st�all give immediate notice to
<br /> t6�e inwrance�iric:r aad Lender.Le:oder n�r malce proof of bss if not made immodiately by Grantor.
<br /> i �ape s a4J
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