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<br /> B. All fulurc acivacues fn�n[.en�lcr tu Grantor u�whcr futur�uhUgati�m�c�f(.��anrc��tu I.c�ukr urul.r iu�y prcwnis+ury
<br /> nate,contract, guaranry,ur other evlcknee e�f eklu exa:uted h}(irant�u in fx«w ut l..e�ukr ezecutcd utler thl� -
<br /> Sc�curit� In�t�vn�cot whe�hcr�W n.0 thi�Sccurity Instrument u.�ifiu.11t� ��f�renced. IF mure than�pc�rsoa
<br /> sisns this Security Instrument,cach Grant�u agmcx that this�tiwita Insti7,►iuunt.+��ll xceu�c all fuwr�:utv�x�s suul
<br /> f�ture aWigati:u►s th:�t�n: p�ti�r�tz,or incurrcd b�any nnr or mun:Granl�rr,f•�r•�y c+oe ut- sxxe rr�u�1�K•�sxl
<br /> others. Ali iuturc advancx:s:uu!uther futur�uhti�ations are xeurcd hp�his S::r.•uitt+in�crumi:nt even though all c�r
<br /> ��.rt may rs.�st y�t h.;.�^.;h�er.ced.At!fluurc aclrranocs anel uthcr futu�;rhli�.ptianf•;�rC c��rumd n.if mxdc m�hc date =
<br /> of thic Securit}�Iastnunent.Nathing in this Srcutity Itutrumcnt�u�11 txuutituic a oonmiitntcnt to makc additional
<br /> or futun lo;uu or ailva�wzs in any amount.Any ucciti c�xnnutnient�nu�t tx;agrecd to in a sep3rate writing. _
<br /> C. AU obligatians Grantor ov►•es to I.ender,which may later:uise,ta thu exttnt nau prohibitcd by law.including,but
<br /> not limited to,tiabilitics for ov�rJrafts relating ta any dePosit uc�c�unt ugreement betwecn Grantor auJ Lendec.
<br /> D. All edditional surt�.s adr-ancrd and expenses incuned by l.eadcr tor infsving,preserving or oiherw-ise prntectinA
<br /> the Pruperty and its vafue aad any other sums advance�unci ca�:nt:�ts�:s:ucurrcd by Lender uuder tbe temis ot
<br /> this Security Iauru.asen�
<br /> 7t�is Security Instrument wiU not�ecure any oiher clebt if L.cnder faik to gi�•�an���equired aotioe of the right ot rescis.sion.
<br /> 8. PAYINEM�.Grantor agrees that al!payments uader the Se.�ured Debt wiJl�lxs piiai wt�n due anti in eccor�isuoe
<br /> with the terms of the Sccured Debt attd this Security Iuserun�en�
<br /> 4 WARRAM'1f OF TiILE.Grantor warrants that Gr�ntor is or will Iw lawfuqy seized of thc estate convayed by this
<br /> Security instrutncut aad has thc right to irrevocably grant,cc►nvey�and sell the Property to Tsustce, in lrust,with
<br /> power of sale.Gtantot also wercants that Ihe Peoperty i4 unet�GUnbe7Bd,excc�t for encumbrances af record.
<br /> 7. PWOR SEC[JRITY INIERES'I'S.With regard to any othur martgage,deed of truct.security agreeroeat or oiher liea
<br /> docuiuent Nwt created a pria�security inte[tst or encumbt�ncv on 11u:Property.Grantor agrees:
<br /> A. To maf:e ull paywents whea ducj aad ta perfarm or comply with all covenants.
<br /> B. To pratn��ti)r deliver to I.ender any notias tht�t f3rantar reseives froai the holder.
<br /> G Not to alluw any modifrcatian or extension of.nor W requcst;my future advances nader any note as agreement
<br /> secured by the lien ducwnent without Lendar'�pri�r writtea oonsent.
<br /> & CI.AIMS AGAIIVST 771T.G.Grantor will pay all taxc�..�roents.liens,encumbrances,lease payments.ground
<br /> rents,utiGties,and oU�er char�es relating to ihe Property wben due.Lender may requice Gtantor to provide tn Lender
<br /> copies of all noGpes that such amounu are ctue and the nceipu evicTc�ncing Grantor's payincnG Graator rvill defend
<br /> title to tl�Pro;�erty;:gainsi r,uy cl•rims tt�at��auld impair the lien of tL�is Security Insinunet�t.Gru�tor aRrets to assign
<br /> to Lender,as r�qu�te�i Uy�I.cacier,any rights,cla:ms ot defenses Graator may have ag�inst puries w6o supp,'y Iabor
<br /> nr in,zterials�t�maudnin or imnn�ve the Pruperty.
<br /> 9 Dil�O�V SA�E1�ENCUMBRMiC£.Lender may.at its option.declare the eatire balance of the Secured Debt to
<br /> be fmmediWely di�and payahle upon tho creatioa of,or contract for the creation of,any lien,eacwnbraiue,tr�atfer
<br /> or sak of th�Pn�perty.This right is subject to the restrictions imposeci by federal law(12 C.F.R. 59t),as applicxble.
<br /> 'I1�is oovenant shall run with the Property and shall remaia ia effeci until the Secured Debt is paid in fuU and this
<br /> . C�r��e'�,���en�rt ic�Lawl. .-- -- -
<br /> 1Q p�tOP�RT� CONDI'I'ION,ALTERA'I`IONS AND INSPGC7ITiON.Grantor wili keep thr Proprrty iu good
<br /> conditioe and malce aU repairs that are reasonably necessary.Grantor shall nol commit or allow any waste.
<br /> �im�aira�en�or deterioratioo of the Pro{�erty.Grantor will keep the Progertv free of noxious weeds aad grasses.
<br /> Grsntor agrees that the ttature of tbe occupancy and use will not substantially change without Fznder's prior written
<br /> consent Grantor will not pemtit any change in any license.resirictive covenant or easement wiihout Lender's prior
<br /> written ooasent Crantor wiil notity Lender of all demands,proceedings,claims.and actions�gainst Grantor,and of
<br /> any loss or dun�ge to ihe Property.
<br /> Leadet or U;ncitr's �gents may,at Lender's crption,enter the Property at any reasonable tiau for ttze purpose of
<br /> inspecting the Propecty. Lender shall give Grantor notice at the time of or before an ipspection speeifying a
<br /> rer�unable p�tr�ose foc the inspection.Any inspection of the Property shall be entirely for I.eader's beneLit aad
<br /> C"ss�ator will in ao way rely on Lender's ias�eaion-
<br /> 1L AU'IHOitfl'Y TO PERFOjtM.If Grantor fails to perform any duty or any of the coveaaats contained in this
<br /> Security Instrament,Lender may,without csotice,perform or cause them to be performed Graaux aggr�ints Lender
<br /> as attorney in fad to�iga Grantor's name a-pay any amouat necessary for perfor►nanae.Lender'i�si�fit to pezform for
<br /> . � Grantor shall �at create an obligation ta�erform.and I.ender's failure to perform will not pceclude I.ender from
<br /> � exercising any of Lender's at6er rights under the!aw or this Security InsUument.If any c�ruction on the Pcoperty is
<br /> discoatinued or not carried on in a reasonable manner,Lender may take all sieps necessary to proted Lender's
<br /> security interest ia the Praperty.including completian of the ooRStnuxion.
<br /> 1L ASSIGNMEh"F OF IEASFS AND RF1�Tl5.Grantor irrevocably gants,conveys and sells to Trttstee,in mut for the
<br /> benefit of I.eacL.•r as additional secwity all the right,tiUe and interest in and to any usd a13 exis�3ag or future leases,.
<br /> � subleases,and any other written or verbal agreements for the use and occupancy of any partion of the Property,
<br /> icrclu�dimg any extensia�s,renewals,moclif cations os sulistituriats of such ageemeats(all refened to as"Ixas�s")znd
<br /> • �enix,issues and pro5ts (all referred to ac "Renu").Grantor will prompdy provide Lender wiib true and correct
<br /> ' vopies�f ail e�isting and future Leases.Grantor may collecx.reoeive.enjoy and use the Rents sa ioag as Grantor is not
<br /> in defauIt eia�erthe terms of this Securi_*y Issstr�menL
<br /> Grantor ac3�cui�ssedges that this assigu�eut s's perfected upon We recording of this 11eed of'Prust and that Lenctet is
<br /> ea6ded tc n,�tify any of Grantor's tenants t�s make payment of Rents due or to become due to Lender.However,
<br /> Lender agrees that only on defauIt will Lender notilj+Grantor and Grantor's tenants and make demand thxt aii fuiwe
<br /> Renu be paici direcdy to Leoder.On receiving notice of defaul�Grantor will endorse and deliver to Lender any
<br /> payment of I��ts in Grantor's possessioa and will rcceive any Rents in utut foi Lender and will not commingle the
<br /> Reats witf��uu other fuadc.Any amounu coi�lected wi:l be applied as provided in tFus Security tnurument. Grantor
<br /> w.�rraau that no default exists under the Leases or any applicable landlord/tenant law.Grantor alto agrees to maintain
<br /> uad require any tenant t�canpiy with the tPmu of the Leates and applicable 1aw.
<br /> I3�. �.�ASE8011)S;CONDOA�JIIJMS;PLANNED UNIT DEVEIAPMEN'l:S.Grantor agrees to comply with the
<br /> provisionc of aay lease if this Security Instrurnent is on a Ieaseiwld.If the Property includes a unit in a condominium
<br /> or a planned unit development,Grantor will perform all of Grantor's daties under tf�e covenants,by-laws,or .
<br /> regulatioas of tLe condominium or planned unit development.
<br /> 14 DEFAULT.Grantor will be in default if any party obligatcd on the Secured Debt fails to m�Ice paymeat witen due.
<br /> Grantor will be in default if a breach oocurs uAder the tem�s of Wis Security Ibstrument or any other doeument
<br /> (pqpe 2of�)
<br /> O nw r.r.way�■atic.ai.or4 w+l+�oo-aw-u�t�Fe�.aE-0T�E w�
<br />