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<br /> ' All iruu►r�nce policiea acul rrnewols shall be acceptablo tn l,eadcr uid•x'�Jl inci ude�sundArd mort��go ciause.�r�der
<br /> ahall ha�•e the rieht w twld tho puliciea and renew�is. It I,endar eroquitr.�. �ic�rrowar shali pcamptly ei�•e to Laukr �11
<br /> rocc;prs ui prid�xa�iuni9 onrl rH'�:.xal�wtd�. In thc ecrnc nt Ic�.&�nnw+�r stwll &ivn prompt noti::n to tha ic�curance _
<br /> carrier anc!l.�r.l.ender may mol:o prauf ot lo:.�i�not ma�i+�pramptly bp 1lvrmwer.
<br /> Unless Letuier and Hc�rcouar otherwise a�ree in writin�,enauranc�e{�m.�eacLa r,h�l1 ttia Ap�tied u��ratorutian ar rcpnir of --
<br /> ttu I'ro�efty dam�Qed, it tho ratar+�tion ar cepair is ecunor�nia{1�toasihle and[.ender's security is nut lessenod. If thc --
<br /> rector+�tecui or ropair is not e�.anomieally feisibic ar Lender'.�sa.+�+ity�.��ild �a I�::i;:i, tht ia:ur:nee pro�.erds shall t+c _
<br /> applied to the sums aecu�ed by this Security Instrument,wLntAer or»t.theii duo,w'sth sny ezcess puid w Bornow�r.lf
<br /> 13orrower�banduns the Prope�ty,ar does not anawer within 30 daya a �sice from [,oiukr ttut tt�e i�wu�ce carriee hss
<br /> offwed to settle a claim,then Lender m�y callect the insurutce procads.l.rnder may ufle the proc�ods to repair or restnre
<br /> tAe Property or to pay cuma exured by this Sncurity lnsuument. whettrer eu aot then due. 1'he 3Q�d�y period will be�in
<br /> v�lua the notice is�iven.
<br /> Unless 1,ender snd Horrower otha�wise e�rce in writing.tnY applicsiion ot pcxoods to principsl s}WI not exund os
<br /> postpone the due dato aJ the montNy pymanw reterred to in para�,s�� 1 and 2 or chanEe the amount of the payments.If
<br /> iu�der p+ra�raph 21 tbe Property is acquired by Lender. Barrawer's ri�,ht ca any insw�ance policias and proceoda�YSU1tin�
<br /> imm dams�e to tho Property psior to tt�o acquisition shall p�.ss ta LGader w tbe eYtem ot the sw:,s�t��� by this
<br /> Security lnstrument immediauly prior to tho acquisition.
<br /> 6. Ocxupaacy� Ptescrvation. Maintenaac�aad Pratectton ot tlte Froperty; Borrower's Loaa Applicstioa;
<br /> Lease�olds. Barrower s1u11 occupy.establish, and us�the Proparty as �Sarrouer's principal residence within sixty d�ys
<br /> after tbe exxution of this Security Insuument md shall cuntinue to occuyry tha Property as Borrowec's principal residene�
<br /> fot at tust one year after the date of occup�ncy. unle�s Lender othcsAi�aErxs in writing, which consent s}nll not b�
<br /> utuessontbls withAeld,or unless�xtaiwting circumstances�xist wl�ich axr,beyond Borrower's control.Horcower st�ali not
<br /> cksuoY.damage or impair tl�e PropertY, allow the Progerty m detaiarate.or uommit w�ste oa the Property.Borrower
<br /> st�a11 be in defadt if any forEeiture acdan or pooceedinp,whetAtr civil err criminal, is be�un that in I.ender's �ood faith
<br /> jud�meat could result in forfeiture of the Pmperty ar otherw3sx mR�erially impair tbe lirn creatal by this Socurity
<br /> Is�trument or L,cnder's sxurity interost. Borrower may cure such a delu���lt an�reinstate,as providad in P�'aSnAh �a bY
<br /> causia�the action or proceedin� to be dismissod with a rutin� th�t� in Ler�der's Qood faith detnmimtion. precludes
<br /> forfeiture of the Barrow�r's interest in the Property ar other maur;ab.impairment of the liay created by thie Security
<br /> Instrurnent or Lesder's sxwity interest.Bornower shall also 1x in dr.fni��t:it Borrower.during the loan application proass.
<br /> �avt mstaislly ftlse or iaaocurate information or statcments to Lendm(or i�ilod to provide I.ender w�ith aay material
<br /> intormitioo)in connection with the 1wn evidencod by t1u Note,includ�n�,but not limitod ta,representations oonoernin�
<br /> Borroacr's oocupr�cy of the Property as a principal residence.If this Security Instrument is on a teasehold�'�xa shaall
<br /> comptiy Mith all tl�e pcovisions of the le�e.If Borrow•�r acquires feo titla to the PrapertY,the lea9ehold sad,tt�a foe title
<br /> st�ll not merge uWe�s Lender agrees to the mer�ser in writing.
<br /> 7. Protcction of Leader's Ri=Dts ia the Proparty. If BorroKrsr fails to per�arm tl�e coveruats aad a�reet�neass
<br /> contained ia this Security Instrumeat,or there is a?e�al proceedit�t��at may si�r►ificantly affxt I.e�cier's ri�hts in the
<br />. propecty(such as a procealin�in baaYruptcy.P�obst��for ooademnatiK�n oc fodeiture or to eaforoe lt�rs or re�olaiiaoe}.
<br /> thm I�des m�.v do aad vaY for whsuver is noce�ry to protect tbt� v�lue ot the Froperty aaci I.ender's ri�i►ts in tha
<br /> . ptoperty.�.m�r's ections msy includa payin��ny r.ums sxured by a litm N�ieb has pcia7tY aver tais so��aisy i��,. ..
<br /> sp�earia$in court.PaY�nE rasonable attorneys'fas And enterin�oa tha Propaty to malce c�epairs.Altboueh I.ead�r maY
<br /> tako�ctioa under tLis p�rs�nph 7.Lcnda�dces not lu�ve to do so.
<br /> Any amu�izb�:is�:;;�:bl Lc:ui.,:s.-n3.:. :.::a gar��►��;z"-..:.uil L:.:.vnie�ddiLiot:al debt of Barrowa securai by this
<br /> Socwity Instrummt.Unleas Borroxa and I.eader agroe to other tcrms=af paymeat,t1►ese amounts s�ll bar iata�est fmm
<br /> tbe date of disbwsemant at the Note rato aad shall ba payaWe. witlti interest, upon noticc from l,eader to Bnn'ow�s
<br /> ='a4�8 P�Yment.
<br /> 8. Mortss=e Insuraace. If I.eader requirod mortgage insuraACe�Rs a cundition of making the loaa secwbd by this
<br /> Secwity Instrumeat.Bormarac shall p�y the premiums required to mainUin the mortgi�e inawance in effoct.If.for my
<br /> reason.the mortgage insurance cover�e requirod by Leader laps�s or ceascs to be in eYfeet, BonoWa ahall psy the
<br /> premiums required to ohtain covera�e substantiali�oquivateat to tbe mort�e insur�a�e�xeviously in eEfect.at a ooet
<br /> substsntially equivalent to the cose to Borrower of titn mortgaQ�i:tisa�.x�^'ov�sly ia efiect.from aa alta�au moct�
<br /> ias�u�a�appru�ed by Leader.It substaatially equivalent mortga�insuraisce co�era�e is n+at avtilable,Borroqer s1�a11 pay to
<br /> Leader each enonth a�um eqwl to aoe'taelfth oi the yeuly mort�c itssurar�oe premii:.�being p�id by Borrower when
<br /> . tbe;nstua�cx oovera.ge lapmed or ceased to be in effect.Lender wc�1 iooept,us�ind retain these payments�s a loss rer�erve
<br /> in lieu of rtiort��e insw�aaee.I.ass reserva paym�nts may no lcm�er be rc�q,¢tired,at the option ot I.ender.if mortp�
<br /> ins�ttaaoe oacaa�e (in t6e amount aad for the paiod thst I.auiar requiresp provided by an insurer approved by I.eada�
<br /> again becames sv�ilable and is obtaimed. Borrower shall pay tl� premiums roquired to maintsin mortQage insuraace in
<br /> effeet. or ta geovi6e a loss reservc, until t,'ie requirement for_mottgage inswaaa ends in accord�ce with aay writtea
<br /> a�reesnent bctwaa Bonowa aad I.endd�or appiic�'cZe law.
<br /> ' 9. [aspoction. Lead�er or its ageat may malce eeasonablo rntries upon aud in5poctions of the Pra�aerty.L.eader sl�all
<br /> . �ive Bomower notice at Ei�e time oi or prior to arc iaspection spxifyinE rebsorable cause for the inspecticia.
<br /> P�3ot 6 �����
<br /> ' , .
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