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<br /> TIIIS SL'CURIZ'�,' INSTRUrtENT combines unifarrs� co�•enantt: fnr natianal use and non�uniform covenants with
<br /> limitod�•�riptions by jurisdiction ta constitute�uniform security instrument cu��erin,�r�l pcc�pert}�.
<br /> UNIE�OR��COVENANTS. Borcower and Lender cavenant And agsoe�.s tollows:
<br /> 1. P�ymoat af Principal •ad ln4erest; Propaymenf�nd I.at�e Ch�r�es. 13arruww yliall peum�ety t�ry M•h� �iira
<br /> tho princi�l of�nd interost on thc ckbt evidenc«1 by tho hotc and any prepsyment and Irta chpr&os du�urtrlet tht 1\'ote.
<br /> 2.Funds tor TaYes rnd IQSUrauce.Sabjact ta�pplicable law oc to a written wai��er bf•l.oncWr.13c�rrower shsll pay to
<br /> Lender on the day monthly paymznts are due under thc Nate,until the hote is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for:(a)yeat►}�
<br /> tazes and assessments which msy �ttsin pri•�rity uves this Security Instrument ns a Hen un thp Propc:rty; tb) y�rts
<br /> leasehold p�yments or�round rcnu nn the Property,if any; (c)parly hazard ar property insi�ranco pramiums; (d)yeariy
<br /> flood insurance premiums,it any;(a�yeuly mortgage insur�nce prcmiums,if any;and(f)any suma payable by Borro��.r
<br /> ta LendEr. in accordance with the provisiorLS of paragraph 8. in lieu ot tha�ymant of mort�age insursnce premiu:ns..
<br /> The9e items are called"Escrow Items.' L.ender may,at ati�y dme,collect and hald runds in a�amount not to eice�ttw-�
<br /> muximum asnnunt a lrnder for a fakrally rel�ted mortgaEe loan may requirc ior }ksrrowar's es�:row au:uunt u�uler tP��
<br /> fedoral Real Fstate Settlement Procedures Act of 14T4 as amended from tima to time, 12 U.S.C.Saction 26i11 et saq.
<br />: ("RESPA'),unless�nother law that applies to the Funds sets a lesser amaunt.If sa,l.cnder may.at any time,co�lxt uy:�
<br /> hold Funds in an amount not to excad the le.cser�mount. Lender may estimAto tha amount of Funds due on tDe buis of
<br /> curnat dau u�d rasonable estimates of expenditures of futute Esccow 1t�ms ur othorwiae in acc�u�darice with agpticar!a
<br /> law.
<br /> The Fwuls shs�ll b�held in an institution whosc daposits are insurod bp A POf�Gi4) a�'CIICy,instrumentality,or entity
<br /> (including Lender.if Ler�der is such an institvtion? or in any Federal Homa Loan Bank. l.ender shall apply the Funda ta
<br /> pay the Fscrow items. Lendcr may not charge Ban^ower for holding and applying tho Funds,attnualty astalyzing the escma
<br /> aocount, or verifying the Fscrow Iums, unless L.ender psys Bornower intorest on the Funds u�d app2icable law permits
<br /> Lenr2er to m�ke such a chvge.However,Lendrr may require Borrower to pay a ont�-time charge for an indepeQd�ent real
<br /> estau tsx reporting service used by I.ender in connection with this loan,unl�s applicahle law pro�ides otturvrise.Ua��s
<br /> an ap+aemeat is m�de or applicable law requires inurest to be paid. LeAEior shpll not be required to pay Borrower my
<br /> intarst or earnic�,s oa.the Funds. Borrawer as�d Lender may agrx in wretiag.,ha�vever, that inur�t shall be paid on tta�
<br /> Funds.Lender s1m11 g�ve to Borrower�without charge,an annual accountin�of tha Funds,showia.�credits and debits to th.�
<br /> Funds and the purpose for which cach dobit to ttSe Funds was made.Tho Fuads aro p:al�od as�Ciisional soeurity toa�.01
<br /> suma exured by this Security Tnstsument.
<br /> ]f th� Funds luld by Lendes�xcoed the amounts permitted to be hald by a�aticable law, Lender shatl account to
<br /> BocroWer for the��ss Funds in�ocordasice with the requirements of applicablo iaw.If the srnoexr.t of the Funds hel3 bp
<br /> Lender at aay time is not sufficient to pay the Eacrow items when due.Londcr may so notify Bor�c+axer in writin�.uu'i;in
<br /> such ca9e Bonoaer shall pay to Lea►dcr the amount necessary to maie up tho deficieacy. Barnx��►hs11 ms�e up the
<br /> deficieac?ia no mo�thu�twelve monthly payments,at Lender's sole didcretion. �
<br /> � Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Secwity lnstrumont,Landor shsdl promptlq sefr.:ad to Borrower say
<br /> Funds held by L,ender.If,under p3nr{;raph 21,I.ender shall acquiro or soll tha Proporty,Lender,priac tx�the aoquisiti�o or
<br /> • s�lo of the Prop�rty,skall apFiy .ny Funds held by I.ender at the dmg oE aoquisition or sale as a a+�iit a�aiast tho su�ss
<br /> ' eocw+od by this Socuri�Instrumrn�
<br /> i . 3. AoQlication of Paymenis_ Unl�ss �raiczble law pcnvides othcrwise,all nayments reoeived by Imler utsdrr _
<br /> = p:rsgraphs 1 nnd 2 sha:l be applied:fisst.to my prepaYmeat chargrs dw vn3cr tha Noto;socan@,to amaunts paya�Ce wzdcr •-
<br />.} puagraph 2;third,to interest due;tourth,to principal due;and lrst,to amy lata charges due under the Note. ��
<br /> 4. Chartes: Lieas. Borrower shall pay aU taxes, as�ssmeau. cliuges, fincs and impositions attributabie to the
<br /> . Property wlrich may attain priority over tius �ecwisy lnttrument, and leasol►oId paymcnts or �round reau, if any.
<br /> ' Borrower shall pay these obligations in the manner provided in puagrnph 2.or if nat paid in that m�nner,Botrowet shall
<br /> • _ pay tLem on time directly to the persan owed payment.SorroRes shall promptly furnish to Lender all notias o�amoun�
<br /> to be paid undes this PsnBnPh. Ii Borrowa makes these payments ditnctly�Borsoa�shill pmmptty furnfsh U�I�ender
<br /> rxapts evidrncing the p�ymeats.
<br /> BorroMer shall promptly dischuge any lien which hss priority m•or this Socutity Instrument unless Batrowra: fa)
<br />± agras in writing to tIu o�vmeat of the obtiaxt� socurod by the lien in a mannes soceptablc to Lender, (bJ ooausu in
<br /> � good faith the lien by,nr defeads against enforcement of th� lien in, le�al prooeeclin�s which in the I.enda's opinion
<br /> � operate w preveat the eaforamesit of the lien;or {c) sxw�es from ttie holda oi the lien an agroement satisfactory to
<br /> I.ender subordimting the lian to ttus Socwity Instrument.If Leuder dotarmines that tay p�trt of the Property is subject w a
<br /> lien whicL may attain priority over this Security Iastrument. Lender may pvo Borrower a notice id�atifpia�;the liec.
<br /> Borrower shall satisfp the liea ar take one or more of the actions set forth abovo within 10 dsys of the Eivit�of notice.
<br /> " 5. Hazard or Frc�perty Inswaace.Bornower shall keep the improvomerits now e�sting ot hereafter erect,ed oa the
<br /> � Property instu�ed eg,ui:ust lass by Cre, haurds included within the wsm "e�dod coverage" aad any ot�er hatarda, .
<br /> - including floods or fiooding.for which I.ender requires insuranc;a.This insurana shalt be maintaineo in tha amounts and
<br /> for the periods that I.ender requires.The insurance carrior providing the in.rutance sI�i be chosen by B�ri-aA�r s.;b�.:�to
<br /> � : I,endu's approv�l which shall not be unr�asonably withheld. If Bortowar.fails to maintaia cuverage.described abo�o,
<br /> �. I.aidet may,at I.etsder's optioa.obtaia coveraPe to protect Lander's righta sn tho Prnperty in accGrda��e with p�aragraph 7, ,
<br /> � Pa�s 2 of 6 F�r�,3025 9J��0
<br /> s
<br /> CMORT2/NECMT2 9539566
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