,, , 1 .e � - . :^wyl�'�Yln`x��.aiasr�:l, . . _ n� . �
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<br /> ,`:.���,. •tiyrti s�;�!Paiin��—. �_�j�y _ ----- __. .
<br /> .li:�ir..:.:-3i,��ii.i --_---__ __
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<br /> .�-��� 92— so�7� -
<br /> .. -a .
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<br /> '° `"" " ' NON-UNIFORM COVBNANTS. Bonower�nd Lender furlher covenu�t uid�grce u follows:
<br /> t,;,.:...tl..,, • • 17. Foredawro Proadure. li Lendaroy uircs immedi�to payment in Pull under g�apli 9,Lender may invokc thc ,��.c
<br /> - � pow er ot eNe tnd wnY�athe�mnecii��ermi►tui by��k+r61u frw. LciK3u�twil t�:cnt tted ta ca!lect all etp���i^�� �----
<br /> � , ..",.•� • in purwin�the rert�edies provided In Ihit pus�aph 19,includin�,but not limi�ed to�roa+a�abb atlameYs'fae,�u�d cow of
<br /> ,k.� .�,,�,�e+��-. � .,, U�le avidenoe. •
<br /> ,, .. : If IbepoWer ot�ak b Invaked,�sbaQ nYOrd a nWloe of de�init In eacb couoly tq whkb any pu1 d Ibe
<br /> �,..+ � � Prop�y N loa�ted u�d slWll m�il copia ot nucU notke i�the aw�ee pre�eribcd by• kabta 1�to Bon+ower a�d
<br /> � - la the�r penoiu pracAbed 6y�p {taWe I�w Aller Ibe Ila�e raluked bl�PP�bb�N'►��°��a
<br /> .. � �pIk notke ot�ale to 1lie penom��In Ihe miwoer preacribed�by�ppllcable INN. 'ifuder, e(Wout de au
<br /> �" � - Uorrarer�dull sell the Prope at puMk�uction to tbe h hat bWder d!he Iime�np pl�a aad uader�Me terrta
<br /> dqltp�ltd IA llle t10tIOQ O�qlf�oae ar more aad�an order 7twtee determine�. 'I�wtee nu9 P�
<br /> . ..�or.�i�.or Mrcel of the Praperty by�pua�`woa��.�u�.eune..a W.c.d.■'�w�y�
<br /> . uta Lenaer or Itts ae�i�ee m�y rcha.,e tlie Property e�en eek. � --
<br />---- . -� .�, Upoa receipt oP �meal�he rke b{d,7trurlee�w�deRivei-to t4e purciuu�e 71'uctee's deed couveyln6!Ae e-_
<br /> � `, Property. Tbe n�l�s In the 7FusteeP deed�hall be prim�t�cie�videnc�ot traW a�tha�te�aa+a m�de thenin.
<br /> ' �� �"� 7Fustee�II appty Ibe proceeds o�the ak In!6e�dk.win�arders (�) to�II ca�ts aad expeasa of exerc4tas Ihe
<br /> � �.--�.: . po�ve�oteak.�ad thc alr,Includlng the psymeat otthe 7tu�tee'�fea octwlly Incun�ed,aot!o exoeed � 96
<br /> : . d 1he� pr�indpal �mouat ot lhe noie at Ihe tfine d tlie decl�tbn ot dei�ult, and rea�on�ble Ntorne's fea w
<br /> . � iqed by I��w (b)to W wms�ecured by tbb&curit!la�trua�eati oad(c)�ny excex to tlK per�oa or pte�o��
<br /> �Ily eadtkd to�b �
<br /> • . 18. Recooveyaace. Upon pnyment of�II sums secured by 1hi�Sav�ity Instrument,Lender ah�ll request 7luuee to
<br /> ' � - �ecorney Ihe ProQe�ty and�hell surrender thi�Security Inswment uid all naea evidencin deM eecurcd by t�is Securily
<br /> � . Instrument to 7tu�tea. 7ivux shall rcconvey tlie Property without w�rr�nty w�d witiwut c�e to the per�on ar peno�u
<br /> . ' IeQdly entid�d to ft. Such penon or persons:holl pay any axorci�tion cosu.
<br /> ' .. p 19. 3ubditate 71�astea i,endcr.at it�option,moy fmm dme to time r�cmovc 7tuatea and appaint a auccasor truetee
<br /> w any 7tustee appointed heneuader by en insuumcnt rccorded in the counry in which thi�Secu�lty Inanument is reeo�ded.
<br /> : . ` VYtthout comeyance of Ihe Properiy,the aucce:sor truuee:hall'succeed to all tha title,pow�r and dWia confemed upon ,
<br /> . .. �„ 7tuctee hercin and by applicsble law.
<br /> 20. Requat!or NoUca. Borrower requea� Ihu copiea of the nirtices of default and Rale be tent to Bomowerl� _
<br /> . �. �ddres�which is tha Property Addreas. �- ---
<br /> o:, •
<br /> Riders to thls 3ecurNy Inslrumenb If one or mor+e riders are executed by Bomuwer and rarorded togetlkr with tMs -
<br /> • , . Security I�suument, the covenants of exh such rider shall be incorpore�ed into and shall amend md supplemept Ihe . --
<br /> . �, � coverwnts and agrcements oi thin Security Insuument as if the rlder(s)werc in�pa�t of thi�Sacurity In�trurtien� ' _-�,
<br /> , , , [Check applicable boa(ea)J. � -
<br /> . �., �Condominium Rider �Graduuted Payment RWer �(irowing Equity Rider � :'"'`
<br /> h�"
<br /> • . -. ' �Planned Unit Development Ride� �Oiher(Specify) ACKNOW.EDGInENT 4`k�
<br /> ._YJ��..._.. _i...
<br /> , - BY SIUNINO BBLOW. Botmwer accepts and ag►ea�o ihe lerms contoinod in pa�ea I through 4 oi Ihis SeCwlly —
<br /> , , In:lrunxnt and in any rideKs)executed by Borrowcr and recorded wilh it.
<br /> '. Witnesca: ��'
<br /> � ' .. � '• (Swl)
<br /> . �• " IqARK A. FOELL �"�
<br /> ;,_ , (Seal) '�
<br /> .. . �.�. �
<br /> � .
<br /> � (Seaq
<br /> Bammver
<br /> ., i��..
<br /> • (SfA�)
<br /> , � Bortowet =�`
<br />_ 1 .. STATE OF NEBRASKA. HALL Counly ss: �='�:
<br /> , ' �„ � On Ihia Z6m day of mAY� 1992 .,befcxe me.the underxigned.a Notary .
<br /> ° Public duly cammis�baed and qunlified for said county,personally ceme mAflK A. FOEIL, A 5INGLE PERSON
<br /> �,' •.
<br /> ,
<br /> � � � ,to me knowR to be�he '
<br /> ---� � � fdestiic,�!Feroa{s),:,hs�s�nn�s:e(s)art suL�scri�c!to the feregoing fnst�ment and ackeau�ledged the exuutian thcrcof ta tc
<br /> H�g voluntery act und deed. �
<br /> �� ` ' Witness my hand and notariel seal at GRAND ISL AND, NEBRASKA in said county. the
<br /> d�te afinesaid. � .
<br /> , . , � M ,���j �.�
<br /> � My Commisaion expfres: ��L��i -"�'` " Naary Poblk
<br /> ��
<br /> ' TO TRUSTEE:
<br /> 7Y.�....L..S....�.1 2.�1.�M..1.1� ..e.w.. ���.. .�:_ r�_a_c�n..._ ��:a.. �.1..» .A..11
<br /> -�� •��b v���nr�u�e�wv�u��ti��Vw�i V���ti I�V��.v��M�JO�.VY�VY V� \�IIIt�AVY V� ��YJI. JA�Y��N\.VI�v�VJ��vLy�.���b���i���M�• •
<br /> dher indebtedness secured by Ihis peed of'Ihist,have been p�id in full. You are hereby directed ro cuncel suid note or
<br /> , l notes and Ihis Deed of'Itust,which are delivered hereb��, mid to rcconvey,without warranty,all the estate now held by you
<br /> Iunder this Deed of 7tust to Ihe person or persons legelly eniiUed thereto.
<br /> ' Date:
<br /> ' ' �aK��,�.►�,,,R�,�
<br /> •�r � � _ (
<br /> }
<br /> a:
<br /> . �_,,. - . _ _ _ _
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