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r �tFtl"�; , .!ta y ��i`} _-- . . eT�f�M� .. <br /> - -7 � .i.� . '�� . �! •• _ . � ' _ __ <br /> � 'f"A+' ,. . .-.ann. I, .��...�.r..a�t �4 _ .... <br /> . . • .� .... '}S'. __ <br /> �- -� - ------ e�i: .. ._.. .. _ ... - • - - '� - ----. • � ` ' �c�i S �.1[f l��` �'f� � <br /> . � � '_ ' ' ' . _a_�_ __ __' � `�r„r�� rN." —.' '^.':.T�" _ <br /> � . s-,.. , .. ... 10�4'7� � ���=L= <br /> . � . . 92 = <br /> �..�..-__� ...... - ' s�ment�,�rhich are teferred to in Paragraph 3.or chnage�h� Pmc+�mt nf R�kh �wy�riPmR. Aoy eacess procads over w►. ���''�n_�� <br /> � � amountrequired to pwy all outetandins indebudnece w�der�he Nae and�hie Sx�ufry Lutrument�ha116e puid to 1he anllty � � ' ,�.. <br /> ' k��lly enli�ledthercto. . <br /> 8. Fees. Lender mAy collect fees and chor�ei au�ho�iud by the Secretary. _ <br /> ` ' � ' 9. (irouods for Accekrallon o�Debt. <br /> (�►Def�uN. Lender may,except w�Nmited by regulations issued by�he Secrctary in�he cace of payment defaulte. <br /> i � � require immediate paymenl in full of ull sums ucured by�his Secudty InsUUmeot ii: �'���?���.�� <br />' (i)Bomawer defaulta by failing to pay in full any mon[hly peyment rcquired by lhix Security I�strument prbr r " , 'T�' <br /> � � J to ar on the due date of the nest monlhly paymenb or ' " <br /> J (iq 6orrower defaults by ipiling,for w pedad of Ihirty days.W pe�form any oUur obligatioot canWned in�his l.. . � ;• :��"�,.;� <br /> ��`'� Sccudty Instrument. � - <br /> � (b)Sak Wlthout Credit Approval. I.ender shall.if permitted by appUcablo law and with the prior approval of Ihe � -- <br /> Secre�uy,requiR immediate payment in iull of all the sums secu�eA by thia Security Instrument ii: �+� _.. <br /> (i)All or part of the Property,or a benef7cial intere�t!n a tmst owning aU or pari of the Propeny, is aold or __�-°"`�� <br /> othenvise trensfemed(other then by dEvise or deacenq by the Borrower,and .�-�- <br /> (if)'ihe Property ir not occupied by�he purchaaer or grantee�s his or her principal residence,or the purchaser �;^;�...__. — <br /> � ' �� or grentee daes so occupy the Prdperty but�hir or her crcdit has not been approved in accordance ;,�_v�—! <br /> whh thc rcquirements of 1he Secretary. -- _ <br /> � (c)Na Wifver. If circumata�as occur that would permit Lender to reyui�e immediate puyment in full,but Lender � � <br /> „ docs not rcquire suchpayments,Lender daes not waive ils rights with rcspect to subsequent evenls. <br /> • (d)Re�uladoes ot HUD Secretwry. 1�meny clrcumstances regulations isaued by the Secretary will limit Lender's _ <br /> dghta,in the case of payment defaults,torcq uire immediate payment in full and fareclose if nc�t paid. 7'his --_---_ <br /> SecurUy Instrument dces not authoriu acceleration or foreclosurc if not permiqed by regulations of the Secrctary. ��'��� � <br /> � (e)Mortgoge Not lnaured. Horrower agrces that should this Security[nstrument and the note secured thereb not �'"°^�-� <br /> y r ,•�,----- <br /> , k eNgible for insurance under Ihe National Housing Act within from the _ <br /> � . date hereof,Lender may,at i�r option and notwithstanding any�hing in Parogtaph 9,require immediste paymenl in __ -. --- - - <br /> � PoII of all sums securcd by this Secudty Ins�rument. A written s�etement of any authorized agent of the Scerelary = <br /> dated subsequent to from the date hereof,declining to inaute Ihis Secudty <br /> � . Instrument and the note secured�hereby,shall be deemed conclusive proof of such lneligibility. Notwiths�anding �. <br /> � the forcgoing,this option may not be ezercised by Lender whcn the unavailability of insurance is solely due to <br /> l.ender's fuilure ro remit a mortgage insurwice premium to Ihe Secrelary. __ <br /> 10. Refastatemenl. Horrower hac a�ight�o be reinsta�ed if Lender has nequired immaliate payment in full because <br /> of Bomower�s failurc to pay an amount due under the•Note or this Securily Insaument. This nght applies even after _ <br /> foreclosure proceedings are instituted. 'Ib rcinstate the Securiry lnstrument, Borrower shall tender in a lump sum all <br /> • amounts rcqulred to bring Barrower�accaunt current including,to the extent they are obligatianc of Barrower under�his -- <br /> Sxudty Inswment,forocloaure costs and reasoneble and customary attomeys'fees and eapenses properly associated wlth __ <br /> _� �he forcclasun proceeding. Upon reinslatement by Borrower. this Security Instrument and�he obligutions thut it secures <br /> ___ _ _ _ shall remain in effect as lf Lender had notreq uiRd immediaie payment in f ull. However,Lender is not requirod to permit <br /> reinatatement if: (i) Lender has accepted Rinstatemrnt after the commencement of foreelosure proceed�ngR wnhm two —�— -- <br /> years immedi�tely preceding Ihe cammencement af a current foreclasure proceeding, (ii) reinstatement will preclude ���- <br /> � foreclosure on differcnt grounds in the future, or(iii)reinstatement will adversely affect the priority�f the lien created by -:-_ <br /> - , this Secudty lnstrument. i'`- <br /> • l l. Borcower Not Released= Forbewraace by I.ender Not a Waiver. Extenaion of the time of paymen� or �',��`'`°=��- , <br /> ' modificatbn of amortization of the sums secured by thfs Security Inatrument grnnted by Lender to nny successor in inle�est �,`,;;:t�H•;�� <br /> of Borrower ahell not operate to release�he liability of the original Bnnower or Bortower�s successor in intercgt. Lender � , •�;` <br /> shall not be rcquired to commence praceedings agninst any auccessor in interest or refuse to exlend time for pnyment or �� ' ,y`'�`:� <br /> otherwise modify amortizntion of the sums secured by this Securiry Instrument by rcu.gon of uny demand made by the ! � . .:'�,�'�=- <br /> original Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest. Aoy forhearence by Lender in eaercising any�ight or remedy shall ; _____ <br /> not be a waiver of or preclude the exercise of any righ�or remedy, � , � <br /> � . ' 12. Successors and AsslgnA Hound;Joint and Several Llablllty;Co•Signers. The covennnts and agreements of <br /> • • this Secudty Instrument shall bind and benefit the successorx and ussigns of l.ender ond BoROwer,subjec�to the provisions j <br /> of Paragrap6 9.6. Borrower�s covenants and agreements shpll be joint und severol. Any Burrower who co-sigos Ihis , <br /> . � � Security Insuument bul dces not execute the Note: (o)is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mohguge,gmnl und <br /> •� convey Ihat Borrower�s interest in the Propeny under Ihe tetms of Ihis Security Inxtrument;(b)ix not personnlly oblignted to ^. ��c:�==.-, <br /> a the aums securcd b this Securit Instrumenl;nnd(c)u rees Ihat Lender ond an other Borrower mn a ree to extend, '-�"° <br />__ ' � I moydlfy.forbeor or make any accommodations with regard to the terms of this Secunty Instrument or the Nogte witnout that ' `;•�i� <br /> , � Borrower�s cansent. ' , �,;-` <br /> , i 13. Natices. Any notice ro Borrower provided for in�his Security Instrument shnll be�iven by delivering it cx by , ..�•�� ;; -. <br /> mailing it by lirst class mnil unless applicable low requires use of anather me�hod. 71�e notice shnll be direcled to the � . <br /> � '' ' 'i Property Address ar any other nddress Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shal)bc given by ' � <br /> first class rnail to Lender's addrcss stnted herein or nny address Lenc';r designates by notice to Borrower. Any naice <br /> � provided for in this Security Inswment shall be deemed to hwve been given to Borcqwer or Lender when given as provided <br /> , , . in this paragnph. <br /> _ 14. Governing Law;Severabllity. 'll�is Securiry Ins�rument ahall lx govemed by Fedeml luw und thc Ivw of Ihe <br /> luriwlic�ion in whfch Ihe Property is Mcated. In the event�hut any provisinn or clause of thix Security Inalrumenl or Ihe <br /> , � Nnte conllicts with applicable Inw, 4uch contlirt shnll not uffect rnher pmvisions of this Securily Instrument or the Nole <br /> which can be given ettect wnhout tite contlicting provision. 'Ib�his end the provicions ot th�s 5ccurity In4trument and 1he <br /> Note ore declared to be sevarable. <br /> , � . I5. Borrower's Copy. Borrower shull he giveo one conformed copy oi�hix Securily In�trument. . <br /> 16. AsalQnmenf of Rents. Bortnwer uncanJitionally ostiigns:mJ trunefers to LenJer nll the rcnls nn�mvcnues o(�hc <br /> -- PropeRy. Borrower uuthorizes Lender or Lender's ngents ro col Iect Ihe rents and rcvenues nnJ hereby dirccts cuch tenemt of <br /> the Propeny to puy thc rents to Lender or Lender's ngems. However, prior lo Lenders natice In Horrowe�of Rom�wer's <br /> breach of any covennnt or agrcement in the Securi�y Instrument,Borrower shall collect und receive all rents and reveuuex of <br /> the Propeny os ttustee for the benefit of I.ender ond Borrower. '1'his oasignment of rents constitutes un nbxolute assignment <br /> ond not en assignment for adJilional security only. <br /> If Lender gives notice of breach to Borrower: (ul nll rents received by Bormwer shull be held by Born�wcr us tn�ttee <br /> for benefit of Lender only,to be applied to the qums secured by the Scrurity lnstrument; (b) Lender xhall he cntitled lo <br /> collect ond receive nll�f Ihe rents of the Pmpeny;:md(c)exh tenant of�he Rvperty shall pay all rent4 duc and unpaiJ to <br /> ' � Lender or Lender'.s agent on Lender s written demund to the lenant. <br /> o_ �._ ...i ..t�1.� .�...�.. ...1 1... ...1 .:11 ..�.P.. •1... ..I.l <br /> " '��:ii .�oi:v:....�....• .........:..�.....:..«».�... .. ......• . .. ..... .... .... ....• . ..... <br /> .... � .n....u...v u..� �...... ....... .....�...... ..�.. ..u.......v nw.......«..v ..... ..w �........... ....j.... ...u. ......w <br /> prevent Lender fmm exercising its nghts under t�ii�Pnrugruph 16. <br /> � Lender�hall not be rcquired to enler upon,tuke control of or muiMain the Pmperty hefom or ufler giving nntirc c.f <br /> � brcach to Bcumwer. However. Lender or a judicinlly uprointed receiver muy ck►so ot uny time therr is a breuch. Any <br /> applicution o(rcnts shull not cure or wnive any Jefault or mvuliJate nny other riFht or remeJv of LenJer. This utisignmenl <br /> of renta of the Pmpeny shull terminate when Ihe debt secured by Ihe Security Instrument is paiJ in full. <br /> qN7Rt.f�)4/wKtcl <br /> - •1 � <br /> I <br /> 1� . I <br /> • 1 � _._ _ _. . <br />