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<br /> 5, EI�ro1 or H�upe,-ty Incur�p�ce. Bc�rcower shall keep tho in�srovenxnts now existin� ar herca�er crectod on the
<br /> Pra�crty insunY! �aitut lcua by firc,t►azvds inctud�d within the tern► "extet�ded covera�c' �i any other h�uarJs, includin�
<br /> fioc+ds c�r Ocx�Jing,i'ur whi�h la;xiz�r�uir�s irw►�:�.This incciretsce xhs!) be maiut'rincd in UK rnKwnt�a�xl fur the pericxts
<br /> that Ltc�er requires. The i�uur�ncc carrier pruvidin,� the insurajxc st►all bc chau:»by &umw�cr subjec�tu Lr��er's sy�{��ova1
<br /> which Sh�ll t�t t+c unrcasonz6iy withheld. If Borrower Fails ta rnainu+in cavcr�e dcscr.tsod abavc. i.cndrr n�ry. at [xi�'a
<br /> uption, obt�i�cov;rage ta praect Letider's rights in the Property in accani�ncc with par.►graph 7,
<br /> All insurance policies nnd renewals shall bo aceeptable to Lender and shall include e u:uxlani unregaFe etause. [.cr�der
<br /> sltiall h�ve th�right to hald the polieies atxi renewals_ I�'I.ende�ra�uire.c,Borrowe�•awll promptly give to L.ender all receipts of
<br /> paid prenuumc and n:newal txuices.ln the event of loss,Bonower shal{give prompt natiee to the insucance carrier ancl Lencler.
<br /> l,ender m�y m�ce proaf uf las�if�xu made prompt{y by Bonower.
<br /> Un1as Lender and Bonowe�otherwisc�grec in writing,insurnnce proceods s1w11 be appiied to restoratian ar rcpair of the
<br /> property dan�od,if the restaration or repnir is ecawmically feasible and I.endcs's security is not lessenod. If the cestoration or
<br /> re�pair is not ecawmically fcssibte or L.ender's scxurity would be lessened,the insur�nce procceds shall be upplied to the wmc
<br /> se�currd by this Security Instru�ner�t, whether or noi then due, with any exeess paid to Borrower. If Barrower abandonc the
<br /> Property,or does not answer widiia 30 days u notice from E,ender that the inwr,�nce carrier has offered to settle a ctaim, then
<br /> Lencter rnay eo]leet the insuranee proeeeds. l.ender may use the proe�cls ta repair �r ceston the Property or to pay sums
<br /> ucurod by this Socurity lnstrument,wheihea'ur not then due.The 30-day period will begin when the notice is given.
<br /> Unlas Lender and Borrowcr othenvise agn,e in writing, any application of proceeds to principal shall not exte�d ar
<br /> postpone the due date of the monthly paymenu referred to in pardgraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If
<br /> under�,ars�raph 21 the Property is acquired by l.ender.Born�w•er's right to any iruunmce policies and proceeds resulting fmm
<br /> damage to the Property prior w the acquisidon sls�U pass to I�r w the extent of the sunu u�cw'al by this Securit}•Instmmeat
<br /> unmaliaidy prior to the aoquisition.
<br /> 6. Occupaucy.l�reservatba.Maiatenaace r�urc3 Z'mtectioa ot tbe Property, Borrower's Losn A.pp,icaiion;I.easelsoldc.
<br /> Borrorvu stwll occupy.actablish.and use ihe Pn�{xrty as Ecvmwzr's principal residatioe within sixty d��s after the ezecudon of
<br /> this Sa.�wity Iactrument and s1w11 rnntinue to oaaipy the P�o��erty as Borrower's princi�a�[residence for at leact one yeu aftu
<br />� the d9te of oocupancy.untess I.ender otherwise�grees in vr•riicig, which consent shall t�bt unressaaably withheld. or unless
<br /> extuwating circumstances exist which are beyoncl Borrower's control. Barrower sl�,".1 nat destrov, damage or impair the
<br /> Prope�ty.�llow the Property to deteriorate. or oommit waste on the PropertY. Bo�'rower shall be i�4sfault if any forfeiwrc
<br /> action or p:+oaeding. whether civil w criminal.is begun that in I.ender's good faith jud,�esst cov'_�r�.alt in forfeiture of the
<br /> YropeRy or otherwise materially impair the lier►crcatod by this Security insteumec►t or I.exx�:a's secs:ai+t�inurest. Borrower may
<br /> curc such a defsuit and reinst�te,as pcovidod in puagraph 18,by causiqg the xdon or pe+v�.-r�3ing ta be dismissod with a ruling
<br /> � ttat. in Luder's gaod faith dete,rmination, ,�ctudts forfeiture of thC Borrower's inter�: aa the �� or other matetial
<br /> •;. impiirment of the lien creatal by this Socurity Instrume,�tt or l�ender's security interest. Bormwor s,hali also be in default if
<br /> � Horrowa,during the lauw applicstivu�rocess.gave materially fAlse or inaocunce infomu�tion or statemenr.s co Ieader(or failod
<br /> to provide Lender with any mtteriaP infomiation)in ootukction with the lou�evideaoed by the Note,including,but oat littsitocl
<br /> - . -- to,t+tpne�ti�tsuions oaaoeming Sorrower'S occupa[1Cy Ot t11C t'tbpCtt9 as a prinCipai�. li U11S 3CCURlY 113tAiAlplt t$iN�a .
<br /> � ltasehc�fd. Homower shall oomply with all the provisio� of the tease. lf Borrowu acquires fee title to the Pmpetty, tho
<br /> :s leasehold ard t1�fee titk shall not merge unless l,ender agraes to the tnerger in writing.
<br /> ' 7.Pro�ecuoa ot tander's Rl�hts in the Propesty.If Borrower Eails to perform the wvenants aud egroc�xnts contained in
<br /> '` this Sxurity Ii�strume�t, or dxre is a legal proceeding that rtwy significaoUy affect Lenda's rights in the Proptrty (wch�t a
<br /> '* proceeding i n bankruptcy, probata.for oond�mnation or forfeiture or to enforoe laws or .r.gulatior►s), that leader n�y dc�and
<br /> ' pay fos whatever is aocessa�ry to pr�xect thc vatue of tAt Property and Lenda's rights ica rke Property. Ltnder's actioas may
<br /> ;.'�' iuclude Qaying any sums sxured by a lien whicb hav priority over this Securiry Insuusneat. appearing in oourt, payin8
<br /> 'i.? nasa�able�ttorneYs' fas and entering on the Property to m�lce repairs.Although Lender may taict s�ctiao nader this P�B�
<br /> ��� 7,I.�nder does not 6ave to do so. �
<br /> E� My anwunts disbursed by Lendzr under t}us puagripi� 7 shall ba�oa�e additiemi c3ebt of Bornower se�ut�d by this
<br /> - Seauity tastYUroeut. Udess Borrowu and Le�der agroe to other tern�of payment.the:se cr•aauus st�ll besr inttrGSt from the
<br /> -'- d�te of disb�usemaa�c ut the Note r�tt �ad shall be payabk� with interai. upon notice f�leader to Botrowu roquesting
<br /> = . WY�•
<br /> ° ; $.Murtgage iasuraace.If Leader required mortg�ge insurar��s a oondition of��g tl�o lou�aecurod by this Sxurity
<br /> ' - Inunu�neat. Bormwer shall p�y dae praniums roquirnd to m�intain the mo�cgage insurrra� in effect.If. for aoy reasoo, tbe
<br /> ;. : mo�tHaBe insurmce oovenge requ�.�d by Lender lapaes or ceases to he in�ffxt. Borro��s st�ll pay the prcmiums required w
<br /> ' obtxin ooverage substaoti:7ly equivalent to the mortgage insurance previauiy in effoct. �t a crost subst�atially eqnivalmt to the
<br /> ; cost to Borrowu of tbe mo�tgage iluurance pae�iously in effect.from � altem�tc mortgage inwres�proved by L.ender. If
<br /> substanti�lly oquivakat mortgage iawsance ooverage is not available,Sorrower st�ll pay to Lender each month a sum equ�l to
<br /> � ' aortweltlh of the yearly mortg�ge inwrance premiun'�beinY paid by Borrower whrn tI�insuranoe coverage lapsed or aacal to
<br /> .� be in cffect. I�e�cler wiU acx�ept.vse ar,d retaia these paymeaus u a loss raerve in tie� af uwrtg�ge insuranoe. Loss resuve
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