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<br /> 'I'Oti��'I-F�R Wf�PN�lt thr ims►ru��u��sus naw ar t�,:sc�f�sr erestod on the pro�uty, aiui�ll eascmaus�C and
<br /> fixturts now or htreaRtr a patt oF thc pmperty. All replaaunent9 �uxi additicHw shall ulsu bc cv�verod by thii Saurity
<br /> ltuurumcr�t.All of thc totcgoinr is rcFerraf w in this Socuri�y icutrument as thc'Prr�tny.'
<br /> BORR01�VEk CU1l8NAHTS ttut Sorruurr is uu:u!!y selsad��t'tht estss;ts=rcl�y��eawe}•ec!anJ l�ss thc ri�ht ta�rant uxl
<br /> convcy thc Prc�pcny �nd that the �c�perty ir uncricu+nbcrcd, cxcapt fcu c�kuu�br��cc+ af��ord. Ei�urou•er wurra�us:ux! Wil!
<br /> dr.f'uxl yenerally the tiQe to the P`operty�yai�ut�ll cl�in�s�unl Sen�wls,wbjctii tu�u►y eacumbr,uxe��►f rcaeuN.
<br /> THIS SGCURITY 1N5TRUMENT cumbines unlfurm cu��u�ncs Pnr nwic�! use and nwrunifarn�oovctunts with liuutod
<br /> ��uiatioav by jurisdiction to cnnstitutc a wuifann secarity inurucnent caverinE rc�!pmperty.
<br /> UNiFORM COVENANTS.Bo�mwer ar�d I,ender covec�sn��uid ayree t�fi�laws:
<br /> 1. Psymeot ot Priuclpal ond Iata'at; Prei�)'n�aU aad I.ate Cb�rReY. Borrow•cr slwll P���Y PaY W�+� due the
<br /> principal os ond icuerest an the debt evidencocl by the Nc�u:and anY P�Y���Istte chuga due und.r the Note.
<br /> 2. F�uuds[or Tax�aad lastu�noe. Subject to applicabk law or to a written waiva by Lender. Barrower sh.�ll pay to
<br /> Lender on the dyy motuhly payments arc due undcr thc Notc,u�uil iltie Note is pud in futi,a wm{"Fwids"1 for:(a)yearty taxes
<br /> and a�sessments which may attain priority over this Socurity Instrurne:u zs�lien on tht f'roperty;(b)yearly lezsetald payments
<br /> or graud cxats aa tho Property,if any:(c)Yearly Fw�ni or praperty insuruticr pt�cmiums:(d)Y�ariy flood iasurac�oe pramiums.
<br /> if:�ny; (e) yearly mortgage insuru►ce prenuums, if any; and(�any sunu paY�ble by Bc►rrowe�to Lcndor. in accordutice with
<br /> the provisionc of p�rx8raph 8.in liw of the�yment of mottgs►ye insurw�ce premiums.Theso ituns are called "Escrow Iterrw."
<br /> Leoder may,at any time.rnUxt and hold Fuads in an amouac not to exoeed the auximum amoaint a lender foi a f�der�lly
<br /> relaud mortgage Ioan may roquirc for Borrower's escrow acrount under the federal Real6stute Se:denxnt Pr000d�res Act of
<br /> 1974 ac ameadal from tim ta time. 12 U.S.C.Sectiou 2601 er seq. ('RFSPA'), unless�wther law tl�at applies to the Funds
<br /> sets a lesser unount, if so. Lender may. at any time, collect and hoW Fuads in zn sonoiuu not to exceed the leccsu amount.
<br /> L,ender may estim�te the�rtwutu of Funds due on the basis of current data aod re�able cstia�ates of expenditures of future
<br /> Escrow Items or otherwisc in accoManoe with applicable lxw.
<br /> The Fu�,ts shall be held in an institution whose deposits are iRwrod by a federnl �ency, inurumenwiity. or entity
<br /> (inctuding Iraader,if Lender is such an institution)or in any Foderal Home Lo�n Bank.L.ender shall apply tbe Fur�ds to p�y the
<br /> Fscrow Items. Lender may not charge Borrow•er for lwkling and upplying the Funcls.annu�lly arnlyzing the�scrow�,or
<br /> vuifying the Escrow Itunc.unless Lencter pays Burrawrrr ioterest on the Fut�ds wd applir�bk law permits L.e�cler to malce such
<br /> a charge.However,L.ender may roquin Borrowcr to�x►}+a ase-time charge for an independent rra!estate ttic reporting service
<br /> usod by L.erder in connection with this toan, unless applicable law provides othenvise. Unless �n Agramatt is n�ade or
<br /> rpplicable t�w roquires iruerest to be ptid.Ixnder s[wll �t be roquired to pay Borrower any intercst or eunings on the Funds.
<br /> BoRnwer and i.ender may agroe in writiag, however.ths►t.irK�erest st�ll be paid on the Funds. I.ender sha!!give to Horrower.
<br /> without charge, an annual u�counting of�he Funds, stw�ciag crcdits and debiu tv tfie Fuais at�d the putExue fos wluch eacd
<br />. debit w the Fwods was made. The Fwsds are plodgvd us addi�ional savriry for al!sums soairod by this Security Inurua�eat.
<br /> If t1�e Fsz�cies.beld by I.�nder euoeed tfue�unts�crmitted to be held by applicabk law. I.�nd�er shali a000uat to Borinwer
<br /> for tLe exoas IFus�ds in aoco�+d��ce with rJre csquinenxxit�of applia�tte[aw.If the au�ouru of tI�Iluds held by I.eader at any
<br />- tim�e is rat suf�icieat w pay the Fscrow Stess wi�due. L,eoder may so notify Borcr.wer in writit�g. and.ia such qse Bort+uwer
<br /> . S�T7:[poy iv i.e7�ra'tiie�nt[1CCessaTy to m�G Rj1 tifEi�CiiCfCDCy. t301TOWQ S�a�l!Q1aKC ap[ffC�GfIC1�tICy 1f17f6 lUOR�Qlia
<br /> t�Ye uwtuhtY P�Y��•�t I.endu's sole discretion.
<br /> UP� WYmeat in full oF all sums secured by thi:� Socuriry Insuumau. Lender shall promptly nfund to Bomnwer aay
<br /> Funds held by i.axler.If,und�:r paragnph 21,l.crxlcr sh;a!!acquire or xll th�Property, I.erwer,prior to the aoq���sition�r sale
<br />"; of ihc Property, stull apply any Funds held by T�x►�ler�t tho time of aoquisition or s�lc as a credit agtinst the suaos sxurod by
<br /> �s«�rity r�c.
<br /> � 3.Applicatioe o!Paymmts.Utiless applicable t�w�y+ovides othenvise.all psy'uxnts toceivod by Letxkr nudu pat�graphs
<br /> I and 2 aball be applial: firsc.to anY P�Y��E�due under We Note;se�d.to anwuats payabie under puagrapb.2;
<br /> -_ thi,t+cl,w inoerest due;fourth,to principsl�iue:�nd lau,to�any I�te ctr�rgts due un3�r the Notr.
<br /> 4.I�aRes;Lkas. Borrower st�ll pay�li caxes,assasannts, ch�rges, fioes:�i imposi[i�s attributatr�eto the Prnpaty
<br /> . w�i�cls may �ttsin priociry ov�r this Sea�rity InsUUmr�uu aad leasehold payments oc grouod rmts. if aoy. B�rr�+ea sh�U P�Y
<br /> . tG�se oWig3tia�s in the mazu�er providod Ia paragr�ph«�or if not paid in that m�ones.Borrowa shall pAy�c�-m time dirxtl�
<br /> w the persou owed payment. Borrowu shsdl prumpily furnish to L.etdu all notioes of unounts to be paid und►.�,r this par�raph.
<br /> : IE Barowtr makes these payments diraYly.Bomou��shall promptly fumish to Lcnder rcaipts ovi�acing thc paymeots.
<br /> Borrower shall promptly disch�rgo�ny lir:n.which has priority over this Socurity iastnunent ra�ess Borno�ver: (a)�gcnes in
<br />;:;s writiag W tl�e payment of the obligation socuned by tbe lien in a manner aoaptable w Les�der; N)oo+�tests in gw�ud fi�ith tbe lien
<br /> . by. or defends agaicut c��ment of the lien in. legal pro�c�dings w�ich ia ihe Lerder's opinion �to prevcat the
<br /> # enfe;wment of the lien:or(c)secums fmm thc holdu of the lien an.�grreement saticfxtory to l.ender subordinstirng the liea to
<br /> � this Secnrity Inctrument. If L.�r dex��stnicxs that any p�n of the Prunerty is wbject to a liea�►�hich may attain priority over
<br /> this Security Instruatient. Lu�ru�m�y glv�;.�orrower a notia iduuifyiag the liea. Borrowcr s�6ait s�tisfy the lieQ or take aae or
<br /> i awt�e oF the�ctions set fath ui�v4 withia 10 days of the givin�of notice.
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