s �� .
<br /> �-- — •.`•K•+.("�fPil�" �........i.r,_� � ! --= . �.
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<br /> � .r.�.�Yft• - - _ •�-–_ __ ___ ---_ _— _.
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<br /> ' s�- ����► �
<br /> (B! Any/silura on th� put ot ths T�u�tor to mut th� repayment tarms in�espuct to the La�n Aflrwmen �nd anV
<br /> othar pdvancs� undu thi:Qaed of Truat h���by s�curod; �nd. ---
<br /> iCi A�y pctta�by 4hs Trustor p:ohiblted by the t�rmR of tho Loan Apresm�nt or thls Dad of Trust or �ny fcllure of _
<br /> ttw Ttu�to�to oct +w�aquksd by ths Lou��.areensent o�thia DNd of Tru�t. each of which Trusior hereby aQrses �
<br /> haw �n advarae altsct on tha Brnsfici�uy'a security tor tho tin� of crsdit astabiished end the rightc of the �
<br /> ganr!lctary in euch tscu�lty.
<br /> t�nd upon the heppsninp ot�ny such�vant of detwlt.Be�sficiary may declue �II sums c�cu�ed hereby Immsdt�t�lY
<br /> due snd payaWs by ci�liver to Trwtse of written dsclu�tion of dsfault. The T�ustes shall hav�the power of ��a of --
<br /> th�property.�nd if Bonefi�lary desir�f thb PfOpOtty LO b6 i01d,it shall deposit with Trustee thla Daed of T�ust�nd�11
<br /> prpmisw�y notq�nd docum�nt�svid�np exM�dltures s�cursd heiaby end shdll deliver to Trustee�written notica
<br /> of default snd sl�ctton to causa ths P►aperty to be sold, end the Trustas (n tum ahall prepere a notics in the form _
<br /> nquirad by law, which shnll bs duty filed tor�acord by T�ustee.
<br /> (�U After th� lapu of wch tims as may b�requi�ed by taw following the recordation of caid notice of defwit, u�
<br /> �otica ot default and notice of sale hsving been �Iven as required by law. T�ustsa, withaut damu�d on T�ustor,
<br /> chall seli ths Propesty an the date and at the time and place deri�natad in said notice af sela,at puWic wction to
<br /> the hi�hest bidder,the pu�chase price psyable in lawful mo�ey of the Unitad Statas at th�time of sale. The
<br /> psr�on conductin�the ssl�may,fo� any cause ho deems axpsdisnt. postpone the s�le f�om time to tim�until it
<br /> shaU be completed and, in evsry ruch csse,notics of postponament�hall L»give�by public dectaration thereof
<br /> by auch person at the time and ptace 1�4 appointed for the sale.provided,if the sals is postporwd fo�bngw thsn
<br /> one111 day l�eyond ths day dssipnated in the notice of sale, notice thersof shaU be given In the aama manne�as
<br /> tha ori�i�al notics of sale. T�ustes shall sx�cute and daliver to the purch�.ssr its�eai convoyi�g ttw Propsrty so
<br /> �old,but without andy covenar►4 or wu�s�ty,express o�implted. Ths recitals i�the deed o�any m�ttsrs o�acts
<br /> shsfl�condusive praof crf ths uuthfulnss�s thsrsof. Any parson,includ�r�p Banaficisry, nuV Pu�chase at ths sde.
<br /> (gy Whe�r Trustee selis pwsuant to ths powe�s herein,ths Trustes shdl esrp�the proceeda of tha cals to paymsnt
<br /> of ths costs u�expenses of exerclsinp the power of sale and of the sala,includlr�the payrnant of tl»T�ustaa's
<br /> fe�s actualty lincurrmd,which T�ustes's fees shdl not i�ths ag�rsgate excesd the folbwing amount based upan
<br /> ths�mount sscund herebY�remaininp unpaid;5 parcentum on the first S 1,000 thsreof. 7 perce�tum on Nse
<br /> bal�r►ce thersof and then to th�itsms in�ubpareQrsph(C)in the ordsr thsre st�ted.
<br /> (CI Aft�r paYinQ the items specif'isd in subpsrapra�t�4�if the sals is by Trustes, or the proper cowc�c�d other costs
<br /> of iaracbsure�al�sle if the sale ia pur$uo�i to(u�5�.i�foreclosurs,ths proceeds ot sale shall Ds ap�e�+n the ord�r
<br /> atatid to th�pr}�aw�t of:
<br /> (I) Cost of artiy evidence of t�c;e procured i�connection with such sale end of aw�Y rsvsnue sts�nps,;
<br /> (11) AII sums th��cu�ed heraby:
<br /> pii) Ths nmstod�',if any,to ttu patson Ispally entitled thereto.
<br /> - --- - -�3, �ulii�s�nd o�ip�s � • � �� �.iass:a�s.�*._••_h�!n nw�1wt.rmtrwd soWy bY _.
<br /> oi�msi.... �.) „wr ti�.ro:a�.
<br /> t0u express prarr,sions cf this De�d of T�ust,and T�ustse shall not be Uab1e�xcapt for th�performsnce of suc2�dutt�s
<br /> and obU�ations u are sP�cificalty sat forth h�rsin. and no impliad covsnant� or obli�stions sl�all be imPo��►Po�
<br /> �rusfcw; tb1 No provisians of this Qeed of Trust shall rsquire Trust�e to expu�d or r'�sk its own funds.or o�e�wise
<br /> incur sny financial obUpation in ths performancs of sny of its dutiss hsrsunder.o�tn the sx�►ciss of any of iu riphts
<br /> or power,if it shsfl have�rounds for believinp that ths repaymsnt of wch funds a�deQusie fnd�mnitl►��►Mt wch
<br /> • risk or liabillty ts not rsasonabiY s�sured to it; �c) Trustee may conwlt with counsd of it�own ct�oosirp�nd th�ad�ica
<br /> " of such counsN shstl bs fuA and complete wthorizatfon a�d Protection in the rssp�t ot any�ctlo�tsken or wffK�d
<br /> by,i�l�sur�d�r i�gaod faith and reliance thKeon:ld) 7�usts�shall not bs li�bie to►anY�ctian tak�^bY It in�ood f�ith
<br /> s�c8 nuonab�Y bsliaved bgP it to bs Authorizsd or within the discrstion or �lyhts and pow�ts coof�nid upon it by this
<br /> . De�d of Trust.
<br /> !4. Addllian�i S�axitll�b. Trustor, at it9 expenss. witl sxscute and deilv�*to the Trwtss. prampttY
<br /> ��d�mand�au,d�s�cwity insuumants as may bs nquired by 7rustes,in torm ar�d substar�ce:atisE�ctorN to TnuW
<br /> coereri�p �nY of the Property conveysd by this Deed of Trust,which secu►ity instruments sh�li be�ddiUona!s�curitl►
<br /> for '�rusior's faithful perfcamance of atl of ths terms. covenanu and conditb�s of this Osed of Trust, the Losn
<br /> Aprssment,sny promiasory notes sscurod herebY and enY°��urity instruments executed in con�►ection with dus
<br /> - v�nsktion. Such insuumants shall be reco�ded or filed, a�d re-cscords�a�d refiled, at Trwtor's sxpense•
<br /> - 15. aA�seMi+r�au•
<br /> - � fn the eve�t sny one at more cf the provlcions co�tained in the Desd of Trusi, ar tt�a Laan Aqreement or any
<br />_= p���s�ry nots,or act�Qther sscurity insuument given in connection v�ri4h this tru�sactlon.'shal!for anY�euo�
<br />- so bo t�s{d to ba invalid.iJ�al or�trosnfo�c�a@la�Eet a�Y fes(�t, such inva�tY,tiLs�itY or u�t�aresabifitY shall.
<br /> at ths option of Be�sficiary, not afEect any athao provition af this Deed of Trust.tfiat thit Dead of Trust sh�H bs
<br />- consuwd s if such invslid. ill�Q�t ai unenforcxaWs provts6csce had nevu bsen cos�te�Err�ed hsran or thenin.
<br /> �g� �'his �of Trurt sha:!be constrsr,�accordi�p to ths Isws of ths State of Nebrssfce.
<br />= [C$ t3�s D�sd of Trust a�haiJ trtsute to an�i�ind the[ssuas��ibi683.�8V�i6'v:.�•'i�ZS�LOiS.!afl.'C!!*9F��CtiCC�iiOCf illd
<br />— �if1�RS O�ths P�RiAS hbr6t0.
<br /> (D) Trustor shsU pay rll taxes bvied cc�san this Oeed of Trust or the debt secured hKeby,to�ether wit��ny other taxss
<br /> or as:essments wtuch may be lsv:ed apatnst the Trustee or Bec�eficisry or the legal t�Lder of ths tosn Aprsement
<br /> on account of ths indehiednes�evidence thersby.
<br /> (F.) Whe�ever used hereirt�the singular number shall include the plu�al, the ptural,the cln�ular,tlu use of any gsnder
<br /> v shall b�applicab{s to all�enders. and the term 'Beneficiary"sha►i irtictude anY Pal►ee �i u`�:�wabtedness heraby
<br /> s�cursd or any trsnsfer thereof, whether by opsration of iaw or otherwise.
<br /> - �g, �qn�a Tnut�, Bsne�ciaPy may from time to tlme substitute a successor or succasco�s to�ny Truatse
<br />-- �� ha�ein or�ctinp hereunder to exscute thk Trust Dsod. Upon such appointment and withuut canveyance to
<br /> - th� cuccesso�T�ust�e, ths(�ttK shall M vastsd with �U titi�, powe�s and duties conierred upon sny Trustss hsroln
<br /> nsm«i or ai:u�w:'v::w:.�:• ��`�=L��Fr^-'���t ar substit�tlon shatl b�made by written insVUmer►t by B�neficiary,
<br /> T cont�nlnp ref�r�ncs to this Desd of Trust and its pisce of record,which wiHn recwded in ths office of the Rpistsr
<br /> -- of OMds af ti�e county or wurKies in which said P�oPertN is�ituated.shsll Ge conclusive pro�f of�qpNc�ppointm�ni
<br /> - ot the successor Trustee. Ttw foreQoing power of substitution and the pracedure therefare shail ot�'ixclusive of
<br />:�'r� �� 408-3
<br /> ��
<br />