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<br /> by ownar'9 and o�aretoro of almltar propartlas and u E�onellciu�a may requlra far iCa protaction. Trusto�will coiti�ply -
<br /> with:uch other requfremants aa Beneficiary mati� 1ra��tirns to timo roqueat tor tF►� protactlon by {neurance of tha -
<br /> int�re�t of the reo�oativo partiea. AU ins�rance pa!��,.b�malntsinud purouent to thia Dertl of Trutt thall name 7rwtar °
<br /> and Be��eficluy aA innured, aa thalr raspectiva intc�a:t m�;�A^;�+ +�Provlde that thero�h�li be no cant�li�tl�n or =.
<br /> modification withaut fiftson (15) days p�+ar wrltt�►nr►t'rficat'scn ta Truatae�nd Bawf+clarY• IN the event sny poticy _
<br /> hereunder is nat ronawad on or befora fift�n (161�aya priar to itp expiratia�n date,Trustee ar Berseficiary mey p:ocure _
<br /> such iruur�nce in accardanca with tfne proLisWn� oi P�:sp�aph 7. Tsustot shall �Jaliv�r to Benaficlary tlw otipinW
<br /> policlw of Inturenaa end rertowels theraof o�cap���as of�uch pallcios and renewsle theraof. Failuro to iumish such -
<br /> insurar►ce by�'��uutor, or renow�la as requi�sd her�or.shaU�aY th�option oi Barwilclary. co�stituta a defnult. AU
<br /> unearrwd premiumn e�e hareby a&signed to Trustf�a� addittor►el aecurity, end a ssle and conveyancs of the Propsrty
<br /> by ths T�uatofl ehall operete to convay to the Du'����r the Truc4or's intereat in�nd to aU poUcias of insurance upon
<br /> the Trust Proqorty.
<br /> 6. Taxs� and A�sassmeM*• Trusto�ahsll pr�y a!i taxes and speclal assessmsnts Ievied ar assessed sgainst,or
<br /> due upo�,tha Propony lwfo�a delinquency and r��;'1 dp!ivor to BenAficlary copioa of rscelp4s showing payment ot such
<br /> taxes and spualal assessmenta.
<br /> g, pdditianAl t�en=, Truato�shall maka a!!pay�nsnts af intero�t and p�inaipal,and psyments of any other char�es,
<br /> T�rust aMc�t�apo&or otherrse utlity g ement.abofore tthe d te t tt+iyeare deU quen efnd tcr€4�Y a V athepcleim�whj�,�A
<br /> jeopardixop tha saourity�tanted hereln.
<br /> 7. P�ote�tlon of B�n�fidW�� S�urity. Shauti Trusto�fail to make ar�y p�yment, fsl!tu d�any �ct as hsreln
<br /> provided o�if any actian a�proceeding is commen�ed whlch matterlal�Y affects Beneficiary'a Intarast in ths PropertY�
<br /> Inclu�lnp, but ne� Umited to, emi�e�t domai�. Insa3vancy, e�ran�eme�ts or proceedtngs invalvinq s bankrupt or
<br /> deaadent.than Benefi�la�y or Trustes,but withc�ut oblig�tian to�o so,and without notice to o�demand upon Ttustor,
<br /> end without releasing Trus4er f�om any obliyatian hereunder,may make o� do the seme, a�d may pay, pwchass,
<br /> conteet ar compromise a^x�yT encumbranco, ch.�ra�ot Uon, whic:9� in the judyement of either eppem�s to affect ssid
<br /> prapaityt in exerclsing a�y sr�ch pow�es.the�"�t'jcis►Y or Trustcw may incur a tisbility end axpend wi�stever amounta.
<br /> inaludin� dlshursaments of ressona�'�a+�Tt�rneV�s teos�which�n their ebsolute discroti,�ct maY ba necessary• �n the
<br /> ev8nt that Trustor shall faat to procure insuraruca,fail to WY ��� ��'� °��'�ents a fail t4 mako anY
<br /> paymenta to axisting or pr�or Ilen holde�s or be�ef icisries,the Baneficiary ma�F p���sv�h insu�ance and maks such
<br /> p�y�menta. AI�cumt i�curred or expended by Ber►mficiary or Tru�tee in accocd,ence vuith ths p�ovisions ot ths Deed of
<br /> Trust are secured hereby and,without demand,st�aJ!be imm�diF+telY due and payabi�b�p Trustor and shall bear interest
<br /> at,tha rate provided for advancea undu the Lwn A9reement;providsd, howeve�,that at t,Ae option of ths Ben��'iccarY
<br /> a�Tru�tee,such sums may bs edded to tli�s prin�s,pal bafance o4 a�y indebtedness secvi'ed hsraby and chail bsa�ths
<br /> w�cnp inte►sst as such incb�tedness and shall be payable ratahty over the ranalnin� term thsreof.
<br /> 8. psslpt►m�nt o!�.Beneficiary shsU hs�ra tt�e ciyht,power and autB�itY du�ing ihe conttnaaar�cs of thls Deed
<br /> pT�I�I1C['Lp Co/p7C71 it`�o ioi�t'a�io�iivS Z't'«'�.�:L`�»^#L�!4'!^-.�Y and ot enro t�son�i Drot�tY locst�a8 tl'ierson with or __.
<br /> witttout takin�possassion of the Prept+��y efieated hereby,and Trustar ha-e..°�:bs�:te�y end unce�r�d?tionailY Msigns
<br /> aU suoh renta,issues and profits to Beneficiary. Beneficiary, however,here�}c�sa�ts to the Trustor's coilection and
<br />- rotantion of such renta,issues a�d proflts ss they�ccrue a�d become payalr➢e sa lon�as T�ustor is�ot,at such time,
<br /> in deteuk with raspect to payment of any indebtedness secu�ed hereby cx in the perfo�manca cE anY 89te�►�t
<br /> hareunde�. Upon any such defsutt, Be�ef�ciary meY at eny fune, either in �son, by agent or by s recsiver to bs
<br /> appaintad hy a court.without nottce and withoui rega•d to tho adequecy of any sectu(tY for the indebtedneat hsraby
<br /> cecuted; (a1 eMer upon snd take possession of the Prvpenl� or any part thereof and in iu own name sue faua cr
<br /> atheuwise eolleet wch rer�ts,issues and profit=. inatuding those pstt dus and��npsid, an apply ths seme. lass eosts
<br />- �md expenses of operatca�a and coliectio�.inctuding reasana�fe attomay fees.upan any indebtedn�ss sacured hereby
<br /> .��d in cuch order sa Bane�ic+W may determine: (bf perform auch+Gts of r�pair or p�otection ss m�P bs�ss�1►o�
<br /> p�oper.to coruenre the value of tha PropWty:(c) te�ss the s�ns o�any part hersof for such rantal t�and upert such
<br /> . conditians as it�judgmant may dictate. Untess'Trustor and Beneficiary a�rea otherwise ir�writinp,arty applicat�on of
<br /> •rent�,.issues or profits to any indsbtednesr socured hereby�l�ll not sxtend or postpone ths due due of ths instaliment
<br /> piryme�ta as provided in the Loan Asreement, and ths �p�lication ther�a� �t aforeseid shail noc araive or curs any
<br /> defauk�or notice of defa.cit hereuncler or invalidstc anY n�t done purse�r4 to such notice. Truatar also assig�►s to
<br /> geneflaiary,as further secu►ity for the performana oi the�abli�arions secured hereby,ail prepsid rentc end al!rreori�es
<br /> whlch•may have been or may hereafte�be deposited with said Trustor by any lessee of the Property,to aecex�ths
<br /> payment of any rent,a�x!upon default in the peetorms� of any of the pioviaions hereof,Trustor aprees to delivar
<br /> - such ronta and depnsits to the Beneficiary. Dali•leryo of vrritten notice af BenefictarY's exercise of the rt�hte��anted
<br /> herein ta�any tenant occupying said premises shall be sufficient to rer�ire s�id te��ant to pay said rent to the
<br /> Bensfici�uy until furthev notice. ht of
<br /> g, Cpnd�nnstion. If title to any part of the Prope+ty sha� be taken in coridemnation proceedinps�bV�8
<br /> emiMnt damain w simiJ�r action,or shall t»sotd undet ttueat of condemnstion. all awsrds. damapes ar►d Procseds
<br /> are i�aup�3$r+a3:��'.:.��C�*.�BenetIc�ar;► wix►�iwq aopty cuch award,damapas and Prace�ds to tttie swn&
<br /> secursd by the Deed of Ttuat. v�tith tM excass, if snY,psid w the Trustor.
<br /> 10. Futwe Ad+++inca. The Loan A�reement pcovides fo� advances from time to time to Trustor by Benaficisry
<br /> as providad therein. In addition,upon request o!Trustw, Ber►efici�y►, at Banefi�iary's option, prior to reconveyance
<br /> of the Pruporty�to the Trustor, may make addEtiocial future advances to the Trustor. Such fuwre advances. with
<br /> '� interest thereon,sha11 be secured by this Deed o!T�us3 when evideaced by prnmissory notes sUting that satd notas
<br /> = are secured htueby; provided me�i ai rw ii;�io st�«€ the secured principal and futura sdvances, not includinq sums
<br /> - sdvsnced w protoat the security, exceed one hua�diad perceni (100%) of ths original principal amounts aecured.
<br /> � i�ereby.
<br /> - �7, pan�dle�CumulMlv�. Atl remedies proviciod in this Deed of Trust ue distinct aru! c�+ul�►�t0�ny other
<br /> - ripht or temedy urtdor this Deed of Trust ov �ffo�cted by law or equity, and may be ex�rcised concurrendy,
<br /> -' ind�oendentiv or sur.cessivetv.
<br /> - �2, pcc�adon; R�n�dios; Sa{�. A de�a�:I:shW exist in the eveni of:
<br /> '' (A1 Any fraud or misrepresentation by the Trustae in cormsction with the lins of credlt which this Deed of Trust
<br />--- secures;
<br />— �
<br /> . '� �•Z
<br />