_�a�F.- ,.�.� �: --------- � ��w.. ...---- -- --- � • --. : 'w�.� --__
<br /> ��".. ._ . , . . . � �I. `, . _ -_���^_-
<br /> :i t-.-_
<br /> •�t "�µ_.da�.i.�±cw_.�.�sar::i.ar.w._J..�- : - -- - « _Y._ .�t!m�lva.. . " ___ _f�:.�-��__,.�.w�._�_ _.
<br /> —�_i��= ,......r..,r
<br /> � ��� ����
<br /> • li.Bon�owe,r'a Copy. Bon�oww shuU be giva�one co�fom�+d copy of tho I�Toto�ad 4f thlr Sxarity 1�►stn��na��.
<br /> 17.71ru�akr at'the or a Beaeflcia!Iaterrst io Barr�owea IF aU or any p�rt oF tho Prcr�w�cty�a�r a:�y�intatst in it Is
<br /> �otd oc transfierred (or ifpR�ial intorest ia Ba�mwu ir sok!a aw�sfemd and Bormw�er ir.nat w AaCti4rt� )wiihoui
<br /> n
<br /> L.cndcr's pdaz wrUrea conx,nt�I.rndu may,at its option,roquire immediaw paym�ant in futl of ail sun�s sa:�saf ytt�is Sa.uiiiy
<br /> Iast�umast Hawever.this optiot�stt�ll noi bo exucwed by I.taticr if cxesti;ise i�p�v�it�ibod by ftr3tsr�G;x as at It�e daio of this
<br /> �yl�ndcr eaercices this opdan�L�xJer stu�ll give Borrower notice ot'�cak�satian.Th.�noti.x s1s�11 pruvldc a�of not k�s
<br /> t�aa 3tf�ya fn�a u'�e�E�a rio�e i�cWiva:a�or r�:il��withi��w��,'�B�.-roR:,:mus�pay:.U.cwn��i:sc,.by�'sit°e;.uri.�y
<br /> Insmusxnt.If Bo�mwer fiils b PaY��P�a!�eacpintioa of tbis period.La►dtr aw��u�VOko aay m,u�ed�es peimipod
<br /> Dy Qas Security Ias�t wi:Aa�ut fui� P��an Ilas�rowcr.
<br /> 1�.Borr.�ver's itiZltt to' 4',i.,���!tixts ceitAin oonditions, Burmu�r shAil ha��e Ihc r�gEt to havc
<br /> cnfonoana�t of this Sec�� ' �ay time priar to tho carticr of: (u) 5 d:ty��.(sx s�b ot6ar prriod as
<br /> ap�lic.�bie law may spocify ar c�einsiateaneat)btfor sa:a of t,�„I;u�.:yp tn say�xa�ai sa�t,cr�ate�iaod ia this Socwity
<br /> Ins�mau;oe(6)entrY of a judgmau cr►forcing thls Soc�uity Iaspumcnt.7D�oo�dldaa�aro th�t Bn�mKra:{ti1 YS L.endcr all
<br /> swas wbicb tlxn would be due undv thi9 Security Jastrua�au�sd tbe No1e as if np avctStiatit+�had ox�(b) a�res aaY
<br /> defiittt of ay od�r cova�np o�a�ents:(c)I�Ye all eupa►�es iat�ured in eofarcic� ihis Sacuti�y�IrceCracasot�iacludiug,but
<br /> na Waited a.rca9ooabie atwrneys'faes:autl(d)takas wcd action as L�ier aw�rea�oas�bty mquiro ru atstuo ttu�t tLe 1'sm of thia
<br /> SecurieY Ins�uaapu. I.eader's rights ia t�: Propaty aod Bamower's obli�qoo � p�y th� su� aocured by this Socurity
<br /> Ia�tn�t�ornt sl�11 oontinue unchaagai. [T�an �t by Bacrowrx. this Socurity Insuuayai�and 1he sec�eticxi
<br /> hercby sda11 rrmtin fully effocdve ts if no aooeia�tioa had occurrod.How�evar.ttis ng5t a,niasss3e shail not ia tLe ca�e of
<br /> acalahtloo wfdcr p�r�grapa 17.
<br /> 19.Sale ot Notei Cha*Re ot L.ou Servica�. ltie Note or a pa�tia] iara�st ia tho Nu'.r (rogether_witb this Se�su�iry
<br /> . Lnttru�assy be�oid aoe or moce ti�without prioc uoti�ce to Bormwrr.A s�r�sen+il!fyn�cbange m tlseeut�ty(k�
<br /> as t!�"Loan Sanrioa'�that oollects�noarLlY P�Y��d�a u�xia the Nota and this aa�any Tnsorume�t.'Ilra+e�lso may l�t�i��d or
<br /> mae clua�es oi the Lo�n Savicer nnretated to a sale of the Notc.If tbaz�s a c'�,ge of tba Lo�a Savicxr.Barower w�i be
<br /> givea aritten aotice of tbe chango in axo�rd�r�e witb paragrs�14 above aod tp(sli��►le law.The npt�o�a will ctate the a�ne and
<br /> acfdress of tbe new Lon Sw1oa and tho addr�ss�o wbicb ptya�eais rbouW bes c�adet 1bo netioe wi11��Ssq c�oo3�ia fny othei
<br /> iofan�stioa requited by ap}�iicabin law.
<br /> 20.Na�rdoas Sy4si�aoa. Barowa shaU not c�u9e or paa�it the p�+eseace, upe. 'du�o�l� sLa�Bo,or ir,iease af �ay
<br /> I�at+cdous Sttbat�ces ov vr ia tbe Ptogaty.Barower sh�ll not do.arnr alk�w anyo�eso w ,anY������1?�Y
<br /> that is ia vblatioo of s�t�r F1t�irc�aoseaCr�I�w.The pe000dlqg two ses�xes slu�U uoi�}+9u t2vr�x�esatioe,u9e.or st�o[a�e tiu t3re
<br /> Plropeity�qu�amn�s�ty�i�cis Subst�ooes tAat are�maaliy reoogtti�od�b i��ppm�ri�e tn normd�aidai6ial�ses
<br /> sarower stua pr�g�r i�d�wriaen notioe of aay in.�tioo,�,�a,da�ad. t�wwit or c���' r�ay
<br /> govanma�or r�uLU� oc pdv�la p�ty involviqg the Propaty aod�ay Hv�crjaa��oe ar Ea ' Law
<br /> of which Bo�.co,►rr!�s�l000 vie�.If sacm,�r le�ms.a is nocitiod by sop g�ovrsc��rnr s+egul�MO�y au�harity,dmt any
<br /> removal or oeba�+emetliadm of any�rdoat Sub�noe af?'octiqg tbo Prapaty is oeoea�y,l&xrower si�ll proaiptly ttic�ail
<br /> nooas�y reiaedi�l aaions io�000�+t}�aoe with Fnvina�omeaW Ix�r.
<br /> ' Ai YfCd �1 i�1tS� 20f ��'�7�OIL4 $UbBti110C�t� �'t @1L19C�I�CL �IOKl iS IWi1C Ot�Ql�Sl1�GCCi bji
<br /> Eaviroomeotal Lw aod tAe fo3lowiag s��bsdoces: g�otme, tao�ea� ott�a ftanws�o63G tzt �ic pelrolau� �coducts, Wxic
<br /> pesticida�d bMab�dc}i+�k-�s,vor]�Yu'iYe'�■ot�veats.marr`�i�ls o'a�Yn,g,a,g-bYe,s_l�os{�a fo�n�ide�yd��r"d rad�oactive aWar�1�.IU-` m� ed'm
<br /> ���W� C��LLWILR�Liw��iR��iL YTW{a��RiFW���w��Y1S�
<br /> iAD!'ald;iltl'1�ICtlOVYO�Ll�O�Cti00.. - - -- �-- .. . _ . . --- . .----.---- -..---._._- . __..—..
<br /> N�I-U�11�(;QVENAIV'1'S.80[I�OWCt�Ld'.d!!f11it21Q COYEafOt i0i4��EC�li�OWS:
<br /> ' u.AOO�O�i�0�lf.t.lfd!!ftii8�!10�C!�O QQ�C7Rr pJ'�'�p iCOd!li�11 tOb'RLS BO�iPO'11!!�i�0�
<br /> ' a�� !O�l�aat Or �Sat i� tYi� Secorit� Ia�lr�est (b�t �ot pnor to � �sdlr par�pi 17 a�4��t
<br /> � a�lieslk I�w p�o�Wat otierwlre�71e sotiCie s�s1 q�cif�:(a)t1�defaaMt @)tik�art�iae nep�ired to ae�ttie defadt:(c)
<br /> � a d�e,sot iao t�u 30 ds�fi�oti tLe d�te tre aotiee i�sive�to Bors�a�nr�br�dtici�Wt��efadt�ast le e�d:asd(�
<br /> . t1�t iaiw+t�o apr+e tMe 3e�adt a�or be�o��e tLe date s�dfiM i�tLe�otite sw�.naslt t��o�odaratio�d ew sat��sec�nl
<br /> • tij tl�S�t�kJ Lrtr�eat a�d sale at d�e Prope�ty.Tre�otlee aW fbrif�r idara E�cunw�er af thr ri�t to rd�tate
<br /> ' afltr atcdvatio� a�d tlie rt�Yt to 6riy a eo�rt aetjo�to a■ert tlre so■�f'i1�oe of a�rlt or a�r�.afties defi�e ot
<br /> �01i+O�wR b�00l�0��1d tt1l.Il!�!dl�i�lt�110t CIQ�d 0!Or bl�at�e tti!d�f!�6FLY.�tr!fOtfOl�I.eaaler!IL�i
<br /> dP�•yl n9��a�dLh pa��est`tr oI�1 sas secarsd D�t�it SeeQitf IaMea�e�t wit�ort 44�tler der�
<br /> a�i sy iv+oice tie paRer af a�le aad a��otl�er re�ika per�itt�d 63�pplicsbk I�w.LR�dee�6a/be e�lifial b oo�ect
<br /> a!!es� ieNe'rtd f�p�ttie re�e�a proridtd t�tiit�r�arr�pit�,.i�e1�dY�,at�ot ii�t�ed�i+w�iie
<br /> aRior�e�s'fe�t ad ooqs of We e�ide�e.
<br /> V tie Po+�er d pie i�iavdc�d,Tr�tae sia�reoord s�atke of-de�(aWt i e�o�t� i w�ie� aq prt a�tl�e
<br /> P.ra�eep�locred�d tlqt/aail oopies at��otZce Lr t�t aarer pracei4ed by appiicaiie Lw lo darower a�W te tie
<br /> � � �P±'� hl aPP��itw.Alter tie ti�req��+d Sy appica�i�e faw�Tr�tee s�nll�e poblic�olioe o�
<br /> � �.te�ue per,o.s aea fa tLe aa..er pr�aLea eq appiieaY�ir...1�«.idiost aa.a.+o.Ba,ra�r,sYaf ae�aie
<br /> Pra�aty at prbBe a��o tl�e Yt��st biader at tLe tiae ud�oe a�d�riar tie ter�s d�Wd i�tl�e aotioe o�tal�
<br /> r .
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