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<br /> paya�aw auiy no b+�ger 6�roq►�L+ed.at tbe optloa� oF Laxia�if mat,�ap�a iaaueanoo oova�e(iw the�mouat and far cho pe�riod -
<br /> t�at t.enda raquha)Ps'ovWod by ta inswu�ppeavod by L.e,�der ayda bocaa�es�valhblc wd ia obt�tuad.Hortowu tball pay tbe
<br /> proa�iums roquirod b m�ta asort�0 iaauanoo In effe�ct.� to�x+ovlde a fos�resave.uaW tAc roqulcomast fac wact�ayc
<br /> iaw�aao asd�iA�coocYl�nco witb uoy wriUen�eaaaast 6etwoea Fiucsower aad Lenda�or applicabla tiw. _
<br /> 3.Inspxctloe. L.e�s�a a i� �pau may m�rt�soasbte caa•iec upoa�tac�acii.v�ui Iha Pr��y.L�tSor �il�ive
<br /> Ba�a�wet nolkx at cAe tima of or prior to ao iaq�ec.'sioa�por.ifYin�c+eara�bie c�uso fot tbe intpectfoa. -
<br /> !�Coa,demnatba. 'ixa p� o.°ray ��:.�a: c3�L� fa dsa��. i�et c�e ct�aq�eati�l. i�ceaaxti�a wit� aay -
<br /> ��� Wci�of aoy put of tbe Pfropa�y.ot for canvey�ooe iA lieu of oo�tion,aro be�+eby asslYno3�s�d -
<br /> Ia the eveat of a mt�Wcin�of tbe Property.tta p�oc�ds shaU be y�plkd w the wms aecurod by tt�is Security Insaumpu,
<br /> MAettxr or not tboa dwe.with�ny exoess paid 1�Bormwer.In tlre evwt of a p�ctial bkit�of the Pcopaty io whica t6e fait m�ri�et
<br /> vaEue oF tbe ProQaty imtood�ately before tl�e qlciq�i�eqw!w oc�rakr tNn tbe�rna�ot of the sumc sacurod by tbis Seauity
<br /> Inswcnau iaam�odt�k]y befae tba t�iciqg. uolcss Borrower�nd l�da otJxiwix�roe ia �xritt�.�Ae wms �ocut+ed by :bia
<br /> Soun'ity 1n�umeat�aU 6e roducod by tbe mouat of the prooeods aaultip�iod by tU�e folbwlqR fractloa: (�the:ot�l anauat of
<br /> tbe woot�eciund imoo�edively befocz ttic takin�. dividod bY(b? cbe fair asrket v�lue of tbe Propaty immadiaiely bttore the
<br /> nkiag.Aay b�l�e�ce�ail be p�id tn Bomower.Io t3�e aveat of a parti�l Wci�of tbe Propaty in wlsic6 the fair market vsiL�e of the
<br /> Properqr immcdi�relr eeForc c9G midn� is kcs etw, �f,c unounc or tAe w,ns socurod imm ��,�:y eerore the ntcing. uNess
<br /> Barow�et:"�d I.eoder otba�ri:e�ree io wcidos at ualess app8cabb law otha�visa povida.@se pc�ocootit ehall be�pplied IQ tho
<br /> t�aocurod by ch�C S�onrity Iaa�uneot wbetMr or not the ams�e I�a due.
<br /> If t�e Ptope�tg is sbr�loaod by Barmwer�a if.�fla nodce by It�fer lo Baro�ra tb�t tbe coademoor o�'m b m�te�n
<br /> avwrtl a�aWe a c}aan for doma�es,BoR+o�rer fails a raq,oud a I,eada�30 dtys Jier die dale dK twtice is giv�a+,Leader
<br /> is air6oriaed io c�oD�ec:md�ppiy dn pc000ed�.at ita opcion.cit�ei a ns�aatjoo«r�ir of the Peopaty a eo tbe wms�oaaed
<br /> bY this Securiry Inson�n�aot.Mt�etha�ar not tbm du�.
<br /> unles�Leader�t s«z+n�ver otha�►ue s�rOe ia Mritim�.aar applicatioo of prooeeds b princ;pd sl�u not e�od ar patpoae
<br /> tbe d�e d�le of d�e mootbly pymwts nfarod b ia p�aphs 1 aad 2 or clun�e tbe�nouat of sucb pymeats.
<br /> 11.�row�er 1Vot Rrlered;FarDearaace S�I.e�der Not a W�iv�a�. fia0au�oe of tbe time far paymoot ar modific�tion
<br /> of�mo�ti�on of t6e sums�ecvroa by mis saa�r;ty rnaavmeat�r�niea by t.a�der b any wxe�or io io�st oi s«ro.ra shfu .
<br /> oa oQex�o ta relra�e the li�bility of th�aregi�t s�aero�r or Ha�m�'t suooasooa m iokYr,st.Lea�icr a6�i1 na be�+equaned a
<br /> cammeaoe Pr0000dia�s��ay wocGSfo�¢i�i�rat or refiue oo e.uard dme far paymeat a othaxiee modify�martir�rion of
<br /> tm s��ecwed by t!�Soa�city Iastrumait Ly cea�on of aay dat�nd made by the o�igiW Baro+ra or Ban�nw+er's suooesfacs
<br /> iu issla+aL Aay fabanwx tr�P.�c1er it�ea�acisiq���r rc�t a nmody slull aot be a�v�iva of ar procisd�tL�su�ci�e of aqy
<br />� �At ar moedy.
<br /> 12.Sa�xeron a�d A�Ba�d;Jai�t�d Saeral Li�yiiitJ: Co�s�ess.7be o�vm�ors. and � of tbi�
<br /> ` Socmtity Iastcumeat�hall biod �ad bcaefi� dEc:woas�fots md avigas of Leatlet�ad BQm�ret. subjxt w d�e Pr'oeitioos of
<br /> 3 p�aiprapb 17. Hatorvet'f oovedo� aod alQmemeats �all be joiot sad �vctal. Aay Barro�rer wb co-si�m dus Sep�cily
<br />- Iarintse�t tfut dnea oot eseo�ee�Le Nc�er.(a�.i�rn.ai=n��:a cnrn.�, i�.._„_.x�.�;�...._,.�.�.....s.e,'..-�...�s�':�S�:t�-- °
<br />� --- � Ba�raws'�iot�io ibc Pru�ty uiod�tY it�1arr�s of d�Sec�ity 1a�om� (b)is aot PaaonllY ob�,�led b paY�e mau
<br /> soc�'od bY t�i�S�uit1+In�smme:�od(c?�ees t1�t I.enda aod�ay ot�ei Bano�ra maY�ee q exlead.modifY.faehnr a�
<br /> T m�c asy aoca�a�od�ti�000 witb regsttd 1v i3a t�rm�s of fL'a Se�ity Inu�ma�t or t!�Note�Bt�3 Buno�a's omaait.
<br /> �. 13.Lo�Clwr�e�. If d�e b�n eec��dtia Seuuity Ja�t is abjje�x w a ltw.vLLicb sen m�lo�Q cbar�es�
<br />' aoct�t la�v if�aWly isuap�ev d�t tbe�or at8e,t lor►ch�rgq�oilectod a 1�be oollxted'm 0000ec�ovitb tbe bw
<br /> �� �tie pas�it�ed limit�.�m::f„��nr we�lo.o ch�e mit be roauoea by the amo�r.c nxas�ey�o red�x o�c�go a me
<br /> _, pamitlod mait;aod�b)any sam3 alrq�dy oc�od fiaa BonoMer whic6 a�ca�kd pamiuod}imits a�i17 be nt�nclod q Bare�ower.
<br />.�. Ieades msy clwo�o w m�te tbii r�Y I�y ce� tbe p�L�l owrod �rr d�e No�e a bf mrirq�s dic�e�a paymeat b
<br /> ,5 Bmo�rar.If a rd'aod roduces pciacip�i.�seduc�ion wriU ba terated a�a P�P�Y�wid�ut aoY pe�aymmt d�e�e
<br /> s ���
<br /> t� 1�.Notiee� Aay notice b Baro�+er pcwided fet im tt�Secu�Ky Ia�merit sh�it be Qi.vm by de}ives�it a by mtilia,�it .
<br /> - ls�r�arat c�s m�il aoles��ppticaWe lav iequiees usa of�ootkr n�etAod.lbe ootice shal!be dieoc�ed to the Acoperty A�neas a•
<br /> � aep aa�r,aaoess Boe�er ae�k,b�►si�i�e m Leaaes:Any nono�ta I�da�dwn be�Ivea uy r,�e clfos mau b I.�dc�'s:
<br /> � � rnld�to�ae�ar aoy d1w addrc�t I.e�der da�fia by noBoC b BcrroMGr. My nolioe p[OVi3ed Eoe at diis Sx�ity.
<br /> �sam�t dsall be deetaod to 6av�e beea�ivai b Bocro�es cu I�wrhen givai a�provided'w thii p�. —
<br /> � ���t�:��7• �s �+�Y �a�ast �all be �ovemod by fataa! 4�► �od tfae l�ar of tbo -_
<br /> • juii.dicxioa io rvhirai fl,e properey�locama.tn rbe eveat d�t any pe+ovi�ioc ar clause of Nr�seciraty Instrnmmt ar me Nao
<br /> ; ooaflic�s�vitu,�pQl;cable La►.wcb oonaic:a�au aoc�erer,t otha povi�ioos of this sea�r;cy�or mo lvo�e rvhic�can ba
<br /> �iv�ea e�'xt�vStba�t!he 000flic�o�provisio�,'�o thii md tbe provitions of this SecuriRy Ir�nnnea��ad t1�e Nofe aee de+clred Oa
<br /> �' be s�eeibie.
<br /> ;
<br /> ` Forw aoZ1 9l90
<br /> y ��M4(�t�z�a� v�p�w� __
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