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�� � � ; • , ., � <br /> ��� . <br /> ;�� <br /> +�, • <br /> � . , , ' _.._._�.._.. . _... . .. ._. ._�� � ��,�.i;�:,::,.�.,;`, - <br /> .�kr�..�:� L <br /> s • � �'rlt,� 10�1t'�►Z� � <br /> � 0. Cond�mn�Wsn.The proceeds of any oward or cleim for demepee,direct or consequendel,in connection wilh any <br /> � condemnallonoroth�rlwklnpplth�Prop��tp,orpaAlhnwf,orforconv�y�nc�inll�uolcond�mnadon,enhenbyeuipned <br /> � �nd�h�ll bs peld lo Lender. <br /> In Ihs event ot�lofal qklnp of th�P�op�ty,ths pnceeds sh�ll bs•ppll�d to Ihe�umt s�cured by thls D�ed ol Trust,wllh <br /> � th�sxc�ss,ll�n�r,p�ld lo Borrower.ln the w�nl ol s piAiel takfnq ol ths P�op�A�r,unless Borrow�r end Lender otherwite <br /> apreslnwrllinp,thereshallbe�pplledtothetum�secundbythlsDeedolTruNsuahpropoNonofthsprxeed�a�lssqu�lto <br /> j► IhNproportlonwlAOhthe�mauntolthsrumtssau►edbythl�D�edofTru�llmmsdistelypriortolhedatsoflekinpbee�sloths <br /> r 1�1�m�rk�t wlu�ol the proper1y Imm�dlptMy prlor to th�Osts of teklnp wlth Ihs belsnce of ths proceeds paid to Borrower. <br /> � Il lh�Properry Is abondoned by 8orrower,or If,�itsr notice by Lender to 8orrower Ihat Ih�condemnor oBere to make an <br /> ' � Lendir�liiuMorlied to collsalindipp y th�prxi�dsii 1.�ndir'i p on�IIh�3 o�riitoriUon a�eip�ir o Ihi PropiNy or to <br /> �` �he eume sscwed by thl�Deed ol Trus� <br /> Unls�s L�ndor and Borrower othsrwlse ep�es In w�iting,any�uch eppllcatlon ot proceeds lo principal ahall not extend ur <br /> postpon�th�dw dd�of fh�monihiy In�qllm�nh nf�rcsd to I�p�r�pr�phs 1�nd 2 h�r�ol or ch�np�th�amount of wch <br /> Initellmenb. <br /> 10. �ow�rNotRNNad.Extsnalanotthetimeforpaymentor modlllcatlonolamoRlzetionofthesumsaecuredbylhfa <br /> Deed of Trori pr�nted by Lender to eny succeseor In Interest o1 BoROwer ahell not opsrats to relssfe,In e�y menner,the <br /> Ilabilfy ol the oripinel Borrower and BoROwer's euaaeeaors intere�l. Lendar ehell nol be requl�ed to eommence p►xesdlnpa <br /> eq�ln�t such Butceeao►or reluee to ezlend time lor peyment or otherwl�e modly emortlz�don o1 the�ums eecund by thi� <br /> D�ed of Tru�t by re�eon of eny dem�nd made by the orlpin�l Bonower end Borrowsr'e succe�soro In Intarss4 <br /> 11, Forb�aninc�by L�ndK Nol�W�h�r.llny lorbearance by Lender in exerclsinp sny ripht o�remedy hereunder,or <br /> othsrwlse aBordsd by eppliceble Ipw,ehell not be e welver of or p�eclude Ihe exerclee ql any euch ripht or►emed1r.7be <br /> proaurement of Insurance of Ihe pAyment oltexes or other Ilans orehK�e�by L�ndsr sho11 not b��w�Iwr of Lender'�rl�htto <br /> , , accelerete the maturity o1 the Indebtedneae aeaured by thls Dsed of True4 <br /> � � � 12. Rem�dla CumulqW�All remedle�providsd In thi�Deed of Truet ere dlalinct and cumuletive to any other ripht or <br /> remedy under this Desd ot Trust or alladsd by law o� puiry,and mey bs �xercl�ed concun�ndy. Independe�dy or <br /> - OUCC9�b�V8�y. <br /> 13. Succ�s�as�nd Asdons Bound;Jolni�nd Sw�nl L.I�WIih; C�ptl�on�.Ths covenenle end epreemente herei� <br /> ; contefnedahnllbind,andthArighbhereundarahaUlnureto,lhereepectivesuccsesoroendaselpnsoflenderand8orrower, �' <br /> - sub�ect to the provialone o1 peregreph 17 hereol.All covenents and epreemente ol8orrower aheA be bint and severel.The ' ��_,,Y�, <br /> c' ceptionsandheadinpaoftheperapraph�olthlsDeedotT�uttarelo�convanienaeonly�ndannotto6�ussdtointsrpretor y .r <br /> � detine the provlelone hereof. i. . � ; -- <br /> �; U. Notte�.Except for any notice required under appllcable law tobegiven in another manner,(a any�otice to Borrower -�.� <br /> -- p r o v l d e d f o r i�l h i s O e e d o f Tr uat ehell be glven b y meillnp such not�eb y ce►tihed mefl addreaaed to�rower et 1he Property :`,�_?s'.__ <br /> .� Addrese or at auch other addresa aa Bo�rower mey de�lpnate by noAce to I.en der es prov l d e d h e►e ln,en d(b)eny no Nc e t o ___ <br /> . � lender�hell bepIven by certifled mall,retum recelpt requeated,to Lende�'a addreaa steted hereln o�to euch other addraaa aa n`� �.�— <br /> f Lendsr mey deslpnate by notice to BonowK es provldedhersln.Any notfcaprovlded foNn thl�O«d of Truq sludl b�dasm�d - <br /> to heva been�Iven ro Borrower or Lender when yiven M the menner detlpneted he►eln. {:- <br /> [".:�°=.a. <br /> 16. Unlla�n DNd ot That;Qar�minO L�w;S�v�nbUky.TM torm oi deed of trust combines uniform covenanb far <br /> - nadonel uae and non-unifo►m covenents with Ilmited verletlone by Jurfadicqon to conedtula a uniform seourI�r Insbum�nt L:,.,:'�' <br /> �� coverinq real propert�r.Thla Deed ol Trust shall be qovemed by the law ot the jurledictbn In which ths Prope�ty le locabd.ln <br /> -, the event thet any provislor�or clauae ol thls Deed of Trust or ihe Note confNcts with appIlcebte lew,wch conllict sheU not <br /> eBectotherprovlsfonsofthiaDeedolTruatathallotewhlahcanbe glveneHectwlthouHh�conflladnpp�ovlsiom,�adtothis <br /> ' crtid tho pravlafons ot!he Daed o!Tru�t and the Note ere decl�.«d to hw�u+verable. _— _�_ <br /> 1d. Borrowe's Copy.Barower ahall be furniahed e confo�m�d copy of the Note end of thh Os�d ol Tru�t�t ths thns of �"""°�` <br /> .,� , execution or afler recordetion hereof. �T?���f��� <br /> ;} 17. TranN�r of th�Propwty;Auumplbn:ll ell qr any pert o1 the property or an intereat therein le sold or translerred by �" <br /> .. Borrower wlthout Lender's prbr written cCnisemf,excludln�(a)the creation of a Iien or encumbrance subo�dlnstato this Deed _ „ <br /> .� ofTruaf,(b)tt�ecreadonolapwchA�e�Adneytsusurly Intereaticrhouaeholdappllancea,(c)atrenalerbydevisedescentorby _ ---- <br /> _. operatlon ol taw upon thedeath of a�olot tenant ot(d►iheqrant of any leaaehold intereatot 4hree years or lessnot containinp an r� <br /> optlon to purcheae,Lender mey,et Lender'e optlon,decla�eall thesuma aecured by thi�Deed ol Trust to be immedfately due <br /> � . end payabte.Lender shetl have welved auch optlon to accelerate if,prlor to the aate or(raneler,Lander end the pereon to ��,,,�__ <br /> -� whom the Property ia to be sold or trenaferred reach epreement In wNtin�thet Ihe credit o1�uch peroon ia eatldactory to ""2=�-- <br /> _ � LAnder and thaHhe IMerest payoble on Ihe eume aecured bythls Oeedof Trust shall beat auch reteaa Lender shall requett It •;�• <br /> Lender hes waNed the opdon to eccelerate provided in Ihis parapraph 17,and it Borrowe►'s aucceaao►in intereat has � ._ <br /> _ executed e w�ftten asaumptlon agreemanf sccepted in writing by Lender,Lender�he0�elea�a Borrower 1rom all oblipadons � . ;h.°,� _ <br /> under thls Deed of Trust end Ihe Note. ���r:--- <br /> � If Lender exeroiees auch option to accelerate,Lender shell mail Barowe�notfce ol ecceteratlon In eccordence with ' ' ;°�` <br /> parapraph 14 hereof.8uch natice shell provide a perlodot not lessthen 30dayalrom thedetethe�odce Is malled wflhin whlch � <br /> Borrower mey pey the auma declered due.If 8orrower laile to pay auch eums prior to the expiredon of auch perlod,Lendsr f , <br /> mey,without lurther noGce or demand on Borrower,invoke eny rernedies permitted by peregreph 16 h�nof. � ..`�,�,. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.8onow�r and 1.�ndK hrM�eow�unt and apn�a toNoMn: i ,.�:"fs�.• <br /> 1�. AuN�nfion;Rem�.Except as provided In parapraph t7 hereol,upon Borrower'a breach of eny cove�ent nr �•�' <br /> epreementoiBorrowerinthiaDeedofTruat,includingthecovenentstopeywhendueenyaumeeecuredby IhlaDeedofTrust, <br /> Ls�derpriortoeccelsraQon�hallmellnoticeto8orrowereaprovldedlnpare9reph14Mreotepeci1yInp:(ijthebreach;(2►the <br /> action requlredto cure euch breach;(3)a dete,not leasthan 30 deyslrom the date the noUce is mefled to 8orrowet,by which • <br /> euch breach muet be cured;end(�)that fellure to aure euchbreech on or before the date�pscllled In the notice mey�e�ult In <br /> ecceteratlon otthe aumssecured by thls Qeed ot Truatand eele o1lhePraperly.The notice ehell lwthsr lofortn Borrowerol the <br /> rlght to reinatate efter acceleretion and the ri�ht to brinp a couh actlon to eaaeN the non-existenca ot e default or any other <br /> defense of Bo►rowertoacceteration and eale. 1 the breach le�ot cu�ed on o�bafore thedete epecifled In the notice,lender at <br /> Lender'a opUon may decla�e all ol the eume aecured bythia Deed of Truatto be immedlately due�nd peyable withoul lurther <br /> demend and may invoke the power ot eale end any other remedles pe►mitted by appNCable lew.Lender ahell be anUtted to <br /> collect all reasonable coats end expen�es Incuned in pursulnp the�emediesprovWed in the paraQroph 18,includinp,but not <br /> Ilmited to,reaeonaWe edorney's tees. <br /> II the power o1 aale la Invoked,Truatee ahall record e notice ol delault In each county in whlch the PropeAy or some paN <br /> thereof is located ond ahell mefl oopieaof such notice tnthe manner prescribed by appNceble law to 6or�ower and to theother <br /> peroona prescribed by eppliceble lew.After the lepse af auch tlme at mey te requfrad by eppOcebte lew,Truetee ahell give <br /> public notice ol aale to the persons end in the manner p►esc�ibed by applicable lew.Truatee,wfthoul demend on Borrower, <br /> ; ahell eell fhe Property at publlc euctlon to the highest bWderet thellme and plece end under theterms deai�neted in the notice <br /> f ol aele in one or more percels end in auch order as Truateamay deterrtNne.Truatee may postpone sele o all a any parcel of <br /> the Property by public ennouncement at ihe time and place ot any prevlously achedulad fele,Lender or Lender'e deaipnee <br /> may purchaee fhe Property at any sale. <br /> Uponreceiptof paymentolthepricebid,TruateeahalldeNvertothepurchaserTruatea'sdeedconveytnp1heProperlysotd. <br /> i � TherecitalsintheTruatee'adeedehellbeprlmefacieevMenceotlhetruthotthestatementsmedetherefn.Truateeahallapply <br /> the proceeds of the sele In thetollowirp order.(a)to ell reasonablecvalaend expenaeaof the aale,Including,but not limlted to, <br /> Truatee'sleesofnotmorethen %olthe grosaaeleprice,reasonebleattorney'sfeeaandcostaotdtleevidence; <br /> � (b)to all suma secured by thla Deed o1 Trua�and(c)the excess,lf any,to the pereon or persons leyally entitled lhereto. <br /> 19. BoROw�r's Rlphl to RNmt�H.Nolwlthatendiny Lender'e acceleratlon of the auma aecured by lhis Deed ol Trust, <br /> e������:dMll tiwy��ti�.1..61 M 6w�snu n�M��Alnn�Irnun A�1�r�dnr fn�nlnrrn th�fln�el nl Tn�sf dl�nMinuwtl A1 Anv Ilmo .. <br /> �y....�.....__" �'__.__"�___e_"_ <br /> Y prior to the earNer to occur of(I)1he Bith aay belore 1he eele o11he Propetly purouen!to the powerof aale conteMed f�the Deed <br /> '' of Trust�il)entry of a Judpment enforcing Ihfa Deed ol Truat il:(a1 Borrower peya Lender all sums which would be then due <br /> � under th s Deed of Trual,the Note end notea aecurinp Future Advances,it eny,had no acceleredon occu�ed:(b)Borrower <br /> curea all breaches of any other covenonte or epreements of Borrower contalned in this Deed of Trual(c)Borrower paya all <br /> reaaonabte expeneea Incurred by Lender and Truatee enforcfnq the covenanls and egreements of Borrower contelned in thls <br /> � Deed ol Truat end In enloralnp Lender's end Truatee'e remedlea es provided In parapraph 16 hereof,includln�,but not Ilmited <br /> I to,reaaonebleattorney'ateea;end(d)Borrowertekeaauchectionaalendermeyreaaonablyrequfretoaa�u�ethetthellenol <br /> ) � thia Deed ol Truat,Lender's Intereat In the Property end k3orrower'a obligation to pay the auma secured by thle Oeed o1 Trust - <br /> i � ahall continue unimpafred.Upon euch�ayment and cure by Borrower,thls Oeed ol Truaf and the obNpetfons aecured hereby <br /> 1 ahell remein In full lorCe ond eHect os 1 no acceleretlon hed occu�red. <br /> ._ �� . . . , <br /> �• . <br /> �r � <br />