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<br /> UNIFORM COVBNANT3.Barowsr end l.ender covenent and agree eslollows�
<br /> 1, ��pninl ol Prinalpsl�nd In1�rM1. Borrower ehall p�omptly pay when due ths principal ot end intere�t on Ihe
<br /> '� Indebtsdneuevid�nced6ylheNot�,prepe m�ntondl�tscharqeeesprovid�d inlheNot�,andlhsprinclpololondlnterKlon
<br /> ' ony Futurs Advances uaured by the O�ot Tru�t.
<br /> 2. Fuml�lorT�xM�nd InRUnna�.Sub ea!to epplkeble lew or to a writlen we►ver by Lender,Borrower ahell payto Lender
<br /> on the d�y monlhly Inllullrnentsnl prinalpe�and Inte�etle►e peyeble underlhe Note,untll the Note Is peld in lull,e aum(herein ,
<br /> 8 •'Fund�")equal to ons•twelllh o}ih�ye�rly tsxe�and sseetsm�nts whfch may atteln priority ovsr Ihia DeeO of Trust,and
<br /> "`�7 �yesrly premlum Imt�IlmsMi�for mon�p��p�e�In urenae�lf eny alies�reason��iy e tlmoted In delly end from btlme��time by
<br /> - L�nder on ths baN�ot e�seum�nb endblll��nd ree�onebls e�tlmetes th�raol•
<br /> i TheFund�shallbeheldlnanimtltutlo�thed�poelbo�aacauntsolwhlcharelneuredor uarenteed,byaFederelorelate
<br /> aganay(Inoludlnp Lendsr 11 Lender Is such en Instllutlon).Lender ehall epply Ihe����d�e Fundae�,enelyzlnp ae d accoun►
<br /> � irnurancepremlum�andpround�ents.Lendsrmeynotchergebrsoholdlrqendeppy 9
<br /> .,.�w.iwing and aomplling sdd asseesmente end bllle unleee Lender peys Borrower intereat on lhe Funde and a�plicable lew
<br /> permltdLendertomekeeuohacherpe.Borrowerend�.endermeyaqreeinwdtinpatthetlmaolexecutlonolthfe .a�xlo�Trust _
<br /> . � thet Intereal on thd Funds ehell be pald to Borrower,end unle�e such egreernent is mede or eppIlcelbe lew requfres euch
<br /> inlerest to be ald,Lenda►ehall not be requlred to pey Bonower any interest or earningd on the Funda.Lender shall�Ive to
<br /> Borrower,wllRoul cherge� ,an annusl acooundnp ol the Funds ehowing credita end debite to the Funde end thepurpose for
<br /> whleh e�ah debitto theFunds wo�mede.Ths Fundsere pledQed as�dditlonal�ecuriry lor the tums sacursd by thlR Deed of
<br /> I Troe�
<br /> If the emount ot the lunde held by Lender,to�etherwith the lulure monlNy Inetallmenta of Funde peyeble prfor to the dus
<br /> ` detea ol taxe�,eeoesemsnb, Insurenoe premlums and ground rente,ehel exceed the emount requlred to pey eeid taxes,
<br /> aeeesemente,Ineurance prernlume end ground rente ea they lall due, auch eKCeea shell be,at 8orrower'e opHon,elther
<br /> 1 , p�omptly re ald to 8onower oraredited fo Borroweron monlMy Inelallment�ol Funds.If the emount ol the Funds held by :
<br /> _ . Lend�er�de�an�amount neceseyary to�mqksbup the deticlency wlthlnf 30 daye riom the dete nodce fs�meiled by Lender to
<br /> _:j Boirowe►�eques�ngpoYmentthereol. • +
<br /> Upon paymenl in tuM of ell suma aecured by this Deed olTru�Lender shell promptly relund to Borrower eny Funds held by
<br /> ;:; Lender.11 u�der peregreph 1B hereol the ProperN is aNd orthe PropeM fsoih�arwiae ecqulred by Lender,Lender ehall apply,
<br /> -j no later then Immedlately prlor lo the aele ol the property or Its ac uielt(on by Lender,and Fundi held by Lender atthe dme ot
<br /> .1 applfcetion es e credit egelnsl the sums aecured by Ihis Deed ol�ruet.
<br /> 3. Applloallon of P�ymN�U.Unlese applicable law providea otherwise,al l paymenta recelved by Lender under the Note
<br /> i�} and paragrephs 1 end 2 hereol shall be epplied by Lender Iirst in peymentot amounts peyable to Lender by Bor�ower under
<br /> :._4 peregreph2hereof,lhmtolntoreatpeyebleoniheNote,thentolhepdnclpelottheNote,endthentofntereatandprincipalon
<br /> -- eny Future Advancas. �
<br /> -- 1. Ch�rqa;l.ifn�.8orrowera ehell pey all tsxes,aeaeaements and otherchergea,lines end Impositions atlribuleble to the ,
<br /> PropeAy which mey attain e priorlN over thta Deed o1 Truat,end leeeehold paymenls or ground rents,il eny,in Ihe menne� ,
<br /> provided under peragreph 2 Mreol o�,ii not paid in euch manner,by Barower meking peyment whan due,directly to Ihe
<br /> �� payee thereof.Borrower shaU prompUy lurnish b Lender ell nMfces of amounts due under thfs paregraph,end In the event �"
<br /> , Borrower ehell make payment direclly.Borrower ahall promplly lurniah to Lender receipM evidencing auch peyments. ;
<br /> _,-.; Borrower ahall promptljr duch�ree any Iien which hae prlority over thla Oeed ol Trust;provided,thet Borrower ehall not be ��
<br /> required ta dischargcsany s�uch Ilen�o long ae Borrowpr ahell wgree In wrfting tothe peyment ot the ob8gatfon secured by such
<br /> Ilen in e manner acceptable to Lender,or ahall In good fafth contest auch Ilen by,or defend enlorcement oi aucF�iien in,inyat , �.�
<br /> �� , proceedinga which operate to pr�ve�t the enfarcement of the Ilen or forlelture of the Property or eny part thereol. .
<br /> �4j S. H�swd Imuranc�.Borrower ehell keep Ihe improvements now exleling or hereafter erected on Ihe Property insured
<br /> :; � egainaf loaa by Ilre,he:erds included wNhin the term'exlended coverege",and such othe�hezards es Lender may require
<br /> • � and in auch emounts ond tor euch perlods a�Lender may requlre;provided,thet lender shall not r ufre that the amount of
<br /> ;� rust.
<br /> euch covereqe exceed thet amount o}coverage►equired to pay the aume secured by ihis Oeed of
<br /> � This inaurance cerrier rovidi tha Insurance all be choaen bY Borrower sub ct to approvel by lender;provided.tr�at
<br /> such approval ahall rwt beu�raes nebly withheld All premiume on Insurancepolfcf�sphall be pefd in Ihe manner prov�ded
<br /> under parapraph 2 hereof or,It not pefd in auch menner,by 6orrower mekin9 peyment,when due,directly to the insurance
<br /> '�� cerrfer.
<br /> All inaurance policlea end renewals thereolahall be fn lorm accepteble to Lender and shell include a standard mortgage
<br /> clauee fn levor otandln form ecceptable to Lender.Lender sheH heve therightto hold the pollclea end renewals thereof,and
<br /> � BorrowerahallprompUyfurnlehtoLenderellrenewelnoticesendallrecelpCsolpaldpremlums.lntheeventoflosa.Borrower
<br /> 7 �hallqivepromptnotketolhelnsurancecenierandLender.LendermaymakeproofoftoasflnotmedepromptlybyBorrower.
<br /> UntessLenderendBon�werotherwleeagreei�writinp,ineurance proceedeshellbeappliedtorestoratlonorrepelrofthe
<br /> Property deme�ed,provided euch re�toretlon or repair ie economicelly IeeslWe and the aecurity of th�s Deed ot Trust is not
<br /> thereby ImpeIred,lf auch restoraUon or repelr Is noleconornkelly leaelble or It ihe aecurity ol fhfs Oeed ol Truat would be
<br /> Impalred,the Imuranca proceade shell be epplled to the aume secured b�r thls Deed of Trust wlth the excess,ii any,pafd to
<br /> 8onower.If the Property b abandoned by Bvrrower,or It Borrower failslo raapond to Lender wfthfn 30 days Irom the date
<br /> � notice Is melled by Lender to Borrower Ihet the ineurence carrier oHerato aettle e clelm lor ineurance benefits,Lender Is
<br /> euthorized to collect�nd�p piy the ineuranca proceeds at Lender'8 option either to reatoratiort or repa�r ot the Propeny or to
<br />- � the suma aecured by Ihla Deed ot TrueL
<br /> UnleaalenderandBorrowerothdrwieeagreeinwrfting,enY suchappllcatbnolproceedatoprfncfpelshallnotexlendor
<br /> ostpone lhe due dete ot the monthly Instellmente relerred to in perag rephs t and 2 hereol or chenge Ihe emount ot auch
<br /> Pnatellmente.lf underpa►agreph 1 B hereof the Property is acqulred by Lender,ell nght,tftle end Intereat oi Bor�ower in end lo
<br /> eny Inaurance paliciea andf n end lo the prxeeds ther-eotresulUng from demege to the Property prfor to the sele or ecquleitlon
<br /> 1 ehall paas to Lender to the extent of the aums eecured by this Deed of Tmst knmediately prlor to auch aale o►ecquisltfon. ,
<br /> ;; d, prN�rvdlon�nd IN�inMn�nc�otPropNly:Lawboldr,Condominlunu;Pl�ne�d Unll WvMopnNnb.Borrower shall
<br /> keep the Properry in good repair end ahell not commit weste a permft Impalrmenl of deterloraHon ot the Property and shell
<br /> comply with the provblonsof any leaee illhla Oee�d olTrustis on a leesehald.INhfs Deed o1 Truat ia on a unft in e condominium
<br /> or a plenned unif developrnent,fso�rower ahaN pedorm all ol Borrower'a obligetlons under the declaratbn or covenents
<br /> creating or governlnp the condominium or planned unit development.the bylewa end reguletbns ol lhe condomfnlum or
<br /> planned unli developmen4 and conatituent documents.II a condominlum or planned unit development rfder ia excuted by
<br /> Borrower end reco�ded tog�sther with this Deed of Trust the covenente end egreemeMS of such rider shell be Incorporeted
<br /> into end shell amend end aLpplement the covenenle end egreements otlhf s Oeed ot Trust ea il lhe rider were a pa�t hereot.
<br /> r I 7, prot�ctlon ot l�nd�r'�S�curNp.II Borrower lafls lo perform the corenenta and agreements contefned in thfa Deed of
<br /> ; Trusf,or 11 any ectlon orproceeding fa commenced with materfally eHecla Lender's Interest in the Property,including but not
<br /> ' Ilmftedto,eminentdomeln,iaeolvency,codeenforcement,orerrengemenlsorproceedinqslnvolvfngebankruptordecedent.
<br /> t then Lender et Lender's aptlon,upon notice to Borrower,mey make such appearances,dfaburse such suma and take such
<br /> i ectlonaslaneceasarytoprolectLender'einterea�including bulnotlimltedto,disburaementolreasonableallorney'sleesend
<br /> i entry upon tho Property to rneke repalro.II Lender requlredmatgapa i neurance aa a candltlon o1 meking the loan secured by
<br /> • the Deed ol Trust,8orrower ahell pey the premluma required to mainteln such Insurance in eflect untfl such time ae the
<br /> ' requlrementforeuchinsurencele►minetealnaccardencewithBorrowereandLender'swndenegreemenforappIfcalbelew.
<br /> � 8orrower ehall pay the emount ol all moA�ape fneuranee permiume in the menner provided under paregreph 2 hereol.
<br /> Any emounts ditbuned by Lender pureuenl to thla peregraph 7, wllh Intereat thereon, shall become additional
<br /> Indebtedneas ol Borrower aecured by thle Deed otTrust.Unlees Borrower and Lender egreeto olher terms of payment,such
<br /> emounta ehell be pa�able upon notice Irom lender to Borrower requeating paYment hereot and ahall bear interest Irom the
<br /> . __u�_►..�..�.�....a._..._..s...►.�.�,,.,..�w...��umo.,.,M�t.�and+na orinr.fnel under the Note unlesE Devment of mterest
<br /> . - - , Vniev�.nw...oa....,u..............p..�.........�.._..._._.....'-"-----
<br /> at euCh rete would be contrery to eppIlceble lew,fn which event such amounla ahell bear Interest at the highest rate
<br /> ; permlasiblo under applic�blelew.Nothlnp contained fn thls paragreph 7 fhall requlre Lender to incur eny eKpe�se or teke eny
<br /> � acllon hereunder.
<br /> B. Imp�ctlon.Lender rnay make or ceuse to bemAde reasoneb�e enkles upon and�nspections ol the Property.prov�ded
<br /> thet Lender shell give Borrower notice prlor to any�uCh Inspection specdying reasonable cause therelore related to Lender's
<br /> � interest In the Property.
<br /> �
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