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<br /> ��. 2�� 4. :�;' 'r.�
<br /> � 8. Assipnor henby covensnts�nd warranb to tha Asalpnee that(a)Aselpnor hes not executed e�ny p�lor ! �
<br /> � : •essipnment o1 the l.�sa or o1 its rlpht,dde and intereit thetein ar ths renfel�to eccrue Ihe►eunder.(b)Asslgnor hae not f ' �
<br /> p�rtorm�d sny ect or ex�cut�d�ny Inspum�nl whicb mlpht prevsnt lhs As�ipnee from operatlnp unde►any of the lerma end
<br /> condlUomhereot,orwhlchwouldllrnitthsAeslpneelnsuchope►atlon;(a)Aseipnorhundaccapted►entundertheLeasefor �
<br /> any period eubssauent ro H�s cur►eM psrlod tawhlch ront Fus already bscome duaend payabte;(�there Is no defautf now , •�
<br /> sxleUnp under ths Lea�e,and(�)Asupna hes not executed or�rented eny modmcallon oremendment whatever olths Lea�a
<br /> Nth�r oraNy a in wrfUnp exc�pi ss wt fonh In 8ch�duN B,and Ihd the Lears i�in lutl tora��nd Ml�cl. �
<br /> s � ' .
<br /> "�` 1. AsaipneeherebyqraMepermhslontoAssipnatocoAectupon,butnotprlorWaccruel,allrents,iseuee,depoaka
<br /> end pro0ts hom the said Premieas and to retaf n,a�duaseny enJoy ths same,butrese�ve�the�ipht to revoke such permission
<br /> at any Ums,with or without au�e,by notice In wdtlnpto Aseipnorby cerdfled mali eentto thesddrossherelnafterprescrb�ed lor
<br /> rsndinp notic�s.In sny event�euab psmNsalon t Aesxnor�hall be aubmaHcally revoked upon default,by Aesipna In die
<br /> p�ymentofan1r oftheObllgetlonesecuredherebyorin sperformanceofenyobllgadon,covenant,apreementhe►eln,insald
<br /> moApaps or dsse�l of du�f.In the Leasa or In any ol the ObWpedons seoured hereby,or N►any securinp document gIven in
<br /> connecdon the ewith,(ail 01 whlch wlll 6e�e(erred to hereln es"De1au�'7.In the event tl►elthe Mslpnee should reroke auch
<br /> permIsalon o►aftettheaccunence o1a Default,theAaaipnea,mayet Its optlon,after�otlficetlon toAselpno►,by cerdflad meil,b
<br /> the addro�s he►einsiter presc�ibed for sendlnp noticea,dlreat any or all 01 ths tenanb of the Premisea b pay to Aeafynee,fls
<br /> apents or Its ettomey�,auch �ents,Issues, proNte,�evenues�depcsife,►Iphta end beneflts ee mey now be dua or shall
<br /> hs�einetterbecomedus,andAeaipnee meycoNectthe eame.Theeifldavftorwritten etatementotan o�icer,sgenRor aQomey
<br /> of Asslpnee sladnp thatthero hae been e DefaullsheA consdtuteconoluslve evidencetheroof.end eny tenantto othe►pe�aona
<br /> la authorized and direated to reiy thereon.TheAsalpnor further apress,that In the avent thepem�iselon to uae end�eiein the , � ,:�:
<br /> ; rents,Income,Isauea,depoilte and p►oflls.shoutd be terminatsd or upon tha accurance o1a Dafault to Im�la�tety��m o�ver ;k.:;;,, :;.
<br /> toAeslpnse,atthetlmsandlnths menner requestedby Asalpnee,ellweu►lydeposlbe►othe►mo�fes ' �e�-�;�
<br /> = of ths Proml�es in aacordanc�wilh the proviabns of Ih�LMt�. , �
<br /> . ;r r +,�,���
<br /> �,�•os��r
<br /> � 2. Notwithatanding�e provisions of pere reph 1 hereinebove,upon orat any tirtre after a Oelaul�as delined ' .'a•�R�.�-
<br /> -' hereinabove,lheAsaignee,etiteopGon,may decla�eal�Obligetionsaecuredherebyimmedlatetydueandpayable.andmay,at '`"'��F_.
<br /> ,� �•:;
<br /> ' I�opUon,withou!noUce,and 8 any such Obllpatlons be secured by deed of Wst M�eepective ot whefher a decla�etlon of �- �� .�•
<br /> - defautt under eatd deed o1 uust has been delivered to Trustee thereunder,exerclse ell riphb and�emedie�contained In said • ���-:rv;�.,
<br /> moKyapeo►deedottruatandwlthoutrepardfortheadequacyofeecuriyforthe0blipatlontherebyaecured,eltherinpetson - ---
<br /> ' or by e�ent with or without bNnpfnp eny aa8on o�proceedinp.or by e receiver to beappointed by�cow1,enter upon,teke =_
<br /> pos�saIon of,mana e and operate aaid Premises or eny pert thereoL make,enforce.modiy,end accept the surcender ot
<br /> Leaees,obtei�and ev�cttenente,ftx or modiy rente,end do eny acts which the Aesignee deema proper to protect the securlly �.��
<br /> hereof,end eltherwith or without leking poeeeasfonof the Premieea,in Ite own neme,euelor orotherwlee collect end recelve �:;�
<br /> -. allrente,issuesendproflts,includingthoaepastdueandunpald,enyepplythesame,lesscoatandexpeneesofoperadonend � �,��
<br /> collecdon,includinp,but not Ifmited to,paymenls lor wa�es end payroll taxes,cornpe�setlon of managinp ageM and other � ��;�
<br /> '' manapamsnt costs and azpsnsss,rss!sstatc�sxat an ssss.umenb,�xater.seener. $rtc! �lmilsso chargas.lns:uance anc3 - � .
<br /> � worker'a compensation premiums,yround renle,cuatomery real eatete commiasion.and reasonable attomey's feesand court .
<br /> —- costs,uponeny Obligetlonasecwedhereby,end inauchorderaetheAasigneemeydetermine.Theentering upo�endtaking •
<br /> a posseasion of the Premises,the collection of auch rents,lasues and proflta and the applicetlon thereot aa eto►eseid,shall not
<br /> � cureorwalveanydefaultorweive.modiy aafl�ctnoticeotdefaultundersaldmortgageordeedoltrustorinveUdetaeny ecl �
<br /> °° done pu►suanito such notice.Aasignor hereby releaseseny end aII claims which lt hasormIght haveegainsl Asalgnee a►ising �
<br /> : ' ouf of such collecUon,management operatlon end mafntenence,excepUnp the Ifab�N�y of Asebnee to account for amounta �
<br /> : colkct�d and oxpended by It . �-.
<br /> 3. The Asalpnee shell not be obligeted to periorm or diacherge, nor does It hereby underfake tope�form or
<br /> diacherge,eny obtlgaaon,duly or Iiebility underfhe Leaae,or under or by reaeon of ffiIs Aeelgnment Aasignor ahall and does
<br /> he►eby apree to indemnify the Aasipneeaqelneland hold it harmle4s Irom any end ell IfeblMty,losa ordamapo whlch it mayor
<br /> mipht Incur under ths Leass or unde�or by reaeon of thls Aaelgnment end of e�d irom any a�d all clafms and demend ,
<br /> . whetsoevar whleh may be aeserted apainst It byreaeon of any alleged obNgetlon or underteking on Ita pertto perform a In the
<br /> � dlacharge of eny M the terma,covenente,orageemeMa coMeined In the Lease;should the Assl�nee incur any suCh IlebilNy,
<br /> loaa or damepe under the Lease or u�der or by reason of thf�Asaignment,or in tha defenae agalnat eny auch ctalms or
<br /> demands,the amount thereof.including cosls,expenses end reasonabte attomey's 1eaa,together with interest thereon et the '
<br /> higheat rate aet iorth In any of the Oblipations aecured hereby,ehall be secured hereby and by the said mortgageo�deeci ot
<br /> trust,and Asabnor shall relmburaethe Assigneetherefor Immedfetely upon demand,and upon the fallure otAs9ipnor eo todo
<br /> the Assipnee may declara all Oblipedont aecured hereby Immedlately due and payeble.
<br /> 4 � 1. Undl the Oblfgallons secured herebyshell have been paid in lull,Assighor covenanb and agrees to keep leased
<br /> � . , at a pood end sutflciem renml the Premlaea end upon demand to transier and 8sslpn to the Asalpnee any and all aubsequent
<br /> Leaaes upon ali or any part of auch P�emieea upon the aame or subsfantlally the seme�rms end condldona aa ere hereln
<br /> . contai�ed,andtomeke,execute,anddelfvertotheAasignee,upondemand,anyandell inn►umenbthatmaybenecensaryor
<br /> � dealrable therefor,bul lhe terms end proviafona ot thio Asaiynment shall apply lo any euch�ub�equent Lease or Leases
<br /> whelher a not so asaipned and transfer►ed
<br /> : 2. Asalgnorshall,uponrequestofAeslgnee,fumishitecompleteNstesolthedeteoftherequestofelll.easesand �
<br /> � other tenanciea of the P�emises In such reasonable detell as may be requested by Aasiqnee.Further,if requested,Assi�ynor
<br /> �� ' shall dellver fo Assignee executed or ceA�ied copies of all leasea and other w�itten agreemenb, correspondence,and
<br /> memoranda between Assignor end Lesseesandother tenentsselfinp fath thacontractualerranDemenb belween them.5uch
<br /> i requests may be made et any reasonabte tNne,
<br /> � 3. The leflure to Ilst any apecific Leases under Schedule B hareto,shall not invelldate or aNect in any manner.the
<br /> �eneral essfpnment o1 rents end IeaQes provided for herefn.
<br /> A 11...... �M..a..w+an► in 6.11 w�s11 AFdinn►i�ne aun�v�1+�r�Iw• e�e..i.lu+n�A �...U.�...����t�� __ .�.�__ _. _
<br /> _ ..r.... ..... �...�........ ... ............,.....e........� ___..•�_••_•__,...,.....,......,.,. .. .�..��wv�vab �� uw�y or an
<br /> � Insfrument of satislactfon or fuN retease ot sald rnortgage or deed of trust,unless there aha�l have been recorded another
<br /> 1 mo�age o►deed of tru9t fn favor of the Asaipr�ee coverfnp the whole or eny part of the leaeed Premises,this Asslenment shell
<br /> become null and void and of no etlect
<br /> f { cc ero s�ee ��
<br /> �� '
<br /> y. ,�
<br /> =.7 �
<br />. �7
<br />