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<br /> THI8 ASSIONMENT,made lhis 20th �y p� Mmy 19_2�..—,
<br /> � by J. Liiterae and Associates, Inc.
<br /> � residlnp at or haviny an oillCe at 3221 Ramada Road __, Grand i aland. NE 6B801.
<br /> _E . .
<br /> ti 1"_ i Firsll�r 8ank.Nadonal Assocfatbn,Omahe,Nebreske ��i�
<br /> - (herein celled"Asaignor"�,to
<br /> - � lu prinClpal oHice at Omaha�Nsbra9�(h�►�In Called"Atalpnpt�"►,
<br /> ;
<br /> � WITNE�9ETH:
<br /> � �
<br /> ; FAR VALUE RECEIVED,Assi�nar hereby grants►tranala�a and assigne to the Assl�nee all of the right�alle and
<br /> Inl�r�t af Anatpna in and tq any and ell laaws and ofher tanppq�s npw cu herealter made on or with►espect to the reel eMate
<br /> —� �• � •' • � �� IoCat�r!in Hall County, Nebraska and more pertlCUlarly descrfbed ;
<br /> ,'�.
<br /> , 1��chedul�A hereol,which real eatate shell be relerred to hereinaltaras"F�emises".Including,but not tlmited to thetcerte n
<br /> Leaae or those aertaln Leases,with modfAcadans,If any,descrlbedin 3chedule B hereot coveringthe Premises:to0ether wNh
<br /> � (1)enY•and All extenelons or renewata thereoi,(2)any and all guerantees of the Lesee's obligedons unde�eny tfiereof and
<br /> � undar any,and eN extenalone or�enewels of any thereoi,and(3)all renb.isauea,profits,revenues.deposlte�eemee►money ' '
<br /> � , payme�ts,ri�hts end beneflts now or hereafter erising irom euch laasa and tenancfes or br the use and accupancy of!he �:__
<br /> = • ' Premlaea,and any and all extenalons and renewals the�eof.3aid leasea and tenancies o�olher use ol��.a F �emises �gsther ' °"`'"- ".
<br /> � with an�r and all guerantees,modi�catlons,exWnaiona,and�enqwalslhereof ahell be someUmes her�inailef ref�Red to es tlre . �,�`�.�';`,'-�
<br /> ,� . ,. „� e �. �• ,. ..
<br /> - . , Leate or Leasas `,�� -
<br /> � FOR THE PURPOSE OF 9ECURINGi: , � ;,.
<br /> r --
<br /> = ONE: Payment and pertormance ot each and every debt,liabiliry and obligadon of everytype and des�crlptlon : _ •-
<br /> which Assignor may now or anydme hereaRe�owe to Assignee,Including,but not Iimited to,the f�debiedness of Asetpnor ` -_
<br /> , secured by that ce�tain mortgage or deed of trust made by the Assognor to the Aesignee deted Mav 20 �g 92 � _-___
<br /> � end recaded or to be recorded at a�prior to the recordfng o1 this Assignment or eny other moRgepe or deed of trust hereailer . ___
<br /> coveringthe whole or any peh of the Premises,(whether such debt Ilability,or obllgaUon now ex ists or is herea i tercrea�d o r �
<br /> Incuned and whether it ie or mey be direct or indirect due or to become due,absolute o�co�tingent,primery or secondary, •+�,�,
<br /> _ . Iiquldnted or unliquidated,or Jolnt,several,or Joint and aeveral,all such debts,liabllides and oWi�etlons belnp hereln __ __-_
<br /> collecdvely retaned to eomeUmes ea the"Obliqedona'�;and i '� � _
<br /> , ,. ' • . .��,
<br /> TWO: Pe�formence and dlacharge of each and every obllgeNon, covenant end agrec�ment of Aaslgnor .
<br /> - conteined hereln or fn any such mortgeye or deed of trust or any note or bond secured thereby,o�In any obll�etion or any
<br /> - , securinp document piven In connection with any of the Obliyations seaured hereby. ••
<br /> I.EASE: .
<br /> � -s
<br /> 1. To falthfully ebide by,perform end discharge each and eve►y obHpetion,covenant and agreement of the Lease "' �
<br /> by Lessorto be performed,to give prompt notice to theAssignee otany�otice ol defeulton the pErt of Assignor with respectto
<br /> theLeasereceivedlromLesseeorguarentor,togetherwithanaccursteandcompletecopy ofenysuchnotice;etthesolecost
<br /> and expense ol Asafgnor,to enbrce or secure the pe�formance of each and every obligetlon, covenant,conditlon and
<br /> agreement of ihe Lease by the Leasee to be pertormed;not to modHy ar in any wey elter the lem'is of the Lease;not to terrMnate
<br /> fhe term o11he Lease and not to accept a surrender of the�ents thereunder or to waive,excuse,condone or in any manner
<br /> release or diacharge the Leasee thereunder hom the obllgatlons,covenents,condiUona and agreementa by Ihe Lessee to be
<br /> pertormed,inCluding the oblfgedon to pay the rental called for thereunder in lhe manner and et fhe place end time apecitied
<br /> therein,and Assignor does by these preaents expressly release,relinquish and sunender unto the Asaignee all Asaignor's
<br /> righR power and euthority to modly or In any weyelterthetermsor provisiona of the Lesse,or to terminatetheterm or accept a
<br /> i surrende�thereof,and any attempt on the pan of the Assigno�to exercise any such right without the w�itten aulhoriry end
<br /> consent ot the Aaaignee thareto being 8rst had and obtained ahall consUtute a Default of the tem�s hereof,es deNned
<br /> fwrainailer,endtlinp the Assiynee to declere ell aurna aecured hereby Immedietely due and peyable.
<br /> 2. At Assignor's sole cost end expense to appear fn and defend any aCtlon or proceeding arlafng under.growing
<br /> out of or in eny manner connected with the Lease or the obliyationa,duties or Ilabilitfes of Lessor. Lessee or�uarentcr
<br /> thereunder,and to pay all costs end expenses of the Assiynee.IncludMq ettorney'8 lees In a reaeonable eum.in eny such
<br /> actlon or proceedin�in whlch the Nssl�nee mey appear.
<br /> 3. That should Assigno�fafl to meke any payment or to do any ect aa herein provided,then the Assignee, but
<br /> withoW obligatlon so to do and without nodce to or demend on Assignor,and without releasing Assipnor trom eny obligatlon
<br /> —� hereof,may make or do lhe same in auch menner and to such extent as the Assignee mey deem necessary to protect the
<br /> ` secu►iry hereof,Including apeciflcally,wlthout Ilmiting Ib genewl poweis,the right to appear In and defend eny actlon or
<br /> I proceeding purportlng to af(ectthe securiry hereof orthe rights or powers of the Assignee,end alao the right but notthe dutyto
<br /> pertam and discherge each and every oblfgetion,covenant and agreement o1 Lessor fn the Lease contafned;and in
<br /> exercisin�eny auch powers to pay neceaeary costs end expenses,employ counael end incur end pay roa�oneble atbmey's
<br /> feea
<br /> � 4. To pay immediately upon demand all aums expended by the Asslgnee under the authaly hereof,together with
<br /> �_ interest thereon at the hiohest rate aet forth in anv of the Obliaatlons secured herebv,and the same ahall be added to the
<br /> � Oblipations and shall be secured hereby and by tf�e aaid mo�t�epe or deed of truat.
<br /> � � ' 5. Thet Assfgnor wlll not transfer or convey to the Lessee the lee title to the demfsed Premfaes,or eny part thereof,
<br /> unless the Lessee assumes in writlng and agrees to pay the debt secured hereby in accordance with the terms,covenents and
<br /> condldons of the said note or bond secured by safd mortpape or deed of trust
<br /> �
<br /> �.r.ani �.,rK :�
<br /> ` .
<br /> _ �
<br /> ��
<br />