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<br /> . � FIRE,CASUALTY,ANb OTHER INSURA{�CE:To keep such property Ineured egefnat loss or damage by tire and other ��'-�^�'-==�"!"-_`.;"`—
<br /> � riak,or�Iaks whfch,In the sole opinfon ot 8ene11ciary should be ineured egeinaf,under poticlea ol insurance with loss „,. -.. ...:•�..,..---y.
<br /> � peyabla to Reneficiary in form.amount end compenies acceptable to Benellclary.8aid pollcies�hall be delivered to and
<br /> •• � , remelninpos�sssionotBeneNciaryesfurthersecurityforthetalthlulps�lorme�ceottheseobli�etbne,whichdeliveryahall � `�
<br /> ss
<br /> conelitute a�ebaipnmant by Truator to Beneticlary ot sll riphts thereunde�,includfnp ell return premluma;to deliver to � � `'
<br /> � Benellclary a polfcy or polfcles renewi�g or exlending eny axplrin�In�urence wlth a recelp!showing premiums psfd et ► , ., - ._-,,__�
<br /> least thirty(30)days before axpiratfon.II Trusbr lafls to so dsHvar eny renewal policies,Benel�iary may procure auch '�,. • �. ••- ,•�,�:.,�.�:-
<br /> Insurence as II may etect and may meke payment of premlume thereon,which peyment is repayeble on demand.Neither
<br /> Trustes no�Baneticlery shall be reeponsfble for 3btalnin�or maintainlnq such Insurence.Beneliciary,l►om 11me to tfine, � -.
<br /> ,Q may furnieh to any fneuranceayency or compeny,or any other peraon,any Intormation conlalned in or ext�ected Irom a�y _
<br /> E insurence policy theretofore delivered to Beneticiary purouaM hereto,end any iniormation Concerntnp tho loan secured
<br /> hereby. In na event end whether or not default hereunder hea ocourred ahell Beneffolary, by the lact of approvfnp,
<br /> —y accepNn�or obtalnlnp such Insurence,incur any Ilabllfty tor the amount of auch Inaurance,lhe(orm or legal auHfcioncy ol
<br /> • � ineurance contracla,aolvency of Inau�ero,or payment of loaaea by Insurero,and Trueto�he�eby expresaly assumes(ull ,,..;:��_�,,,��
<br /> reaponsibiliry therefore and UebilUy,if eny,thereunder.ln the event ol loss,Trustor ahell give Immediete written notice to . ::s: .;:�-
<br /> Beneficlery,and 8eneliclery may,but is not obligeted to,meke prool of losa il not made promptlyby Trustor.In cese af any � �>;,����.�:
<br /> losa the amount collected under any policy of insurance on auch properry may,at the optlon o1 the 6eneliciery,be epplied _ ' ��:`
<br /> . � • '"'' .
<br /> - by 8eneficia�y uNvn�,nr iu�ie�Giedness end/or obligatlon secused herebyand in such order nnd ameuntn�6eneficiary may •• '.�� •
<br /> � determine;o►eAld emount or any poNlon thereof may,et the optfon of the Beneficlary,efther be used In replacing or ;.:� �•;��=�;�.:
<br /> ,; restorfn�the improvementa partially or totelly deatroyed to a condition eatfstactory to said Beneliciary,or said amount or � �.__4x;�s�-
<br /> �� � eny portion thereot me�y be released ro the Trusbr.ln any such�vent neither the Trustee nor lhe Beneliciary ahall be ►�''��•::.� - -
<br /> �.. ...,:.:;:.,,_
<br /> ! � obligeted to see to the proper application thereof;nor shall the amount ao released or used be deemed a payment on any ; �__;��
<br /> indebtedness eecured hereby.Suc h app l icet ion,use an d/or re lease e he l l no t cur e o r w a i v e e n y d e f a u l l o►n o t i c e o f d e t e u l t j •�•y��
<br /> hereunde►or InvaNdate eny ect done purauant to such notice.Any unexpired ineurence and elt returneble fnaurence �
<br /> , Q premiuma shall Inaure to the benelitof,end pass lo,the purchaser of the property covered Iherebyet any T�uetee'e aele held !
<br /> _ + � herounder.lf said property ia sold pu�auaM 4o the power of aele coMein ad herein or purauant to any decree of foreclosure, ��,�,,,..,� ,_._
<br /> ' i all right,title and interest of Trustor In and to the p�oceeds ul tire end other insurence policiea lordemege prior to the sale, , ,.
<br /> whlch proceeds are not received prlor to the dete ol seid sale,ahell belong to Beneticiery.Truelo�will comply with such �
<br /> ' other requirements and provide such other type of inaurance es Baneticiary mey requlre from tlmeto lime fathe protection �. - �-A�`
<br /> N by insurance of the fnterest of the respective paNies hereto. � '� -
<br /> '�`�it
<br /> . TAXES ANO OTHER SUMS DUE:To p a ,s a t i sy a n d d i s c h a rg e,a t l e a s t t o t e n(1 0)d ay s b e br e delln quenc y all general � '...L':�:�'"
<br /> and special taxes and assesaments and other public charges,and In no event leter then the date such amounts become � �"��-`
<br /> due and to fuAher pay when due or requested:(1)all encumbrancea,charges and Nens,with inte�est,on such prope►ty.or !���
<br /> any part thereof,which are,or appear to beneficfary,In Its sote diacrellon,to be prlo�to or superforhereto,(2)all costs,fees ;,�
<br /> and expenses of thfs truat,whether or not described herein,(3)fees or charges for eny statemenlregarding the obligation
<br /> secured hereby in any amounf demended by 8eneticfary,not to exceed the maximum amount allowed by lew Iherefore al -,�?�
<br /> °� the qme when such request fa mede,(4)such other chargea es the Beneficiery mey deem reasonable tor sen►ices rende�ed �.°�
<br /> � � by8eneiiciaryandfumishedattherequesioiT�uatvr�ra�iysucceesorininierestioTrusior,(5jltsuchprapsttylttclude'ss
<br /> � leasehold estete,ell payments and obligallons requlred of the T�ustor or his suCCessor in interest unde�the terms oi the �
<br />