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<br /> DEED Olr TRUST � ':�Li.. W _
<br /> . �
<br /> � , THI8 DEEO OF TRU87,m�d�thl� Z��' dey of �y -- .18�Z—,between s '
<br /> J. Lliterao ancl Aosoaiakea. Inc. as Trustor, „
<br /> „ FlnTlor 8ank.N�Uonal Assocl�qon,Omaha,Nebraeka es Trustas,
<br /> � � Flr�ilsr Bsnk,Natbnel Asscciapon Omahe.Nobrasko es 8anel�a+°7 I
<br /> v
<br /> "• WITNE83ETH:
<br />� Thet T►ustor irnvocobly prants,tronalsr�and assiprn 10 Trustee in Iru�t,wfth power of�eie,the tollowiny da�cribed
<br /> ' ���Lota Fifteen (15) and Sixteen (16A, Garland P1acQ 8ubdi.vision, Hall County.
<br /> Nebraeka, looated in the North HaLf of the Southeaet Quarter ('.J�ig�b) of Section
<br /> 23, Township L1 North, Range 1Q West of the 6th P.M., ii Ha11 County, Nebzaska, :�.,y��,
<br /> exoeptinq for pzoperty conveyed to Frank 8taues, Jr., described in the Deed � '�-;� ' �,�,.-�i�
<br /> i secorded at Book 160 of Deede at Paqe 696 in the ReqisteX o£ Deede Officrs, HaLI. � �`"��
<br /> County. Nebraeka an8 eaid Deed reooxa�a on February A, 1970 and exce�� fot 1.26 _ ��"`-�� .-
<br /> � aarea condemned by the 3tc+te of Nebraska, said condemnation proceedinge reaorded i�'� ' �.'=�" ��
<br /> ! at Paqe 649 in eook 9 of Misaellaneous Records in t'he Hall County Regf.eter ot � ���
<br /> Deede Oftiae and recorded on October 3, 1961. �, + ' � -
<br /> •: � - �,
<br /> �•;. .. �
<br /> ( ufre in and to sald ro e a�d In end to:(a)all "�""'��
<br /> , to�ether with ell Inlereat whlch Trustor�ovv hds or mey hereaRer acq p p h1► ' y„_���
<br /> i easements and righta of way appurtenent theretu;(b)all tenements,herediWmenta,bulldings,structures,improvementa, ► � '
<br /> - tixtures,equipment,furnishings end eppurtenances now or herea(ter pleced thereon;(c)all leaeehotd estate,�qnt nae, ��.,,�
<br /> and intereat ol Truslor In end to all leasea or subleases thereol or any porUon thereof now or hereatler exis�ng or entered -
<br /> into,and all righ�title.and interest of Truetor thereunder,including,wfthout IlmitaHon,all caah or aeourltydep�sits,advance _
<br /> �entala,end deposNS or peymenbs of similer nature,and(d)ell mineral,oil,gas rights and p�oNta,water.water�Ights.and -_
<br /> water stxk Trustor agreea to execute and deliver,from tfine to time,such further inatruments aa iroay be requested by -=_
<br /> Beneticfary i� torm and subatance eatislactory to BeneOciery to confirm the Nen of this �eed of Truat on any of the �'-
<br /> aforementfoned properry.The p►operty so conveyed to Trustee hereunder is herefnafter refened b aa"such property".
<br /> ' • °...�
<br /> - The Trustor absdutely e�d irrevocebly grants,transters and assi�ns to BeneHcfary the rent�,inaanQ.i�res,end proNta �� �
<br /> � ai eii pioperty cavered by ihis Dasd of Trust _- _
<br /> 1 -• -- -=
<br /> = FOR THE PURP03E OF SECURINO: _- -- �
<br /> .� � =.-
<br /> ��----
<br /> � Fifty thousand and no/100------------ �"�---�—��
<br /> 1. Payment ol the principal sum of y ��� ��
<br /> , � ��-�
<br /> ..� .,�
<br /> � ---------(S50.00O.OU) Dollars------------ '�.'. �,-
<br /> ! evidenced by the certein promissory note dated of even dete herewith(hQreinaRer ceferred to as�e"Promissary Note") '' -
<br /> , ��;t«
<br /> , � ,
<br /> �� ; executed by J Lliteras an8 Associates *nc '��""'� +-
<br /> ' ���'
<br /> � in said amouM end payeble to the order ot Beneficfary metu�ing on �Y 20. 1993 , ,,;Y•�.
<br /> � ' topether with fntereat thereon,late charges,and prepayment bonusea accordir,p t�Ms term�of!he Promi�sory Note � �+��� -_
<br /> • end all reoewals,extenafons,end modificadons thereof. • � -
<br /> , • . (;. •
<br /> ' 2. Performance,diacherge oi and complfence with every oblfgatlon,covenant and agreement of Trustor incorporated by '
<br /> ' . ;'�� relerence or contelned herein or In eny other securiy �reement or deed of t�ust at sny tfine piven to aecure eny �.;��� .�. ti�°
<br /> ', fndebtedneas hereby secured,or any peR thereof. �':��•"��'`� '_�'•�'r*�'
<br /> .. ;';�:,�
<br /> ''' '' 3. Payment oi all tees ond cheryes of Beneficfary or Trustae,whetl�r or not set forth herein. .� �.`,�'. '��•��.''•
<br /> TITLE:Thet it IS lawfully seized and possessed of a good and indefeasible title�and estate to all of such properly in fee ��
<br /> simple(ree trom any prfo�Ilen or encumbrence,has good right and lewiul authority to convey the same,and will forever
<br /> i werrent and detend the title thereto a�ainst the cleims and demends ot all persons whosoever,that it will,et ita expense,
<br /> . ; � maintain and presenre the Ifen of this Deed of Trust as a tirst and paramount lien upon euch property.
<br /> MAINTENANCE:To keep such property in good conditlon and�epair,to complete or reatore promptly and in good end
<br /> � workmanlike manner any buitafing which may be constructed,dameged or dealroyed thereon and to pay.when due,all •
<br /> claims for labor performed end materials lurnlahed theretore and tor e�y alteratfons thereof;to comply with theprovisions
<br /> of ell inaurance polfcies covering aald premises,to comply with all lawa,ordfnences,regulallon�,covenanb,candidons
<br /> and reahfctions aflecNng auch property;�ot to remove,demolish or mote�ielly alter any buflding,ar the cheracte►or use
<br /> �.. thereot at any time thereon;not to drlll or extract no�to permit the drilling lor or extractfon of oil,gaa or other hydrocarbon
<br /> , .:,�, ,� ; substancea,watero�any mVnerel of any kfnd unless the wrUten conaent of Beneflcfery is had and obtained;not to commit or
<br /> permit any weste thereot arany act upon such property i�violation of law;to do all other acts In a rimely and prope�manner
<br /> ��"� whfch hom the cheracter a use of such property may be reasonebly necessery to proteCt and preserve aaid security,the
<br /> � ' � specific enumera6ons herefn not excludinq the yenerel.
<br /> �
<br /> � CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS:Tocomplete in good end workmenlike manner any bullding or fmprovementor
<br /> � repair releting thereto which may be begun on auch property or contemplated by the loan aecured hereby,to pay when due
<br /> all costs aad liabflilies incurred therefore,and not to permft any meChanic's Nen against such propeAy.Trustor also agrees,
<br /> ° enything in this Oeed of Trust to the contrery natwithstanding:(a 1 to promptty commence work and to camplete the
<br /> proposed improvements promptly,(b)to complete seme in sccordance with plans and speciflcations as approved by
<br /> Beneticfary.(c)tocomply with all of the terms of any bullding loan agreement between Truator and Beneficfary,theterms of
<br /> whiCh are incorporated herein by relerence to the same extent as fl lully aet torth nereln and mad�a part of thia Deed of
<br /> . Truet,(d)to allow Beneficiary to i�speCt auch property at all times during construCtfon,and(e)to roplace any work or
<br /> ; materials unsatislectory to Beneficiary.wfthin fiReen(15)days afler wrilten notice Irom Beneficlary of auch lacf,which
<br /> �� notice may be given to Truator by registered or certilied mail,sent to his last known address,or by personal service al the
<br /> j 581tW.
<br /> __ � 9 ,
<br />