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<br /> _ ' applica6le law moy specify for rcinstmernenq before sale oi the Propeny purxuent ta any pawe�af sale camained in this
<br /> -- , Scxu�ity Inatrumenh.ar(b)enay of w Judgment enforciug this Secudty Ins�rument. Those condi�ions are that Hormwer. (a) __,____
<br />— pays l.ender all sums which t1�en would be due under this Securiry Instrument end ihe NMe a� if nn ucceleralion h�d -�--°;�-.,�,__. ---
<br /> • occumed;(b)curca aoy default ot�ny c►ther covenetus or agreemen�s;(c)pAys�II expenves incumed in enforcing this Secutily 'i""="'= .-- ,�,��
<br /> -- lnatrumenb includin ,but not limited to.rc�onable anorne s'fees:u�d(d)takea euch ac�ion a.l.endar ma rewm�bl ,^;;•�:,===``'.`'"`�"'�
<br />_= B Y Y Y . `::,�'"A=A
<br /> - -� . • requir�e to Aasure that Ihe lien nf'lhfs Sxudly Instrument,Lenderh�ighta in the Property and Barower R abligatian lo pey 1hc T-.::v_=-�-- '��
<br /> - sums axurcd b Ihfs Secud Instn�menl sh411 continue unchen sd. U n reins�uKmen� b Rurrower, ti�is Scwu�lt "�'"'"" ""'`==� __ -
<br /> Y �Y 8 Po Y Y t , f.:�•«..._.._
<br /> Inatrument wnd the obligations saured hercby shall rcmnin iully effeciive as if no accelernNon had occurral. However,thfs I � ��'��" ' °` `'�,-'.
<br /> w riQht to reinatate aholl not apply in Ihe case of accelerntion under psuagmph 17. ' '
<br /> _��: 19. 3ab of Notei Chaa�eot Loa�3ervker. Tf�e Nae cx a putial fntereit in thc Nac(tagether with this Secudty � �•^�•��-��_�,�,�,,,R:
<br /> --E lastrument)may 6e sold one n z more ttmcs wlthout priar natice ta Borrawer. A sole may resui� in n change in thc rmi�y '
<br /> " (known�s the"Loan Servica"�Ilut colleclQ monthly paymenta due under the Note and Ihis Secu�ry Instrument. There s►Isa �� �� �•Yy���.LS�����.
<br /> may be ane or more changes af�he Loan Servicer unrclated to a sole oP the Nate. If�here i9 a change of Ihe I.oan Servicer. , ' �` '
<br /> Borrower will be given wr�tten nolice of the change in accaMance wi�h paragreph 14 ubove and applicable I�w. The natice �
<br /> will atate the nwne and addr�ess af�ha new Laan Servicer and Ihe addre�s to which payments should be muk. The natice will � � -��- -•-
<br />---� _. �. . . -- Also cflntsln sssy othrr InfarmatE an res�aired by sppli�abls!»ev. � � �- � -
<br /> 20, HAZnrdous Subsl�aee� Barower ahall nat cause or permit the presence,use,dispos�l.s�orage,or release of any � ,
<br /> Hazardous Substences on or ira the PropeAy. 9orrower shall not do,nor allow anyane else to do,anything affecting Ihe
<br /> � Property thet ie in vlolotion of vny Environmental Lew. The preceding two sentences sholl nM apply to Ihe pre.unce,use.ar ! . •._.__.
<br /> ' � I stora e on�he P�o n of smal� anti�leg af Hazardous Substonces that arc enerall rern niud to be a ro riote�o narmal '�'-""'""m�
<br /> B P� Y 9� B 9 S PP P *;.-��.
<br /> �- residentiel uses end to mainten�nce of Ihc Property. ��`"id"`'"�
<br /> � `��'�� Bomower ahelt promptly give Lcnder written notice of eny investigatfon.claim,demand,lowsuit or athc�actian by any " '
<br /> �' �� I govemmental or regulatory agency or pr�vate party involving the PropeRy ar�d any Harurdous Subslance or 8nvironmentei ; . �"'
<br /> law af which Bortnwer has ecmal knowledge. If Bomawer leama, or is naified by any govemmental or regulatary , +�+�`�•�
<br /> authority.that any removal or other remedlation of any Hazardous Substance affecting�he Property iY necessary.Borrower --
<br /> -� j sh�li p�xnptly leke all necessory rcmedlal actions in accordence wi�h Environmerdal Law. � `�"'""'`
<br /> As used in this puagraph 20,"Haznrdous Subswnces"are those substances defined as toxic or hazardous substances hy • �� � �� �
<br /> `�`• Pnvironmental Law and the followfn 4ubstances: pe p
<br /> i g. gasoline,kerosene,other(lammable or�oxic troleum roducts,�oxic •
<br /> _ .;�,. ,:.• pesticides and herbicid�s, volatile solverns, muterials contnining asheatos or fotmaldehyde,and radionctive mnlerials. As
<br /> ,. used in ihis par�graph:a,"Fa►v'sronmenlal Luw"mean�federal laws and law�of Ihe jurisdiction where the Propeny is localed
<br /> tlwt relate to health,saiety or eiavironmental protec�inn. I.,1 = .
<br /> ,. [VON-UNIFORM COVE1�iANTS. Burrower and Lender futiher covenunt and agree as fallows: ' '� �'t_'-
<br /> 2l. .4ceele�ation; Remediea. I.eoder shall give notice lo Borrower pHor to accekratinn Pollnwing Rorrower's � ,�`?�..-`=
<br /> ,:,,,•, breach of any covenant or agreement in this Securily lnslrument(but nai p�lor to pccete�ation under pAragrAph 17 :
<br /> , . � unless applicable laa p�ovides otherwisel. The notice shall specify: (A)the def�ult;lb)the action requlred to cure the ' • '•'��
<br /> "''.''.`'� dePauit;(c)a dale.not lesa thaa 30 daya Prom Ihe date the nottce Is gfven lo sorrowe�.by which the default muxt be � '����
<br /> cured:and(d)Ihat fAllure to curc tl�e defAUlt on or before lhe date specified in the notice may result in accelernUon aP • � '�' �
<br /> . � the Aums securod by Ihis Securily Instrumenl and xale oP Ihe Properly. Tqe notice AhaN 1'urther inParm Narrower oP ' ' '
<br /> _ :— � '�'`� the rig8i fo reiasiate Aiter accekraiion and ihe right io brinR a court actian tu assen the non-eaiscence oF a defAUit or i `` - --`-__
<br /> any other defenae of Barroaer to aceeleration and sale. If the default is oot cured on or beiore Ihe date apecifled in � �`_''
<br /> � the notke.l.ender at its optbn may require immedlate payment in full oP all sums secured by this Securtty Instrument � �
<br /> - - I withoul furlher demAnd aad mAy �nvoke Ibe power�f sale and eny other remedicw permilted by appUcuble law. �d;
<br /> I.ender shnll be entiqed to c48eri all expensea incurred in pursuiog the remedies provided in Ihio pan�g�Aph 21. •�-•
<br /> . includiag.but not limiteil to,reawnoble attorneys'fees and costs oi titM evtdence. '' °`'°
<br /> ' U Ihe poaer of sale is tn voked�7rustee shall record a nolice of dePaulf in�eoch county in which any part n�Ihe ' `�:•� .��dt
<br /> � PropeMy Is located and shaH rneU copies of such notice in!he mAnaer prescribed by applicable luw to Bnrrower and to � , :�=
<br /> the other persans prescribed 6y upplicable law After the time required by applicable law�'IYuxtee shall�ive public
<br /> ,•'�„ notice oF sale lo the pensons a nd in the manner prescribed by applicable luw 7Fustee.without demend on dorrower,
<br /> „ % shall seN the Property at pnbl ic ouctlon lo the hlghest bidder at the time and place and under Ihe terai.c desiRnoled In
<br /> �" �'' !he notke of sale in one or m0repercels and in Any order'I�uslee determines. 'll�ustec may paRlpone�le of all or any �
<br /> pprcel of the PropeMy by public announcement ot the lime nnd ploce aP Any previorsly scheduled gak. Lender or its
<br /> designa may purcbase the Pro�erty ot aoy sale. �
<br /> Upon receipt of paymen t of the prke bid.71ruFtee shall deliver to the purch�cer'I�ustee's deed canveying tBe
<br /> Properly. The recitals in Ihe'llvstee's deed shull be prima fecie evidence of the t�uth oi the stalements made therein. '
<br /> _� 71�ustee ahall Apply the proceed�oP the sale in the Pollowing order: (a1 to all cosls and expe�►ses of exercising the power .; �,.;,.,-
<br /> . ,.,�,
<br /> �,', • • -
<br /> � .. •� ,. `��i:'�
<br /> ;.::: I ' , . '�. .. .
<br /> • i .
<br /> �� Fa�3ote 9/90 f f"nRe S nJ A�pRet► �
<br /> �
<br /> � �
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