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<br /> . ranJernnc�Nm�ar��Ihcr IuYing oi any pnn ul'Ihc PropcAy,or fnr convcyancc in licu af conclemnaiion.urc herrhy oc.rigncd und •.��•-- °- �_
<br /> KbWll hc puid tu l.rnJcr. � ��
<br /> ' In�he event ol u tMUI �eking ot�he Prapeny. �he pmceed�c shull he upplied W Ihe tiwn� ucured hy �hiti Security �''. "A;�;.�,i,;�:
<br /> ��• � Inwlrumcn4 whe�her or�ud then due, wi�h uny cxrcw�c pw{d to Hurrnwer. In thc evem of u puniid�aking uf�he Pri�pcny in i ,� . .�'..-����'
<br /> , which Iho fair ma�kcl value af Ihe Pmpeny immeJialcly hefore Ihe luking ix eyuul lo o�greuler Ihun thr umoum of Ihe sumc ' ;� �•�``:"�'
<br /> � xecureJ by iblv SecurNy Inratrumcot fmmcdf�uely F+rfnrc Ihe inkinR,unlex�flurmwer und I.endrr ulherwik u rcc in wri�in . '������a
<br /> B R PT'�' ..,.....:-• --.-
<br /> . � � thc xuo�r scrutrd by lhfr S«u�i�y In�lrumc��t.liufl t+c rcduccd hy the:unaunl uf 1lic imKCedr m�diiplied hy IIK Iollnwiug � , ..�*•`-;^"�+'-••`��``-
<br /> . ' 1'ructiun: lul �he toml unM�un�of Ihe�.umx kcumJ imm��liuiely heli�rc ihe wking,diviJeJ by Ih� IIK 1'�dr murket v�due af Ihe � .. ` ��'�'t
<br /> � : . .,-:.
<br /> � Nrnpcny immcdfu�cly he6rrc ihe Iuking. Any huluncc xl�ull tx pulJ u► Bnrcuwcr. In Ihe evcn� i�l' u parlinl loking nf Ihe
<br /> i I PrupeNy in which the fuk nwrke�volue of�the 1'���pcny immedmtcly beliirc the�uking Ix letir thun�he i�mcwn�nf�he tiumg „
<br /> sccomd hnmeJiutely he(ore �he t�iking, unlr,v Hurrnwer und I.endcr iriherwi�c i�gree in writing nr unlesa u�licahle luw
<br /> _`�� olhe�wise pn�videv,lhe pmceeds xhall be applfed�u�he.r•umK xecured by thia Security In+trumem whelbrr ur ou�ihe�ums are ..
<br /> then due. .
<br /> ' If�he Pmpcny is iih�ndoned hy Rnrn,wer,ar if.�d'�er�x�lice hy I.endcr�o Norruwer�hiu�hc c�mdrnu�ar��Ilcn lo miike ; . .��.. ,� .•
<br /> un awurd�x cculr u cluim i i�r dumageti.Runowc�1'uil�10 rez�x�nd t�►Lendcr wi�hin 10 iluy.uf�cr ihe dulc ihc no�icc i�given, �
<br /> ' Lender is uuthurized to rnl lect and upply�he pn�ceedti,ut ilw��ption,ei�her�o restorution or repuir nt �he I'roperty or to�hr , ,
<br /> zums Recured by thia Secn�ily Insttument,whether or not than due. � ,
<br /> Unless I.ender und Bcxmwer otherwire agree in writinR. ony upplica�fon of pn►ceeds la p�imipul shull nnt ex�end or E• `.,sr,: .r_
<br /> � postpone the due dute of ihe monthly paymenly refertcd to in puragruphs 1 und 2 or change thc umount af�uch pnymcnts. � -�
<br /> � 11. Borrower Not Relensed; Forbe�rance By Lender Nut A Wqlver. Eaten4ion of ihe lirne for payment or � � .•
<br /> 1 modificatian af amonizatlon of the�umR secured by thls Security lnslrument grnnted by l.ender to uny succetisor in imercst i -
<br /> nf Borrower shul!not ape�ute to rcleare the Ilubillty oi Ihe origlnal Borrower or Barcower�succes,orx in inlerest. Lender y "�'`
<br /> • . � shall nat be reyuircd to commence prnceeding4 ngainsl uny�uccessor in interest or refuse to exlend time for�uymenl or �
<br /> ' othervvise modify umonlm[fon of the 4ums secured by this Securily Instn�ment by reason of nny demnnd rnude by�he originul . �:"
<br /> � Borrower or Borrower's succexs�rs in imere4t. Any P�rbearonce by Lender in exercising any rfgh�or�emedy ahull not be a + . � :�--�
<br /> _. � wAive�of or�reclude thecxcrcise of nny righl nr remedy. " 'rP "
<br /> 12. Successurs and Arslgns Bound;Jalnt and Several l.l�bflily;('u-!�igRers. 'll�e covenum�unci ugreemen��ot ihi� � ..
<br /> Securily Instrumenl shull hind und benefi�Ihe successor�unJ ussigns of'Lender and Hnnower, subjeci �o the provi.iom of i�•���+?o-
<br /> ara rn h 17, Horniwer's cavenumx unJ u rcemems shnll he mnt imJ severnl. An Hnrcower wha co•ai�o� Ihis SeCU�h ���r����-,��,.
<br /> D F p F 1 � Y ti �� Y .,
<br /> In4uument but daes na�execwe the Nate: lul is ca-si�ninti Ihi x Securi�y In.lrumenl only to nmrtgnEr,grant a�nd crnrvey Iht�l ��
<br /> BoROwer 4 irnerest in the Pmperty under the tennx of Ihis Sccurily Inetruntcnl: Ihl i�nut pe�sonul ly ohliEcucd la pny Ihe wms ,.. .. "
<br /> secured hy this Securit�•In.mimem;and Ic1 ugrecs Iha1 Lender und uny otlx r H��rr�»vcr mny t�grce lo cxlend,nu�lify.fanc�ur _p,��'
<br /> or muke nny eccommoduianq wilh regurd lo�he tertns of this Securi�y Ins�rumenl ��r 1h� Nole wilhout Ihul Barmwer� �„���
<br /> consent.
<br /> 13. l.uan C6arRea If�hr loiin xcured by ihis Srcurity Inslnimeni i,whject lo a law which �M� muximum luun �`?�"�
<br /> = charFes,und thut law is fincilly interpre�ed xu ihzu�hr iniereti���r other loan charges ruUerted or lo he collec�ed in ronnecdon • �:�
<br /> wilh the loun excced the�rniitted limits.Ihen: 1 ul uny such I��an charge sh:dl be redureJ by Il�e umuum nece►�nry t��reduce •��
<br /> � the churFc�o the permil�ed limit;nm1 Ihl uny�unn alreudy col lec�ed from Barrower which rxcecded�xm�iue�i limit�u ill ix �
<br /> -- refun�lyd to Herrc•wcr. Lrnder miry ch��tie a+m��kc ihi�rcti�n�1 h;•rr�h��•ing IhN rri�uip�il„we:i un�ier the fW�tr ix hy mukine a
<br /> � direct pnyment tc�Sanower. If u retiund reduce�principul,lhe rcduclion will tx treoled os��partiul�repuymenl without uny � :�r,
<br /> prepuymcn�charge under Ihe Note,
<br /> = l4. Notkeq. Any no�ice u�Borrnwcr pravided far in thi� Srcurily Instnunrnl +h�dl tx�iven hy dclivcrin�; il or by � �
<br /> i muiling it by first clasti muil unles�appliciible Inw reyuimr use o(unuther mclhixl.'I'Ik n�Nice.hull Ix dirccled to Ihc Pm�xrly �,
<br /> , Address or uny other uddress BoROwer dexignutes hy notice ta l.enckr. Any notice ta Lender shull he given Ny linl class
<br /> - � mail to Lendcrk s�ddretis stsued herein or uny i��hcr nddrcss Lendrr dcsigntuex by nolicc to Burrowcr. Any noiire prnvided for
<br /> ' � in Ihis Securily Inyltument shull bc dcemeJ to huve heen given lo BoROwer or I.eiiJcr whcn �iven u� ��o�•iJrd in �his �
<br /> � pnrngraph. .
<br /> 1S. Covernin� Low; 5everqbillty. Thix Scrurity his�rumcm chall hr govrmrd hy Icdcrul lu�v mid �h� law of Ihe
<br /> jurisdiclion in which Ihe Property is I�xnted. In Ihe evenl thnl imy provisi�x�or clnuxe i�f Ihi�tiecurily ImUUmenl o�•the Notr
<br /> ,� . CUflnICIV WI1B U�/�IIICiIIIIC Ii�W,soch amllirt.hull nul ul lcrl i�lh�r pnwidoo�al'Ihis Scrurity hislrunxiu or ilu Nntc whinc�un
<br /> ` • t�e Fiven effect wiihuui ihc cnnfliciin�provixiun. 7ii�his end Ihe provi+iiinx ol'd�ix Seruri�y Instrun�cnt an�l�he N���e ure
<br /> � �":����• declnred tn he se vcrnble.
<br /> 16. durrower•s Cupy. Born�wcr shull hc�!ivcn onc cunt imnrd cory af thr Nolc anJ iit'Ihix Scrurily Imtrumenl.
<br /> . 17. 'Irenvfer of the!'raperly or a Benelicial Interesl In Norrnwe� II'aU or nny p.�n o(�he Pro�x hy i�r uny intcrc�l in
<br /> it is�old or tran4ferred la�i(a beneficiul inlerest in Borrowet is siild or Irunsl'erred and Bom�wrr i+mx a nmurul per.rn�l
<br /> withou�Lender�prior written conxent.Lender muy,ut il�opt ion, rryuire immediuie p�iymenl in full of all sums xecured by
<br /> thia Security Ins�rument. However,this op�ion shull nol be exercised by Lender if exercise i�prohibi�ed hy federul luw ns nl'
<br /> �he dule of�hiv Security In�lNmrnl.
<br /> � If Lendcrcxcrci.��thix optiun. l.end�r xhull givr tiormwcr nolirc uf arccl�ralirnt. '1'hc nulicc�hall providr a�xriod ol'
<br /> nol lexs than 311 duy�fnMn theds�te�he notice is delivercd ormailed wiihin uhirh Born�wer muct pay ull.um�ticnired by Ihix
<br /> I Securiry Instrumenl. I(Burrower fuils ta puy thcsr xwnx prior �o the e+cpirmion uf Ihi+ perincl, LenJer muy imokr uny
<br /> ' remedies pe�mi�tcJ by this Securi�y lnstrumen�wi�huw funher nMice or denumJ on pormwer.
<br /> � IS. Barrower's Rl�ht tu Reinatute. If Rurrowcr meel+cenain rondi�inn.. Burrower•hidl huve Ihc righl lo have ;
<br /> enforcement of thic Security Instn►mem dixcan�inueJ at uny tinm prior to�he e�rlicr uf: lail S duys Inr�uch olher�xri�xl i�.
<br /> ' Sln�lle F�mily••Fannk R1uelFYeddle Moc UNIFURI1f INti7'RUMNN7'--UniliKroCuvcnum. 9�90 l�a�Ae d��I��Ih1APU
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