r . , ,� . ' . _.
<br /> ; ��.. . . . - � . ". ' . , . -�
<br /> •;'i' � . � . . ." . : • . WARRANT ��C DEEp� . . . . . .��' . • � ,
<br /> ' , . . . . . . , . • .
<br /> �i�.•; � � , •• _ • • . ..
<br /> , � • Ill►RRY QIEKHI►N and EV£LYN DIEKt•IAN, husband an�l wife, rUGENE TOOMAN .
<br /> and DORATHY TOOMAN� husbarid a�5d w�.fo, ROBCRT 0. COLLI�:R and �LAZNE
<br /> " ° COLLISR, `hwband -an�'wito,•and �ELMER STELK and �NOLh STELK, Ilusbtnd snd,_,...,, .,
<br /> � wif�, h�r�in call�d th� Grantors, in,conaideration ot Thrco Thousand
<br /> � Four liundrud Nin�ty-an� and No/100• Dollars (53,�91.00) receivad
<br /> lrom Grant�• do yrant, barqain, sa11, convay and confirm unto .
<br /> • ppro#h Toa�an h�reiri called the Grnntee, , .
<br /> _t'T'�', ow nq escr n raa �roperty n (Iall County, Nebraaka:
<br /> � A tract o! lnnd in the Southwast Quarter o! the Southeaat Quaxte.r• (SSJ1/�.
<br /> ' SE1/4) ot Section Fourtaan (14) , township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine. '
<br /> (9) , W��t of tha "5ixth Principal Meridian, .tlall, County, Nebraska, morP
<br /> particularly descrih�d as falloWa:
<br /> Bsqi�II�IIq at th. snuth ouait�—I�1/� Corner of sa'id Section and running ,
<br /> Easterly a distanc� ot 8ix kiundred Eighty-Five an or y-t2T�tr�ttundredt�s—
<br /> (685.43) Fa�t to an. aatablish�d mQandar corc�ar_ on the South �.ina of snid •
<br /> Sactiont thanc• d�ll�atinq riqht tour daqre�i, eigkit minutei, no seconde
<br /> � (�•OB'00") and runniaq �astarly a distance ot One fiundred ,Sixty-five
<br /> and Forty-.t,vo Nundradth■ .(165.�2) Fa�t on tha�south line of eaid Sec tion
<br /> to a point p�rp�ndicular to and Ona Hundr�d and No Hundredths (100.00)
<br /> Faat 6out�w��tarly ia dist�nc�' trom th� cnntarlina o� the,main line track
<br /> ot th• Hur�iaqtoa-North�rn Railroadt thanc• datlectinq left ona Iiundred
<br /> Pitty-six daqr��s, Titty-ona miautas, no aeconds (156•51'00") and running
<br /> North�+��t�rly a di�tanc� oi Nin• Hundrad Sixty-ona and Ninnty-six
<br /> ilundradtha (961.96) Fs�t parAll�l to and One Hundred and No Fiundredths
<br /> (100.00j Fa�t Southrr�st�rly tzoa� ttus centarline of the main line track
<br /> o� �aid Railroad, also b�inq a right-of-way lin�. of tha City of Grand
<br /> Ialand, Nabraska, to a .point on th• Eait Lins of Lot .114, Industrial
<br /> J►d t on, to�ia�i�y of�d-Iiland,—,D1ib�s3Cr�-��ca-t2�ti�tin�
<br /> lnf t On� Hundr�d S�vant�an daqrs�a, FoXty-tiv� minutas, no secQnds ;
<br /> ' (117•45'00",)' and runninq South�rly a d.irtanc� ot Four Hundrad"Tr+enty-
<br /> ' • oight and Ninaty-liv�� Hundradths (428.95) Fee�. on the Eaat line of aaid
<br /> Industrial.Addition to th� point of b�qinnings said tract containinq
<br /> • 1.097 acraa mora or lass, ot which 0.606 acrea rwre or. leea being County -
<br /> Aoad ziqht-of-way alonq tha South Lins ot tho SouthWeat Qunr.ter of tti� ,
<br /> ' Sour�}east Quart�r (SW1/�SE1/�} of said Saction..
<br /> TO tU�/E 1►2JA TO HOLD tha sbovr dascrib�d pr�misaa tog�hher . . •
<br /> with all t�namants, h�r�ditauaants. and. appurtanancos ther.e�o belorrcJi.ng
<br /> unto 'the Granta� and to Grnnt��'• h�ir4 and aaaiqns f.orevc�r.
<br /> 1u►d th. Gre►ntora do haraby covenant vi�h tho Grantee and
<br /> �. aith Grants�'s heiri and assigns that Grantors are lawfully aeissci
<br /> . . o� aaid prnmisesJ that th�y ara'tre• trom encumbranca except ..
<br /> �uch •8 appaar,of �record, that 'Grantora hnve good right and lawful
<br /> � authority to convey th� sam�r� and tliat�Grdntora.vr an
<br /> defand tha title to said premi��s nqainst th� law c DOCUMf ARY.
<br /> alI persona whomaoev�r. ' ' • . �P T�
<br /> . .._ . . , • . ►
<br /> Dat.a P�bruary 7, 1974 • �a , ,A�PR $,1lNI� �
<br /> . � . �� .1,,�-
<br /> ,�, l��t�s.H ' t�.. �
<br /> Ha� rry� ekman _f . e yn D an
<br /> �• '� � - _ • /•-/ �' , �,' . ' /
<br /> � genc+ Tooman , . Dorot y T oman ,
<br /> • . �
<br /> _ ; .
<br /> G%:���� .�'�r�� -<<�•-�1,. �- `�- � L�.0 f �° ,����� r� ,
<br /> � Kobert u. co er � ' TETaine Co�er ' '
<br /> -• . ' . . - ' - . �
<br /> .�. .._ _.. . � �..,-,���f� �r-�' � . , .
<br /> E ur Sto No a Sto c _ � . �-
<br /> !H:-�. - . ---- --.- - �t:R�.� , _.- --—�__._._.^.---_---
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