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<br /> . i Together wfth etl and sfnguler the tenements,hereditaments,privileges and appuNenances,now or hereafter ���
<br /> � located upon or belcMging to or fn anywfse appeAeining to the above described property,or any part thereot, .
<br /> indudinp any tipht ot homeatead and every contingent right or estate therein. '
<br /> Tb H�ve and to Hold th�S�m��together with all and singular the privfleges and appurtenances thereunto � -
<br /> , , bebnping:ln 1Fust Neverlheless.thpt in case of delault in the payment of said Note or any pah thereof,or in . � .•�•
<br /> • the payment o1 the interest thereon,according to the tenor and eNect of seid Note,p�fncipal or interest,d any, ;r.� :;
<br /> or In case default shell be made in or in cese of vlolation or breach o1 any o1 the te►ms,conditions,covenants, � .
<br /> • or agreements herein contained,then all sums secured hereby shall Immedlately become due and payable at .
<br /> the optlon of the hotder of the Note,and the YrustAe mey proceed to sell the property in accordance wilh the � • � •
<br /> Nebraska Trust Deeds Act(Section 76-1001 et.seq.►.Trustee shall receive a fee o1 One PerceM(t°�)of the , ;: •�
<br /> ' entire indebtedness then owing to Benef�iary as e fee In exercfsing the power oj sale.
<br /> � And the T�ustor covenents and agrees to and with the Trustee.that at the time of the ensealing of and delivery .
<br /> ., . of these presents,he Is well seized ot the sald premises in fee simple and has good right,lull power,and lawlul
<br /> authority to grant,bargaln,sell and convey the seme in manner and form as aforeseid;an�i that the same are
<br /> '.•���� tree and clear oi all Ilens and encumbrances whatever and the herein bargained premises in the qulet and
<br /> : , .. i peaceable possession ot the T�ustee against all and every pe�son or persons lawfully clalming or to claim 1he .
<br /> `; '•�•'' whole or eny pert thereof,7Fusror shall and will werrent end forever defend.
<br /> . And tr�e 7Yustor wlll pey all taxes and assessmenis on said premises immedietely when they become due and
<br /> ` payable;and at the request ot the legal holde�of safd Note will keep all buildings:sthat may at any time be on
<br /> ; safd premises,du�ing the contlnuance of sald indebtedness,fnsured agal�st Ioss by flre fn such company or
<br /> � companles and for such amounts as the holder of 3ald Note may from tfine to time direct, not to exceed the
<br /> ; amount oi said Indebtedness,except af the option of Trustor,wlth loss, II any,payable to the Benelidary her-
<br /> , eunder as qs interest may appear,and wlll dellver the poUcy or pollcles of Insurance,accampanied by premfum
<br /> _. • � f8C@IDIS t01FIA BBII@IICIeN hBfeUfldet g9 furthwr sawrM�rllv Mr fhn Irvinhfulnocc oMrocei� An�1�n neoe ni►1u rd
<br /> . fusal�or neglect of Trostor to thus insure and deliver such pollcles ot Insurance or to pay such taxes or assess-
<br /> ments,fhen the holder of sald Note may pracure such insurance,or pay such taxes or assessments, and a11
<br /> ' moneys thus pafd,wlth Interest thereon al 18.000 percent per annum,shall become So much additional
<br /> iniloMeri eee _°�t:Tw.ti...�w�..n.....�..s T...� .�..�...0�,.. .�..��ti.. ..t..'�.�..��►�..- �_ �.�_
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<br /> � premises aforesaid.II not otherwise paid by safd Trustor.
<br /> *fixturea and other improvements, including� without limitation all irrigation equipment.
<br /> •w •
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