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'r�,.;. �y�,,�� `%�` �� '�—W. � ` '� ; ' <br /> , �F�'4 ' -"'-- -.g t-,".,,_- <br /> �•. � ,-... ., ,:.,.. , _ s �srr.,.. -�=*=;�.-,�.� _.._..-. — <br /> . �., :. • - - - �,���7c,��;�xs_ . __ . <br /> ��1t , • a>. Y �� `� ,.,� - - - --- - - — ,. =---- <br /> - . - -- ?�.�«_ <br /> ; - . - � 92- �K;�:::. _.r__�.._ <br /> '.� � . , 104367' �.,��.-== <br /> �, � oeed of,rust <br /> � (N�bri�► <br /> 1892 � �� <br /> Thl�Tiust DMd�made this 14th day ot i�lay ' ' � �' <br /> � � " BI(i 8. INC.. a Nebraeka Ccrrpor�tion= LITTI.B B'8 COCtP.� � N�bra�ka � ' � •' <br /> � • betwesn Corporation; BAXTER CATT[.L COMPANY, a Nebraok� Cocporation and Thomaa^g. •� •�•-.�...�•��*-;,: <br /> Bester and Eliaebeth Lea Ba�cter, buobmd and wife,---°----�---- f, <br /> ' whoseaddreasls 4k44 Waot 13th 8treet, 6rand Ta1Knd, Nabraoka 68803 ,Truetor, I � . <br /> �' _.r.��: <br /> ' " g�d BruCQ I. Smith ,Who89 8ddreeB IB P. O. Box 790 � � :."'; �`�r <br /> . T�ustee, Gr�s�d Ioinnd. NE 68802 '�, <br /> i � <br /> WIM�st�th:That Whereas,Trustor hes executed one ceRai�Wromissory Note beadng even dateherewi�h ar�' <br /> - diewn to ths arder of IIANropolfun Llfe Insuranw Comp�ny,heroinaiie�called Benellciary,tor tt►e princi�pAi <br /> � I SUIII Of N.,...r�...�����..M�....�...._____ �___��.....___���. �----.-��.....�M__ �• . ''. :'"`."T.,:�r . <br /> . . � ' . ��.�. . <br /> . --------------------------ONE MILI.ION TFIRF.P HUNDRED THOUSAND-----------__ DoAars . ,���� <br /> � � �$ 1 300.000 00� pey�bte in lawful money at the United States which shall be legal tender in payme�t of all „�',#'z` <br /> . • , y V...1'y..,_ <br /> r . .�..�. <br /> debts and dues,publla and private,at the time of payment,with exchange on the Clty of New York.peyable in � ; <br /> Inateliments, the flnel installment due Janv4ry 1. 2012 ,wlth Interest thereon hom the � • � <br /> :.��_.T_ <br /> - • duto thereof as therein provlded. •.�y:,..,:, . ';;r- --- <br /> :, ;�::-:. <br /> �:, ,;� . .,. , <br /> . � And Whereas,Trustor fs desirousof securing the prompt payment of said Promisaory Note and aN iMerest and ` ., ':; ��'�:`�:� <br /> '''' " ���� cherges thereon,in whose handa soever the same may be. , �"��p'����' <br /> 1�}��Fll��l r. <br /> _ ;_..�j�.til�;•%yr � • <br /> ��. ,.; - , S _.;�..— . <br /> I� ';��'' Now,lherefore, consideratbn ot the premises,and br the purpose atoresaid,hath granted,bar- ' •• r�:.';:;.�•.?:�;,ti!'.'_— <br /> ��`� �' alned,sold,and conve ed,and hereb does rant,bar ain,seN and conve unta the TNStee,in Irust,wNh ;/•.� <br /> g Y Y 9 9 Y � '',�;';,;.; ' -��"rr <br /> � power of sale,pursuant to the Nebraska Trust Deeda A�t��bn 78-1001 et.seq.),aA the tollowing described � ' • • � �'-:.:- <br /> �r>,.._ <br /> � � �eal estate,premisas and prope fir,situate in the Caunty�o Rock. Loup. and State ot Nebraska, j " ',::;�;�.� <br /> •�� '.`i� Phel pe and Hall <br /> to wit: .. ,fY��. <br /> ' '• '; 1 ,,;;,..,,�� Real Sat4ta �o described on ettached Fachibit "A". together with el�. crope grown �:�•�•a� -- �� <br /> ;�„� .��::�•.,� <br /> `'. ''�� . � tberenn. �fa�•:,:�:,,,e,��� <br /> :, ,,. ` ,: • 1;�^i';l,.�j!�Y����u'�L7: <br />. , „ _''' '.1 _ _ ''� <br /> ., , -'• -- �� • �:: • �e ?:ote �ccured hereby eaprPse]y p*��ideA thet the holder ehereaf may at 9te ��1j���,1��,�����. <br /> •' � " �� • - option change or adjuat the intera�+t retes set forth therein. ' ,,�;�!�+�' � <br /> '����1. � <br /> � The Note secured by thie Deed of Truet ie further secured by a Financing • - _— %'''�' <br /> � i Statement and Security Agreement og even date herewith. covering said irrigation , �`�;n..� <br /> � � equipment, 19.vestock watering syeteme. livestock tanke.�feedyard equipment and � :. ___- j� <br /> • � fi:turQa oa deacrib�d in epid Finoncing State�ent end Security AEreQaent. C ` � =J�� <br /> I .•;T.. <br /> � -_ <br /> It 3Q agreed that all irrigation pumpa. electric motore. enginQe. pipes. , , <br /> � eprinlciQro. contrni panale and accesaoriea. and all oth�r irrigat3on equipmQnt. <br /> liveotock wat�ring �y�t�m�. liv�atock t�nko. f��dyard QquipmQnt and fixtures � <br /> ; connected therewitb now or hereafter pleced or inetelled on eaid premiec�K � • <br /> together vith all water aod wetering righta of every kind and description <br /> shall be conotrued aa affixed to end a part of the real estate hQrQinabovQ i . •k,:� <br /> ' dQacribQd and aubjQCt to all of the provioioao of thia DQed of Truot. •• , <br /> t � <br /> •. Beneficiary ahall h�vQ the right. power and authority during the cont3nuaecQ of <br /> thie DQed of Truat to collQCt the rents. iseues and profita of the proj�erty end •- <br /> of aey pereonal propQrty located thereon with or without taking posseseion of ' <br /> the propQrty affQCtad herQbq. end Truetor hereby ebaolutely aad uaconditionelly . , <br /> aooign� all such rQnta. iosues and profite to HQneficiary. Beneficiary. <br /> however. harQby conoQnta to Truntor'a collection and rQtention of auch rents. <br /> 3sauQ�s and profito 0o they eccrue and bQCOmQ payabiQ. so long ae Truator ie not. <br /> at auch time. in default with respect to payment of eny indebtedness Recured <br /> . hereby, or in thQ performonce of any agreement herQUnder. If any event of <br /> . � defauit described hereafter in reapect to this Deed of Truet ehell have occurred <br /> : { and be continuing. Ben�tficiery. as a matter of right and without notice tu . <br /> � Truetor or anyone cleiaing under Truetor. and without regard to the velue of tt�e <br /> . truet estate or the 3nterQet of thQ Truotor therein. ehall have the ri�ht to <br /> � '' � i epply to any court having jurisdiction to eppoint a receiver of the property. <br /> It ie further agreed that in casQ of defeult in the pnyment of the ea3d princi- <br /> : pai NotQ or intQrQ�t. or any part thereof. ae it shali mature. or in tbe ceae of <br /> � failure ta keep or perfo� any of the covenente or agreements conteined in thie <br /> ` � ' Deed of Truet. then the Beneficiory. ito succeseors or aesigne. ehall be end ie <br /> � hereby authorized and empowered to take immediate pocsesaion of the eaid <br /> . .. I ..i _�1� �L� �L.. .. <br /> � ' " � premi6ea nereoy comeyed tlnu nii �i��o �u�7evu� vI iv Cw.s:: •..� :E::o ....::._— <br /> from. and to apply �he procQQda thereof to the peymeats of the dQbt hereby <br /> , � , ,I aQCUrQd. <br /> '��. , � We also a�ree rhet in the event the more�aged premises. or any portion thereof. <br /> . ' � or any interest therein. ere sold. mortgaged or conveyed or become subject to en <br /> �'� agreement to sell or convey pr3or to the time thie loan ehall have been paid in <br /> � <br /> � I <br /> � �� .. <br /> � <br /> . <br />