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<br /> •'� ' '' � PRCHAL MEMORriNDUM OP TRU$T =_-- - -
<br /> -—"��°'�"`"�` °..�''...`", l►pril 26, 1992
<br /> _ :��-��r,�►k_ ps�e 2 �� -- _ -
<br /> -_ .H�,.
<br /> , ��. �_�.� �0 92� 1o�a�8 -
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<br /> ° ' .. Upon tha ro�igna�ion, doath, or incapacity oP tho � _---� -Tr --- --�
<br /> � • � � Truetee herein, Meibern 11. Dua, ae Firat Suaao�eor
<br /> ,�;�..��•.,- �� , � Truetee ehaii sesve ae sole Trustee. Upon the �_
<br />--- . - a . resiqnation, death or incapaaity of tho First 8uaoeseor �-
<br />?�'�'; - '.� >� � Tru$teo, Lisa R. Dates, aa Second Suacessor Trueteq ahaii
<br /> �`-' ---------- - serve 8S sole Trustee. Aeay sucsces�oY Trursiea si�a3i
<br /> _
<br /> ., - .
<br /> � " ' succeed ae Trustee with iike effect ae though originaily
<br />. �� , named as such heroin. Ali authority and powere conforred - - - -__°__--
<br /> . oa the Truetee hereunder ehaii paae to suah suoae��o�c v
<br /> . _,::' � ' Trustee.
<br /> � .. �..��:'; �
<br /> ; � , In the ovent tha� a Trustee becomes unabie to ��,�-_-
<br /> _ ` ���'P� disaharge his dutiea as Trustee of this Trust by reason �ti.:,.�--
<br /> ' � - , � of aaaiAent, physicai or mentai iilnese, progreesive or -
<br /> . .° , ._ intermittent phyaiaai or mental deterioration or other ��,�..�.:.+,�YL _
<br /> ' � , " similar aause, as aertified by two independent licensed -_______ _ ______-__
<br /> '�� � � '�;� physiciana affirming that each has examined suah Truetee = -
<br /> :.,;,;:�� , ° - � and that eaah ha�e oonaluded, based upon suah examir►etion, �'�'�"` .,
<br /> that auah Trustee is unable to dischar e his duties as �'��v� �
<br /> 9 �,�;:--: -�_...z
<br /> . . Trustee, or upon the �uccessar Trustee receiving credible —
<br /> , -., evidanae of the Trustee's disappearanae or detention eo =
<br /> . ' that the Trustee is prevented fran acting in his own beet
<br /> intereat, said Trustse shail thereupon cease to be ���,
<br /> ::�"��,. „ � Trus�ee 3n �he seme manner ae if he had reeigne� on the �,���;
<br /> =_- -� date af said asrtificatlon. °—-- - -
<br /> The Affidavit aP the ��_-�----
<br /> . . ��r . . �' successor Truatee with auch certifiaatione or evidence ���:
<br /> � shaii be proof of such incapacity or disappearance and �:°�
<br /> � shaii authorize the successor Trustee to asaume the � ��•'�.'"�'�
<br /> ;•.:.. � duties as Tr�stee herein. The death of a Trustes a�ay be ,>� � � S��
<br /> astabliehed by the certified oopy of the death � -
<br /> •�.3:�,_'
<br /> + � certificate of the Trustee and shall be conciusive proof ���_:���-�_
<br /> . of the death of the Trustee herein end shall authorize "".'���' "°"--
<br /> � �th3 ' s�coee�or T�ustee ta essur.ie ttie du•�ies as :rusteo � '''
<br /> herein. . ����_��.� . --
<br /> ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF thg parties have executed thia agxeement � � . . � �'e.��
<br /> ? MNi_:�:'.�
<br /> the day and yeer hereinabove set forth. ��' � ' -
<br /> ,.
<br /> , • :� .. _,5^s'.�.��,
<br /> , .,. 0�l1 � /./Ll�Sf�L/� / /� �u'�,�.r�.'`+�,y•`- _
<br /> O/llAt/JLw ��� ' '�i.�
<br /> . Ardath L. Prchal, TRUSTOR � Me�bern A. Due, FIR�a S�UCCESSOR �.? .�,:• �'.°~�;���-�`
<br /> ' TRUSTEE p , ..�"�i�
<br /> „ �ct.�_ �GL�� t`` • '�:'
<br /> /-yl�- '�i,�1� �.
<br /> , � Ardath L. Prchal, TRUSTEE Lisa R. Gates, SECOND SUCCESSOR !
<br /> � � � TRUSTEE
<br />� �
<br /> � . .-_—..
<br /> • I
<br /> i
<br /> i
<br /> . �'a I
<br /> .. .- --- �.l---— �- --- -- .._.__. .
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