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<br /> �' ;":..:.''.'i'`:. •� � MBMORl1NDUM OF TRU8T A�REEMENT F . -
<br /> - Ni•�.�,"r�;�.r+��k�q •r --
<br /> . e..
<br /> _ - ,,�:;� .,i;+��, .: ARQATH I�. PRGHIIL REVOC�IBLE LIVINO TRUST, �- _-_.
<br /> ' � ^ � deted April 28, 1992
<br /> �.�,
<br /> o . ..
<br /> : .,,��'�4'�. , _
<br /> ' � � �� •�°! THI� MEMOR�►NDUM flP TRUST �►aREEM�NT made na of the 28th c�ey of
<br /> . � .._. .. .�__,�,..-
<br /> ' ' Aprii, 1992, between ARDATH L. PRCH]�L, of OklaY�oma County, •
<br /> • � � Okiahoma, horeinafter oalled the "TRUSTOR", and ARAATH L. PRCHAL,
<br /> �,.�. . , hereinafter anlled the "TRUSTEE", and MELBERN A. OUt3, hereinafter
<br />��..��; aailed the "first suaaeesor trustee", and LISA R. OATES,
<br /> ,. --- _--.-- ---- horainafter es2led th_ "s_�Q�ad esscaessor trustee". -- -
<br /> � � For the purppae of evidenoing of reaord th� exiatence of the v�-
<br /> , ' ARDATH L. PRCHIIL LIVINa TRUST, dated the 28th day of �►prii, 1992,
<br />-, �� " and thA r�ower o'_' the Tr•smtoe :o hoid an� deai with the aeeete of �
<br /> � . said �rust, this inetrument is exeauted and recorded pursuant to
<br /> the intent of the originai truet agreemeat of said date, in whiah
<br /> , trust agreement appear the foilowiny, a�aong other provieions:
<br /> , � Trustor, desiring to areate a trust for her benefit
<br /> � during her lifetime and upon her death to be payable to
<br /> �• certain beneficiaries, hereby transfers, aseigne and -
<br /> , delivers to Truetee the property deeoribe� in Exhiblt
<br /> � ,, . "A", atteched and inoorporated by referenae. Such _
<br /> , � , property, referred to as the trugt estate, ie to be hoid
<br /> in trust and adminietered and diatributed by Trustoe es -_-_
<br /> "� provided in this agreement. The Trust ehaii be keown ae ���°_�-_
<br /> � the "ARDATH L. PRCHAL R6VOCAHLE LIVINa TRUST, datod Aprii --__
<br /> . � 28, 1992". -- --- —
<br /> �;. ^ In the administration of thia trust, the Trustee and
<br /> . any suaaaseor Trustee shaii exercise aii powere conferred
<br /> � � . . . by ali iawe in effect at my desth, and in addition to and �
<br /> � .• � not in modification or limita�ion of all powers conferred -
<br /> by law, is hereby fuily and compieteiy empowered and
<br /> . . authorized to seil, convey, and transfer aii the trus� �,_._-_-_
<br /> assets, including real estate, to invest end reinveat �"�`'�' __
<br /> the se�n9 with tha broeclaat .L;i�trument powers and
<br /> discretion, and without being limited to truat �------- ��
<br /> , investments as may be provided by law. ���"���°
<br /> :�=
<br /> No person, firm, nor corporation dealing with the � ��`�'%��-
<br /> Trustee with re£erence to any of the trust property, if �""�'��"'`-� =
<br /> .;.,.
<br /> acting in good faith, shaii be required to ascertain the ��"�''° `
<br /> .:..�,.. ,�
<br /> authorit of the Trustee nor to see to the � ����`=-
<br /> y performance � ''
<br /> �:�::i_.�,:.,�.
<br />, � � of the trust, nor be responsible in any way for the . ..,.`,.-�-•.
<br />• � ° property application of funde or properties paid or t:' . .. -�=�
<br /> '" „ deiivered to the Trustes for the account of the trust �`'��
<br /> but, if ecting in good faith, may deai with the Trustee
<br />' , as though the Trustee wes the unconditional owner.
<br /> . I ,
<br /> � --.--�:•.. --
<br /> i
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<br /> ' 4 ' _ � - -
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